@article{chen_feng_li_singer_watt_2024, title={Telescopers for differential forms with one parameter}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1420-9020"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00029-024-00926-6}, number={3}, journal={SELECTA MATHEMATICA-NEW SERIES}, author={Chen, Shaoshi and Feng, Ruyong and Li, Ziming and Singer, Michael F. and Watt, Stephen M.}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @article{chen_singer_2012, title={Residues and telescopers for bivariate rational functions}, volume={49}, ISSN={["1090-2074"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.aam.2012.04.003}, abstractNote={We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of telescopers for rational functions of two variables in the continuous, discrete and q-discrete settings and characterize which operators can occur as telescopers. Using this latter characterization, we reprove results of Furstenberg and Zeilberger concerning diagonals of power series representing rational functions. The key concept behind these considerations is a generalization of the notion of residue in the continuous case to an analogous concept in the discrete and q-discrete cases.}, number={2}, journal={ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS}, author={Chen, Shaoshi and Singer, Michael F.}, year={2012}, month={Aug}, pages={111–133} } @article{chen_kauers_2012, title={Trading order for degree in creative telescoping}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0747-7171"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jsc.2012.02.002}, abstractNote={We analyze the differential equations produced by the method of creative telescoping applied to a hyperexponential term in two variables. We show that equations of low order have high degree, and that higher order equations have lower degree. More precisely, we derive degree bounding formulas which allow to estimate the degree of the output equations from creative telescoping as a function of the order. As an application, we show how the knowledge of these formulas can be used to improve, at least in principle, the performance of creative telescoping implementations, and we deduce bounds on the asymptotic complexity of creative telescoping for hyperexponential terms.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION}, author={Chen, Shaoshi and Kauers, Manuel}, year={2012}, month={Aug}, pages={968–995} }