Stephanie Lambeth Mathews
Works (51)
2025 article
Charting a new vision: lessons on <i>Vision & Change</i> from a network of biology educators
Hsu, J. L., Misra, A., Wolyniak, M. J., Goller, C. C., Mathews, S., Swamy, U., … Moore, M. E. (2025, January 10). Charting a new vision: lessons on Vision & Change from a network of biology educators (P. A. Marshall, Ed.). JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOLOGY EDUCATION, Vol. 1.
Ed(s): P. Marshall

2024 article
A case study to engage students in evolutionary thinking around antibiotic resistance using the MEGA-plate experiment
Carr, S. A., Mathews, S. L., Pruneski, J. A., & Stasulli, N. M. (2024, August 16). (S. Maloy, Ed.). JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOLOGY EDUCATION, Vol. 8.
Ed(s): S. Maloy

2024 journal article
CRP and Cortisol Analysis in Collegiate Female Lacrosse Athletes during a 2-Game Week
International Journal of Exercise Science, 2(16), 160.
2024 conference paper
Charting a vision and making changes in the undergraduate biology classroom: Evidence-based teaching from Vision & Change
Charting a vision and making changes in the undergraduate biology classroom: Evidence-based teaching from Vision & Change. The Allied Genetics Society Annual Meeting. Presented at the Allied Genetics Society Annual Meeting.
2024 conference paper
Enhancing CURE Courses: Leveraging OneNote Class Notebook as an Electronic Laboratory Notebook
UNC CURE Summit. Presented at the UNC CURE Summit, Greensboro, North Carolina.
2024 conference paper
Lessons Learned: Majors and non-majors Tiny Earth implementation
UNC CURE Summit. Presented at the UNC CURE Summit, Greensboro, North Carolina.
2023 conference paper
Antibiotic Production of Bacteria Isolated From Kefir
Wiggins Symposium. Presented at the Wiggins Symposium, Campbell University.
2023 journal article
Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Soil Isolates and Biofilm Production
QUBES Educational Resources.
Contributors: S. Yang
2023 conference paper
Isolating Antibiotics: Assessing the antibiotic potential within colonies of Solenopsis invicta
Wiggins Symposium. Presented at the Wiggins Symposium, Campbell University.
2023 conference paper
Salivary CRP and Cortisol Analysis in Collegiate Female Lacrosse Athletes during a 2-game week
Wiggins Symposium. Presented at the Wiggins Symposium, Campbell University.
2023 journal article
Salivary Cortisol Analysis in Collegiate Female Lacrosse Athletes.
International Journal of Exercise Science.
2023 conference paper
Use of COPUS to Characterize Teaching Techniques in Biological Sciences Department
Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting. Presented at the Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, Winston-Salem NC.
2023 conference paper
Vision & Change Workshop
Vision & Change Workshop. Society for the Advancement in Biological Educational Research Meeting. Presented at the Society for the Advancement in Biological Educational Research Meeting.
2023 conference paper
We’re searching for antibiotic-producing bacteria in wastewater
Wiggins Symposium. Presented at the Wiggins Symposium, Campbell University.
2022 conference paper
Allied Health Microbiology Course Redesign
118th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Presented at the 118th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Campbell University.
2022 conference paper
An Investigation of the Microbial Diversity and Antibiotic Production Potential of Commercial, Pasteurized Kefir and Raw Goat Milk Kefir
118th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Presented at the 118th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Campbell University.
2022 conference paper
An Investigation of the Microbial Diversity and Antibiotic Production Potential of Commercial, Pasteurized Kefir and Raw, Goat Milk Kefir
North Carolina American Society of Microbiology Branch Meeting. Appalachian State University. Presented at the North Carolina American Society of Microbiology Branch Meeting, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
2022 journal article
Analysis of cortisol response and load in collegiate female lacrosse athletes: A pilot study
The Journal of Sport and Exercise Science.

2022 conference paper
Antibiotic Discovery in Soil: A Student Sourced Approach
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria Collected from a Soil Sample
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
Antibiotic producers found in a flower garden in Randolph County
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
Discovering Antibiotic Producing Bacteria in a Soil Sample
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
Showerhead microbiome and antibiotic resistance case studies for 200-level microbiology courses
American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Education. Presented at the American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Education.
2022 conference paper
Testing Antibiotic Production Using Soil Isolates
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
There’s more than just Roses growing here : The Search for Microbe Antibiotics
Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Presented at the Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2022 conference paper
Use of COPUS to Characterize Instructional Techniques in Campbell University’s Biological Sciences Department
Society of Biology Education Research. Presented at the Society of Biology Education Research, University of Minneapolis, Minneapolis MN.
2022 conference paper
Use of COPUS to Characterize Instructional Techniques in Campbell University’s Biological Sciences Department
Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Campbell University.
2022 conference paper
Using Transposon Mutagenesis to Identify Genes in Lactococcus lactis Required for Biofilm Formation
Summer Student Research Fellows Symposium. Presented at the Summer Student Research Fellows Symposium, Campbell University.
2021 conference paper
Find your Next Scholarly Project; A roundtable discussion, introducing The Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) network
American Society For Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE). Presented at the American Society For Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE).
2021 conference paper
Helping students see the big world through the Tiny Earth: engaging students in course-based research experience
University of North Dakota Biomedical Sciences Seminar. Presented at the University of North Dakota Biomedical Sciences Seminar.
2021 conference paper
Hopeful Relief: New Antibiotic-Producing Soil Isolates Found
2021 Tiny Earth Summer Symposium. Poster presented at the 2021 Tiny Earth Summer Symposium.
2021 conference paper
Isolating Antibiotics: Assessing the antibiotic potential within colonies of Solenopsis invicta
117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Lightning Talk presented at the 117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Lenoir-Rhyne University.
2021 conference paper
Isolation of predatory bacteria from Small Pond in Buies Creek, North Carolina
117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Lightning Talk presented at the 117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Lenoir-Rhyne University.
2021 conference paper
Microbial diversity of Campbell University ants
117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Presented at the 117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Lenoir-Rhyne University.
2021 conference paper
Microbial profile and diversity of wild sourdough starters
11th Annual Wiggins Memorial Library Virtual Symposium. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Wiggins Memorial Library Virtual Symposium, Campbell University.
2021 conference paper
Optimization of Dunaliella salina growth using commercial fertilizers and salts
117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Presented at the 117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Lenoir-Rhyne University.
2021 journal article
Salivary Cortisol Analysis In Collegiate Female Lacrosse Athletes
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 53(8S), 36–36.
2021 conference paper
Salivary Cortisol Response During the Competitive Season in Collegiate Lacrosse Players
Virtual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. Presented at the Virtual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium.
2021 conference paper
Salivary Cortisol Response During the Competitive Season in Collegiate Lacrosse Players
Summer Student Research Fellows Symposium. Presented at the Summer Student Research Fellows Symposium, Campbell University.
2021 conference paper
The Identification of Potential Antibiotic Producing Bacteria from Soil at Campbell University
117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Lightning Talk presented at the 117th Annual Virtual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Lenoir-Rhyne University.
2019 journal article
Glycoside Hydrolase Genes Are Required for Virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens on Bryophyllum daigremontiana and Tomato
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85(15).
Ed(s): I. Cann

2019 journal article
Public questions spur the discovery of new bacterial species associated with lignin bioconversion of industrial waste

2018 journal article
Cloning, Over-Expression, and Purification of Carbonic Anhydrase from an Extremophilic Bacterium: An Introduction to Advanced Molecular Biology

2018 journal article
External immunity in ant societies: sociality and colony size do not predict investment in antimicrobials
Contributors: C. Penick *, O. Halawani n, B. Pearson n, * , M. López-Uribe *, R. Dunn n , A. Smith n

2016 journal article
Degradation of lignocellulose and lignin by Paenibacillus glucanolyticus

2016 journal article
Draft Genome Sequences of Two Strains of Paenibacillus glucanolyticus with the Ability To Degrade Lignocellulose
Genome Announcements, 4(3).
2016 journal article
Purification and characterization of a recombinant laccase-like multi-copper oxidase from Paenibacillus glucanolyticus SLM1

2015 journal article
Bacterial biodegradation and bioconversion of industrial lignocellulosic streams
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(7), 2939–2954.

2014 journal article
A comparison of the retention of pathogenic E scherichia coli O 157 by sprouts, leaves and fruits
Microbial Biotechnology, 7(6), 570–579.

2014 journal article
Isolation of Paenibacillus glucanolyticus from pulp mill sources with potential to deconstruct pulping waste

2013 journal article
Methods for Facilitating Microbial Growth on Pulp Mill Waste Streams and Characterization of the Biodegradation Potential of Cultured Microbes
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 12(82).
Contributors: , A. Ayoub n , J. Pawlak n & A. Grunden n n