Works (9)
2013 journal article
Quantifiable Long-term Monitoring on Parks and Nature Preserves
Contributors: S. Becker, C. Moorman* , C. Deperno* & T. Simons*
2011 journal article
Anchoring the dog to its relatives reveals new evolutionary breakpoints across 11 species of the Canidae and provides new clues for the role of B chromosomes
CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 19(6), 685–708.
Contributors: R. Thomas n, V. Trifonov *, R. Wayne *, A. Graphodatsky * & M. Breen n n,
2009 journal article
‘Putting our heads together’: insights into genomic conservation between human and canine intracranial tumors
Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 94(3), 333–349.
Contributors: R. Thomas n, S. Duke n, H. Wang n, T. Breen n, R. Higgins *, K. Linder n, P. Ellis *, C. Langford*
2008 journal article
A genome assembly-integrated dog 1 Mb BAC microarray: a cytogenetic resource for canine cancer studies and comparative genomic analysis
Contributors: R. Thomas*, S. Duke, E. Karlsson *, A. Evans *, P. Ellis *, K. Lindblad-Toh *, C. Langford*, M. Breen*
2007 article
A cytogenetically characterized, genome-anchored 10-Mb BAC set and CGH array for the domestic dog
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, Vol. 98, pp. 474–484.
Contributors: R. Thomas n, S. Duke n, S. Bloom n, T. Breen n, A. Young n, E. Feiste n, E. Seiser n, P. Tsai n
2007 journal article
A novel canine lymphoma cell line: A translational and comparative model for lymphoma research
LEUKEMIA RESEARCH, 31(12), 1709–1720.
Contributors: W. Kisseberth *, M. Nadella*, M. Breen n , R. Thomas n, S. Duke n, S. Murahari*, C. Kosarek*, W. Vernau*
2007 review
Genome of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica reveals innovation in non-coding sequences
[Review of ]. NATURE, 447(7141), 167–U1.
Contributors: T. Mikkelsen *, M. Wakefield *, B. Aken *, C. Amemiya *, J. Chang*, S. Duke n, M. Garber *, A. Gentles *
2007 journal article
The search for a marsupial XIC reveals a break with vertebrate synteny
Chromosome Research, 15(2), 137–146.
Contributors: L. Davidow *, M. Breen n , S. Duke n, P. Samollow *, J. McCarrey * & J. Lee *
journal article
Cytogenetic BAC map of the genome of Monodelphis domestica
Duke, S. E., Samallow, P., Mauceli, E., Lindblad-Toh, K., & Breen, M. Chromosome Research, 15, 3610–3670.