Romit Seth
Plant-Environment Interactions, Plant Physiology, Plant Developmental biology, Pollen-pistil interaction, Horticulture research, Genomics & Transcriptomics, protein-protein interactome, Tea, Podophyllum, Bamboo, Stevia, Trillium, Chickpea, Biological Sciences
"An innovative and creative Plant biologist with sound biological background and computational skills, focused towards decoding the complex molecular programming in plants." While Growing up as a researcher, Dr. Seth has been motivated by his sweet interaction with nature and was awarded with doctoral degree in 2020, from Guru Nanak Dev University, India. During his research journey, He been involved in various plant-related experimental programs, with keen interest towards understanding the physiological, environmental, and molecular aspects in various industrial crop and high-altitude medicinal plant species. He has also being acting as editorial members and peer-reviewer for some well reputed peer-reviewed journals such as Frontiers, horticulture research, scientific reports, genomics, and experimental and environmental botany. Being practical and skeptical in nature, He has more belief in science, as ‘science’ is vastly more stimulating to imagination. With the curiosity to interact with the nature, Dr. Seth is a highly motivated researcher with aim to decode the complex molecular programming in plants.
Works (43)
2025 journal article
Deep transcriptome and metabolome analysis to dissect untapped spatial dynamics of specialized metabolism in Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch
Functional & Integrative Genomics.
2025 journal article
Identification and functional characterization of genes associated with anthocyanin acylation in blueberry
Horticulture Research.
2024 conference paper
Development of a NIR Spectroscopy Method to Characterize Anthocyanin and Phenolic Acids Content in Carrots
41st International Carrot Conference 2024.
2024 journal article
Development of<i> Allium</i><i> cepa</i> potential intron polymorphism markers for molecular breeding of Alliums
South African Journal of Botany.
Contributors: K. Jayaswall *, R. Sagar *, D. Jayaswal *, A. Kumar *, S. Singh *, * , H. Sharma *, D. Kumar *
2024 conference paper
Dissecting the genetic basis of anthocaynin and phenolic variability in carrots using a GWAS approach
11th Plant Genomics and gene editing Congress and 8th Partnership in Biocontrol, Biostimulant & Microbiome congress, USA.
2024 journal article
Editorial: Epigenetic and gene regulation underlying crosstalk in plant development and stress responses
Frontiers in Genetics.
2024 article
Editorial: Epigenetic and gene regulation underlying crosstalk in plant development and stress responses
Seth, R., Iorizzo, M., Maritim, T. K., & Sharma, R. K. (2024, July 18). FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, Vol. 15.

2023 journal article
Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed gamma-irradiation mediated disruption of floral integrator gene(s) leading to prolonged vegetative phase in <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i> Bertoni (vol 148, pg 90, 2020)
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
Contributors: G. Singh *, P. Pal*, M. Masand *, * , A. Kumar *, S. Singh*, R. Sharma *

2023 journal article
Genome-wide transcriptional profiling and physiological investigation elucidating the molecular mechanism of multiple abiotic stress response in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
Scientific Reports.
Contributors: M. Masand *, S. Sharma *, * , G. Singh *, S. Singh*, A. Kumar *, R. Sharma *, R. Sharma, R. Sharma
2023 article
Population genomics identifies genetic signatures of carrot domestication and improvement and uncovers the origin of high-carotenoid orange carrots
Coe, K., Bostan, H., Rolling, W., Turner-Hissong, S., Macko-Podgorni, A., Senalik, D., … Iorizzo, M. (2023, September 28). NATURE PLANTS, Vol. 9.

2022 journal article
An Integrative Transcriptional Network Revealed Spatial Molecular Interplay Underlying Alantolactone and Inulin Biosynthesis in <i>Inula racemosa</i> Hook f.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(19), 11213.
2022 journal article
Genome-wide identification and characterization of functionally relevant microsatellite markers from transcription factor genes of Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Scientific Reports, 12(1).
2022 chapter
Next-Gen Approaches to Understand Plant-Microbe Interactions Providing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants
In Microbial Based Land Restoration Handbook, Volume 1 (pp. 59–72).
2022 journal article
Spatial Genomic Resource Reveals Molecular Insights into Key Bioactive-Metabolite Biosynthesis in Endangered <i>Angelica glauca</i> Edgew
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(19), 11064.
2021 journal article
Disruption of carbohydrate and proline metabolism in anthers under low temperature causes pollen sterility in chickpea
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 188, 104500.
2021 journal article
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis unveils the molecular basis of organ-specific expression of isosteroidal alkaloids biosynthesis in critically endangered Fritillaria roylei Hook
Phytochemistry, 187, 112772.
2021 journal article
Multiple-genotypes transcriptional analysis revealed candidates genes and nucleotide variants for improvement of quality characteristics in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Genomics, 113(1), 305–316.
2021 journal article
Transcriptional analysis reveals key insights into seasonal induced anthocyanin degradation and leaf color transition in purple tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Scientific Reports, 11(1).
2021 journal article
Underpinning the molecular programming attributing heat stress associated thermotolerance in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Horticulture Research, 8(1).
2021 speech
Unravelling Transcriptional Network Underlying Heat Stress Associated Thermotolerance in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze)
In 5th Seminar Student Series. Presented at the 5th Seminar Student Series, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, India.
2021 conference paper
Unravelling Transcriptional Network Underlying Pollen-Pistil Communication in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze)
Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Genome editing. Poster presented at the 42nd Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association, ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi, India.
2020 journal article
Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed gamma-irradiation mediated disruption of floral integrator gene(s) leading to prolonged vegetative phase in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 148, 90–102.
2020 journal article
Genome-wide discovery of microsatellite markers and, population genetic diversity inferences revealed high anthropogenic pressure on endemic populations of Trillium govanianum
Industrial Crops and Products, 154, 112698.
Contributors: P. Dhyani *, B. Sharma *, P. Singh *, M. Masand *, * & R. Sharma *

2020 journal article
Spatial transcriptional dynamics of geographically separated genotypes revealed key regulators of podophyllotoxin biosynthesis in Podophyllum hexandrum
Industrial Crops and Products, 147, 112247.
2019 journal article
Discovery and Utilization of EST-SSR Marker Resource for Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analyses of a Subtropical Bamboo, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii
Biochemical Genetics, 57(5), 652–672.
Contributors: A. Bhandawat *, V. Sharma *, P. Singh *, * , A. Nag *, J. Kaur*, R. Sharma *
2019 journal article
Functional annotation and characterization of hypothetical protein involved in blister blight tolerance in tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze)
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 28(4), 447–459.
2019 journal article
Global Transcriptional Insights of Pollen-Pistil Interactions Commencing Self-Incompatibility and Fertilization in Tea [<i>Camellia sinensis</i> (L.) O. Kuntze]
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(3), 539.
2019 conference paper
High Throughput NGS Efforts to Dissect Drought Tolerance and Mining of Functional Variation in Tea
Plant and animal genome (PAG) conference. Poster presented at the Plant and animal genome (PAG) conference, San Diego, CA.
2019 thesis
Next generation geonome studies for dissection on self incompatibility in tea
2019 journal article
Transcriptional profiling of contrasting genotypes revealed key candidates and nucleotide variations for drought dissection in Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze
Scientific Reports, 9(1).
2017 conference paper
Genome-wide approach for molecular dissection and identification of functionally relevant variations involved in selfincompatibility in tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze)
Har Gobind Khorana Memorial Symposium on Genes, Genomes & Membrane Biology. Poster presented at the Har Gobind Khorana Memorial Symposium on Genes, Genomes & Membrane Biology, NABI, Chandigarh – India.
2017 journal article
Genome-wide transcriptional profiling to elucidate key candidates involved in bud burst and rattling growth in a subtropical bamboo (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii)
Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 2038.
Contributors: A. Bhandawat *, G. Singh *, * , P. Singh * & R. Sharma *

2017 journal article
Spatial transcriptome analysis provides insights of key gene(s) involved in steroidal saponin biosynthesis in medicinally important herb Trillium govanianum
Scientific Reports, 7.
Contributors: P. Singh *, G. Singh *, A. Bhandawat *, G. Singh *, R. Parmar *, * , R. Sharma *

2016 journal article
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes involved in Blister Blight defense in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze)
Scientific Reports, 6(1).
Contributors: K. Jayaswall *, P. Mahajan*, G. Singh *, R. Parmar *, * , A. Raina *, M. Swarnkar *, A. Singh *, R. Shankar *, R. Sharma *
2016 journal article
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes involved in Blister Blight defense in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze)
2015 conference paper
Exploiting Next generation sequencing for creation of genomic resources in Tea
5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics & Integrated Breeding for Crop improvement. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics & Integrated Breeding for Crop improvement, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.
2015 conference paper
NGS Based Transcriptome Sequencing of Multiple Diverse Genotypes: An Efficient Approach to Develop Functionally Relevant Marker Resource in Tea
International Plant Physiology Congress. Presented at the International Plant Physiology Congress, JNU, New Delhi.
2015 conference paper
Next generation transcriptome sequencing to elucidate molecular mechanism of Self-incompatibility in tea
Plant Physiology Congress. Poster presented at the Plant Physiology Congress, JNU, New Delhi.
2014 conference paper
Genomic opportunities for genetic improvement and rejuvenation of tea cultivation in Himachal Pradesh
Role of Science & Technology in Sustainable Development. Presented at the Bio-Technology section of 1st Himachal Pradesh Science Congress, Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla.
2014 conference paper
Transcriptional profiling of tea to reveal the defence mechanism against blister blight disease and marker development
National Conference on Science of OMICS for Agricultural Productivity: Future Perspective. Presented at the National Conference on Science of OMICS for Agricultural Productivity: Future Perspective, G.B.P.U. A & T, Pantnagar.
journal article
Population Genomics and Genomics-Assisted Trait Improvement in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Updated: July 3rd, 2022 09:57
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Updated: August 14th, 2023 19:52
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