Stacy Nelson Nelson, S. A. C. (2023, August 20). Addressing Strategic Priorities for Advancing Underrepresented Groups in Fisheries and Natural Resources. Presented at the American Fisheries Society 153rd Annual Meeting, Grand Rapid, MI. Jouzi, Z., Leung, Y.-F., & Nelson, S. (2023). Characterizing the association between child malnutrition and protected areas in sub-Saharan Africa using unsupervised clustering. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 14(2), 300–312. Vivek Nanda, V. M., Baran, P., Tateosian, L., Nelson, S. A. C., & Hu, J. (2023). Classification of tree forms in aerial LiDAR point clouds using CNN for 3D tree modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(22), 7156–7186. Schrum, P. T., Jr., Jameson, C. D., Tateosian, L. G., Blank, G. B., Wegmann, K. W., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2023). Curvature Weighted Decimation: A Novel, Curvature-Based Approach to Improved Lidar Point Decimation of Terrain Surfaces. Geomatics, 3(1), 266–289. Jepleting, J., Schrum, P., Nelson, S., & Carr, T. (2023, July 27). Enhancing Blender as a 3D Data Visualization Tool: Add-On Development and Integration. Presented at the North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium, D.H. Hill Library, NC State University. Howell, A. W., Leon, R. G., Everman, W. J., Mitasova, H., Nelson, S. A. C., & Richardson, R. J. (2023). Performance of unoccupied aerial application systems for aquatic weed management: Two novel case studies. Weed Technology, 37(3), 277–286. Reckling, W., Levine, J., Nelson, S. A. C., & Mitasova, H. (2023). Predicting residential septic system malfunctions for targeted drone inspections. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, 100936. Jepkogei, R., Schrum, P., Nelson, S., Carr, T., Hipp, A., & Floyd, M. (2023, July 27). Scrub Typhus Emergence in America. Presented at the North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium, D.H. Hill Library, NC State University. Jouzi, Z., Nelson, S. A. C., & Leung, Y.-F. (2023). Spatial heterogeneity of child malnutrition, proximity to protected areas and environmental variabilities in Zimbabwe. GeoJournal, 88(4), 3773–3789. Jouzi, Z., Leung, Y.-F., & Nelson, S. (2022). Addressing the food security and conservation challenges: Can be aligned instead of apposed? Frontiers in Conservation Science, 3. Macy, S., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2022, April 19). Celebration of NC State Sustainability. Presented at the NC State Sustainability Council and University Sustainability Office, NC State University, Talley Student Union. Nelson, S. A. C., Leggett, Z. H., & Richmond-Bryant, J. (2022, February 8). Connecting Representation Equity and Capacity-building into how we do Research: Creating the WIN-WIN-WIN. Presented at the Equity Research Symposium, NC State University, Talley Student Union. Belica, L., Castro Garrido, M., Petrasova, A., & Nelson, S. (2022). Exploring a method to estimate real-sky global solar radiation in mountainous areas at high resolutions with an open-source geospatial solar radiation model and GOES-13 geostationary meteorological satellite data. Liu, N., Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Sun, G., Duan, K., … Carlson, C. P. (2022). Inter‐Basin Transfers Extend the Benefits of Water From Forests to Population Centers Across the Conterminous U.S. Water Resources Research, 58(5). Liu, N., Caldwell, P. V., Dobbs, G. R., Miniat, C. F., Bolstad, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., & Sun, G. (2021). Forested lands dominate drinking water supply in the conterminous United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), 084008. Jouzi, Z., Leung, Y.-F., & Nelson, S. (2021, April 7). Mapping the Associations between Protected Areas and Child Malnutrition. Presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Takeuchi, Y., Koch, F. H., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2021). Recent Immigrant Insect Fauna—Another Look at a Classic Analysis. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 12(1). Nelson, S. A. C. (2020). A lesson from the stream: A personal reflection on understanding the them versus me identity associated with backgrounds, race, training, and talent. In W. W. Taylor, A. K. Carlson, A. Bennett, & C. P. Ferreri (Eds.), Lessons in Leadership: Integrating Courage, Vision, and Innovation for the Future of Sustainable Fisheries (pp. 289–296). Bethesda, Maryland: American Fisheries Society. Nelson, S. A. C. (2020). A lesson from the stream: A personal reflection on understanding the them vs. me group identity associated with backgrounds, race, training, and talent. American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting. Jouzi, Z., Leung, Y.-F., & Nelson, S. (2020). Examining the association of child malnutrition with socio-economic and biophysical factors across scales in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Presented at the 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. Leggett, Z. H., Nichols, E. G., Megalos, M. A., Cook, S., Nelson, S. A., Parajuli, R., … Arenas, A. (2020). Forestry of the Future: Improving workforce participation of underrepresented minority populations in forest resources. Virtual Society of American Foresters National Conference. Presented at the Virtual Society of American Foresters National Conference. Caldwell, P. V., Kennen, J. G., Hain, E. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., & McNulty, S. G. (2020). Hydrologic modeling for flow-ecology science in the Southeastern United States and Puerto Rico. Liu, N., Dobbs, R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Bolstad, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., & Sun, G. (2020). Interbasin transfers extend the benefits of National Forest System Lands for water supply beyond downstream users. AGU Fall Meeting. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Liu, N., Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Bolstad, P. V., Nelson, S., & Sun, G. (2020). Quantifying the role of State and private forest lands in providing surface drinking water supply for the Southern United States. Jouzi, Z., Leung, Y.-F., & Nelson, S. (2020). Terrestrial Protected Areas and Food Security: A Systematic Review of Research Approaches. Environments, 7(10), 83. Niemuth, J. N., Ransom, C. C., Finn, S. A., Godfrey, M. H., Nelson, S. A. C., & Stoskopf, M. K. (2020). Using Random Forest Algorithm to Model Cold-Stunning Events in Sea Turtles in North Carolina. JOURNAL OF FISH AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT, 11(2), 531–541. Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Sun, G., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2019). A new national spatial database of inter-basin surface water transfers. North Carolina GIS 2019 Annual Meeting. Presented at the North Carolina GIS 2019 Annual Meeting, Winston Salem, NC. Jouzi, Z. S., Leung, Y., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2019). A proposed remote-sensing approach to analyzing the association between environmental changes and human health in Sub-Saharan Africa. American Association of Geographers. Presented at the American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC. Liu, N., Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Bolstad, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., & Sun, G. (2019). Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United State. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. Liu, N., Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Bolstad, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., & Sun, G. (2019). Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United States [General Technical Report]. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Belica, L., Nelson, S. A. C., Caldwell, P. V., & Mitasova, H. (2019). Evaluating the Influence of Solar Radiation on Stream Thermal Regimes with Alternative Metrics and Geospatial Modeling Methods. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Presented at the American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada. Dobbs, G. R., Caldwell, P. V., Miniat, C. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., & Duan, K. (2019). Hydrologic modeling and inter-basin surface water transfers: building a comprehensive IBT geodatabase for the conterminous United States. 2019 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Presented at the 2019 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Belica, L., Caldwell, P. V., Petras, V., Mitasova, H., McCarter, J. B., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2019). Influence of topography on stream insolation and thermal regimes in a mid-latitude, montane, forested headwater. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. Hain, E. F., Moody, K. N., Lamphere, B. A., Nelson, S. A. C., McIntyre, P. B., Gilliam, J. F., & Blum, M. J. (2019). Migratory gauntlets on oceanic islands: Watershed disturbance increases the cost of amphidromy. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 28(3), 446–458. Nelson, S. A. C. (2019). Remote Sensing Applications. Center for Geospatial Analytics Faculty Fellows Symposium. Presented at the Center for Geospatial Analytics Faculty Fellows Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Nelson, S. A. C., & Khorram, S. (2018). Image Processing and Data Analysis with ERDAS IMAGINE®. Belica, L., Petrasova, A., Caldwell, P. V., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2018). Minimal data collection for maxima results, combining geospatial modeling and a heat flux approach to the thermal regimes of headwater streams in a humid, hardwood forest. 2018 American Geophysical Union Meeting. Presented at the 2018 American Geophysical Union Meeting, Washington, D.C. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Wiele, C. F., & Cakir, H. (2017). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Imaging and Preliminary Analysis. HANDBOOK OF SATELLITE APPLICATIONS,2ND EDITION, pp. 981–1016. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Wiele, C. F., & Cakir, H. (2017). Processing and Applications of Remotely Sensed Data. HANDBOOK OF SATELLITE APPLICATIONS,2ND EDITION, pp. 1017–1046. Jaime, X. A., Van Bloem, S. J., Koch, F. H., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2017). Spread of common native and invasive grasses and ruderal trees following anthropogenic disturbances in a tropical dry forest. Ecological Processes, 6(1). Hain, E. F., Kennen, J. G., Caldwell, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., & McNulty, S. G. (2017). Using regional scale flow-ecology modeling to identify catchments where fish assemblages are most vulnerable to changes in water availability. Freshwater Biology, 63(8), 928–945. Hain, E. F., Lamphere, B. A., Blum, M. J., McIntyre, P. B., Nelson, S. A. C., & Gilliam, J. F. (2016). Comparison of Visual Survey and Mark-Recapture Population Estimates of a Benthic Fish in Hawaii. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 145(4), 878–887. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., van der Wiele, C. F., & Cakir, H. (2016). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Imaging and Preliminary Analysis. In Handbook of Satellite Applications (pp. 1–36). Belica, L., Caldwell, P. V., Mitasova, H., McCarter, J., Smith, J., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2016). Investigation of the Relative Effects of Insolation, Groundwater, and Spatial Variability in the Temperature Dynamics of Two Headwater Streams. 2015 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Khorram, S., van der Wiele, C. F., Koch, F. H., Nelson, S. A. C., & Potts, M. D. (2016). Principles of Applied Remote Sensing. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., van der Wiele, C. F., & Cakir, H. (2016). Processing and Applications of Remotely Sensed Data. In Handbook of Satellite Applications (pp. 1–30). Ozen, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Khorra, S., Moorman, M., & Cakir, H. (2016). Use of Limited Data to Model Lake Water Clarity from Remote Sensed Data in Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina. Journal of Earth Science Research, 12, 43–54. Hain, E. F., Kennen, J. G., Caldwell, P. V., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., & McNulty, S. (2016). Water Abstraction Could Trump Climate and Land Cover Change in Altering Future Fish Species Richness in North Carolina Piedmont Streams. 2016 Society for Freshwater Science. Presented at the 2016 Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, California. Caldwell, P. V., Kennen, J. G., Sun, G., Kiang, J. E., Butcher, J. B., Eddy, M. C., … McNulty, S. G. (2015). A comparison of hydrologic models for ecological flows and water availability. Ecohydrology, 8(8), 1525–1546. Rice, J. S., Emanuel, R. E., Vose, J. M., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2015). Continental U.S. streamflow trends from 1940 to 2009 and their relationships with watershed spatial characteristics. Water Resources Research, 51(8), 6262–6275. Hurley-Sanders, J. L., Levine, J. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Law, J. M., Showers, W. J., & Stoskopf, M. K. (2015). Key metabolites in tissue extracts ofElliptio complanataidentified using1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Conservation Physiology, 3(1), cov023. Kennen, J. G., Hain, E. F., Caldwell, P., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., & McNulty, S. (2015). Modeling Fish Species Response to changes in Water Availability and Climate in the North Carolina Piedmont, USA. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Presented at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hurley-Sanders, J. L., Stoskopf, M., Nelson, S. A. C., Showers, W., Law, J. M., Gracz, H. S., & Levine, J. F. (2015). Tissue extraction methods for metabolic profiling of a freshwater bivalve, Elliptio complanata. American Malacological Bulletin, 33(2), 185–194. Nelson, S. A. C., Hain, E. F., Johnson, A., & Louie, J. (2015). Use of GIS and statistical analysis to evaluate potential climate change impacts on the spatial distribution of brook trout populations within the eastern United States. 2015 International Symposium on the Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids. Presented at the 2015 International Symposium on the Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids, Girona Spain. Nelson, S. A. C., & Johnson, A. (2014). Application of Multidimensional Recruitment and Mentoring of Underrepresented Students. In N. Dominguez & Y. Gandert (Eds.), Developmental Networks: Mentoring and Coaching at Work (pp. 739–741). Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute. Nelson, S. A. C., Hain, E. F., Hartis, B. M., & Johnson, A. (2014). Changing the Game: Multidimensional Mentoring and Partnerships in the Recruitment of Underrepresented Students in Fisheries. Fourth World Fisheries Congress of the 144th Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting. Presented at the Fourth World Fisheries Congress of the 144th Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Nelson, S. A. C., Hain, E. F., Hartis, B. M., & Johnson, A. (2014). Changing the game: Multidimensional mentoring and partnerships in the recruitment of underrepresented students in fisheries. In Future of Fisheries: Perspectives for Emerging Professionals (pp. 193–200). Xavier, A. J., Nelson, S. A. C., Koch, F., & Van Bloem, S. (2014). Forest resilience and soil dynamics response to anthropogenic disturbances in dry semi-deciduous forests in Puerto Rico. 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Presented at the 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA. Kennen, J. G., Hain, E. F., Caldwell, P., Nelson, S. A. C., Sun, G., McNulty, S., & Shortley, T. (2014). Hydrological modeling for flow-ecology science in the Southeastern U.S. Raleigh, North Carolina: Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science Center. DeRolph, C. R., Nelson, S. A. C., Kwak, T. J., & Hain, E. F. (2015). Predicting fine-scale distributions of peripheral aquatic species in headwater streams. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 5(1), 152–163. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H., & van der Wiele, C. F. (2013). Digital Image Acquisition: Preprocessing and Data Reduction. In Handbook of Satellite Applications (pp. 809–837). Khorram, S., Nelson, S., Cakir, H., & Van Der Wiele, C. (2013). Digital Image Processing: Post-processing and Data Integration. In Handbook of Satellite Applications (pp. 839–864). Nelson, S. A. C., & Goldfarb, B. (2013). Producing a More Diverse Workforce in Natural Resources: Establishing Relationships and Laying the Groundwork for Graduate Education for Students from Puerto Rico. Southern Research Office, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Hester, D., Nelson, S., Khorram, S., Cakir, H., Cheshire, H., & Hain, E. (2012). Analysis of Impervious Surface and Suburban Form Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery. In Environmental Remote Sensing and Systems Analysis (pp. 209–230). Hain, E. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Tracy, B. H., & Cakir, H. I. (2012). Application of GIS Techniques for Developing a Fish Index of Biotic Integrity for an Ecoregion with Low Species Richness. SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST, 11(4), 711–732. Hurley-Sanders, J. L., Stoskopf, M. K., Eads, C. B., Fraley, S. J., Gracz, H. S., Law, J. M., … Levine, J. F. (2012). Metabolomics as a diagnostic tool in the investigation of a freshwater bivalve die-off. Metabolomics Society 2012. Presented at the Metabolomics Society 2012, Washington, DC. Laird, S. G., Nelson, S. A. C., Stubbs, H. S., James, A. L., & Menius, E. (2012). Organizational Structures and Data Use in Volunteer Monitoring Organizations (VMOs). Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 11(3-4), 165–177. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Koch, F. H., & van der Wiele, C. F. (2012). Remote Sensing. In SpringerBriefs in Space Development. Hartis, B. M., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2012). Satellite Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Distribution and Status in Currituck Sound, NC. Concurrent Session: Use of Sensor Technologies for Monitoring, Modeling, and Management. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina System Annual Conference. Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina System Annual Conference, Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh NC. Nelson, S. A. C., & Hartis, B. M. (2012). Satellite Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Distribution and Status in the Currituck Sound, NC [Research Technical Report.]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation Research and Analysis Group. Hurley-Sanders, J., Stoskopf, M. K., Tikunov, A., Gracz, H. S., Macdonald, J., Law, J. M., … Levine, J. F. (2012). Use of 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Investigate the Metabolic Profile of the Freshwater Bivalve Elliptio complanata. 43rd Annual IAAAM Conference and Meeting. Presented at the 43rd Annual IAAAM Conference and Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Nelson, S. A. C. (2011). Applied Geospatial Sciences and Modeling in fisheries ecology. Organization for Tropical Studies. Presented at the Organization for Tropical Studies, San Miguel Biological Station, Cabo Blanco Absolute Reserve, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Siitari, K. J., Taylor, W. W., Nelson, S. A. C., & Weaver, K. E. (2011). The influence of land cover composition and groundwater on thermal habitat availability for brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations in the United States of America. ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH, 20(3), 431–437. Nelson, S. A. C. (2010). Development of a GIS Enterprise System. Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU). National Network National Meeting. Presented at the National Network National Meeting, Howard University School of Law, Washington , DC. Branch, B. D., Nelson, S. A. C., & Devine, H. A. (2010). From Conception to Compliance, an Interdisciplinary Approach to Spatial Thinking and GIS Education in North Carolina. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics, 465–470. ICETI Publishers. Hester, D. B., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H. I., Khorram, S., & Cheshire, H. (2010). High-resolution land cover change detection based on fuzzy uncertainty analysis and change reasoning. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(2), 455–475. Nelson, S. A. C. (2010). Review of Remote Sensing for Biodiversity and Wildlife Management, by S. E. Franklin [Review of Remote Sensing for Biodiversity and Wildlife Management, by S. E. Franklin]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 76(12), 1310–1312. Siitari, K. J., Weaver, K. E., Taylor, W. W., Nelson, S. A. C., & Ostroff, A. C. (2010). The influence of riparian zone composition and groundwater withdrawal on eastern United States brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) population ecology and production. Advances in the Population of Ecology of Stream Salmonids. Presented at the Advances in the Population of Ecology of Stream Salmonids, Luarica (Asturias), Spain. Miller, J. A., Nelson, S. A. C., & Hess, G. R. (2009). A new object-oriented method of impervious surface classification using feature analyst. Professional Geographer, 61, 1–15. Miller, J. E., Nelson, S. A. C., & Hess, G. R. (2009). An Object Extraction Approach for Impervious Surface Classification with Very-High-Resolution Imagery. The Professional Geographer, 61(2), 250–264. Perrin, C., Gregory, J., Nelson, S. A. C., Beggs, P., Penrose, D., Litzenburger, T., & Nichols, E. (2009). Black Creek Watershed Assessment, Monitoring, and Planning (Grant Final Report and Watershed Plan No. EPA319). NC Division of Water Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. De Rolph, C., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2009). Evaluating the Relationship Between Wild Trout Occurrence and Watershed Land Cover Composition in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina. American Fisheries Society 139th Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Fisheries Society 139th Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. Nelson, S. A. C., Devine, H. A., Hain, E. F., Hartis, B. M., & Solcumb, W. S. (2009). Natural Resource Condition Assessments for George Washington Birthplace National Monument and Thomas Stone National Historic Site (Technical Report No. NPS/NER/NRTR—2009). Philadelphia, PA: National Park Service. Hain, E. F., Hartis, B., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2009). Watershed/Natural Resources Assessment planning for the U.S. National Park Service. University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography. Presented at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI. Nelson, S. A. C. (2008). Applications of Spatial Information System (SIS) in Fisheries Science. Department of Forest and Environmental Resources Faculty Research Symposium. Presented at the Department of Forest and Environmental Resources Faculty Research Symposium, Jordan Hall. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. DeRolph, C. R., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H. I., Kwak, T., Fuentes, M., & Hain, E. F. (2008). Development and implementation of a remote sensing-based land-cover classification system to evaluate changes in watershed land cover and the associated response of wild trout populations. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Presented at the 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hain, E. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Maddalena, D., & DeRolph, C. R. (2008). Development of a multiple criteria index for the assessment of watershed conditions in two National Parks. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Presented at the 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hester, D. B., Cakir, H. I., Nelson, S. A. C., & Khorram, S. (2008). Per-pixel classification of high spatial resolution satellite imagery for urban land-cover mapping. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 74(4), 463–471. Harris, N. C., Dunn, R. R., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2008). Variation of Parasite Diversity across Carnivore Species and Space. The Wildlife Society 15th Annual Conference. Presented at the The Wildlife Society 15th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida. Miller, J. A., Nelson, S. A. C., & Hess, G. R. (2007). A New Object-Oriented Method of Impervious Surface Classification Using Feature Analyst. 2007 Meeting of The Association of American Geographers. Presented at the 2007 Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA. Hain, E. F., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H. I., & Louie, J. (2007). Development of an effective fish Index of Biotic Integrity for the Sandhills Region of North Carolina. American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Fairey, D., Nelson, S. A. C., & Shedd, J. M. (2007). Predicting unidentified wetland sites along the Blue Ridge parkway. 2007 Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Annual Conference. Presented at the 2007 Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Annual Conference, Birmingham, Alabama. Louie, J., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H., & Hain, E. F. (2007). Prioritizing restoration efforts for the Eastern brook trout using remote sensing. American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Cakir, H. I., Khorram, S., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2006). Correspondence analysis for detecting land cover change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 102(3-4), 306–317. Hester, D. B., Cakir, H. I., Nelson, S. A. C., & Khorram, S. (2006). Integration of high resolution imagery in cost-effective assessment of land use practices influencing erosion and sediment yield. In Water Resource Research Institute final report (Center for Earth Observation Technical Report) (Water Resource Research Institute Final Report No. 222; Vol. 221). Center for Earth Observation Technical Report. Williams, N. B., Nelson, S. A. C., Gregory, J. D., Bullock, B., & Pyrtle, A. (2006). Relationship Between Flow Regimes and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Abundance in Headwater Streams in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, USA. 2006 American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting. Presented at the 2006 American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Nelson, S. A. C., Cheruvelil, K. S., & Soranno, P. A. (2006). Satellite remote sensing of freshwater macrophytes and the influence of water clarity. Aquatic Botany, 85(4), 289–298. Colson, T., Gregory, J. D., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2005). A Mobile Hydrologic Information System to Support Stream Origin Determinations in North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute 8th Annual Conference: Managing Water Quality & Quantity: Integrating Science, Technology & Policy. Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute 8th Annual Conference: Managing Water Quality & Quantity: Integrating Science, Technology & Policy, Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC. Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H. I., & Hester, D. B. (2005). Current Trends in Land Use/Land Cover Mapping, Change Detection, and Monitoring from Remotely Sensed Data: Implication for Freshwater Resource Studies. 2005 WRRI Water Research Seminar Series. Presented at the 2005 WRRI Water Research Seminar Series, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Hester, D. B., Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., & Cakir, H. I. (2005). High Resolution Land Use/Land Cover Mapping and Impervious Surface Modeling in Fast Developing Watersheds. Water Resources Research Institute 8th Annual Conference: Managing Water Quality & Quantity: Integrating Science, Technology & Policy. Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute 8th Annual Conference: Managing Water Quality & Quantity: Integrating Science, Technology & Policy, Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC. Khorram, S., Nelson, S. A. C., Cakir, H., & Hester, D. B. (2005). Integration of high resolution imagery in cost-effective assessment of land use practices influencing erosion and sediment yield. In Water Resource Research Institute final report (Center for Earth Observation Technical Report) (Vol. 221). Nelson, S. A. C. (2004). ArcGIS Spatial Analysis Applications. Federation of Earth Science Information Partners. 13th Federation Assembly Meeting. Presented at the 13th Federation Assembly Meeting, Asheville, NC. Nelson, S. A. C., & Taylor, W. W. (2003). Overview of lake water clarity regional assessment using satellite remote sensing. Residence time in lakes: science, management, education, 105–115. Pallanza, Italy: Istituto italiano di idrobiologia. Nelson, S. A. C., Soranno, P. A., Cheruvelil, K. S., Batzli, S. A., & Skole, D. L. (2003). Regional assessment of lake water clarity using satellite remote sensing. Journal of Limnology, 62(Sup. 1), 27–32. Nelson, S. A. C., Soranno, P. A., Cheruvelil, K. S., Batzli, S. A., & Skole, D. L. (2002). Assessing regional lake water clarity using Landsat and the role of inter-lake variability. Bolsena Conference on: Residence Times in Lakes: Science, Management, Education. Presented at the Bolsena Conference on: Residence Times in Lakes: Science, Management, Education, Bolsena - Viterbo, Italy. Nelson, S. A. C., Soranno, P. A., & Qi, J. (2002). Land cover change in the Upper Barataria Basin Estuary, Louisiana, from 1972-1992: Increases in wetland area. Environmental Management, 29(5), 716–727. Nelson, S. A. C., Soranno, P. A., & Qi, J. (2001). Land cover change in the Upper Barataria Basin Estuary, Louisiana, from 1972-1992: Increases in wetland area. Ecological Society of America. Presented at the Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. Nelson, S. A. C. (1997). Use of remote sensing to assess vegetative productivity in a section of the Barataria Bay estuary. NASA-ASSE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program Final Report, 164–174. Nelson, S. A. C. (1996). Advances in wetland status and trends monitoring--cumulative error comparisons (Wetlands Program technical report, no. 96-6). Gloucester Point, VA: Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Nelson, S. A. C. (1995). Wetland status and trends monitoring. Wetlands Workshop 1995 white papers, 1–10. Gloucester Point, VA: Virginia Institute of Marine Science.