Works (6)
2023 journal article
Enrollment, Engagement, and Effectiveness of a Large-Scale Diabetes Prevention Program Using Synchronous Distance Technology
DIABETOLOGY, 4(4), 574–585.

2018 journal article
Mindfulness Approaches and Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Weight Regain
Current Obesity Reports, 7(1), 37–49.

2015 journal article
Using synchronous distance education to deliver a weight loss intervention: A randomized trial
Obesity, 24(1), 44–50.

2014 journal article
Using Synchronous Distance-Education Technology to Deliver a Weight Management Intervention
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(6), 602–609.

2013 journal article
Delivering a Behavior-Change Weight Management Program to Teachers and State Employees in North Carolina
American Journal of Health Promotion, 27(6), 378–383.

2011 journal article
Effects of a behavior-based weight management program delivered through a state cooperative extension and local public health department network, North Carolina, 2008-2009
Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(4).