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Works (4)
2022 article
Light scattering of colloidal suspensions: formation and stability in bourbon whiskeys
Williams, S. J., Islam, S., & Velev, O. D. (2022, May 2). JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF BREWING, Vol. 5.

2020 journal article
Mechanism and control of "coffee-ring erosion'' phenomena in structurally colored ionomer films
SOFT MATTER, 16(11), 2683–2694.
2020 journal article
Multiscale Self-Assembly of Distinctive Weblike Structures from Evaporated Drops of Dilute American Whiskeys
ACS NANO, 14(5), 5417–5425.

2018 journal article
Revisiting the colloidal fundamentals of water-dispersible polyesters: interactions and self-assembly of polymer nanoaggregates in water
SOFT MATTER, 14(11), 2118–2130.