@article{webster_scott_2021, title={TheAedes aegypti(Diptera: Culicidae)hsp83Gene Promoter Drives Strong Ubiquitous DsRed and ZsGreen Marker Expression in Transgenic Mosquitoes}, volume={58}, ISSN={0022-2585 1938-2928}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjab128}, DOI={10.1093/jme/tjab128}, abstractNote={AbstractTransgenic strains of the mosquito disease vector Aedes aegypti (L.) are being developed for population suppression or modification. Transgenic mosquitoes are identified using fluorescent protein genes. Here we describe DsRed and ZsGreen marker genes driven by the constitutive Ae. aegypti heat shock protein 83 (hsp83) promoter in transgenic mosquitoes. Transgenic larvae and pupae show strong full body expression of the red and green fluorescent proteins. This greatly assists in screening for transgenic individuals while making new or maintaining already established lines. Transient marker gene expression after embryo microinjection was readily visible in developing larvae allowing the separation of individuals that are more likely to produce transgenic offspring. The strongly expressed marker genes developed in this study should facilitate the detection of transgenic Ae. aegypti larvae or pupae in the field.}, number={6}, journal={Journal of Medical Entomology}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Webster, Sophia H and Scott, Maxwell J}, editor={Slotman, Michel AEditor}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={2533–2537} } @article{antonelli_clayton_hartzog_webster_zilnik_2016, title={Transgenic pests and human health: A short overview of social, cultural, and scientific considerations}, DOI={10.1016/b978-0-12-800246-9.00001-6}, abstractNote={Abstract Tropical disease mitigation is a multifaceted, complex issue that spans many disciplines within the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Effective control and prevention of diseases like malaria and dengue fever requires integrated research in order to understand these problems within their social and cultural contexts. This type of interdisciplinary research was recently endorsed by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013) as critical for developing effective solutions for the world’s problems. Adopting such an interdisciplinary approach, we discuss various social, cultural, and ethical issues related to the control of dengue fever and malaria, especially those pertaining to the potential use of transgenic technologies.}, journal={Genetic Control of Malaria and Dengue}, author={Antonelli, T. and Clayton, A. and Hartzog, M. and Webster, S. and Zilnik, G.}, year={2016}, pages={1–30} }