Works (10)
2024 journal article
The Challenge of Challenging Tax Laws as Unconstitutionally Vague
The ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research.

2020 book
Federal tax research
Mason: South-Western.
2016 journal article
Insider trading and IRC section 6103(e)(1)(D)(iii)
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research, 14(1), 58–71.
2015 book
Federal tax research (10th ed.)
Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
2013 book
The patenting of a profession-accounting in the crosshairs
In The Changing Face of US Patent Law and its Impact on Business Strategy (pp. 104–122).
2009 review
Patents Gone Wild: An Ethical Examination and Legal Analysis of Tax-Related and Tax Strategy Patents
[Review of ]. AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL, 46(3), 343–406.
Contributors: W. Chumney*, D. Baumer n & n

2003 book
Managerial accounting: A focus on decision making (2nd ed.)
Australia; Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western.
2001 journal article
1998 journal article
The impact of state taxation on the investment portfolio of banks
Journal of the American Taxation Association, (suppl.), 1–14.
1997 journal article
Reinforcing ethical decision making through corporate culture
Journal of Business Ethics, 16(8), 855–865.
Updated: January 10th, 2020 10:23