Works (11)
2024 journal article
Influence of gender and glyphosate resistance on Palmer amaranth growth and interference with cotton

2022 article
In-field assessment of EPSPS amplification on fitness cost in mixed glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-sensitive populations of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)
Cahoon, C. W., Jordan, D. L., Tranel, P. J., York, A. C., Riggins, C., Seagroves, R., … Leon, R. (2022, October 24). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 10.

2016 journal article
Integrating fluridone into a glufosinate-based program for Palmer amaranth control in cotton
Journal of Cotton Science, 20(4), 394–402.
2016 journal article
Potential Corn Yield Losses from Weeds in North America
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 30(4), 979–984.

2015 journal article
Cotton response and Palmer amaranth control with mixtures of glufosinate and residual herbicides
Journal of Cotton Science, 19(3), 622–630.
2015 journal article
Cotton response and Palmer amaranth control with pyroxasulfone applied preemergence and postemergence
Journal of Cotton Science, 19(1), 212–223.
2015 journal article
Effect of diuron and fluometuron on grain sorghum and soybean as replacement crops following a cotton stand failure
Journal of Cotton Science, 19(3), 613–621.
2015 journal article
Fluridone carryover to rotational crops following application to cotton
Journal of Cotton Science, 19(3), 631–640.
2015 review
Sequential and co-application of glyphosate and glufosinate in cotton
[Review of ]. Journal of Cotton Science, 19(2), 337–350.
2015 journal article
Weed Control in Cotton by Combinations of Microencapsulated Acetochlor and Various Residual Herbicides Applied Preemergence
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 29(4), 740–750.

2014 journal article
An Alternative to Multiple Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitor Applications in No-Till Cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 28(1), 58–71.