@article{orr_collins_jima_buchwalter_2023, title={Salinity-induced ionoregulatory changes in the gill proteome of the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer}, volume={316}, ISSN={["1873-6424"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120609}, DOI={10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120609}, abstractNote={Ecologists have observed declines in the biodiversity of sensitive freshwater organisms in response to increasing concentrations of major ions (salinization). Yet, how changing salinities physiologically challenge aquatic organisms, such as mayflies, remains remarkably understudied. Moreover, it is not well understood the degree to which species respond and acclimate to salinity changes. Our lab is developing the Baetid mayfly, N. triangulifer, as a model organism for physiological research. We have previously described acclimatory changes in both ion flux rates and altered mRNA transcript levels in response to chronic exposures to elevated major ion concentrations at the whole animal level. In the present study, we use shotgun proteomics to identify the specific proteins associated with apical ion transport and how their abundance changes in response to chronic salinity exposures in gills. Gills were isolated from the penultimate nymphal stage of N. triangulifer reared under control culture conditions, elevated NaCl (157 mg L -1 Na), elevated CaCl 2 (121 mg L -1 Ca), elevated Ca/MgSO 4 (735 mg L -1 SO 4 ). These conditions mirrored those from previously published physiological work. We also acutely exposed nymphs to dilute (50% dilution of culture water with deionized water) to explore proteomic changes in the gills in response to dilute conditions. We report 710 unique peptide sequences among treatment groups, including important apical ion transporters such as Ca-ATPase, Na/K ATPase, and V-ATPase. Treatment with elevated NaCl and Ca/MgSO 4 appeared to cause more significant differential protein expression (452 and 345, respectively) compared to CaCl 2 and dilute groups (134 and 17, respectively). Finally, we demonstrated the breadth of physiological functions in gills by exploring non-transport related pathways found in our dataset, including ATP synthesis, calcium signaling, and oxidative stress response. We discuss our results in the context of freshwater salinization and the challenges of working with non-model species without fully sequenced and annotated genomes.}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION}, author={Orr, Sarah E. and Collins, Leonard B. and Jima, Dereje D. and Buchwalter, David B.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{orr_cochran_wallace_gray_overmyer_buchwalter_2022, title={Weak differences in sensitivity to major ions by different larval stages of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer}, volume={41}, ISSN={["2161-9565"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85125037439&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1086/719359}, abstractNote={Freshwater salinization is a global ecological concern because of the alarming biodiversity declines associated with increases in major ion concentrations. Loss of mayfly diversity appears to be a common ecological response to anthropogenic salinization worldwide. Remarkably few regulatory standards exist to protect aquatic life from major ions, and antiquated approaches for setting such standards rely on traditional laboratory toxicity tests, which do not address sensitivities of mayflies at different larval stages. The lab-reared mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer (McDunnough, 1931) has emerged as one of the very few useful aquatic insect models for studying the effects of environmental stressors, including salinity, in the laboratory. Here, we asked if different larval life stages are differentially sensitivity to ion concentrations by conducting traditional 96-h toxicity tests with NaCl, CaCl2, and Ca/MgSO4. We used a general linear model to determine if survivorship differed among larval stages as well as ion type and concentration. We also calculated median lethal concentrations (LC50) for each larval stage. Larval sensitivity to NaCl decreased slightly with age (2–6, 9–13, and 17–21 d, with LC50 values of 401, 441, and 570 mg/L, respectively, when expressed as Na concentrations). Similarly, larval sensitivity to Ca/MgSO4 differed slightly among age groups (LC50 = 748, 1503, and 1439 mg/L, respectively, when expressed as SO4 concentrations). Reliable confidence intervals on LC50 values for CaCl2 could not be calculated because of high survivorship. However, our general linear model revealed that age played a moderate role in survival (p = 0.0065) across all salts of interest. To assess the potential changes in ion flux between larval stages, we used radiotracers (22Na, 35SO4, or 45Ca) in 18- and 25-d-old larvae and found no strong differences in ion uptake rates. We also qualitatively examined morphological differences between larval life stages, including the appearance of gills and number of ionocytes. Our results indicate that younger N. triangulifer larvae may be more sensitive to major ions than mature larvae. These results should be considered when experimentally using larger, late-stage N. triangulifer larvae to study the physiological effects and acute toxicity of salinity.}, number={2}, journal={FRESHWATER SCIENCE}, author={Orr, Sarah E. and Cochran, Jamie K. and Wallace, Ian G. and Gray, Rachel W. and Overmyer, Gretta E. and Buchwalter, David B.}, year={2022}, month={Jun} } @article{cochran_orr_buchwalter_2022, title={Assessing the P-crit in relation to temperature and the expression of hypoxia associated genes in the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer}, volume={808}, ISSN={["1879-1026"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85120657476&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151743}, abstractNote={Hypoxia is a growing concern in aquatic ecosystems. Historically, scientists have used the P crit (the dissolved oxygen level below which an animal can no longer oxyregulate) to infer hypoxia tolerance across species. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the P crit is positively correlated with temperature in the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer. Cross-temperature comparisons showed a modest (r = 0.47), but significant (p < 0.0001) association between temperature and P crit despite relatively large interindividual variability (Coefficient of Variance (CV) = 39.9% at 18 °C). We used the expression of hypoxia-responsive genes EGL-9 (an oxygen sensing gene and modulator of HIF-1a activity) and LDH (a hypoxia indicator) to test whether oxygen partial pressure near the P crit stimulates expression of hypoxia-responsive genes. Neither gene was upregulated at oxygen levels above the estimated P crit , however, at or below the P crit estimates, expression of both genes was stimulated (~20- and ~3-fold change for EGL-9 and LDH, respectively). Finally, we evaluated the influence of hypoxic exposure time and pretreatment conditions on the mRNA expression levels of hypoxia-responsive genes. When larvae were exposed to a gradual reduction of DO, hypoxic gene expression was more robust than during instantaneous exposure to hypoxia. Our data provide modest support for traditional interpretation of the P crit as a physiologically meaningful shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism in N. triangulifer. However, we also discuss limitations of the P crit as a proxy measure of hypoxia tolerance at the species level.}, journal={SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT}, author={Cochran, Jamie K. and Orr, Sarah E. and Buchwalter, David B.}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @article{moss_george_nijhara_orr_joshee_barkin_bridges_2020, title={Chronic kidney disease in pregnant mothers affects maternal and fetal disposition of mercury}, volume={93}, ISSN={["0890-6238"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.02.005}, abstractNote={Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects over 15 % of the adults in the United States. Pregnant women with CKD present an additional challenge in that they are at increased risk for adverse events such as preterm birth. Exposure to environmental toxicants, such as methylmercury, may exacerbate maternal disease and increase the risk of adverse fetal outcomes. We hypothesized that fetuses of mothers with CKD are more susceptible to accumulation of methylmercury than fetuses of healthy mothers. The current data show that when mothers are in a state of renal insufficiency, uptake of mercury in fetal kidneys is enhanced significantly. Accumulation of Hg in fetal kidneys may be related to the flow of amniotic fluid, maternal handling of Hg, and/or underdeveloped mechanisms for cellular export and urinary excretion. The results of this study indicate that renal insufficiency in mothers leads to significant alterations in the way toxicants such as mercury are handled by maternal and fetal organs.}, journal={REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY}, author={Moss, Renee F. and George, Hannah S. and Nijhara, Sanya and Orr, Sarah E. and Joshee, Lucy and Barkin, Jennifer L. and Bridges, Christy C.}, year={2020}, month={Apr}, pages={137–145} }