Rahel Sollmann
Works (31)
2021 journal article
A Bayesian Dirichlet process community occupancy model to estimate community structure and species similarity
Contributors: M. Eaton n , W. Link *, P. Mulondo*, S. Ayebare *, S. Prinsloo *, A. Plumptre *, D. Johnson * *,

2017 journal article
Quantifying mammal biodiversity co-benefits in certified tropical forests

2016 journal article
A Comparison of Survey Techniques for Medium- to Large-sized Mammals in Forested Wetlands

2016 journal article
A hierarchical distance sampling model to estimate abundance and covariate associations of species and communities

2016 journal article
Predicting the offshore distribution and abundance of marine birds with a hierarchical community distance sampling model

2015 journal article
An open-population hierarchical distance sampling model
ECOLOGY, 96(2), 325–331.

2015 journal article
Defining habitat covariates in camera-trap based occupancy studies
Scientific Reports, 5.
2015 journal article
Investigating the effects of forest structure on the small mammal community in frequent-fire coniferous forests using capture-recapture models for stratified populations
MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY, 80(4), 247–254.

2015 journal article
Landscapes attributes and their consequences on jaguar Panthera onca and cattle depredation occurrence
European Journal of Wildlife Research, 61(4), 529–537.
2015 review
iDNA from terrestrial haematophagous leeches as a wildlife surveying and monitoring tool - prospects, pitfalls and avenues to be developed
[Review of ]. Frontiers in Zoology, 12.
2014 journal article
Bringing clarity to the clouded leopard Neofelis diardi: first density estimates from Sumatra
Oryx, 48(4), 536–539.
2014 journal article
Coming down from the trees: Is terrestrial activity in Bornean orangutans natural or disturbance driven?
Scientific Reports, 4.
2014 journal article
Comparing capture-recapture, mark-resight, and spatial mark-resight models for estimating puma densities via camera traps
Journal of Mammalogy, 95(2), 382–391.
2014 book
Spatial capture-recapture
Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
Ed(s): J. Royle, R. Chandler, & B. Gardner
2014 journal article
The potential for large-scale wildlife corridors between protected areas in Brazil using the jaguar as a model species
Landscape Ecology, 29(7), 1213–1223.
2014 journal article
Using novel spatial mark-resight techniques to monitor resident Canada geese in a suburban environment
WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 41(5), 447–453.
Contributors: M. Rutledge n, n, B. Washburn *, C. Moorman n & C. Deperno n

2013 journal article
A spatial mark-resight model augmented with telemetry data
ECOLOGY, 94(3), 553–559.

2013 journal article
Combining camera-trapping and noninvasive genetic data in a spatial capture-recapture framework improves density estimates for the jaguar
Biological Conservation, 167, 242–247.
2013 journal article
Density and habitat use of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in three commercial forest reserves in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Journal of Mammalogy, 94(1), 82–89.
2013 journal article
Jaguar and puma activity patterns and predator-prey interactions in four Brazilian biomes
Biotropica, 45(3), 373–379.
2013 journal article
Note on the diet of the jaguar in central Brazil
European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59(3), 445–448.
2013 journal article
Risky business or simple solution - Relative abundance indices from camera-trapping
Biological Conservation, 159, 405–412.
2013 journal article
Serosurvey for selected viral infections in free-ranging jaguars (Panthera onca) and domestic carnivores in Brazilian cerrado, Pantanal, and Amazon
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 49(3), 510–521.
2013 journal article
Using multiple data sources provides density estimates for endangered Florida panther

2013 journal article
White-lipped peccary home-range size in a protected area and farmland in the central Brazilian grasslands
Journal of Mammalogy, 94(1), 137–145.
2012 journal article
Comparison of density estimation methods for mammal populations with camera traps in the Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco landscape
ANIMAL CONSERVATION, 15(5), 527–535.

2012 journal article
Density of the Vulnerable Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi in two commercial forest reserves in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Oryx, 46(3), 423–426.
2012 journal article
High proportion of male faeces in jaguar populations
PLoS One, 7(12).
2012 journal article
How Does Spatial Study Design Influence Density Estimates from Spatial Capture-Recapture Models?
PLOS ONE, 7(4).

2012 journal article
Mentawai's endemic, relictual fauna: is it evidence for Pleistocene extinctions on Sumatra?
Journal of Biogeography, 39(9), 1608–1620.
2012 journal article
Using occupancy models to investigate space partitioning between two sympatric large predators, the jaguar and puma in central Brazil
Mammalian Biology, 77(1), 41–46.