Works (8)
2004 journal article
Policy as symbol: Title II of the 1944 GI Bill
Review of Higher Education, 27(4), 481-.
2001 journal article
Quality approach supports engineering education reform
Quality Progress, 34(7), 75–81.
2000 journal article
Research and teaching at a research university
HIGHER EDUCATION, 40(4), 449–463.

2000 book
Social foundations of American education
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
1999 journal article
Instructional reform at research universities: studying faculty motivation
Review of Higher Education, 22(4), 411.
1998 chapter
Evaluating a web-based course
In Program evaluation handbook (pp. 57–60). Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing.
1998 journal article
Reshaping expectations for web-based collaborative learning
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, 7(1998), 104–109.
1997 chapter
Research and evaluation on service-learning: The case for holistic assessment
In Service-learning: Applications from the research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.