@article{sarder_starrett_agate_pal_2024, title={Decarbonizing paper mill sludge waste into micro and nanofibrillated cellulose via enzyme hydrolysis and dual asymmetric centrifugation}, volume={190}, ISSN={["1879-2456"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.wasman.2024.09.013}, abstractNote={The production of micro- and nano-fibrillated cellulose (MNFC) from paper mill sludge (PS) using simple enzymatic and mechanical treatments has been evaluated for their performance as value-added materials in packaging and other applications. Sludge from a US paper mill was analyzed for the viability of this conversion process. The enzymatic treatment was conducted at variable concentrations using an enzyme cocktail of exoglucanase and endoglucanase, followed by mechanical dual asymmetric centrifugation (DAC) treatment. The presence of inorganics and lignin facilitated the mechanical defibrillation of the fibers, making the MNFC production more energy-efficient. The prepared MNFC was characterized for fibrillation, charge, crystallinity, and surface morphology. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images show the highly fibrillated MNFC and the distribution of inorganic nanoparticles on the fiber surface. The X-ray diffractometric (XRD) analysis shows 44-65 % crystallinity. Furthermore, MNFC-based films derived from PS demonstrated excellent strength and flexibility, making them suitable for packaging and other applications. Overall, this conversion approach can save the paper industry millions of dollars in disposal costs while upcycling waste and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with waste streams.}, journal={WASTE MANAGEMENT}, author={Sarder, Roman and Starrett, Nick and Agate, Sachin and Pal, Lokendra}, year={2024}, month={Dec}, pages={197–207} } @misc{debnath_sarder_pal_hubbe_2022, title={Molded Pulp Products for Sustainable Packaging: Production Rate Challenges and Product Opportunities}, volume={17}, ISSN={["1930-2126"]}, DOI={10.15376/biores.17.2.Debnath}, abstractNote={Molded cellulosic pulp products provide eco-friendly alternatives to various petroleum-based packaging systems. They have a long history of reliable usage for such applications as egg trays and the shipping of fruits. They have recently become increasingly used for the packaging of electronics, wine bottles, and specialty items. Molded pulp products are especially used in applications requiring cushioning ability, as well as when it is important to match the shapes of the packed items. Their main component, cellulosic fibers from virgin or recycled wood fibers, as well as various nonwood fibers, can reduce society’s dependence on plastics, including expanded polystyrene. However, the dewatering of molded pulp tends to be slow, and the subsequent evaporation of water is energy-intensive. The article reviews strategies to increase production rates and to lower energy consumption. In addition, by applying chemical treatments and processing approaches, there are opportunities to achieve desired end-use properties, such as grease resistance. New manufacturing strategies, including rapid prototyping and advances in tooling, provide opportunities for more efficient form factors and more effective packaging in the future.}, number={2}, journal={BIORESOURCES}, author={Debnath, Mrittika and Sarder, Roman and Pal, Lokendra and Hubbe, Martin A.}, year={2022}, month={May}, pages={3810–3870} } @article{sarder_piner_rios_chacon_artner_barrios_argyropoulos_2022, title={Copolymers of starch, a sustainable template for biomedical applications: A review}, volume={12}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118973}, DOI={10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118973}, abstractNote={The outstanding versatility of starch offers a source of inspiration for the development of high-performance-value-added biomaterials for the biomedical field, including drug delivery, tissue engineering and diagnostic imaging. This is because starch-based materials can be tailored to specific applications via facile grafting or other chemistries, introducing specific substituents, with starch being effectively the "template" used in all the chemical transformations discussed in this review. A considerable effort has been carried out to obtain specific tailored starch-based grafted polymers, taking advantage of its biocompatibility and biodegradability with appealing sustainability considerations. The aim of this review is to critically explore the latest research that use grafting chemistries on starch for the synthesis of products for biomedical applications. An effort is made in reviewing the literature that proposes synthetic "greener" approaches, the use of enzymes and their immobilized analogues and alternative solvent systems, including water emulsions, ionic liquids and supercritical CO2.}, journal={CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Sarder, Roman and Piner, Emily and Rios, David Cruz and Chacon, Lisandra and Artner, Mirela Angelita and Barrios, Nelson and Argyropoulos, Dimitris}, year={2022}, month={Feb}, pages={118973} }