@article{xiao_chatterjee_gehringer_2022, title={A New Era of Plagiarism the Danger of Cheating Using AI}, ISSN={["2380-1603"]}, DOI={10.1109/ITHET56107.2022.10031827}, abstractNote={Recent development in AI algorithms has benefited many industries, but they also brought some problems to fairness in academic evaluation. Plagiarism is one of them, and little research has been put into it. This paper examines AI tools that can be used to plagiarize and preliminary findings using existing plagiarism detection algorithms. We found that tools commonly used to detect plagiarism in the academic field are vulnerable to attacks by these AI-based tools.}, journal={2022 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BASED HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (ITHET)}, author={Xiao, Yunkai and Chatterjee, Soumyadeep and Gehringer, Edward}, year={2022} }