Works (18)
2021 journal article
Introduction to the special issue on housing and disasters
Housing and Society, 48(2), 107–113.
2018 book
Introduction to Housing, 2nd Edition
In University of Georgia Press (Second).
2016 chapter
Increasing the Effectiveness of Residential Energy Efficiency Programs
In Innovations in Home Energy Use: A Sourcebook for Behavior Change (pp. 169–190).

2015 journal article
Creating the next generation of residential energy stewards using the energy transformation curriculum
Housing and Society, 42(3), 250–258.
Contributors: , A. Guin n & A. Chilcote n n

2015 journal article
Energy education incentives: Evaluating the impact of consumer energy kits
Journal of Extension, 53(1).
2014 journal article
Energy transformation: Teaching youth about energy efficiency and conservation while meeting essential standards
Journal of Extension, 52(1).
2014 journal article
Energy transformation: Teaching youth about energy efficiency while meeting science essential standards
Journal of Extension, 52(1).
2014 journal article
Exploring the Impact of the E-Conservation Residential Energy Audit Program
Housing and Society, 41(1), 71–88.
2014 chapter
Lessons Learned from Distance Workforce Training Applications
In Remote Workforce Training (pp. 150–168).
Contributors: B. Chapman n , n & K. Levine n
2013 journal article
Residential energy conservation and consumers
Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 18(2).
2013 chapter
The liveability house: A collaborative adventure in discovery learning
In Assistive Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1626–1649).
2013 journal article
eXtension’s Home Energy Community of Practice: Providing Residential Energy Education for Consumers
Housing and Society, 40(1), 111–122.

2012 entry reference
Shared Group Housing
2012 chapter
The LiveAbility House
In Constructing Self-Discovery Learning Spaces Online (pp. 25–48).
2009 journal article
Creating the eXtension family caregiving community of practice
Journal of Extension, 47(5).
2009 journal article
Creating the extension family caregiving community of practice
Journal of Extension, 47(5).
2009 journal article
Energy education: Ideas that work
Journal of Extension, 47(5).
2005 journal article
Cooperative extension’s role in mold and moisture education
Journal of Extension, 43(2).
Updated: May 6th, 2021 13:50
1995 - present