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Works (32)
2025 journal article
BBL enzymes exhibit enantiospecific preferences in the biosynthesis of pyridine alkaloids in Nicotiana tabacum L.

2023 journal article
Modified physiology of burley tobacco plants genetically engineered to express Yb<sub>1</sub>, a functional EGY enzyme
PLANTA, 258(4).

2021 journal article
Enzyme Complexes of Ptr4CL and PtrHCT Modulate Co-enzyme A Ligation of Hydroxycinnamic Acids for Monolignol Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa
2021 article
Homoeologous chromosome exchange explains the creation of a QTL affecting soil-borne pathogen resistance in tobacco
Shi, R., Jin, J., Nifong, J. M., Shew, D., & Lewis, R. S. (2021, October 22). PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, Vol. 10.

2021 journal article
RNAseq Reveals Differential Gene Expression Contributing to Phytophthora nicotianae Adaptation to Partial Resistance in Tobacco

2019 journal article
Genetic Control of Facultative Parthenocarpy in Nicotiana tabacum L.
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 110(5), 610–617.

2019 journal article
Identification and validation of SNP markers associated with Wz-mediated Phytophthora nicotianae resistance in Nicotiana tabacum L.

2018 journal article
Filter paper-based spin column method for cost-efficient DNA or RNA purification
PLOS ONE, 13(12).

2018 journal article
Improving wood properties for wood utilization through multi-omics integration in lignin biosynthesis
Nature Communications, 9(1), 1579.
Contributors: J. Wang n , M. Matthews n, C. Williams n , n, C. Yang n, S. Tunlaya-Anukit n, H. Chen n, Q. Li *
2017 journal article
A novel plant DNA extraction method using filter paper-based 96-well spin plate
Planta, 246(3), 579–584.

2017 journal article
Reciprocal cross-regulation of VND and SND multigene TF families for wood formation in Populus trichocarpa
2017 journal article
Tissue and cell-type co-expression networks of transcription factors and wood component genes in Populus trichocarpa
PLANTA, 245(5), 927–938.

2016 journal article
A cell wall-bound anionic peroxidase, PtrPO21, is involved in lignin polymerization in Populus trichocarpa
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12(2).

2015 journal article
Phosphorylation is an on/off switch for 5-hydroxyconiferaldehyde O-methyltransferase activity in poplar monolignol biosynthesis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(27), 8481–8486.
Contributors: J. Wang n , L. Chuang n, P. Loziuk n, H. Chen n, Y. Lin n, n, G. Qu *, D. Muddiman n , R. Sederoff n, V. Chiang n
2014 journal article
A robust chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol for studying transcription factor-DNA interactions and histone modifications in wood-forming tissue
NATURE PROTOCOLS, 9(9), 2180–2193.

2014 journal article
A simple improved-throughput xylem protoplast system for studying wood formation
NATURE PROTOCOLS, 9(9), 2194–2205.
2014 journal article
Growth under field conditions affects lignin content and productivity in transgenic Populus trichocarpa with altered lignin biosynthesis
BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 68, 228–239.
2014 journal article
Systems Biology of Lignin Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa: Heteromeric 4-Coumaric Acid:Coenzyme A Ligase Protein Complex Formation, Regulation, and Numerical Modeling
The Plant Cell, 26(3), 876–893.
Contributors: H. Chen n, J. Song n, J. Wang n , Y. Lin n, J. Ducoste n , C. Shuford n, J. Liu n, Q. Li n
2014 journal article
Vibrational sum-frequency-generation (SFG) spectroscopy study of the structural assembly of cellulose microfibrils in reaction woods
CELLULOSE, 21(4), 2219–2231.
2013 journal article
Monolignol Pathway 4-Coumaric Acid: Coenzyme A Ligases in Populus trichocarpa: Novel Specificity, Metabolic Regulation, and Simulation of Coenzyme A Ligation Fluxes
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 161(3), 1501–1516.
Contributors: H. Chen n, J. Song n, C. Williams n , C. Shuford n, J. Liu n, J. Wang n , Q. Li n, n
2013 journal article
Regulation of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) gene family in wood forming tissue of Populus trichocarpa
Planta, 238(3), 487–497.
Contributors: C. Shuford n, J. Wang n , Y. Sun n, Z. Yang n, H. Chen n, S. Tunlaya-Anukit n, Q. Li n n,
2013 journal article
The elucidation of the lignin structure effect on the cellulase-mediated saccharification by genetic engineering poplars (Populus nigra L. x Populus maximowiczii A.)

2012 journal article
A standard reaction condition and a single HPLC separation system are sufficient for estimation of monolignol biosynthetic pathway enzyme activities
PLANTA, 236(3), 879–885.
2012 journal article
Comprehensive Quantification of Monolignol-Pathway Enzymes in Populus trichocarpa by Protein Cleavage Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Proteome Research, 11(6), 3390–3404.
Contributors: C. Shuford n, Q. Li n, Y. Sun n, H. Chen n, J. Wang n , n, R. Sederoff n, V. Chiang n, D. Muddiman n

2012 journal article
MicroRNAs in trees

2010 journal article
Specific down-regulation of PAL genes by artificial microRNAs in Populus trichocarpa
PLANTA, 232(6), 1281–1288.

2010 review
Towards a Systems Approach for Lignin Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa: Transcript Abundance and Specificity of the Monolignol Biosynthetic Genes
[Review of ]. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 51(1), 144–163.
2009 journal article
Isolation of expressed sequences from a specific chromosome of Thinopyrum intermedium infected by BYDV
GENOME, 52(1), 68–76.

2008 journal article
Rapid EST isolation from chromosome IR of rye

2005 journal article
Facile means for quantifying microRNA expression by real-time PCR
BIOTECHNIQUES, 39(4), 519–525.

2005 journal article
Novel and mechanical stress-responsive microRNAs in Populus trichocarpa that are absent from Arabidopsis
Plant Cell, 17(8), 2186–2203.

2004 journal article
RNA silencing in plants by the expression of siRNA duplexes