@book{ferguson_2023, title={The Paralysis of Analysis in African American Studies}, ISBN={9781350368972 9781350368941}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350368972}, DOI={10.5040/9781350368972}, abstractNote={The Paralysis of Analysis in African American Studies provides a philosophical examination of Black popular culture for the first time. From extensive discussion of the philosophy and political economy of Hip-Hop music through to a developed exploration of the influence of the postmodernism-poststructuralist ideology on African American studies, Stephen C. Ferguson II argues how postmodernism ideology plays a seminal role in justifying the relationship between corporate capitalism and Black popular culture. Chapters cover topics such as cultural populism, capitalism and Black liberation, the philosophy of Hip-Hop music and Harold Cruse’s influence on the ‘cultural turn’ in African American studies. Ferguson combines case studies of past and contemporary Black cultural and intellectual productions with a Marxist ideological critique to provide a cutting edge reflection on the economic structure in which Black popular culture emerged. He highlights the contradictions that are central to the juxtaposition of Black cultural artists as political participants in socioeconomic struggle and the political participants who perform the rigorous task of social criticism. Adopting capitalism as an explanatory framework, Ferguson investigates the relationship between postmodernism as social theory, current manifestations of Black popular culture and the theoretical work of Black thinkers and scholars to demonstrate how African American studies have been shaped.}, publisher={Bloomsbury Publishing Plc}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C.}, year={2023} } @misc{mcclendon_ferguson_2019, title={African American Philosophers and Philosophy}, ISBN={9781350057944 9781350057951 9781350057937 9781350057975 9781350057968}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350057968}, DOI={10.5040/9781350057968}, abstractNote={This book presents the first introduction to African American academic philosophers. Choosing to focus exclusively on the role of professional philosophers, this volume explores their concepts and ideas, revealing the critical part they have played in the formation of African American philosophy.}, publisher={Bloomsbury Academic}, author={McClendon, John H. and Ferguson, Stephen C.}, year={2019} } @article{mcclendon_ferguson_2019, title={African American Philosophers and Philosophy: An Introduction to the History, Concepts and Contemporary Issues}, publisher={Bloomsbury Publishing}, author={McClendon, John H and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2019} } @article{ferguson ii_tunstall_neal_tá́ıwò olúfemi_neal_2018, title={Philosophy and the Black Experience}, author={Ferguson II, Stephen C and Tunstall, Dwayne and Neal, Anthony Sean and Tá́ıwò Olúfemi and Neal, Ronald B}, year={2018} } @article{ferguson_meyerson_2018, title={Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the Work of Ta-Nehisi Coates}, volume={30}, number={30}, journal={Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Meyerson, Gregory D}, year={2018}, pages={191–233} } @article{ferguson_2017, title={Exploring the Matter of Race: A Materialist Philosophical Inquiry}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2017} } @article{ferguson_meyerson_2017, title={Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the Work of Ta-Nehisi Coates}, volume={22}, journal={Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Meyerson, Gregory}, year={2017}, pages={191–232} } @article{ferguson ii_2016, title={Categorial Conversion in Nkrumah’s Consciencism}, journal={Disentangling Consciencism: Essays on Kwame Nkrumah's Philosophy}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Ferguson II, Stephen C}, year={2016}, pages={115} } @article{gyekye_ackah_hountondji_serequeberhan_towa_flikschuh_ferguson ii_toit_mcclendon iii_kwesi_et al._2016, title={Disentangling Consciencism: Essays on Kwame Nkrumah's Philosophy}, publisher={Lexington Books}, author={Gyekye, Kwame and Ackah, Kofi and Hountondji, Paulin J and Serequeberhan, Tsenay and Towa, Marcien and Flikschuh, Katrin and Ferguson II, Stephen C and Toit, Louise and McClendon III, John H and Kwesi, Richmond and et al.}, year={2016} } @inbook{mcclendon_ferguson_2016, title={On the Dialectical Evolution of Malcolm X’s Anti-Capitalist Critique: Interrogating His Political Philosophy of Black Nationalism}, booktitle={Malcolm X}, publisher={Brill}, author={McClendon, John H and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2016}, pages={37–90} } @article{ferguson_ferguson_2015, title={Class Struggle in the Ivory Towers: Revisiting the Birth of Black Studies in’68}, journal={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan US}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2015}, pages={15–57} } @article{ferguson_ferguson_2015, title={New Wine in an Old Bottle? The Critique of Eurocentrism in Marimba Ani’s Yurugu}, journal={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan US}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2015}, pages={97–129} } @article{ferguson_2015, title={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Springer}, author={Ferguson, Stephen}, year={2015} } @article{ferguson_ferguson_2015, title={The Afrocentric Problematic: The Quest for Particularity and the Negation of Objectivity}, journal={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan US}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2015}, pages={59–96} } @article{ferguson_ferguson_2015, title={The Heritage We Renounce: The Utopian Worldview of Afrocentricity}, journal={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan US}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2015}, pages={131–158} } @article{ferguson_ferguson_2015, title={What’s Epistemology Got to Do with It? The “Death of Epistemology” in African American Studies}, journal={Philosophy of African American Studies: Nothing Left of Blackness}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan US}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2015}, pages={159–192} } @article{yancy_gordon_ferguson ii_green_o’neal_harris_2013, title={APA Newsletters}, author={YANCY, GEORGE and GORDON, LEWIS R and FERGUSON II, STEPHEN C and GREEN, J EVERET and O’NEAL, BRITTANY L and HARRIS, KIMBERLY A}, year={2013} } @article{ferguson_mcclendon_2013, title={Indignity and death: Philosophical commentary on white terror, black death, and the Trayvon Martin tragedy}, journal={Pursuing Trayvon Martin: Historical contexts and contemporary manifestations of racial dynamics}, publisher={Lexington Books Lanham, MD}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C and McClendon, John H}, year={2013}, pages={41–58} } @article{ferguson_2013, title={Marxism, philosophy, and the Africana world: a philosophical commentary}, volume={43}, number={4}, journal={The Black Scholar}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, author={Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2013}, pages={65–73} } @article{mcclendon_ferguson_2011, title={African American Philosophy: A General Outline}, author={McClendon, John H and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2011} } @article{mosley_ferguson_2011, title={Philosophy in Africa and the African Diaspora}, author={Mosley, Albert and Ferguson, Stephen C}, year={2011} } @article{ferguson_2011, title={The Utopian Worldview of Afrocentricity: Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy}, volume={25}, ISSN={0885-4300 1745-2635}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08854300.2011.552555}, DOI={10.1080/08854300.2011.552555}, abstractNote={Afrocentrism has gained wide currency throughout African American popular culture. In most circles, it has acquired the character of a buzzword, an abstract notion without specific content. It is often used to express an all-encompassing identification with the continent of Africa and with Africana people worldwide. The term has been used to describe public school curricula across the nation such as the Afrikan Centered Education Collegium Campus in Kansas City (Missouri), books such as Marimba Ani’s Yurugu, music ranging from R&B singer Eryka Badu to hip hop artists like Mos Def (of the group Black Star), fashion statements like Kente cloth embroidered with the acronyms of various black fraternities and sororities, and even pornography. Beneath the populism of Afrocentrism lies a utopian, reactionary image of African people and history. Our Afrocentric friends believe that the cluster of ideas, beliefs and tenets of their theory provides a corrective to Eurocentric histories of Africa that diminish and neglect the achievements of the continent’s pre-colonial past. Yet, the reality is that an African-centered perspective fosters the reification of black abstracted}, number={1}, journal={Socialism and Democracy}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Ferguson, Stephen}, year={2011}, month={Mar}, pages={44–70} } @article{greene_curry_ferguson ii_willett_davis-undiano_2009, title={APA Newsletters}, author={GREENE, HOMER and CURRY, TOMMY J and FERGUSON II, STEPHEN C and WILLETT, CYNTHIA and DAVIS-UNDIANO, ROBERT CON}, year={2009} } @article{ferguson ii_johnson_harris_2005, title={APA Newsletters}, author={FERGUSON II, STEPHEN C and Johnson, Clarence Sholé and Harris, Leonard}, year={2005} } @inbook{ferguson ii, title={Exploring the Matter of Race}, booktitle={The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race}, author={Ferguson II, Stephen C} }