Works (6)
2024 article
Tunable Infrared Emissivity Using Laser-Sintered Liquid Metal Nanoparticle Films
Im, S., Frey, E., Kim, D. H., Heo, S.-Y., Song, Y. M., Vong, M. H., … Dickey, M. D. (2024, December 8). ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Vol. 12.
2023 article
Enhanced Triboelectric Charge Stability by Air-Stable Radicals
Im, S., Frey, E., Lacks, D. J., Genzer, J., & Dickey, M. D. (2023, September 7). ADVANCED SCIENCE, Vol. 9.

2023 article
Liquid Metal Coated Textiles with Autonomous Electrical Healing and Antibacterial Properties
Yang, J., Nithyanandam, P., Kanetkar, S., Kwon, K. Y., Ma, J., Im, S., … Dickey, M. D. (2023, April 2). ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 4.

2023 article
Patterning of a High Surface Area Liquid Metal-Carbon Composite Film Using Laser Processing
Frey, E. J., Im, S., Bachmann, A. L., Genzer, J., & Dickey, M. D. (2023, September 22). ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Aerosol Spray Deposition of Liquid Metal and Elastomer Coatings for Rapid Processing of Stretchable Electronics

2021 review
Surface Modification of Gallium-Based Liquid Metals: Mechanisms and Applications in Biomedical Sensors and Soft Actuators