Rebekah Davis Davis, R., Haine, D., Gray, K., & Chesnut, L. (2024). Cultivating Project Resilience: Moving Through Disruption to Reimagination. SciEd Annual Conference for the National Institutes of Health. Presented at the SciEd Annual Conference for the National Institutes of Health, Salt Lake City, UT. Trager, B., Zhang, Y., Davis, R., & Walkowiak, T. (2024). Engaging Young Students in Unplugged CS Activities for Computational Thinking. North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R., Trager, B., Walkowiak, T., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Increasing educators’ self-efficacy for integrating CS concepts in the elementary classroom. International Society for Technology in Education conference. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education conference, Denver, CO. Culbreath, D., Davis, R., & Martin, F. (2024). Keeping Students Safe: Educator and Student Perspectives and Monitoring Applications Functionalities. North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R., Culbreth, D., Meral, C., & Martin, F. (2024). Keeping Students Safe: Matching Monitoring Applications Features to Educator and Student Perspectives. International Society for Technology in Education conference. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education conference, Denver, CO. Davis, R., Holland, K., Robledo, C., & Hageman-Mays, K. (2024). Making CS Stick: A Model for K-5 CS Integration. Future of Education Technology Conference. Presented at the Future of Education Technology Conference, Orlando, FL. Davis, R., Walkowiak, T., Trager, B., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Supporting K-5 Teachers’ Integration of Computer Science in the Regular Classroom. North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R., Meral, C., & Huggins, E. (2024). Venturing into Digital Equity: Building Capacity for Reaching Across the Gaps. International Society for Technology in Education conference. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education conference, Denver, CO. Edwards, C., Miller, J., Hann, L., & Davis, R. (2023). Attracting the Next Generation of Educators: Lessons Learned from an Undergraduate Intern Program. North Carolina Technology in Education Society State Conference. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society State Conference, Raleigh, NC. Haine, D., Gray, K., Hartley, J., Ryoo, K., Davis, R., & Kellogg, S. (2023). Building the capacity of STEM teachers to use an environmental health issue to engage all learners. National Institutes of Health SciEd Conference. Poster presented at the National Institutes of Health SciEd Conference, Washington, DC. Davis, R. (2023). Leveraging the power of presence for learning design. In T. Cherner & A. Fegely (Eds.), Bridging the XR Technology-to-Practice-Gap: Methods and Strategies for Blending Extended Realities into Classroom Instruction, Volume I: Vol. I. Retrieved from Davis, R. (2022). Future Proof Tech Use. Learning Design and Technology Forum. Presented at the Learning Design and Technology Forum, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL. Davis, R., & Huggins, E. (2022). Rethinking Failure. American Evaluation Association National Conference. Presented at the American Evaluation Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA. Hunt, J., Davis, R., & Duarte, A. (2022). Transitioning mathematics teacher practices to broadcast pedagogy. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 55(8), 1789–1813. Hunt, J., Davis, R., & Duarte, A. (2022). Using and Transforming Math Education Pedagogy in a Broadcast Setting. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. Barg, H., Haine, D., Yelton, S., Gray, K., & Davis, R. (2021). Youth Climate Action: The Power of Making Personal Connections to Climate Change. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Davis, R. S., & Fogle, L. (2020, April). A QuickStart Guide (overview) to using VR for Teaching and Learning. Presented at the Technology, Colleges & Community (TCC Hawaii). Kellogg, S., Huggins, E., Birkett, J., Stegmoller, S., & Davis, R. S. (2020). NC NTSP Annual Evaluation Report. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Davis, R. S., & Huggins, E. (2020). NTSP Summary of Spring 2020 Teacher Interview Findings. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Davis, R. (2020). The Influence of a Cognitive Apprenticeship Model on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Instructional Technology Use. In G. H. Marks & D. Schmidt-Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1451–1461). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). The Influence of a Cognitive Apprenticeship Model on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Instructional Technology Use. (2020). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Retrieved from Davis, R. S., & Huggins, E. (2020). UNC-TV/DPI At-Home Learning Initiative: Content Summary weeks 1-10. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Huggins, E., & Davis, R. S. (2020). UNC-TV/DPI At-Home Learning Initiative: Family and Teachers Survey and Interview Summary. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Davis, R. S., & Huggins, E. (2020). UNC-TV/DPI At-Home Learning Initiative: Leadership Report. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Davis, R. S., & Huggins, E. (2020). UNC-TV/DPI At-Home Learning Initiative: Partner Station Interview Summary. Raleigh, NC: Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Davis, R., Brown Parker, K., & Fogle, L. (2019). A Case of Course Revision: Cognitive Apprenticeship and Critical Reflection for ICT in Teacher Preparation. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1779–1784). Retrieved from Brown Parker, K., Davis, R. S., & Fogle, L. (2019, June). Augment Your Reality with Virtual Tours and Lessons. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education International Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Davis, R. S. (2019, July). Effective technology integration for teaching practice. Presented at the Fulbright Scholars Workshop, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Harris, V. (2019). Increasing Classroom Dialogue Through Digital Backchannels. North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics. Invited presentation presented at the North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics, Durham, NC. Cuales, M., & Davis, R. S. (2019, April). LIVE 360 VR Video for STEM Education. Invited presentation presented at the US Ignite Smart Cities Connect Conference, Denver, CO. Davis, R. S., & Fogle, L. (2019, March). Navigate New Literacies with Transmedia Storytelling. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society State Conference, Raleigh, NC. Brown Parker, K., Davis, R. S., & Fogle, L. (2019, June). Visualizing Change Through Data. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education International Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Davis, R. S. (2019, October). Visualizing Possibilities for Virtual Reality in Education. Presented at the EDUCAUSE, Chicago, IL. Benge, D., & Davis, R. S. (2018, October). Alternative Teacher Education Course Design: Individualized Professional Development Plans for Preparing Globally, Culturally Competent Teachers. Presented at the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (NC-ACTE) Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S. (2018, August). Effective technology integration for teaching practice. Presented at the Fulbright Scholars workshop, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Harris, V. (2018, March). Get out of the BOX! Using VR to Enhance Classroom Instruction. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society State Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Harris, V. (2018, November). Increasing Classroom Dialogue Through Digital Backchannels. Presented at the Coaching Digital Learning Institute, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Smith, B. V. (2018, August). Increasing Classroom Dialogue with Digital Backchannels. Presented at the NC State University DELTA Summer Shorts, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. (2018). Increasing Technology Usage Throughout Teacher Preparation: The Importance of Preservice Teachers' Acceptance [Paper]. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2019–2024). Retrieved from Davis, R. S., & Crane, S. (2018, July). So you’re not Ron Clark. Now what? Workshop presented at the NC State College of Education Beginning Teacher Institute, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Harris, V. (2017, October). Take a Little “Virtual” Dive: Using Google Resources for VR in the Classroom. Workshop presented at the Coaching Digital Learning Institute at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., & Smith, B. V. (2017, July). Tech Tools for Communication. Invited workshop presented at the NC State Beginning Teacher Institute, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S. (2016, March). Making Literary Analysis Tech-tual. Presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society State Conference, Raleigh, NC. Davis, R. S., Scarlett, A., & Thomas, N. (2014, March). Top 40 Hits: Critical Thinking Games and Activities. Presented at the NC Association for Gifted and Talented State Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. Braxton, A., & Davis, R. S. (2013). Not Just Playing – Using Games to Promote 21st Century Thinking Skills. Presented at the NC Association for Gifted and Talented State Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.