Works (17)
2010 journal article
Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosome 4 Replicates in Two Phases That Correlate with Chromatin State
PLoS Genetics, 6(6), e1000982.
Ed(s): G. Copenhaver

2007 journal article
DNA abrasion onto plants is an effective method for geminivirus infection and virus-induced gene silencing

2005 journal article
A trichloroacetic acid-acetone method greatly reduces infrared autofluorescence of protein extracts from plant tissue

2005 journal article
Geminivirus C3 protein: Replication enhancement and protein interactions
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 79(15), 9885–9895.

2004 journal article
A novel motif in geminivirus replication proteins interacts with the plant retinoblastoma-related protein
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 78(9), 4817–4826.

2004 patent
Geminivirus resistant transgenic plants expressing a mutant geminivirus AL3/C3 coding sequence
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2004 review
Reprogramming plant gene expression: a prerequisite to geminivirus DNA replication
[Review of ]. MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, 5(2), 149–156.

2002 journal article
Two E2F elements regulate the proliferating cell nuclear antigen promoter differently during leaf development
PLANT CELL, 14(12), 3225–3236.

2001 journal article
Dual interaction of a geminivirus replication accessory factor with a viral replication protein and a plant cell cycle regulator
VIROLOGY, 279(2), 570–576.

2000 journal article
Geminiviruses - Models for plant DNA replication, transcription and cell cycle regulation ([correction to] vol 35, pg 105, 2000)
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35(4), U4.
2000 journal article
Geminiviruses: Models for plant DNA replication, transcription, and cell cycle regulation
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35(2), 105–140.
1999 journal article
Geminiviruses: Models for plant DNA replication, transcription, and cell cycle regulation {review}
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 18(1), 71–106.

1998 journal article
Multiple cis elements contribute to geminivirus origin function
VIROLOGY, 242(2), 346–356.

1998 journal article
Relation between diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity and oil concentration in soybean
Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 75(7), 775–781.

1997 journal article
Functional domains of a geminivirus replication protein
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272(15), 9840–9846.
1996 journal article
Interactions between geminivirus replication proteins
Journal of Virology, 70(10), 6790.
1995 journal article
Localization of diacylglycerol acyltransferase to oil body associated endoplasmic reticulum
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 33(4), 399.