Works (84)
2025 conference paper
Managerial aspects of macro social work education: Comparative analysis between MSW macro programs and nonprofit management education
29th Society of Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, USA.
2024 conference paper
A. Nonprofit education in Asia: Towards a mutual learning community
2024 ARNOVA-Asia Conference. Seoul, Korea.
2024 conference paper
Internationalization and shared visions at ARNOVA perspectives from regional and common interest groups
2024 ARNOVA 53rd Annual Conference. Washington, DC, USA.
2024 journal article
Managerial aspects in macro social work education: comparative analysis between MSW macro programs and nonprofit management education
Social Work Education, 2, 1–18.

2024 weblog post
Pandemic governance in South Korea: the collaboration dynamics of government and civil society during COVID-19 in South Korea
Jeong, B., & Kim, S. J. (2024, February).
2024 conference paper
Pandemic governance: The collaboration dynamics of government and civil society against COVID-19 in South Korea
2024 ARNOVA 53rd Annual Conference. Washington, DC, USA.
2023 report
Developing certificate of human service management programs
School of Social Work, North Carolina State University School of Social Work.
2023 conference paper
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in nonprofit management and practice
ASPA Annual Conference (Virtual conference.
2023 conference paper
Examining the advocacy concept in service-oriented NPOs: Beyond the dichotomies of service/advocacy and East/West
2023 ARNOVA 52nd Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, USA.
2023 conference paper
Exploring an advocacy aspect of service-focused nonprofits in South Korea
2023 ARNOVA-Asia Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2023 weblog post
Global Philanthropy Tracker Executive Summary in Korean
2023 weblog post
Intrinsic Expansion and Extrinsic Convergence of the Concept of Advocacy in Service-Oriented Nonprofit Organizations: Beyond the Dichotomy of Service and Advocacy, the West and the Non-West [Planning Research 2023-3]
2023 conference paper
Navigating social equity in nonprofit organizations: An exploratory investigation into the perspectives of practitioners and scholars
Northeast Conference on Public Administration.
2023 article
Philanthropy during COVID-19: Learnings and recommendations for philanthropic organizations navigating crisis
Hampton, D. A., Wiepking, P., Chapman, C., McHugh, L. H., Arnesen, D., Carrigan, C., … Yang, Y. (2023, August 16). JOURNAL OF PHILANTHROPY AND MARKETING, Vol. 8.
2023 journal article
Undergraduate students’ perceptions of learning from foreign-born faculty in American university settings
Studies in Higher Education, 48(7), 1111–1122.

2023 journal article
What determines governments’ COVID-19 response policies?: examining national level policy and transnational factors
International Review of Public Administration, 28(2), 198–220.
2022 conference paper
Assessing nonprofit organizations’ diversity and social equity practices
2022 Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2022 conference paper
College students’ perceptions of learning from foreign-born faculty in American higher education
CSWE 68th Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA. Anaheim, CA.
2022 weblog post
Digital for good: A global study on emerging ways of giving- South Korea
Kim, S. J., Jang, Y. J., & Lee, Y. L. (2022, June).
2022 conference paper
Generosity during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea
ARNOVA 51th Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC, USA.
2022 weblog post
Global philanthropic giving during the COVID-19 pandemic: International comparative analysis
Kim, S. J. (2022, November).
2022 journal article
Globalizing the Field by Learning from Non-English-Based Nonprofit Studies: A Review of South Korean Nonprofit Literature
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 34(6), 1184–1197.
2022 conference paper
Nonprofits serving underserved/underrepresented groups
2022 Social Equity Leadership Conference (SELC) (Virtual conference).
2022 conference paper
Panning New Jersey human service nonprofit DEI panel
2022 Northeast Conference on Public Administration (NeCoPA) Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2022 conference paper
Service and advocacy dichotomy or spectrum?: Examining the advocacy roles of service-focused in nonprofits in South Korea
ARNOVA 51th Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC, USA.
2022 article
Sexual Misconduct: Policies to Improve Institutional Accountability and Reduce Individual Burdens
Lamothe, M., LePere-Schloop, M., Lim, S., Yeo, J., Beaton, E. E., Brower, R., … Yoo, E. (2022, August 9). NONPROFIT POLICY FORUM, Vol. 13.

2022 conference paper
Social Equity Practices and Policies of Nonprofits: Comparing Perceptions of Nonprofit Scholars and Practitioners
ARNOVA 51th Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC, USA.
2022 weblog post
The 2022 Global Philanthropy Environment Index Republic of Korea
Kim, S. J. (2022, March).
2022 journal article
The estimates of philanthropic behavior and attitude in South Korea: Methodological consideration
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 28(2).
2022 conference paper
Understanding emerging ways of giving globally
ARNOVA 51th Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC, USA.
2022 journal article
경제위기극복과 민생안정을 위한 시민사회의 역할 = Roles of civil society in the economic crisis: post COVID-19 area
Public Administration Focus, (158), 32–36.
2022 chapter
제5장.시민사회 연구 및 교육의 국제동향 = International trends of civil society studies and education
In 시민사회 정책과 연구 관련 국제동향 종합조 = A comprehensive study on the international research trend in civil society and policy (pp. 273–372).
2021 journal article
Civil Society Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of China, Japan, and South Korea
China Review, 21(1), 107–137.
2021 journal article
Comparative study on the relationship between government and civil society in COVID-19 responses: Cases of European, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries (in Korean)
Civil Society and NGO, 19(2), 3–48.
2021 journal article
Exploring Hong Kong Nonprofit Education Programs

2021 conference paper
GITA Colloquium: National/transnational tensions: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
ARNOVA 50th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA.
2021 report
Global Generosity during the COVID-19 Crisis
2021 journal article
NPO/NGO Education in Public Administration in South Korea
2021 conference paper
Nonprofit education in Eastern countries: Cross-country comparison of nonprofit education programs
ARNOVA 50th Annual Conference. Presented at the ARNOVA 50th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Event: ARNOVA 50th Annual Conference at Atlanta, GA, USA on November 18-20, 2021
2021 conference paper
Nonprofit education in South Korea
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) 2021 Global Virtual Conference.
2021 conference paper
Reflecting on the past and present to inform the future of nonprofit and philanthropic studies education
ARNOVA 50th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA.
2021 conference paper
Social responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative study of China, Japan, and South Korea
Paper presentation]. ARNOVA-ASIA 5th Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2021 journal article
The Government and Civil Society Collaboration against COVID-19 in South Korea: A Single or Multiple Actor Play?
Nonprofit Policy Forum, 12(1), 165–187.
2021 conference paper
The Government and Civil Society Collaboration against COVID-19 in South Korea: Was it a Single-actor Play on Stage
The 82nd American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Conference (Virtual conference).
2021 conference paper
U.S. college students learning experiences with foreign-born faculty speak with “Accents"
The Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) 25th Annual Conference (Virtual conference). [Paper presentation].
2021 journal article
University-Based Higher Education on Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations in South Korea: Comparative Analysis between South Korea and the United States
Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 12(3), 34–50.
2020 conference paper
A systematic review of nonprofit research in Korean literature: Lessons for other countries
ARNOVA 49th Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2020 weblog post
COVID-19 and nonprofit organizations in South Korea
Kim, S. J., & Jeong, B. (2020, July 1).
2020 conference paper
Civil society responses to COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative study of China, Japan, and South Korea
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Virtual General conference 2020.
2020 journal article
Effect of Government Grants on Private Giving to East Asian Nonprofits
Advances in Social Work, 20(1), 95–113.
2020 conference paper
Estimate of philanthropic behaviors and attitudes in South Korea: Methodological consideration
Methodological consideration [Paper presentation]. ARNOVA 49th Annual Conference (Virtual conference).
2020 conference paper
Examination of the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits
6th Sharing (Philanthropy/Nonprofit)-related Knowledge Network Special Forum, The Center on Philanthropy, Beautiful Foundation (Virtual forum).
2020 weblog post
Impact of COVID-19 on the nonprofit sector in the U.S.
Kim, S. J. (2020, April 20).
2020 monograph
Korean Nonprofit/Non-Government Sector Research
2020 conference paper
NPO/NGO education in public administration in South Korea
GMU-SNU BK21 International Conference. Arlington, VA, USA.
2020 conference paper
Nonprofit higher education in East Asia: China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan case studies
Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 49th Annual Conference.
2020 conference paper
Nonprofit management education in social work education: Strengths and weakness of the programs
NSWM 31st Annual Conference. New York City, New York.
2020 report
Regional report: South Korea. 2020 Global Philanthropy Tracker
[Regional report:].
2020 report
South Korean philanthropy indices: Methodological matters. 2020 Special Research Series
(pp. 109–135). The Beautiful Foundation's Center on Philanthropy.
2020 conference paper
The government and civil society collaboration against COVID-19: Lessons from South Korea
The Participatory Research in Asia(PRIA).
2020 conference paper
Transparency of nonprofit organizations in South Korea: The conceptual viewpoints of the primary nonprofit stakeholders
The Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) 31st Annual Conference. New York City, New York.
2019 conference paper
Eastern and Western NPO/NGO education in public administration: Comparison of South Korea and the U.S
Paper presentation]. ASPA 80th Annual Conference. Washington D.C., USA.
2019 journal article
NPO/NGO Higher Education Programs in South Korea
2019 conference paper
Nonprofit education in S. Korea
ARNOVA 48th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. San Diego, CA, USA.
2019 report
South Korean nonprofit/non-government researcher associations
(12th ed., pp. 103–147).
2018 conference paper
Comparing curricula of the nonprofit management and philanthropic sector programs (NMPS) in South Korea and the U.S.
South Korea and the U.S. [Paper presentation]. ARNOVA 47th Annual Conference. Austin, TX, USA.
2017 conference paper
Effects of government grants on private giving at Faith-based Asian nonprofits and secular Asian nonprofits
ARNOVA 46th Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
2017 conference paper
Empathy, social class, and charitable giving
ARNOVA 46th Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
2016 conference paper
Dispositional Empathy, Religious Salience, and Charitable Giving
ARNOVA 45th Annual Conference. Washington D.C., USA.
2015 conference paper
Crowd-out: will Asian nonprofit organizations lose philanthropic giving when they receive government grants?
Paper presentation]. ARNOVA 44th Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: USA.
2014 conference paper
Community collaboration in Asian-American Community Center for financial development
NSWM 25th Annual Conference. Boston, MA. USA.
2014 journal article
Joint crowd-out: Will charitable donors cut donations to human service organizations when the government increases welfare spending?
Journal of Nonprofit Management, 17, 24–47.
2014 book
Management and leadership for human service organizations: Philanthropy and government relationship
Saarbrücken, Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
2014 journal article
Not All Empathy Is Equal: How Dispositional Empathy Affects Charitable Giving
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 26(4), 312–334.
2014 conference paper
Understanding income composition for nonprofit organizations: Does a community center for Asian communities in the U.S. have fixed income portfolios?
ARNOVA 43rd Annual Conference. Denver, CO: USA.
2013 conference paper
It matters to ask where the dollars come from Source of household financial resources and high net worth philanthropy
ARNOVA 42nd Annual Conference. Harford, CT: USA.
2012 conference paper
The impact of federal government welfare expenditures on state government expenditures and philanthropic giving to human service organizations: 2003-2004
ARNOVA 41st Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
2012 conference paper
Understanding the impact of empathy on charitable giving
ARNOVA 41st Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
2011 conference paper
Religious similarity between donor and recipient is a matter for philanthropic giving
ARNOVA 40th Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada.
2010 conference paper
The impact of economic recession on congregational organizations in 2009
ARNOVA 39th Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA, USA.
2010 conference paper
Who decides revisited household decision-making and charitable giving
ARNOVA 39th Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA, USA.
2009 report
2009 congregational economic impact study (Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University research project)
2009 report
Motivation and impediments to charitable giving (Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University research project)
In Indiana University, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
2009 conference paper
The charitable giving difference between rural and urban donors
ARNOVA 38th Annual Conference. Cleveland OH, USA.