Works (25)
2023 book
The Paralysis of Analysis in African American Studies
2019 monograph
African American Philosophers and Philosophy
2019 article
African American Philosophers and Philosophy: An Introduction to the History, Concepts and Contemporary Issues
Bloomsbury Publishing.
2018 journal article
Philosophy and the Black Experience
2018 journal article
Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the Work of Ta-Nehisi Coates
Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 30(30), 191–233.
2017 journal article
Exploring the Matter of Race: A Materialist Philosophical Inquiry
2017 journal article
Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the Work of Ta-Nehisi Coates
Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice, 22, 191–232.
2016 journal article
Categorial Conversion in Nkrumah’s Consciencism
Disentangling Consciencism: Essays on Kwame Nkrumah's Philosophy, 115.
2016 article
Disentangling Consciencism: Essays on Kwame Nkrumah's Philosophy
Lexington Books.
2016 chapter
On the Dialectical Evolution of Malcolm X’s Anti-Capitalist Critique: Interrogating His Political Philosophy of Black Nationalism
In Malcolm X (pp. 37–90). Brill.
2015 journal article
Class Struggle in the Ivory Towers: Revisiting the Birth of Black Studies in’68
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness, 15–57.
2015 journal article
New Wine in an Old Bottle? The Critique of Eurocentrism in Marimba Ani’s Yurugu
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness, 97–129.
2015 article
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness
2015 journal article
The Afrocentric Problematic: The Quest for Particularity and the Negation of Objectivity
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness, 59–96.
2015 journal article
The Heritage We Renounce: The Utopian Worldview of Afrocentricity
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness, 131–158.
2015 journal article
What’s Epistemology Got to Do with It? The “Death of Epistemology” in African American Studies
Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness, 159–192.
2013 journal article
APA Newsletters
2013 journal article
Indignity and death: Philosophical commentary on white terror, black death, and the Trayvon Martin tragedy
Pursuing Trayvon Martin: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Manifestations of Racial Dynamics, 41–58.
2013 journal article
Marxism, philosophy, and the Africana world: a philosophical commentary
The Black Scholar, 43(4), 65–73.
2011 journal article
African American Philosophy: A General Outline
2011 journal article
Philosophy in Africa and the African Diaspora
2011 journal article
The Utopian Worldview of Afrocentricity: Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy
Socialism and Democracy, 25(1), 44–70.
2009 journal article
APA Newsletters
2005 journal article
APA Newsletters
Exploring the Matter of Race
Ferguson II, S. C. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race.
Updated: September 25th, 2024 16:34
2017 - present