Sankarasubramanian Arumugam
Hydroclimatology, Forecasting. Water, Energy and Ecological Management
Works (275)
2024 journal article
Characterization of the urban heat Island effect from remotely sensed data based on a hierarchical model

2024 journal article
Hydroclimatic scenario generation using two-stage stochastic simulation framework

2024 journal article
Improved National-Scale Above-Normal Flow Prediction for Gauged and Ungauged Basins Using a Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Model

2024 journal article
Influence of long-term observed trends on the performance of seasonal hydroclimate forecasts

2024 article
Is Reservoir Storage Effectively Utilized in Southeast? A Regional Assessment to Reduce Drought Risk considering Potential Storage and Flood Scenarios
Levey, J. R., & Arumugam, S. (2024, August 5).

2024 article
Leveraging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to improve above-normal flow prediction in ungauged basins
Fang, S., Johnson, J. M., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2024, April 15).
2024 journal article
Leveraging synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with the National Water Model (NWM) to improve above-normal flow prediction in ungauged basins
2024 journal article
Regionalization of Climate Elasticity Preserves Dooge's Complementary Relationship

2023 journal article
Beyond Simple Trend Tests: Detecting Significant Changes in Design-Flood Quantiles

2023 journal article
Comprehensive Analysis of the NOAA National Water Model: A Call for Heterogeneous Formulations and Diagnostic Model Selection

2023 article
Comprehensive analysis of the NOAA National Water Model: A call for heterogeneous formulations and diagnostic model selection
Johnson, J. M., Fang, S., Sankarasubramanian, A., Rad, A. M., Cunha, L. K., Clarke, K. C., … Yeghiazarian, L. (2023, January 19).

2023 journal article
Generalizing Reservoir Operations Using a Piecewise Classification and Regression Approach

2023 article
Generalizing Reservoir Operations using a Piecewise Classification and Regression Approach
Ford, L., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2023, March 26).
2023 article
Improved National-Scale Flood Prediction for Gauged and Ungauged Basins using a Spatio-temporal Hierarchical Model
Fang, S., Johnson, J. M., Yeghiazarian, L., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2023, February 9).
2023 journal article
One-Parameter Analytical Derivation in Modified Budyko Framework for Unsteady-State Streamflow Elasticity in Humid Catchments

2023 article
Regionalization of Climate Elasticity Preserves Dooge's Complementary Relationship
Awasthi, C., Vogel, R. M., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2023, November 8).

2023 article
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Precipitation Reforecast Skill Across CONUS
Levey, J. R., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2023, September 13).
2023 journal article
Spectral Signatures of Flow Regime Alteration by Dams Across the United States

2023 journal article
Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Mixed Irrigation Regimes Using a Regional Hydroeconomic Optimization Modeling Framework

2022 journal article
Co-Optimization of Reservoir and Power Systems (COREGS) for seasonal planning and operation
ENERGY REPORTS, 8, 8061–8078.

2022 journal article
Contrasting Annual and Summer Phosphorus Export Using a Hybrid Bayesian Watershed Model

2022 journal article
How Does Flow Alteration Propagate Across a Large, Highly Regulated Basin? Dam Attributes, Network Context, and Implications for Biodiversity
Earth's Future.

2022 journal article
Knowledge graphs to support real-time flood impact evaluation
AI MAGAZINE, 43(1), 40–45.
2022 journal article
Projecting Flood Frequency Curves Under Near-Term Climate Change

2021 journal article
Assessing inter-annual variability in nitrogen sourcing and retention through hybrid Bayesian watershed modeling
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2.
2021 journal article
Climatic and Landscape Controls on Long-term Baseflow
Water Resources Research, 57(6), e2020WR029284.

2021 journal article
Dams and Climate Interact to Alter River Flow Regimes Across the United States
Earth’s Future, 9(4), e2020EF001816.

2021 journal article
Dynamic Flow Alteration Index for Complex River Networks With Cascading Reservoir Systems
Water Resources Research, 58(1).

2021 journal article
Performance Comparison of Equivalent Reservoir and Multireservoir Models in Forecasting Hydropower Potential for Linking Water and Power Systems
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(4), 04021005.
Contributors: S. Mukhopadhyay n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & A. De Queiroz*

2021 journal article
Quantification of climate-induced interannual variability in residential U.S. electricity demand
Energy, 236, 121273.

2021 journal article
Quantifying Dam-Induced Fluctuations in Streamflow Frequencies Across the Colorado River Basin
Water Resources Research, 57(10), e2021WR029753.

2021 journal article
The Role of Temperature Variability on Seasonal Electricity Demand in the Southern US
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3.
Contributors: D. Cawthorne*, A. Queiroz n , H. Eshraghi n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & J. DeCarolis n

2021 journal article
Tropical cyclones contribution to seasonal precipitation and streamflow using station-based data in Southeastern and Southcentral United States
Geophysical Research Letters, 48(15), e2021GL094738.

2021 journal article
Urbanization Impacts on Evapotranspiration Across Various Spatio-Temporal Scales
Earth’s Future, 9(8), e2021EF002045.

2020 conference paper
A framework for ecological flow allocation in multiple reservoir operation
Chalise, D., Arumugam, S., Mahinthakumar, G., Ranjithan, R. S., Eaton, M., & Vidal, A. R. (2020, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting on December 1-17, 2020
2020 journal article
A performance‐based multi‐model combination approach to reduce uncertainty in seasonal temperature change projections
International Journal of Climatology, 41(S1), E2615–E2632.

2020 conference paper
America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
Lall, U., Arumugam, S., Cioffi, F., Devineni, N., Doss-Gollin, J., Kwon, H., & Rajagopalan, B. (2020, December 15). America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting on December 1-17, 2020
2020 conference paper
COREGS: An optimization framework to analyze water and power systems together under a changing climate
Ford, L. C., Queiroz, A., DeCarolis, J., & Arumugam, S. (2020, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting on December 1-17, 2020
2020 journal article
Changing Seasonality of Annual Maximum Floods over the Conterminous US
Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr;

2020 speech
Climate and Water Management: Opportunities and Challenges” by the Government of India (Invited talk)
Arumugam, S. (2020, October). Presented at the Government of India, Vaibhav Summit.
Event: Government of India, Vaibhav Summit
2020 journal article
Developing the hydrological dependency structure between streamgage and reservoir networks
Scientific Data, 7(1), 319.

2020 journal article
GRAPS: Generalized Multi-Reservoir Analyses using probabilistic streamflow forecasts
Environmental Modelling & Software, 133, 104802.
Contributors: Y. Xuan n, L. Ford n, K. Mahinthakumar n , A. De Souza Filho*, U. Lall * & A. Sankarasubramanian n

2020 journal article
HESS Opinions: Beyond the long-term water balance: evolving Budyko's supply–demand framework for the Anthropocene towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes under natural and human-altered watersheds
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(4), 1975–1984.

2020 journal article
Synthesis of Irrigation Water Use in the United States: Spatiotemporal Patterns

2020 journal article
Technical Note: Evaluation of the skill in monthly-to-seasonal soil moisture forecasting based on SMAP satellite observations over the southeastern US
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(3), 1073–1079.

2020 journal article
The Roles of Climate Forcing and Its Variability on Streamflow at Daily, Monthly, Annual, and Long‐Term Scales
Water Resources Research, 56(7).

2020 article
The Roles of Climate Variability on Runoff at Daily, Monthly, Annual, and Long-term Scales
Yao, L., Libera, D., Kheimi, M. M. A., Arumugam, S., & Wang, D. (2020, January 29). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.

2020 conference paper
The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
Merwade, V., Yeghiazarian, L., Arumugam, S., Cai, X., Shepherd, A., Johnson, M., & Riasi, M. S. (2020, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting on December 1-17, 2020
2020 conference paper
Understanding the food-energy-water nexus through hydroeconomic modeling under near-term climate change and regional development portfolios
Kumar, H., Arumugam, S., & Zhu, T. (2020, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting on December 1-17, 2020
2020 speech
Water Security under changing climate: Stressors, Opportunities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2020, October). Presented at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Event: University of Colorado, Boulder
2019 conference paper
A Geo-processing Tool for co-locating the dependency of critical infrastructure with hydrologic information network
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 speech
Challenges in Understanding Continental Scale Groundwater Variability, Change and Appropriation
Presented at the National Academies Workshop on Groundwater Recharge and Flow: Approaches and Challenges for Monitoring and Modeling Using Remotely Sensed Data, Washington, DC.
Event: National Academies Workshop on Groundwater Recharge and Flow: Approaches and Challenges for Monitoring and Modeling Using Remotely Sensed Data at Washington, DC on June 27-28, 2019
2019 conference paper
Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: An Integrated Modeling Framework to Analyze Water and Power Systems Under a Changing Climate
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 journal article
Complete spatial model calibration
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(2), 746–766.

2019 conference paper
How Regional Evapotranspiration Fluxes are altered due to Urbanization?
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
How does flow alteration propagate across a large, highly-regulated basin? Dam attributes, network context, and implications for biodiversity
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
Human and climate variables explain spatio-temporal patterns of streamflow variation across the United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 journal article
Improving monthly streamflow forecasts through assimilation of observed streamflow for rainfall-dominated basins across the CONUS
Journal of Hydrology, 575, 704–715.

2019 journal article
Limitations of univariate linear bias correction in yielding cross‐correlation between monthly precipitation and temperature
International Journal of Climatology, 39(11), 4479–4496.

2019 journal article
Repurposing an energy system optimization model for seasonal power generation planning
Energy, 181, 1321–1330.
Contributors: A. Queiroz n , D. Mulcahy n, A. Sankarasubramanian n, J. Deane *, G. Mahinthakumar n, N. Lu n , J. DeCarolis n

2019 conference paper
Revising Flood-Frequency Curves under Climate Change in the United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
Sustainable Urban Systems: Managing the Urban Multiplex and its Hydrologic Challenges
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
Sustainable Water Management in the Lower Colorado Basin: Influence of Climate and Regulatory Context on the Ability to Meet Human and Environmental Water Needs
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
The Roles of Climate Variability on Runoff at Daily, Monthly, Inter-annual, and Mean Annual Scales
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
The Utility of Gauge-measured Streamflow Records in Improving Month-ahead Streamflow Forecasts through Variational Data Assimilation
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
The role of climate on crop yield per unit area across the contiguous United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 journal article
The role of cross-correlation between precipitation and temperature in basin-scale simulations of hydrologic variables
Journal of Hydrology, 570, 304–314.
Contributors: S. Seo *, R. Das Bhowmik *, A. Sankarasubramanian n, G. Mahinthakumar n & M. Kumar *

2019 conference paper
Understanding Drivers of Subseasonal to Seasonal Streamflow Variability over Contiguous United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 conference paper
Using an Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Model for Understanding the Effects of Climate Change Scenarios on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2019 journal article
Variational Assimilation of Streamflow Observations in Improving Monthly Streamflow Forecasting
[Preprint]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

2019 conference paper
What defines a flood? Building shared understanding across differing attributes and definitions of flooding
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 9-13, 2019
2018 conference paper
A Conceptual Approach using the Limits Concept for Extending Budyko's Framework for Natural Watersheds and Human-Altered Landscapes
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 journal article
A non-parametric bootstrapping framework embedded in a toolkit for assessing water quality model performance
Environmental Modelling & Software, 107, 25–33.

2018 conference paper
Application of Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast in multipurpose multi-reservoir system for water and energy management
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 journal article
Assessing the restoration time of surface water and groundwater systems under groundwater pumping
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32(9), 2741–2759.
Contributors: S. Seo *, G. Mahinthakumar n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & M. Kumar *

2018 conference paper
Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: Opportunities and Challenge
Arumugam, S. (2018, October). Presented at the CoPE workshop, Atlanta, Georgia.
Event: CoPE workshop at Atlanta, Georgia
2018 conference paper
Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: Uncertainty Reduction in Climate Forecasts Using Multimodel Combination and their Relevance to Water and Energy Management
Presented at the World Council for Energy and Climate, Shanghai.
Event: World Council for Energy and Climate at Shanghai
2018 conference paper
Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: Uncertainty Reduction in Climate Forecasts using Multimodel Combination and their relevance to Water and Energy Management
(2018, June 19). Presented at the Indian Institute of Science.
Event: Indian Institute of Science on June 19, 2018
2018 journal article
Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources under Drought Conditions Using a Fully Coupled Hydrological Model
Contributors: S. Seo *, G. Mahinthakumar n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & M. Kumar *

2018 conference paper
Effects of dam purpose and degree of regulation on flow regime alteration over the continental United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 conference paper
Evaluating the Controls of the Long-Term Water Balance through a Conceptual Hydrological Model Representing Saturation Excess and Infiltration Excess Runoff Generations
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 conference paper
Global assessment of evapotranspiration impacted by anthropogenic land cover changes
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 journal article
Modeling the Irrigation Withdrawals Over the Coterminous US Using a Hierarchical Modeling Approach
Water Resources Research, 54(6), 3769–3787.

2018 journal article
Monthly hydroclimatology of the continental United States

2018 journal article
Multivariate bias corrections of mechanistic water quality model predictions
Journal of Hydrology, 564, 529–541.

2018 journal article
Role of Pacific SSTs in improving reconstructed streamflow over the coterminous US
Scientific Reports, 8(1).

2018 chapter
Seasonal Ensemble Forecast Post-processing
In Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting (pp. 1–27).
2018 speech
Synthesis of public water supply use in the United States and China: Spatio-temporal patterns and socio-economic controls
(2018, May). Presented at the Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Event: Tsinghua University at Beijing on May 22, 2018
2018 speech
Synthesis on National Water Use: Spatial Patterns and Socio-economic Controls, State of America’s Water: Present and Future
Arumugam, S. (2018, April). Presented at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Event: University of Cincinnati at Cincinnati, Ohio on April 6, 2018
2018 speech
Synthesis on National Water Use: Spatial Patterns and Socio-economic Controls, State of America’s Water: Present and Future
Arumugam, S. (2018, January). Presented at the NOAA Science Seminar Series.
Event: NOAA Science Seminar Series on January 10, 2018
2018 conference paper
The Role of Spatial Variability of Climate Variables on the Long-Term Water Balance Using a Semi-distributed (SWAT) Mechanistic Model
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 conference paper
Understanding the cumulative effects of dams on regional streamflow dynamics
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2018 report
WSC - Category 3: Collaborative Research: Water Sustainability under Near-term Climate Change: A Cross-Regional Analysis Incorporating Socio-Ecological Feedbacks and Adaptations
[National Science Foundation].
2018 report
In D. R. Reidmiller, C. W. Avery, D. R. Easterling, K. E. Kunkel, K. L. M. Lewis, T. K. Maycock, & B. C. Stewart (Eds.), Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II.
Ed(s): D. Reidmiller, C. Avery, D. Easterling, K. Kunkel, K. Lewis, T. Maycock, B. Stewart

2018 conference paper
Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, DC on December 10-14, 2018
2017 conference paper
A Hybrid Approach Towards Streamflow Reconstruction Using Tree-ring Chronologies and Ssts over the United States
Patskoski, J. S., Mukhopadhyaya, S., & Arumugam, S. (2017, May 21). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), Sacramento, CA.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at Sacramento, CA on May 21-25, 2017
2017 article
Characterizing and Predicting Yelp Users' Behavior
2017 report
Climate Informed Uncertainty Analyzes for Integrated Water Resources Sustainability
[Technical Report]. National Science Foundation.
2017 conference paper
Data Assimilation using observed streamflow and remotely-sensed soil moisture for improving sub-seasonal-to-seasonal forecasting
Mazrooei, A., Arumugam, S., Lakshmi, V., & Wood, A. (2017, December 11). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at New Orleans, LA on December 11-15, 2017
2017 speech
Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting over the US Sunbelt
Arumugam, S. (2017, July). Presented at the University Council for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado.
Event: University Council for Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado on July 13, 2017
2017 conference paper
Equivalent Reservoir Modeling for Multipurpose and Multi-reservoir Systems over the Southern United States
Mukhopadhyaya, S., Quieroz, A., & Arumugam, S. (2017, May 21). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), Sacramento, CA.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at Sacramento, CA on May 21-25, 2017
2017 conference paper
Impact of Correlation Between Precipitation and Temperature on Hydrologic Simulations
Seo, S. B., Bhowmik, R. D., Mahinthakumar, G., & Arumugam, S. (2017, May 21). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), Sacramento, CA.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at Sacramento, CA on May 21-25, 2017
2017 conference paper
Integrated Drought Monitoring and Forecasts for Decision Making in Water and Agricultural Sectors over the Southeastern US under Changing Climate
Arumugam, S., Mazrooei, A., & Cumbie-Ward, R. (2017, December 11). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at New Orleans, LA on December 11-15, 2017
2017 conference paper
Multivariate Bias Correction Procedures for Improving Water Quality Predictions from the SWAT Model
Libera, D., & Arumugam, S. (2017, December 11). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at New Orleans, LA on December 11-15, 2017
2017 journal article
Multivariate Downscaling Approach Preserving Cross Correlations across Climate Variables for Projecting Hydrologic Fluxes
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(8), 2187–2205.
Contributors: R. Bhowmik n, A. Sankarasubramanian n, T. Sinha *, J. Patskoski n, G. Mahinthakumar n & K. Kunkel n

2017 journal article
Patterns and drivers of fish extirpations in rivers of the American Southwest and Southeast
Global Change Biology, 24(3), 1175–1185.

2017 journal article
Reducing Model Structural Uncertainty in Climate Model Projections—A Rank-Based Model Combination Approach
Journal of Climate, 30(24), 10139–10154.

2017 journal article
Reducing uncertainty in stochastic streamflow generation and reservoir sizing by combining observed, reconstructed and projected streamflow
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32(4), 1065–1083.

2017 conference paper
Sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Reservoir Inflow Forecast using Bayesian Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model
Mukhopadhyaya, S., & Arumugam, S. (2017, December 11). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at New Orleans, LA on December 11-15, 2017
2017 journal article
Synthesis of public water supply use in the United States: Spatio‐temporal patterns and socio‐economic controls
Earth's Future, 5(7), 771–788.
Contributors: A. Sankarasubramanian n, J. Sabo *, K. Larson *, S. Seo *, T. Sinha *, R. Bhowmik n, A. Vidal, K. Kunkel n

2017 speech
Uncertainty Reduction in Climate Forecasts using Multimodel Combination and their Relevance to Water and Energy Management
Arumugam, S. (2017, March). Presented at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Event: University of South Carolina at Columbia, SC on March 16, 2017
2017 speech
Utilizing Climate Information for Improving Water, Energy, & Ecological Management
Arumugam, S. (2017, April). Utilizing Climate Information for Improving Water, Energy, & Ecological Management. Presented at the Southeast Climate Science Center, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Southeast Climate Science Center at Raleigh, NC on April 20, 2017
2017 conference paper
Utilizing Enkf Data Assimilation in Improving ‘abcd’ Lumped Water Balance Model Performance
Mazrooei, A., & Arumugan, S. (2017, May 21). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), Sacramento, CA.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at Sacramento, CA on May 21-25, 2017
2017 journal article
Utilizing Probabilistic Downscaling Methods to Develop Streamflow Forecasts from Climate Forecasts
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(11), 2959–2972.

2016 speech
Climate Variability and its Impacts over the Southeast
Arumugam, S. (2016, February). Presented at the Columbia University, New York.
Event: Columbia University at New York on February 8, 2016
2016 conference paper
Developing Categorical Streamflow Forecasts from Climate Forecasts Using Probabilistic Downscaling Methods
Mazrooei, A., & Arumugam, S. (2016, May 22). Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI), West Palm Beach, FL.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at West Palm Beach, FL on May 22-26, 2016
2016 journal article
Flood forecasting a global perspective foreword
Flood Forecasting: A Global Perspective, XVII-.
2016 journal article
Identification of dominant source of errors in developing streamflow and groundwater projections under near-term climate change
Contributors: S. Seo n, T. Sinha *, G. Mahinthakumar n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & M. Kumar *

2016 conference paper
Importance of Preserving Cross-correlation in developing Statistically Downscaled Climate Forcings
Bhowmik, R. D., & Arumugam, S. (2016, May 22). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), West Palm Beach, FL.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at West Palm Beach, FL on May 22-26, 2016
2016 conference paper
Multivariate Bias Correction Procedures for Improving Water Quality Predictions using Mechanistic Models
Libera, D., & Arumugam, S. (2016, May 22). Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI), West Palm Beach, FL.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at West Palm Beach, FL on May 22-26, 2016
2016 conference paper
Predictive Classical and Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Yearly Irrigation Water Withdrawal over the Coterminous USA
Das, P., & Arumugam, S. (2016, May 22). Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI), West Palm Beach, FL.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at West Palm Beach, FL on May 22-26, 2016
2016 conference paper
Synthesis of US Public Water Supply: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Socio-Economic Controls
Arumugam, S., Ruhi, A., Sabo, J., Sinha, T., Seo, S. B., & Bhowmik, R. D. (2016, December 12). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-16, 2016
2016 conference paper
Understanding the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow: Human-Feedback Analysis on Downstream Impacts and Relevance to Reservoir Management
Seo, S. B., Mahinthakumar, G., Arumugam, S., & Kumar, M. (2016, May 22). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI), West Palm Beach, Florida.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) at West Palm Beach, Florida on May 22-26, 2016
2016 conference paper
Utilizing Climate Forecasts for Improving Water and Power Systems Coordination
Arumugam, S., Quieroz, A., Patskoski, J., Mahinthakumar, G., & DeCarolis, J. (2016, December 12). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-16, 2016
2016 speech
Water and ecological sustainability under near-term climate change
Arumugam, S. (2016, March). Presented at the Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting, National Science Foundation.
Event: Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting at National Science Foundation on March 10, 2016
2015 journal article
A framework for incorporating ecological releases in single reservoir operation
Advances in Water Resources, 78, 9–21.

2015 conference paper
Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: Opportunities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2015, March 23). Presented at the Private Sector Partnership Forum: Climate Services and Decision Support Tools for the Energy Sector, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva.
Event: Private Sector Partnership Forum: Climate Services and Decision Support Tools for the Energy Sector at World Meteorological Organization, Geneva on March 23-24, 2015
2015 journal article
Decomposition of sources of errors in seasonal streamflow forecasting over the U.S. Sunbelt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(23).

2015 report
Experimental Reservoir Storage Forecasts Utilizing Climate-Information Based Streamflow Forecasts
[Technical Report]. Raleigh, NC: NC Water Resources Research Institute.
2015 journal article
Improved reservoir sizing utilizing observed and reconstructed streamflows within a Bayesian combination framework
Water Resources Research, 51(7), 5677–5697.

2015 speech
Leonardo da Vinci: Contribution of the renaissance artist towards water management
Arumugam, S. (2015, October). Presented at the North Carolina Museum of Arts, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Museum of Arts at Raleigh, NC
2015 journal article
Reconstructed streamflow using SST and tree-ring chronologies over the southeastern United States

2015 journal article
Role of multimodel combination and data assimilation in improving streamflow prediction over multiple time scales
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30(8), 2255–2269.

2015 speech
Synthesis on National Water Use: Spatial Patterns and Controls
Arumugam, S. (2015, October). Presented at the Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Event: Tufts University at Medford, MA on October 6, 2015
2015 speech
Synthesis on National Water Use: Spatial Patterns and Socio-economic Controls, State of America’s Water: Present and Future
Arumugam, S. (2015, May). Presented at the CUAHSI- Columbia Water Center Cyber seminar series.
Event: CUAHSI- Columbia Water Center Cyber seminar series
2015 conference paper
The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the Coterminous US
Arumugam, S., Ruhi, A., Sabo, J., Sinha, T., Seo, S. B., & Bhowmik, R. D. (2015, December 14). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 14-18, 2015
2014 conference paper
An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Simulate the Dynamics of Water Supply and Water Demand
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014, 1806–1811.
Contributors: A. Ali n, M. Shafiee n, E. Berglund n &
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014
2014 journal article
Climate risk management for water in semi–arid regions
Earth Perspectives, 1(1), 12.
2014 journal article
Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Monthly to Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in a Rainfall-Runoff Regime

2014 journal article
Global Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts Using an Improved Multimodel Approach
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 27(10), 3505–3515.

2014 journal article
Impacts of Near-Term Climate Change and Population Growth on Within-Year Reservoir Systems
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(6), 04014078.

2014 conference paper
Implications of Water Use and Hydroclimatic Anomalies on the Freshwater Sustainability across the US Sunbelt
Arumugam, S. (2014, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 15-19, 2014
2014 conference paper
Improved Water and Energy Management Utilizing Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts
Arumugam, S., & Lall, U. (2014, December 15). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 15-18, 2014
2014 journal article
Improved regional water management utilizing climate forecasts: An interbasin transfer model with a risk management framework
Water Resources Research, 50(8), 6810–6827.

2014 journal article
Improving Forecasts for Water Management
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95(1), 3–3.

2014 speech
Reducing the uncertainty in projecting future streamflow using paleo and instrumental records along with near-term climate change projections
Patskoski, J., & Arumugam, S. (2014, June). Presented at the Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Event: Tufts University at Medford, MA on June 18-20, 2014
2014 journal article
Systematic uncertainty reduction strategies for developing streamflow forecasts utilizing multiple climate models and hydrologic models

2014 conference paper
The Utility of CMIP5 Climate Change Projections in Estimating Hydrologic Impacts in the Conterminous US
Sinha, T., & Arumugam, S. (2014, June 18). Presented at the UCOWR-NIWR-CUAHSI International Conference, Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Event: UCOWR-NIWR-CUAHSI International Conference at Tufts University, Medford, MA on June 18-20, 2014
2014 journal article
The role of retrospective weather forecasts in developing daily forecasts of nutrient loadings over the southeast US
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(8), 2885–2898.

2014 journal article
Understanding the low-frequency variability in hydroclimatic attributes over the southeastern US

2014 conference paper
Water and ecological sustainability under near-term climate change
Arumugam, S. (2014, January 28). Presented at the Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting, National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Event: Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting at National Institute of Food and Agriculture on January 28, 2014
2013 conference paper
A Complex Adaptive System Approach Assessing the Dynamics of Population Growth, Land Use, and Climate Change for Urban Water Resources Management
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013 at Cincinnati, Ohio on May 19-23, 2013
2013 conference paper
A Quantitative Framework for Assessing the Effects of Climate and Land-use Change on Streamflow
Ranjithan, R. S., Touma, D., Brill, E. D., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2013, May 19). Presented at the World Environmental & Water Resources (EWRI) Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Event: World Environmental & Water Resources (EWRI) Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio on May 19-23, 2013
2013 speech
Climate, Water and Energy Management in the Greater Horn of Africa
Arumugam, S. (2013, March). Presented at the Workshop on Water and Climate Change in Africa, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Event: Workshop on Water and Climate Change in Africa at Duke University, Durham, NC on March 23, 2013
2013 speech
Climate-informed Uncertainty Analyses for Water and Energy Management
Arumugam, S. (2013, February). Presented at the Nicholas School of Environmental Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Event: Nicholas School of Environmental Policy at Duke University, Durham, NC on February 20, 2013
2013 conference paper
Decomposition of Sources of Errors in developing Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts over the Sunbelt
Mazoorei, A., Sinha, T., & Arumugam, S. (2013, July 28). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management, Portland, OR.
Event: American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management at Portland, OR on July 28-31, 2013
2013 conference paper
Experimental Inflow and Storage Forecasts for the State of NC
Sinha, T., Mazoorei, A., Arumugam, S., & Boyles, R. (2013, July). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management, Portland, OR.
Event: American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management at Portland, OR on July 28-31, 2013
2013 chapter
Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Water Resources in the Southeastern USA
In K. Ingram, K. Dow, L. Carter, J. Anderson, & E. K. Sommer (Eds.), Climate of the southeast United States : variability, change, impacts, and vulnerability. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Ed(s): K. Ingram, K. Dow, L. Carter, J. Anderson & E. Sommer
2013 report
Improved Water Resources Sustainability utilizing Multi Time-scale Streamflow Forecasts
[Technical Report]. National Science Foundation.
2013 conference paper
Multivariate Downscaling of Decadal Climate Change Projections over the Sunbelt
Bhowmik, R., Arumugam, S., & Patskoski, J. (2013, July 28). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management, Portland, OR.
Event: American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management at Portland, OR on July 28-31, 2013
2013 conference paper
Near-term Climate Change Impacts on Surface water and groundwater interactions over the Sunbelt
Seo, S. B., Sinha, T., Mahinthakumar, G., & Arumugam, S. (2013, July 28). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management, Portland, OR.
Event: American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water Management at Portland, OR on July 28-31, 2013
2013 conference paper
Near-term Climate Change and Water Management over the Sunbelt
Arumugam, S. (2013, March 11). Presented at the Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting, National Science Foundation.
Event: Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) PI meeting at National Science Foundation on March 11, 2013
2013 journal article
Role of climate forecasts and initial conditions in developing streamflow and soil moisture forecasts in a rainfall-runoff regime
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 721–733.
2013 journal article
The Role of Multimodel Climate Forecasts in Improving Water and Energy Management over the Tana River Basin, Kenya

2013 journal article
The use of broken power-laws to describe the distributions of daily flow above the mean annual flow across the conterminous U.S.
Journal of Hydrology, 505, 35–46.
2013 report
Uncertainty in Surface Water Availability over North Carolina under climate and land use changes
[Technical Report]. NC Water Resources Research Institute.
2012 magazine article
Climate Forecasts and Water Management
Sankarasubramanian, A., & Lall, U. (2012, July). AGU Hydrology Section Newsletter.
2012 report
Climate Information based Urban Water Supply and Energy Management in the Greater Horn of Africa
[Technical Report]. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
2012 conference paper
Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in a Rainfall-Runoff Dominated Basin
Sinha, T., & Arumugam, S. (2012, December 3). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 3-7, 2012
2012 conference paper
Estimating Required Reservoir Storage from Synthetically Generated Streamflow through a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework Combining Observed and Paleo Streamflow
Patskoski, J., & Arumugam, S. (2012, December 3). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 3-7, 2012
2012 chapter
Floods and Changing Climate: Seasonal Forecasts and Reconstruction
In A. H. El-Shaarawl & W. W. Piegorsch (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Environmetrics (2nd ed.).
Ed(s): A. El-Shaarawl & W. Piegorsch

2012 chapter
Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Water Resources in the Southeastern US
In Southeastern Regional Technical Report to the National Climate Change Assessment. Island Press.
2012 journal article
Improving Groundwater Predictions Utilizing Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts from General Circulation Models Forced with Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts

2012 journal article
Integration of Climate and Weather Information for Improving 15-Day-Ahead Accumulated Precipitation Forecasts

2012 journal article
Interannual hydroclimatic variability and its influence on winter nutrient loadings over the Southeast United States
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(7), 2285–2298.
2012 conference paper
Low-Dimensional Models of Annual Streamflow Using Tree Ring Data and Nino 3.4 Forecasts
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012. Presented at the World Environmental And Water Resources Congress 2012.
Event: World Environmental And Water Resources Congress 2012
2012 speech
Probabilistic Water Quality Trading conditional on seasonal nutrient forecasts
Arumugam, S. (2012, June). Presented at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Event: at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia on June 29, 2012
2012 journal article
Reducing hydrologic model uncertainty in monthly streamflow predictions using multimodel combination

2012 conference paper
Role of Climate Variability in Modulating Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction over the Southeastern US
Arumugam, S. (2012, March 16). Presented at the NOAA in the Carolinas Conference, Charleston, SC.
Event: NOAA in the Carolinas Conference at Charleston, SC on March 16, 2012
2012 journal article
Seasonality of monthly runoff over the continental United States: Causality and relations to mean annual and mean monthly distributions of moisture and energy

2012 speech
Uncertainty Reduction in Climate Forecasts using Multimodel Combination and their Relevance to Water Management
Arumugam, S. (2012, April). Presented at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park.
Event: Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center at University of Maryland, College Park on April 9, 2012
2012 speech
Uncertainty Reduction in Climate Forecasts using Multimodel Combination and their Relevance to Water Management
Arumugam, S. (2012, August). Presented at the CSIRO (Land and Water), Melbourne, Australia.
Event: CSIRO (Land and Water) at Melbourne, Australia on August 3, 2012
2011 conference paper
Climate Forecasts and Water Management: Opportunities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2011, April 1). Presented at the CUAHSI National Cyberseminar Series.
Event: CUAHSI National Cyberseminar Series on April 1, 2011
2011 conference paper
Improving Groundwater Predictions using Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts
Almanaseer, N., Arumugam, S., & Bales, J. (2011, December 5). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 conference paper
Low-frequency oscillation in annual precipitation and streamflow over Southeastern United States
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 conference paper
Predicting Streamflow in the Southeastern United States using Climate and Tree Ring Data
Patskoski, J., & Arumugam, S. (2011, December 5). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 journal article
Role of Climate Variability in Modulating the Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction over the Southeast United States

2011 conference paper
Role of initial conditions and climate variability on seasonal streamflow forecasting in the southeastern US
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 report
Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC-8) Basins in North Carolina utilizing Multimodel Climate Forecasts
[Research Report]. NC-Water Resources Research Institute.
2011 conference paper
Systematic uncertainty reduction in streamflow forecasts development: Importance of Input and Hydrologic Model Uncertainty
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 speech
Uncertainty Reduction in Streamflow Predictions over Multiple Time Scales
Arumugam, S. (2011, August). Presented at the Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.
Event: Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center at Greenbelt, MD on August 10, 2011
2011 conference paper
Utility of Climate Forecasts in promoting optimal inter-basin transfer in the North Carolina Triangle Area
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 5-9, 2011
2011 conference paper
Utility of Multimodel Climate Forecasts in Improving Reservoir Management
Arumugam, S. (2011, August 5). Presented at the Cooperative Institute of Climate and Satellites, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
Event: Cooperative Institute of Climate and Satellites at National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC on August 5, 2011
2011 report
Vulnerability of Coastal Watersheds to Climate Change and Variability
[Technical Report]. NC Sea Grant and NC Water Resources Research Institute.
2010 conference paper
Climate, Streamflow, and Nutrients Variability Over the Southeastern United States
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010

2010 conference paper
Climate-Groundwater-Surface Water Interrelationships Over the South Eastern US
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010
2010 conference paper
Climatology of Monthly Runoff: Causality and Relations to Seasonality in Precipitation and Temperature
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010

2010 journal article
Improved categorical winter precipitation forecasts through multimodel combinations of coupled GCMs

2010 journal article
Improving the prediction of winter precipitation and temperature over the continental United States: Role of the ENSO state in developing multimodel combinations
Monthly Weather Review, 138(6), 2447–2468.
2010 conference paper
Interannual to Decadal Variability in Hydroclimatic Data: Analyses and Implications to Water Management
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-19, 2010
2010 journal article
Logistic regression analysis to estimate contaminant sources in water distribution systems
Journal of Hydroinformatics, 13(3), 545–557.

2010 conference paper
Probabilistic Water quality trading model conditioned on season-ahead nutrient load forecasts
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-19, 2010
2010 conference paper
Role of Climate Variability in Modulating Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction over the Southeast United States
Almanaseer, N., Arumugam, S., & Bales, J. (2010, December 12). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-19, 2010
2010 conference paper
Seamless Integration of Weather and Climate Information in Developing Operational Streamflow Forecasts
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010

2010 conference paper
The Role of Multimodel Combination and Data assimilation in Improving Streamflow Prediction
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-19, 2010
2010 conference paper
Utility of Climate Forecasts in Promoting Inter-Basin Transfer in the North Carolina Triangle Area
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010
2010 report
Utilizing Three-Month ahead Multimodel Streamflow Forecasts for Improving the Management Of Falls Lake
[Research Report]. NC-Water Resources Research Institute.
2009 conference paper
Climate-informed Uncertainty Analyses for Integrated River Basin Management
Arumugam, S. (2009, July 19). Presented at the US-Korea Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: US-Korea Conference at Raleigh, NC on July 19, 2009
2009 journal article
Contaminant Source Identification in Water Distribution Networks Under Conditions of Demand Uncertainty
Contributors: P. Vankayala n, A. Sankarasubramanian n, S. Ranjithan n & G. Mahinthakumar n

2009 journal article
Improved drought management of Falls Lake Reservoir: Role of multimodel streamflow forecasts in setting up restrictions
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135(3), 188–197.

2009 journal article
Improved water allocation utilizing probabilistic climate forecasts: Short-term water contracts in a risk management framework
Water Resources Research, 45(11).

2009 journal article
River Flood Forecasting Using Complementary Muskingum Rating Equations

2009 speech
Role of Climate Variability and Change in Improving River Basin Management
Arumugam, S. (2009, December). Presented at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India.
Event: at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India on December 23, 2009
2009 journal article
The Role of Monthly Updated Climate Forecasts in Improving Intraseasonal Water Allocation

2009 chapter
The use of seasonal climate forecasts within a shared reservoir system: The case of Angat reservoir, the Philippines
In F. Ludwig, P. Kabat, H. van Schaik, & M. van der Valk (Eds.), Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector. London: Earthscan.
Ed(s): F. Ludwig, P. Kabat, H. van Schaik & M. van der Valk
2008 conference paper
Improved Drought Management of Falls Lake Reservoir: Role of Multimodel Streamflow Forecasts in Setting up Restrictions
Devineni, N., & Arumugam, S. (2008, October). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC
2008 conference paper
Improving Hydrological Predictions through better representation of Model Uncertainty
Li, W., & Arumugam, S. (2008, October). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC
2008 journal article
Multimodel ensembles of streamflow forecasts: Role of predictor state in developing optimal combinations
Water Resources Research, 44(9).
Contributors: N. Devineni n, A. Sankarasubramanian n & S. Ghosh n

2008 speech
Role of Climate Forecasts in Meeting NC Future Water Supply Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2008, January). Presented at the North Carolina Society of Engineers.
Event: North Carolina Society of Engineers on January 19, 2008
2008 conference paper
Role of Streamflow Seasonality in Influencing Water Quality Variability in the Southeastern US
Oh, J., & Arumugam, S. (2008, October). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC
2008 journal article
Role of retrospective forecasts of GCMs forced with persisted SST anomalies in operational streamflow forecasts development

2008 conference paper
The Role of Multimodel Combinations in improving Streamflow Prediction
Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 15-19, 2008
2007 speech
Climate Informed Water Management
Arumugam, S. (2007, July). Presented at the Summer Ventures Program in Math and Science for High School Juniors and Seniors, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC.
Event: Summer Ventures Program in Math and Science for High School Juniors and Seniors at North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
2007 journal article
Climate, stream flow prediction and water management in northeast Brazil: societal trends and forecast value
Climatic Change, 84(2), 217–239.

2007 conference paper
Improved Management of Falls Lake Reservoir during the Summer Season using Climate Information based Monthly Streamflow Forecasts: Role of Restrictions in Water supply and Water quality management
Golembesky, K., Arumugam, S., & Devineni, N. (2007, March). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC
2007 conference paper
Multi-model Ensembling of Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts: Role of Predictor State Space in Skill Evaluation
Devineni, N., Arumugam, S., & Ghosh, S. (2007, March). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC
2007 conference paper
Multimodel Ensembles of Streamflow Forecasts: Role ofPredictor State in Developing Optimal Combinations
Devineni, N., & Arumugam, S. (2007, December 10). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 10-14, 2007
2007 conference paper
Predictability of U.S. Winter Precipitation: Role of ENSO state in Developing Multimodel Combinations
Arumugam, S., & Devineni, N. (2007, December 10). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 10-14, 2007
2006 speech
Climate Forecasts and Reservoir Management – Possibilities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2006, October). Presented at the Central North Carolina American Meteorological Society.
Event: Central North Carolina American Meteorological Society on October 19, 2006
2006 speech
Climate Forecasts and Reservoir Management – Possibilities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2006, March). Presented at the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Event: Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University, Durham, NC on March 2, 2006
2006 conference paper
Climate-informed Decision Tools for the Water and Energy Sector (Invited Presentation)
Presented at the 18th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA.
Event: 18th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society at Atlanta, GA on January 27 - February 3, 2006
2006 conference paper
Improved Operation of Reservoir Systems – Utility of Seasonal and Monthly Updated Climate Forecasts
Presented at the 18th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA.
Event: 18th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society at Atlanta, GA on January 27 - February 3, 2006
2006 conference paper
Multi-model Ensembling of Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts: Role of Predictor State Space in Skill Evaluation
Arumugam, S., Devineni, N., & Ghosh, S. (2006, December). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco
2006 report
Multi-model Ensembling of Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts: Role of Predictor State Space in Skill Evaluation
(Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 2595). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2005 speech
Climate Forecasts and Reservoir Management – Possibilities and Challenges
Arumugam, S. (2005, November). Presented at the U.S. Climate Change Science Program Workshop: Climate Science in Support of Decision making, Washington, DC.
Event: U.S. Climate Change Science Program Workshop: Climate Science in Support of Decision making at Washington, DC on November 14-16, 2005
2005 speech
Climate Forecasts and Reservoir Management – Possibilities and Challenges
Arumugam, S., & Lall, U. (2005, November). Presented at the Climate Change Science Program Workshop.
Event: Climate Change Science Program Workshop on November 14-16, 2005
2005 speech
Climate Information based Streamflow Forecasts: Predictor Identification and Model Development,
Arumugam, S. (2005, November). Presented at the Environmental Statistics Group, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Environmental Statistics Group, Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC on November 3, 2005
2005 speech
Decision Systems Research and Tool Development at the IRI
Ward, N. M., Hansen, J. W., Arumugam, S., Osgood, D., Zubair, L., Brown, C., & Mishra, A. (2005, November). Presented at the Climate Change Science Program Workshop.
Event: Climate Change Science Program Workshop on November 14-16, 2005
2005 conference paper
Dynamic Water Allocation Framework for Multiple uses: Utility of Climate Forecasts towards Short-term Water Management
In B. L.J. (Ed.), Climate change : a challenge or a threat for water management? : selected proceedings of the International Conference "Climate Change: a Challenge or a Threat for Water Management?" held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27-29 September 2004.
Ed(s): B. L.J.
Event: International conference, Climate Change: A Challenge or a Threat for Water Management at Amsterdam, the Netherlands on September 27-29, 2004
2005 speech
Improved Water Allocation using Climate Information Based Streamflow Forecasts: An Assessment from System Perspective
Arumugam, S. (2005, June). Presented at the Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Event: at Tufts University, Medford, MA on June 24, 2005
2005 speech
Improved Water Allocation using Climate Information Based Streamflow Forecasts: An Assessment from System Perspective
Arumugam, S. (2005, January). Presented at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC on January 24, 2005
2005 speech
Improved Water Allocation using Climate Information Based Streamflow Forecasts: Decision Analyses and Possibilities
Arumugam, S. (2005, October). Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Seminar Series.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Seminar Series on October 5, 2005
2005 speech
Improving Angat Reservoir Operation using Climate Forecasts: Decision Analyses and Possibilities
Arumugam, S. (2005, August). Presented at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University, New York.
Event: International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, New York on August 24, 2005
2005 report
Monthly Climate Data for Selected USGS HCDN Sites, 1951-1990, R1

2005 conference paper
Use of Operational Climate Forecasts in Reservoir Management and Operation
Arumugam, S., & Lall, U. (2005, December). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA
2004 speech
Better Management through Better Decisions – Use of Climate Forecasts
Arumugam, S. (2004, October). Presented at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Open House, Palisades, NY.
Event: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Open House at Palisades, NY on October 4, 2004
2004 speech
Improved Water Allocation using Climate Information Based Streamflow Forecasts: An Assessment from System Perspective
Arumugam, S. (2004, April). Presented at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Event: at University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ on April 29, 2004
2004 speech
Improved Water Allocation using Climate Information Based Streamflow Forecasts: An Assessment from System Perspective
Arumugam, S. (2004, March). Presented at the Penn State University, State College, PA.
Event: at Penn State University, State College, PA on March 31, 2004
2004 conference paper
Multimodel Probabilistic Hydroclimatic Ensemble Forecasts
Arumugam, S., Lall, U., & Robertson, A. W. (2004, May 17). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Event: American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting at Montreal, Quebec on May 17-21, 2004
2004 conference paper
Operational Streamflow Forecasts Development Using GCM Predicted Precipitation Fields
Arumugam, S., & Lall, U. (2004, December 12). Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA on December 12-17, 2004
2004 journal article
To What Extent can Climate Information Contribute to Solving Problems
Clivar Exchanges, 9(2), 5–8.