Runbing Zheng

College of Sciences

Works (1)

Updated: April 11th, 2023 10:13

2022 article

Vertex Nomination Between Graphs via Spectral Embedding and Quadratic Programming

Zheng, R., Lyzinski, V., Priebe, C. E., & Tang, M. (2022, May 13). JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS, Vol. 5.

By: R. Zheng n, V. Lyzinski*, C. Priebe* & M. Tang n

author keywords: Correlated graphs; Generalized random dot product graphs; Point set registration; Vertex nomination
topics (OpenAlex): Complex Network Analysis Techniques; Graph theory and applications; Topological and Geometric Data Analysis
TL;DR: A method that first applies adjacency spectral graph embedding to embed the graphs into a common Euclidean space, and then solves a penalized linear assignment problem to obtain the nomination lists is proposed and shown to lead to accurate nomination under a generative model. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 23, 2022

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