@article{holler_bhaskar_delipei_avramova_ivanov_2024, title={A Framework for Multi-Physics Modeling, Design Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification of Fast-Spectrum Liquid-Fueled Molten-Salt Reactors}, volume={14}, ISSN={["2076-3417"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177615}, DOI={10.3390/app14177615}, abstractNote={The analysis of liquid-fueled molten-salt reactors (LFMSRs) during steady state, operational transients and accident scenarios requires addressing unique reactor multi-physics challenges with coupling between thermal hydraulics, neutronics, inventory control and species distribution phenomena. This work utilizes the General Nuclear Field Operation and Manipulation (GeN-Foam) code to perform coupled thermal-hydraulics and neutronics calculations of an LFMSR design. A framework is proposed as part of this study to perform modeling, design optimization, and uncertainty quantification. The framework aims to establish a protocol for the studies and analyses of LFMSR which can later be expanded to other advanced reactor concepts too. The Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications (DAKOTA) statistical analysis tool was successfully coupled with GeN-Foam to perform uncertainty quantification studies. The uncertainties were propagated through the input design parameters, and the output uncertainties were characterized using statistical analysis and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Three analyses are performed (namely, scalar, functional, and three-dimensional analyses) to understand the impact of input uncertainty propagation on temperature and velocity predictions. Preliminary three-dimensional reactor analysis showed that the thermal expansion coefficient, heat transfer coefficient, and specific heat of the fuel salt are the crucial input parameters that influence the temperature and velocity predictions inside the LFMSR system.}, number={17}, journal={APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL}, author={Holler, David and Bhaskar, Sandesh and Delipei, Grigirios and Avramova, Maria and Ivanov, Kostadin}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @article{abou-jaoude_walker_bhaskar_ji_2021, title={Feasibility Assessment of a Natural-Circulation Salt Irradiation Loop in the Advanced Test Reactor}, volume={207}, ISSN={["1943-7471"]}, DOI={10.1080/00295450.2020.1843954}, abstractNote={Abstract Molten-salt reactors will likely require some level of irradiation testing as part of their licensing basis. An ideal experiment would consider the integrated effect of neutron flux and fission product generation in addition to circulating flow conditions. The feasibility of a natural-circulation irradiation salt loop in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) is assessed here. The flow is induced by the innovative combination of gas gaps and fin gaps along the capsule wall to fine-tune radial heat conductance, and therefore drive an axial temperature gradient across the experiment height. Following multiple design optimizations, a promising configuration has been identified. The 45-kW experiment would generate a 0.15 m/s flow velocity with 6 kg of fuel-bearing salt. This demonstrates the possibility of generating appreciable flow rates within manageable experimental conditions (e.g., total size and heat generation). An initial assessment of species mass tracking inside the experiment was also performed to gain an understanding of radionuclide behavior within the system. Results showed that significant quantities of Xe can be extracted in the off-gas (1.7 kCi) for an 8% bubble removal efficiency rate. These results highlight the potential value of such experiments. Further work will involve detailed engineering drawings and analyses of the loop, as well as more computationally expensive modeling of species mass tracking.}, number={12}, journal={NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY}, author={Abou-Jaoude, Abdalla and Walker, Samuel A. and Bhaskar, Sandesh and Ji, Wei}, year={2021}, month={Dec}, pages={1821–1841} }