@inbook{spurlin_rajala_lavelle_2008, title={Assessing student learning: ensuring undergraduate students are learning what we want them to learn}, ISBN={9781579222123}, booktitle={Designing better engineering education through assessment: A practical resource for faculty and department chairs on using assessment and ABET criteria to improve student learning}, publisher={Sterling, Va: Stylus Publishing.}, author={Spurlin, J. and Rajala, S. and Lavelle, J.}, year={2008} } @book{designing better engineering education through assessment: a practical resource for faculty and department chairs on using assessment and abet criteria to improve student learning_2008, ISBN={1579222129}, publisher={Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub.}, year={2008} } @inproceedings{spurlin_raubenheimer_nault_rajala_2007, title={Improving assessment efficiency and overcoming barriers: relating programmatic accreditation to institutional assessment}, number={June}, booktitle={NASPA International Assessment & Retention Conference}, author={Spurlin, J. E. and Raubenheimer, D. and Nault, E. and Rajala, S.}, year={2007} } @inbook{rohrbach_spurlin_mayberry_rajala_2004, title={Engineering computing as an essential component of inquiry-guided learning}, booktitle={Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for institutions and instructors}, publisher={Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing}, author={Rohrbach, R. and Spurlin, J. and Mayberry, K and Rajala, S.}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{rajala_bottomley_parry_cohen_grant_thomas_doxey_perez_collins_spurlin_2004, title={The North Carolina State University women in science and engineering program: a community for living and learning}, booktitle={American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Rajala, S. A. and Bottomley, L.J. and Parry, E. A. and Cohen, J. D. and Grant, S. C. and Thomas, C. J. and Doxey, T. M. and Perez, G. and Collins, R. E. and Spurlin, J. E.}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{spurlin_lavelle_robbins_rajala_2003, title={Assessment of introduction to engineering and problem-solving course}, booktitle={American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Spurlin, J. E. and Lavelle, J. and Robbins, M. C. and Rajala, S. A.}, year={2003} } @inproceedings{brent_felder_rajala_gilligan_lee_2001, title={New faculty 101: an orientation to the profession}, DOI={10.1109/fie.2001.964046}, abstractNote={In August 2000 the North Carolina State University College of Engineering (USA) with partial sponsorship from the SUCCEED Coalition organized and presented a one-week orientation workshop for new faculty members. The workshop goal was to equip new faculty members to become what Robert Boice calls "quick starters", who meet or exceed their institution's expectations for both research productivity and teaching effectiveness in their first one to two years. Two days were devoted to research program startup and management, two to effective teaching, and the final morning to managing time, integrating into campus culture, and earning tenure and promotion. The participants were unanimously and overwhelmingly positive in their responses following the workshop, and their enthusiasm has continued at gatherings and in surveys in the months that followed. This paper describes the workshop content and activities, summarizes follow-up support and assessment plans, and offers suggestions for planning and implementing similar programs.}, number={2001 October}, booktitle={2001 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Reno, NV, October 2001}, author={Brent, R. and Felder, R. M. and Rajala, S. A. and Gilligan, J. G. and Lee, G.}, year={2001} } @inproceedings{spurlin_rajala_lavelle_hoskins_2002, title={Outcomes assessment: developing an electronic assessment database as a model for collection and analysis of data}, booktitle={American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Spurlin, J. E. and Rajala, S. A. and Lavelle, J. P. and Hoskins, O. J.}, year={2002} } @inproceedings{rajala_rabbani_1998, title={Visual communications and image processing '98}, booktitle={Visual communications and image processing '98, 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, Calif.}, publisher={Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE}, author={Rajala, S. A. and Rabbani, M.}, year={1998} } @book{visual communications and image processing '98: 28-30 january 1998, san jose, california_1998, ISBN={0819427497}, publisher={Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE}, year={1998} } @article{rajala_vouk_nilsson_miller_schrag_burke_brawner_viniotis_perros_1997, title={Technology for support of network-based education workflows in North Carolina: NC State-Fujitsu education partnership final report for the period June 1, 1996-December 31, 1996}, number={3}, journal={TR (Center for Advanced Computing and Communication)}, author={Rajala, S. A. and Vouk, M. A. and Nilsson, A. A. and Miller, T. K. and Schrag, R. L. and Burke, J. R. and Brawner, C. E. and Viniotis, I. and Perros, H. G.}, year={1997} } @inbook{alexander_rajala_1985, title={Adaptive Compression of Teleconference Sequences Using the LMS Algorithm}, ISBN={9780442278267}, booktitle={Teleconferencing}, publisher={New York: Van Rostrand Reinhold, Inc.}, author={Alexander, S.T. and Rajala, S.A.}, editor={Ramamohan Rao and Srinivasan, RamEditors}, year={1985} } @misc{alexander_rajala_1985, title={IMAGE COMPRESSION RESULTS USING THE LMS ADAPTIVE ALGORITHM}, volume={33}, ISSN={["0096-3518"]}, DOI={10.1109/tassp.1985.1164595}, abstractNote={The LMS algorithm may be used to adapt the coefficients of an adaptive prediction filter for image source encoding. Results are presented which show LMS may provide almost 2 bits per symbol reduction in transmitted bit rate compared to DPCM when distortion levels are approximately the same for both methods. Alternatively, LMS can be used in fixed bit-rate environments to decrease the reconstructed image distortion. When compared with fixed coefficient DPCM, reconstructed image distortion is reduced by as much as 6-7 dB using LMS. Last, pictorial results representative of LMS processing are presented.}, number={3}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ACOUSTICS SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING}, author={ALEXANDER, ST and RAJALA, SA}, year={1985}, pages={712–714} }