Sina Azizi Machekposhti
Works (5)
2023 article
Microneedle fabrication methods and applications
Machekposhti, S. A., Khanna, S., Shukla, S., & Narayan, R. (2023, March 24). MRS COMMUNICATIONS.

2023 article
Microneedle-Integrated Device for Transdermal Sampling and Analyses of Targeted Biomarkers
Shukla, S., Machekposhti, S. A., Joshi, N., Joshi, P., & Narayan, R. J. (2023, April 22). SMALL SCIENCE, Vol. 4.
Contributors: S. Shukla n, S. Machekposhti n, N. Joshi n , P. Joshi n & R. Narayan n

2023 personal communication
Novel hollow biodegradable microneedle for amphotericin B delivery
Machekposhti, S. A., Kadian, S., Vanderwal, L., Stafslien, S., & Narayan, R. J. (2023, August).

2022 journal article
Micromolding of Amphotericin-B-Loaded Methoxyethylene-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer Microneedles

2021 journal article
Enhanced Vapor Transmission Barrier Properties via Silicon-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Coating
POLYMERS, 13(20).