Works (11)
2024 journal article
Early degenerative changes are different between partial and complete anterior cruciate ligament injury and associate with joint instability in a skeletally immature porcine model
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 33(2), 302–312.

2023 journal article
Using Activity Theory to understand the interactions of a university interdisciplinary team of scientists and science educators
McCance, K. R., Teeter, S. D., Blanchard, M. R., & Venditti, R. A. (2023, February 10). STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION.

2022 article
Degenerative changes are associated with severity of anterior cruciate ligament injury within the skeletally immature joint
Howe, D., Thompson, J. D., Teeter, S. D., Easson, M., Barlow, O., Griffith, E. H., … Fisher, M. B. (2022, November 13).

2022 conference paper
Exploring a Scientist-Teacher Partnership Model to Support Scientists’ Outreach Efforts
In G. S. Carvalho, A. S. A., & Z. Anastácio (Eds.), ESERA 2021 (pp. 591–599).
Ed(s): G. Carvalho, ASAfonso & Z. Anastácio
2021 report
Synergies: University-Museum Collaborations
In North Carolina State University (Vol. 9).
2020 journal article
Assessing changes in attitudes toward engineering and biomechanics resulting from a high school outreach event
Journal of Biomechanics, 103, 109683.

2020 weblog post
Meet the First Author: Assessing changes in attitudes toward engineering and biomechanics resulting from a high school outreach event
Teeter, S. D., & Malekipour, F. (2020, August). [Blog post and Video Interview].
2018 journal article
Optimization of a single insertion electrode array for the creation of clinically relevant ablations using high-frequency irreversible electroporation
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 95, 107–117.
2014 journal article
Age-Related Effects on the Potency of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Creation and Evaluation of Superlots and Implications for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Applications
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 20(12), 972–983.

2012 journal article
Glutathione levels in human tumors
Biomarkers, 17(8), 671–691.

2010 journal article
Non-invasive Monitoring of L-2-Oxothiazolidine-4-Carboxylate Metabolism in the Rat Brain by In vivo 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Neurochemical Research, 36(3), 443–451.

Updated: August 30th, 2019 18:34
2007 - present
2006 - 2007
Updated: January 23rd, 2018 22:46
2017 - present
2014 - 2017
2002 - 2006