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Works (162)
2025 journal article
A Multiple Instance Learning Approach to Study Leaf Wilt in Soybean Plants
2025 journal article
Hairy vetch (<i>Vicia villosa</i> Roth) germplasm contains a cryptic second species (<i>Vicia varia</i> Host)
2025 journal article
Seed size has a major impact on fall seedling vigor in the cover crop hairy vetch (<i>Vicia villosa</i> Roth)
Crop Science.
2024 journal article
Evaluating Chinese fiber hemp (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) varieties and planting dates in North Carolina
2024 article
Genetic and environmental drivers of legume cover crop performance: Hairy vetch
Kucek, L. K., Muller, K., Martins, L. B., Moore, V. M., Reberg-Horton, C., Mirsky, S. B., … Riday, H. (2024, September 22). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 9.

2024 article
Mapping predicted biomass in cereal rye using 3D imaging and geostatistics
Dobbs, A. M., Goldsmith, A. S., Ginn, D., Skovsen, S. K., Bagavathiannan, M. V., Mirsky, S. B., … Leon, R. G. (2024, October 22). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 10.
2024 article
Photorealistic Arm Robot Simulation for 3D Plant Reconstruction and Automatic Annotation using Unreal Engine 5
2024 article
Spaceborne imaging spectroscopy enables carbon trait estimation in cover crop and cash crop residues
Jennewein, J. S., Hively, W., Lamb, B. T., Daughtry, C. S. T., Thapa, R., Thieme, A., … Mirsky, S. (2024, June 27). PRECISION AGRICULTURE.

2024 journal article
Understanding the yield impacts of alternative cover crop families and mixtures: Evidence from side-by-side plot-level panel data
2023 article
Addressing biases in replacement series: the importance of reference density selection for interpretation of competition outcomes
Leon, R. G., Oreja, F. H., Mirsky, S. B., & Reberg-Horton, C. (2023, October 5). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 10.

2023 article
Addressing biases in replacement series: the importance of reference density selection for interpretation of competition outcomes
(2023, October 5). OpenAlex.
Contributors: R. Leon, F. Oreja, S. Mirsky & S. Reberg-Horton
2023 article
Addressing biases in replacement series: the importance of reference density selection for interpretation of competition outcomes
(2023, October 5). OpenAlex.
Contributors: R. Leon, F. Oreja, S. Mirsky & S. Reberg-Horton
2023 article
Biochemical composition of cover crop residues determines water retention and rewetting characteristics
Meeks, C., Cabrera, M., Thapa, R., Noor, N., Mirsky, S., & Reberg-Horton, C. (2023, September 25). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 9.

2023 article
Breeding allelopathy in cereal rye for weed suppression
Rebong, D., Henriquez Inoa, S., Moore, V. M., Reberg-Horton, S. C., Mirsky, S., Murphy, J. P., & Leon, R. G. (2023, November 17). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 11.

2023 journal article
Chemical differences in cover crop residue quality are maintained through litter decay
PLOS ONE, 18(7).
Ed(s): L. Villalobos

2023 journal article
Using structure-from-motion to estimate cover crop biomass and characterize canopy structure

2022 article
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Shift Community Composition of N-Cycling Microbes and Suppress Soil N2O Emission
Zhang, X., Qiu, Y., Gilliam, F. S., Gillespie, C. J., Tu, C., Reberg-Horton, S. C., & Hu, S. (2022, August 30). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 8.

2022 journal article
Assessing weediness potential of Brassica carinata (A.) Braun in the southeastern United States

2022 journal article
Cover crop residue decomposition in no-till cropping systems: Insights from multi-state on-farm litter bag studies

2022 article
Cultivating trust in technology-mediated sustainable agricultural research
Raturi, A., Thompson, J. J., Ackroyd, V., Chase, C. A., Davis, B. W., Myers, R., … Mirsky, S. (2022, January 13). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 1.

2022 journal article
Eradication of Commelina benghalensis in a long-term experiment using a multistakeholder governance model: a case of regulatory concerns defeating ecological management success

2022 journal article
Evaluation of Sweetpotato Cultivars with Varying Canopy Architectures in Conventional and a Reduced-tillage Rye Production System
HORTTECHNOLOGY, 32(2), 158–163.

2022 journal article
Genome-wide association study for morphological traits and resistance to <i>Peryonella pinodes</i> in the USDA pea single plant plus collection
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 12(9).
Ed(s): S. Scofield

2022 article
Legume cover crop type and termination method effects on labile soil carbon and nitrogen and aggregation
Bloszies, S. A., Reberg-Horton, S. C., Heitman, J. L., Woodley, A. L., Grossman, J. M., & Hu, S. (2022, April 13). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 4.

2022 journal article
Microbial processes and community structure as influenced by cover crop residue type and placement during repeated dry-wet cycles

2022 journal article
Modeling realistic 3D agricultural vegetations using a photometric-based approach and its application to weed detection

2022 article
Modeling surface residue decomposition and N release using the Cover Crop Nitrogen Calculator (CC-NCALC)
Thapa, R., Cabrera, M., Reberg-Horton, C., Dann, C., Balkcom, K. S., Fleisher, D., … Mirsky, S. B. (2022, August 11). NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, Vol. 8.

2022 article
Narrow-windrow burning to control seeds of Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) in wheat and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in soybean
Spoth, M. P., Haring, S. C., Everman, W., Reberg-Horton, C., Greene, W. C., & Flessner, M. L. (2022, September 19). WEED TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 9.

2022 article
New directions in weed management and research using 3D imaging
Dobbs, A. M., Ginn, D., Skovsen, S. K., Bagavathiannan, M. V., Mirsky, S. B., Reberg-Horton, C. S., & Leon, R. G. (2022, October 14). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 10.

2022 article
Sweetpotato tolerance and Palmer amaranth control with indaziflam
Smith, S. C., Jennings, K. M., Monks, D. W., Jordan, D. L., Reberg-Horton, S. C., & Schwarz, M. R. (2022, March 16). WEED TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3.

2022 journal article
Use of synthetic images for training a deep learning model for weed detection and biomass estimation in cotton

2021 journal article
Cover crop residue moisture content controls diurnal variations in surface residue decomposition

2021 journal article
Differences among eighteen winter pea genotypes for forage and cover crop use in the southeastern United States
CROP SCIENCE, 61(2), 947–965.

2021 journal article
Effects of moisture and temperature on C and N mineralization from surface-applied cover crop residues

2021 journal article
Gateway-node wireless data collection system for environmental sensing

2021 journal article
Understanding the market for cover crop seeds in the United States: Background and potential policy directions

2021 journal article
Windows of action for controlling palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) using emergence and phenology models
WEED RESEARCH, 61(3), 188–198.

2020 journal article
Biological controls over the abundances of terrestrial ammonia oxidizers

2020 journal article
Critical timing of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) removal in sweetpotato
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 34(4), 547–551.

2020 journal article
Drought Stress Detection Using Low-Cost Computer Vision Systems and Machine Learning Techniques
IT Professional, 22(3), 27–29.

2020 journal article
Identifying interest, risks, and impressions of organic peanut production: A survey of conventional farmers in the Virginia-Carolina region

2020 journal article
Integrating emergence and phenology models to determine windows of action for weed control: A case study using Senna obtusifolia

2020 journal article
Pod Dehiscence in Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)

2020 journal article
Seed Dormancy in Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) Is Influenced by Genotype and Environment

2020 journal article
Using statistical learning algorithms to predict cover crop biomass and cover crop nitrogen content
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 112(6), 4898–4913.

2020 dataset
Vicia villosa seed physical dormancy dataset from 2017-2019
Ag Data Commons.
Contributors: S. Wayman, M. Ryan, S. Reberg-Horton, S. Mirsky, S. Krogman, R. Hayes, N. Ehlke, S. Eagen
2019 journal article
Environmental Influences on the Relationship between Fall and Spring Vigor in Hairy Vetch
CROP SCIENCE, 59(6), 2443–2454.

2019 journal article
Shifts in the Composition and Activities of Denitrifiers Dominate CO2 Stimulation of N2O Emissions

2019 journal article
Tolerance of Sweetpotato to Herbicides Applied in Plant Propagation Beds
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 33(1), 147–152.

2019 journal article
Winter Pea, Crimson Clover, and Hairy Vetch Planted in Mixture with Small Grains in the Southeast United States
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 111(2), 805–815.

2018 journal article
Critical Period for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Pickling Cucumber
Weed Technology, 32(5), 586–591.

2018 journal article
Effect of Soybean Maturity, Crimson Clover Seeding Method, and Seeding Rate on Clover Biomass and Nitrogen Content
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(5), 1829–1835.

2018 journal article
Establishing the relationship of soil nitrogen immobilization to cereal rye residues in a mulched system
PLANT AND SOIL, 426(1-2), 95–107.

2018 journal article
Implications of cereal rye/crimson clover management for conventional and organic cotton producers
Agronomy Journal, 110(2), 621–631.

2018 journal article
Legume Cover Crops and Tillage Impact Nitrogen Dynamics in Organic Corn Production
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(3), 1046–1057.

2018 journal article
Near‐infrared spectroscopic models for analysis of winter pea (Pisum sativum L.) quality constituents
Near-infrared spectroscopic models for analysis of winter pea (Pisum sativum L.) quality constituents. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 98(11), 4253–4267.
Contributors: U. Saha *, R. Vann n , S. Chris Reberg-Horton n, M. Castillo n , S. Mirsky *, R. McGee, L. Sonon*

2018 journal article
Winter Pea Cultivar/Breeding Line Screening for Grain Crop Potential in the Southeastern United States
Agronomy Journal, 110(4), 1217–1225.
Contributors: R. Vann n, S. Reberg-Horton n, M. Castillo n , S. Mirsky & R. McGee

2017 journal article
CO2-induced alterations in plant nitrate utilization and root exudation stimulate N2O emissions

2017 journal article
Characterizing cereal rye biomass and allometric relationships across a range of fall available nitrogen rates in the eastern United States
Agronomy Journal, 109(4), 1510–1519.

2017 journal article
Hairy Vetch Biomass across the Eastern United States: Effects of Latitude, Seeding Rate and Date, and Termination Timing
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 109(4), 1510–1519.

2017 journal article
Hairy vetch biomass across the eastern United States: effects of latitude, seeding rate and date, and termination timing
Agronomy Journal, 109, 1510–1519.
2017 journal article
In situ validation of fungal N translocation to cereal rye mulches under no-till soybean production
Plant and Soil, 410(1-2), 153–165.

2017 journal article
Poultry feather meal application in organic flue-cured tobacco production
Poultry Feather Meal Application in Organic Flue-Cured Tobacco Production. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 109(6), 2800–2807.

2017 journal article
Soil Health Indicators Do Not Differentiate among Agronomic Management Systems in North Carolina Soils

2017 journal article
Starter fertilizer for managing cover crop-based organic corn
Agronomy Journal, 109(5), 2214–2222.

2016 speech
Cover crop mixture proportion and starter fertilizer effects on weed competition and grain yield in organic rotational no-till maize production
Presented at the 2016 annual meeting abstracts. WSSA/SWSS, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2016 speech
Identifying regionally adapted winter pea genotypes that maximize grain, forage, and cover crop potential in the Southeast USA
Presented at the 2016 annual meeting abstracts. ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 newspaper article
Identifying regionally adapted winter pea varieties for use as grain, forage, and cover crops
NC Organic Grains Newsletter.
2016 speech
Organic Grain Production in the Southern United States: How a System of Do Nots Creates Sustainability
Presented at the Symposium on Sustainability Challenges in Organic Agriculture. ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 journal article
Phytotoxicity and Benzoxazinone Concentration in Field Grown Cereal Rye (Secale cereale L.)
International Journal of Agronomy, 2016.

2016 journal article
Planting Date Impacts on Soil Water Management, Plant Growth, and Weeds in Cover-Crop-Based No-Till Corn Production
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 108(1), 162–170.

2016 journal article
Row spacing and seeding rate effects on canola population, weed competition and yield in winter organic canola production
Agronomy Journal, 108(6), 2425–2432.

2016 journal article
Row spacing and seeding rate effects on canola population, weed competition, and yield in winter organic canola production
Agronomy Journal, 108, 2425–2432.
2016 speech
Starter fertilizer and application method effects on weed competition and grain yield when using a cover crop mulch in organic corn production
Poster presented at the Southern SARE Cover Crop Conference, Goldsboro, NC.
2016 speech
Utilizing cover crop mulches for weed control in conventional and organic cotton production
Poster presented at the 2016 annual meeting abstracts. ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 journal article
Weed suppression and soybean yield in a no-till cover-crop mulched system as influenced by six rye cultivars

2015 speech
Cover crop mixture proportion and starter fertilizer effects on weed competition and yield in organic rotational no-till maize production
Presented at the 2015 annual meeting abstracts. ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Minneapolis, MN.
2015 journal article
Morphological Traits Associated with Superior Weed Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat against Italian Ryegrass
Crop Science, 55(1), 50–56.

2015 journal article
Relative Contributions of Allelopathy and Competitive Traits to the Weed Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat Lines Against Italian Ryegrass
CROP SCIENCE, 55(1), 57–64.

2014 journal article
Cultural Strategies for Managing Weeds and Soil Moisture in Cover Crop Based No-Till Soybean Production
WEED SCIENCE, 62(3), 501–511.

2014 journal article
Roller-Crimper Termination for Legume Cover Crops in North Carolina: Impacts on Nutrient Availability to a Succeeding Corn Crop

2013 journal article
A Comparison of Methods for Evaluating the Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat Cultivars against Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
WEED SCIENCE, 61(3), 491–499.

2013 journal article
Beneficial Insect Borders Provide Northern Bobwhite Brood Habitat
PLoS ONE, 8(12), e83815.
Contributors: C. Moorman n , C. Plush n, D. Orr n & n
Ed(s): M. Boyce

2013 review
Breeding Cereal Crops for Enhanced Weed Suppression: Optimizing Allelopathy and Competitive Ability
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY, 39(2), 213–231.

2013 journal article
Breeding cereal crops for enhanced weed suppression: optimizing allelopathy and competitive ability
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 39, 213–231.
2013 journal article
Crop and field border effects on weed seed predation
Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, 177, 58–62.
2013 journal article
Crop and field border effects on weed seed predation in the southeastern U.S. coastal plain
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 177, 58–62.
Contributors: A. Fox n, S. Reberg-Horton n, D. Orr n, C. Moorman n & S. Frank n

2013 journal article
Overcoming Weed Management Challenges in Cover Crop-Based Organic Rotational No-Till Soybean Production in the Eastern United States
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 27(1), 193–203.

2013 journal article
Overcoming weed management challenges in cover crop-based organic rotational no-till soybean production in the eastern US
Weed Technology, 27, 193–203.
2013 journal article
Overwintering sparrow use of field borders planted as beneficial insect habitat
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 77(1), 200–206.
Contributors: C. Plush n, C. Moorman n , D. Orr n & n

2013 journal article
Overwintering sparrow use of field borders planted as beneficial insect habitat
Journal of Wildlife Management, 77, 200–206.
2013 journal article
Small mammal use of field borders planted as beneficial insect habitat
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37(1), 209–215.
Contributors: C. Moorman n , C. Plush n, D. Orr n, n & B. Gardner n

2013 journal article
Small mammal use of field borders planted as beneficial insect habitat
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37, 209–215.
2013 journal article
The reduction of plant-available nitrogen by cover crop mulches and subsequent effects on soybean performance and weed interference
Agronomy Journal, 105(2), 1–7.

2012 journal article
Estimation of heritability of benzoxazinoid production in rye (Secale cereale) using gas chromatographic analysis
PLANT BREEDING, 131(1), 104–109.

2012 magazine article
Farmland field borders – the relationships between beneficial insects and wildlife
The Upland Gazette, 17, 11–13.
2012 journal article
Influence of Virginia market type genotype on peanut response to weed interference
Peanut Science, 39(1), 22–29.
2012 journal article
Utilizing cover crop mulches to reduce tillage in organic systems in the Southeast
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 27, 41–48.
2012 journal article
Utilizing cover crop mulches to reduce tillage in organic systems in the southeastern USA

2012 journal article
Winter Grain-Short Season Corn Double Crop Forage Production for New England
Agronomy Journal; Madison, 104(2), 256–264.

2011 newspaper article
Canola Seeding Rate Trial Update
Reberg-Horton, C., & Brinton, C. (2011, September). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2011 newspaper article
Canola and spelt
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2011 journal article
Effects of soybean seed size on weed competition
Agronomy Journal, 103(1), 175–181.

2011 journal article
Identifying Soybean Traits of Interest for Weed Competition
CROP SCIENCE, 51(6), 2642–2654.

2011 journal article
Influence of field margin type on weed species richness and abundance in conventional crop fields

2011 journal article
Nitrogen Delivery from Legume Cover Crops in No-Till Organic Corn Production
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 103(6), 1578–1590.

2011 newspaper article
Organic Wheat OVT Results
Reberg-Horton, C., Place, G., & Brinton, C. (2011, September). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2011 journal article
Rolled Rye Mulch for Weed Suppression in Organic No-Tillage Soybeans
WEED SCIENCE, 59(2), 224–231.

2011 journal article
Screening Tactics for Identifying Competitive Soybean Genotypes

2011 journal article
Screening tactics for identifying competitive soybean genotypes
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42, 2654–2665.
2011 newspaper article
Year 1 Results of Organic Official Variety Trials: Corn and Soybeans
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2010 journal article
Assessing Bt Silage Corn in Maine
Crop Management, 9(1), 00.

2010 journal article
Evaluating cover crop mulches for no-till organic production of onions
HortScience, 45(1), 61–70.
2010 newspaper article
Field borders and beneficial habitat research
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2010 journal article
Influence of field margin type on weed species richness and abundance in conventional crop fields
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 26.
2010 journal article
Interaction of Cultivar, Planting Pattern, and Weed Management Tactics in Peanut
WEED SCIENCE, 58(4), 442–448.

2010 newspaper article
Organic soybean seeding rate
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2010 newspaper article
Organic spelt and canola: new crops for NC?
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2010 newspaper article
Organic wheat storage and marketing
Hamilton, M., & Reberg-Horton, C. (2010, October 3). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2010 newspaper article
Rolled rye mulches for weed control in organic no-till soybeans
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 speech
Breeding for weed suppressiveness: an initial approach to soybean genotype screening
Presented at the Weed Science Society of Amrica/Southern Weed Science Society of America joint conference, Orlando, FL.
2009 conference paper
Breeding for weed suppressiveness: an initial approach to soybean genotype screening
Proceedings of the 2009 Weed Science Society of America annual meeting.
2009 chapter
Center for Environmental Farming Systems: Designing and Institutionalizing an Integrated Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program
In C. Francis (Ed.), Agronomy Monographs (pp. 253–282).
Ed(s): C. Francis

2009 chapter
Center for Environmental Farming Systems: Designing and institutionalizing an integrated sustainable and organic program at a land grant university
In C. A. Francis (Ed.), Organic Farming: the Ecological System. Madison, WI: ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Book Publishing.
Ed(s): C. Francis
2009 speech
Economic return of peanut grown in various row patterns with different herbicide inputs
Presented at the American Peanut Research and Education Society Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2009 journal article
Effects of Preplant and Postplant Rotary Hoe Use on Weed Control, Soybean Pod Position, and Soybean Yield
WEED SCIENCE, 57(3), 290–295.

2009 newspaper article
Fertility and weed control in no-till organic production
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 speech
Identification of competitive soybean genotypes and soybean traits of interest in weed suppression
Presented at the Weed Science Society of North Carolina conference, Raleigh, NC.
2009 speech
Improved weed competitiveness in soybean screening tactics and traits of interest
Presented at the Agronomy Society of America conference, Pittsburg, PA.
2009 newspaper article
New project: organic crop breeding
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 newspaper article
No-till organic grain production trials
Brinton, C., & Reberg-Horton, C. (2009, March). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 newspaper article
No-till organic grain project update
Reberg-Horton, C., & Grossman, J. (2009, June). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 newspaper article
No-till organic grain project update
Brinton, C., & Reberg-Horton, C. (2009, September). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2009 journal article
Seeding Rate Effects on Weed Control and Yield For Organic Soybean Production
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 23(4), 497–502.

2009 conference paper
Transitioning to organic crop production: can conservation tillage practices be effective?
Proceedings from the Southern Conservation Agriculture Systems Conference. Painter, VA.
2009 conference paper
Weed management tactics in organic no-till soybeans
Proceedings of the 2009 Weed Science Society of America annual meeting. Orlando, FL.
2008 speech
Breeding rye cover crops for increased allelopathic potential
Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Allelopathy, Saratoga Springs, NY.
2008 journal article
Cover crop effects on the activity-density of the weed seed predator Harpalus rufipes (Coleoptera : Carabidae)
WEED SCIENCE, 56(3), 442–450.

2008 journal article
Cover cropping and soil disturbance impacts on the invertebrate weed seed predator Harpalus rufipes Degeer (Coleoptera:Carabidae)
Weed Science, 56, 442–450.
2008 newspaper article
How to: organic wheat storage
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2008 conference paper
Improving weed suppressive ability in soybeans
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC.
2008 newspaper article
Out-of-state organic grain bus tour summary
Hamilton, M. N., Reberg-Horton, S. C., Place, G. T., & Smith, A. N. (2008, September). Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2008 conference paper
Seeding rate effects on weed control and yield in organic soybeans
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC.
2008 journal article
Soil fertility and tillage management for organic farming systems
Soil Science Society of North Carolina Proceedings, 51, 14–23.
2008 newspaper article
Update on organic grain production research at NCSU – 2006-2007
Organic Grain Project Newsletter.
2007 conference paper
Blind cultivation in corn: effect of frequency, soil type and moisture on weed density and estimated yield loss
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Southern Weed Science Society, 60, 219.
2007 journal article
Direct effects of tillage on the activity density of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) weed seed predators
Environmental Entomology, 36(5), 1140–1146.

2007 conference paper
Rotary hoe efficacy in corn; influence of soil type and moisture
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 61, 145.
2007 conference paper
The impact of cultivation, timing and increased plant population density on weed control in organic soybeans
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 61, 142.
2006 conference paper
Alternative cropping systems for organic dairy producers: improvements and lessons learned
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting -Northeastern Weed Science Society, 60, 74–77.
2006 conference paper
Managing smooth bedstraw in pasture and forage crops in New England
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 60, 78.
2006 journal article
Measuring community shifts in a weed seedbank study with the use of distance-based redundancy analysis
WEED SCIENCE, 54(5), 861–866.

2005 conference paper
A distance-based redundancy analysis of weed seed bank changes in the Maine potato ecosystem project
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting -Northeastern Weed Science Society, 59, 139.
2005 conference paper
An alternative forage production system for organic dairy producers: quality feed and fewer weeds
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting -Northeastern Weed Science Society, 59, 13.
2005 journal article
Changes over time in the allelochemical content of ten cultivars of rye (Secale cereale L.)

2005 conference paper
Cover crop management impacts on the weed seed predator, Harpalus rufipes
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 59, 77.
2005 newspaper article
Cropping systems for organic dairies
Maine Organic Milk Producers Newsletter, pp. 6–8.
2005 magazine article
The Smooth Bedstraw Invasion--What Are the Options For Control?
Agriculture Today, 6, 5–8.
2004 conference paper
Breeding for increased rye allelopathy
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 58, 157.
2004 newspaper article
Organic no-till forages for Maine
Maine Organic Milk Producers Newsletter, pp. 4–6.
2003 conference paper
Cultivar and maturation effects on the allelochemical content of ten cultivars of rye
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Northeastern Weed Science Society, 57, 84.
1998 journal article
Beneficial insects move from flowering plants to nearby crops
California Agriculture, 52(5), 23–26.