Works (4)
2024 article
Development of <i>Brassica carinata</i> A. Braun resistant to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides
Leon, R. G., Bennett, R., & Chandra, S. (2024, October 16). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 10.
2023 journal article
Changes in the herbicide sensitivity and competitive ability of <i>Abutilon theophrasti</i> over 28 years: Implications for hormesis and weed evolution
Pest Management Science, 79(10), 4048–4056.

2023 journal article
Rapid evolution of competitive ability in giant foxtail (<i>Setaria faberi</i>) over 34 years
Weed Science, 71(1), 59–68.

2022 journal article
Genome-Wide Evolutionary Analysis of Putative Non-Specific Herbicide Resistance Genes and Compilation of Core Promoters between Monocots and Dicots
GENES, 13(7).