Works (18)
2023 journal article
Predictors of college students’ reasoning and responses to gender-based social exclusion
Social Psychology of Education, 26(2), 405–431.

2022 journal article
Adolescent peer aggression judgments and expected bystander intervention in teen dating violence
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 79, 101389.

2022 journal article
Theory of Mind as a Correlate of Bystanders’ Reasoning About Intergroup Bullying of Syrian Refugee Youth
Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
2021 journal article
But they weren’t being careful! Role of theory of mind in moral judgments about victim and transgressor negligence
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 212, 105234.

2021 journal article
Bystander responses to bias‐based bullying and retaliation: Is retaliation perceived as more acceptable than bias‐based bullying?
British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(3), 442–461.

2021 journal article
Digital era bullying: An examination of adolescent judgments about bystander intervention online
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 76, 101322.

2021 journal article
School Connectedness and Bystander Intervention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Exclusion and Privilege Among African American Students
School Psychology Review, 50(2-3), 316–329.

2021 journal article
School and Teacher Factors That Promote Adolescents’ Bystander Responses to Social Exclusion
Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

2021 journal article
Should I invite them? Bystanders' inclusivity judgements towards outgroup victims and ingroup bullies in intergroup bullying
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(2), 221–235.

2021 journal article
The role of theory of mind, group membership, and apology in intergroup forgiveness among children and adolescents.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 613–627.
2020 journal article
The Complex Nature of Youth Aggression: Relations Between Cognition, Discrimination, and Peer Perceptions of Bullying Involvement
Youth & Society, 53(6), 979–1000.
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , n, E. Hope n, A. Hoffman n, C. DiStefano *, M. Irvin *, R. Carlson *

2020 journal article
The Role of Immigration Background, Intergroup Processes, and Social‐Cognitive Skills in Bystanders’ Responses to Bias‐Based Bullying Toward Immigrants During Adolescence
Child Development, 92(3), E296–E316.

2020 journal article
Who Is to Blame? Children's and Adults' Moral Judgments Regarding Victim and Transgressor Negligence
Cognitive Science, 44(4).
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , n & C. Richardson *

2019 journal article
Male Adolescents' and Young Adults' Evaluations of Interracial Exclusion in Offline and Online Settings
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(10), 641–647.
Contributors: H. Park *, n, K. Mulvey n , M. Killen * & M. Ruck *

2019 journal article
Social Inclusion of Refugee and Native Peers Among Adolescents: It is the Language that Matters!
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30(1), 219–233.
Contributors: H. Beißert *, n & K. Mulvey n

2019 journal article
Social-Developmental Perspective on Intergroup Attitudes towards Immigrants and Refugees in Childhood and Adolescence: A Roadmap from Theory to Practice for an Inclusive Society
Human Development, 63(2), 90–111.
Contributors: K. Mulvey* n &

2018 journal article
School and Family Factors Predicting Adolescent Cognition Regarding Bystander Intervention in Response to Bullying and Victim Retaliation
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(3), 581–596.
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , n, E. Goff n, G. Irdam*, R. Carlson *, C. DiStefano *, M. Irvin *

2018 journal article
Understanding experiences with bullying and bias-based bullying: What matters and for whom?
Psychology of Violence, 8(6), 702–711.
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , A. Hoffman *, n, E. Hope n & S. Cooper n