Sarah Louise Desmarais
mental illness, violence, victimization, risk assessment, substance use, terrorism, forensic psychology
Works (154)
2025 journal article
Identifying Barriers and Facilitators of Implementing a Sexual and Relationship Health Intervention within the Child Welfare System: A Mixed Methods Study
The Journal of Sex Research.
2024 journal article
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Program for Promoting Trauma-Informed Responses among Criminal Legal System Professionals
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
2024 article
Patterns of Self-Reported Mental Health Symptoms and Treatment among People Booked into a Large Metropolitan County Jail
Desmarais, S. L., Morrissey, B., Lowder, E. M., & Zottola, S. A. (2024, July 17). ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, Vol. 7.

2024 journal article
Predictive bias in pretrial risk assessment: Application of the Public Safety Assessment in a Native American population.
Law and Human Behavior.
2023 journal article
Court date reminders reduce court nonappearance: A meta‐analysis
Criminology & Public Policy.

2023 journal article
Impact of Growth Mindset-Enhanced Trauma Education on Criminal Legal Professionals’ Attitudes and Perceptions
Criminal Justice and Behavior.

2023 journal article
Pretrial Risk Assessment, Release Recommendations, and Racial Bias
Criminal Justice and Behavior.
2023 chapter
Understanding and Preventing Frequent Jail Contact
2022 journal article
Comparing the relationships between money bail, pretrial risk scores, and pretrial outcomes.
Law and Human Behavior.
2022 journal article
Evaluating Fairness of Algorithmic Risk Assessment Instruments: The Problem With Forcing Dichotomies
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(3), 389–410.

2022 journal article
Impact of trauma education and growth mindset messaging on public attitudes about the criminal legal system
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 19(3), 635–661.
Contributors: E. McKinsey n, * , J. Burnette n & B. Garrett *

2022 journal article
The Empirical Case for Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(6), 807–816.

2021 article
Military self-stigma as a mediator of the link between military identity and suicide risk
Cacace, S., Smith, E. J., Cramer, R. J., Meca, A., & Desmarais, S. L. (2021, December 6). MILITARY PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 34.

2021 journal article
Sexual violence victimization and suicide: Testing a coping-mental health framework
AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, 47(3), 343–353.

2021 journal article
Surveying Ethics: a Measurement Model of Preference for Precepts Implied in Moral Theories (PPIMT)

2020 journal article
A Qualitative Analysis of Drivers among Military-Affiliated and Civilian Lone Actor Terrorists Inspired by Jihadism
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 44(2), 1–18.

2020 journal article
Application of the TRAP-18 Framework to U.S. and Western European Lone Actor Terrorists
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–26.

2020 journal article
Barriers and facilitators to the use of the SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) model with justice-involved adults.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 43(3), 244–252.

2020 journal article
Estimation of Latent Variable Scores with Multiple Group Item Response Models: Implications for Integrative Data Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(6), 1–11.

2020 journal article
Predictive Validity of Pretrial Risk Assessments: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(4), 009385482093295.

2020 journal article
Preliminary Evaluation of a Prescription Opioid Misuse Prevention Program Among Rural Middle School Students
Journal of Community Health, 45(6), 1139–1148.

2020 journal article
Principles and practices of risk assessment in mental health jail diversion programs
CNS Spectrums, 11, 1–11.

2020 journal article
Psychometric Properties of the MacArthur Community Violence Screening Instrument
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 19(3), 253–268.

2020 journal article
The Coping Self-Efficacy Scale: Psychometric properties in an outpatient sample of active duty military personnel
Military Psychology, 32(3), 261–272.

2020 journal article
The Role of Risk Assessment in the Criminal Justice System: Moving Beyond a Return to the Status Quo
2.1, 2(1).
2020 journal article
Violence risk assessment: Current status and contemporary issues
Marquette Law Review, 103(3), 793–817.
2019 report
A national portrait of restorative approaches to intimate partner violence: Pathways to safety, accountability, healing, and well-being
2019 journal article
Evaluation of an Online Sexual Health Program among Adolescent Girls with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(4), 1044–1054.

2019 report
Family-centered practice project: annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services
Raleigh, NC: Division of Social Services, NC Department of Health and Human Services.
2019 journal article
Gender in the jihad: Characteristics and outcomes among women and men involved in jihadism-inspired terrorism.
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 6(2), 76–92.

2019 journal article
Methodological limitations in the measurement and statistical modeling of violence among adults with mental illness
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(3).

2019 journal article
Mindsets of Addiction: Implications for Treatment Intentions
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38(5), 367–394.
Contributors: J. Burnette n , R. Forsyth n, n & C. Hoyt n

2019 journal article
Reliability and Validity of START and LSI-R Assessments in Mental Health Jail Diversion Clients
ASSESSMENT, 26(7), 1347–1361.

2019 journal article
Results of the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen Across Repeated Jail Bookings
Psychiatric Services, 70(11), 1006–1012.

2019 chapter
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)
In R. D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology.
Ed(s): R. Morgan
2018 journal article
Effectiveness of Mental Health Courts in Reducing Recidivism: A Meta-Analysis
Psychiatric Services, 69(1), 15–22.

2018 book
Handbook of Recidivism Risk/Needs Assessment Tools

2018 journal article
Implicit theories of criminal behavior: Fostering public support for ex-offender community reentry
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 14(1), 14–36.
2018 journal article
Lifetime Suicide-Related Behavior, Violent Victimization, and Behavioral Health Outcomes: Results From a Vulnerable Population Needs Assessment
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 9, 088626051880194.

2018 journal article
Peer-support intervention for postpartum depression: Participant satisfaction and program effectiveness
Midwifery, 64, 38–47.

2018 journal article
Performance and clinical utility of a short violence risk screening tool in U.S. adults with mental illness.
Psychological Services, 15(4), 398–408.

2018 journal article
Predictive validity of HCR-20, START, and static-99R assessments in predicting institutional aggression among sexual offenders.
Law and Human Behavior, 42(1), 13–25.

2018 journal article
Prevalence rates, reporting, and psychosocial correlates of stalking victimization: results from a three-sample cross-sectional study
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(11), 1253–1263.

2018 journal article
Racial Bias and LSI-R Assessments in Probation Sentencing and Outcomes
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(2), 210–233.

2017 journal article
An Integrated Model of Health and Happiness Among Post-9/11 Military Veterans
Military Behavioral Health, 5(3), 236–244.
2017 journal article
An Integrative Theoretical Model of Public Support for Ex-Offender Reentry
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(8), 2131–2152.
Contributors: C. Rade n, n & J. Burnette n

2017 journal article
Associations Between Time Since Event and Posttraumatic Growth Among Military Veterans
Military Psychology, 29(5), 456–463.

2017 journal article
Attitudes of small animal practitioners toward participation in veterinary clinical trials
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 250(1), 86–97.

2017 journal article
Commentary: Risk Assessment in the Age of Evidence-Based Practice and Policy
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16(1), 18–22.

2017 journal article
Daily stressors as antecedents, correlates, and consequences of alcohol and drug use and cravings in community-based offenders.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(3), 315–325.

2017 journal article
Facilitators and Barriers to Disclosure of Postpartum Mood Disorder Symptoms to a Healthcare Provider
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(1), 120–129.

2017 journal article
Factors that support successful transition to the community among women leaving prison in British Columbia: a prospective cohort study using participatory action research
CMAJ Open, 5(3), E717–E723.
2017 journal article
Jail-to-community treatment continuum for adults with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Trials, 18(1).

2017 journal article
Kriminalprognosen in der Praxis
Diagnostica, 63(1), 2–14.
2017 journal article
Measurement of Change in Dynamic Factors Using the START: AV
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 17(3), 198–215.

2017 report
Mental health characteristics of detainees in Wake County Jail
[Final Project Report].
2017 journal article
Models of Protection Against Recidivism in Justice-Involved Adults With Mental Illnesses
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 44(7), 893–911.

2017 journal article
Posttraumatic Stress, Posttraumatic Growth, and Satisfaction With Life in Military Veterans
Military Psychology, 29(5), 434–447.

2017 journal article
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR): Disability Application Outcomes Among Homeless Adults
Psychiatric Services, 68(11), 1189–1192.

2017 journal article
The state of scientific knowledge regarding factors associated with terrorism.
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 4(4), 180–209.
2016 journal article
A Meta-Analysis of Public Attitudes Toward Ex-Offenders
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(9), 1260–1280.
Contributors: C. Rade n, n & R. Mitchell n

2016 journal article
A longitudinal analysis of the overlap between violence and victimization among adults with mental illnesses
Psychiatry Research, 246, 203–210.

2016 journal article
Correlates of Risky Heterosexual Behaviors Among Women Who Use Methamphetamine
Journal of Drug Issues, 46(2), 148–160.
Contributors: K. Johnson n, n , R. Van Dorn*, A. Lutnick *, A. Kral * & J. Lorvick *

2016 journal article
Effects of sample size and distributional assumptions on competing models of the factor structure of the PANSS and BPRS
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 26(4), e1549.

2016 journal article
Enquête internationale sur les pratiques d’évaluation du risque de violence : présentation des données belges
Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique, 174(7), 539–543.

2016 journal article
Leading indicators of community-based violent events among adults with mental illness
Psychological Medicine, 47(7), 1179–1191.

2016 journal article
Lifetime substance use as a predictor of postpartum mental health
Archives of Women's Mental Health, 20(1), 189–199.

2016 journal article
Medication-assisted treatment and violent outcomes in community-based offenders with alcohol and drug use problems.
Psychology of Violence, 6(3), 378–389.
Contributors: , J. Gray, C. Rade*, A. Cohn, S. Doherty & K. Knight *

2016 report
Mental health disparities in the United States: Miami Dade County
[Final Evaluation Report]. Miami, FL: 11th Judicial District Criminal Mental Health Project.
2016 journal article
Performance of recidivism risk assessment instruments in U.S. correctional settings.
Psychological Services, 13(3), 206–222.

2016 journal article
Proximal Risk Factors for Short-Term Community Violence Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
Psychiatric Services, 67(7), 771–778.

2016 report
START:AV knowledge guide: A research compendium on the START:AV strength and vulnerability items
Burnaby, Canada: Mental Health, Law & Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University.
2016 journal article
Sexual Coercion Practices Among Undergraduate Male Recreational Athletes, Intercollegiate Athletes, and Non-Athletes
Violence Against Women, 23(7), 795–812.

2016 journal article
Systematic review of religious affiliations and beliefs as correlates of public attitudes toward capital punishment
Criminal Justice Studies, 30(1), 63–85.

2016 chapter
The International Risk Survey
In International Perspectives on Violence Risk Assessment (pp. 101–126).
2016 journal article
The intersection of interpersonal and self-directed violence among general adult, college student and sexually diverse samples
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 63(1), 78–85.

2016 journal article
The latent structure of psychiatric symptoms across mental disorders as measured with the PANSS and BPRS-18
Psychiatry Research, 245, 83–90.
Contributors: R. Van Dorn*, n , K. Grimm *, S. Tueller *, K. Johnson *, B. Sellers *, M. Swartz *

2015 journal article
La práctica de la evaluación del riesgo de violencia en España
Revista De La Facultad De Medicina, 63(3), 357–366.
Contributors: K. Arbach-Lucioni, , C. Hurducas *, C. Condemarin*, K. Dean *, M. Doyle *, J. Folino *, V. Godoy-Cervera* n

2015 journal article
Latent class analysis of discordance between results of drug use assessments in the CATIE data
Schizophrenia Research, 161(2-3), 434–438.
Contributors: K. Johnson n, n , M. Swartz * & R. Van Dorn*

2015 journal article
Mental health correlates of drug treatment among women who use methamphetamine
The American Journal on Addictions, 24(7), 646–653.
Contributors: C. Rade n, n , R. Van Dorn*, A. Lutnick *, A. Kral * & J. Lorvick *

2015 journal article
Recidivism following mental health court exit: Between and within-group comparisons.
Law and Human Behavior, 40(2), 118–127.
Contributors: E. Lowder n, n & D. Baucom n

2015 journal article
Treating Opioid-Involved Criminal Justice Clients: An Examination of Mental Health Problems and Medication-Assisted Treatment
Offender Programs Report, 18(6), 81–88.
2015 journal article
Violence Risk Assessment Practices in Denmark: A Multidisciplinary National Survey
Scandinavian Journal of Forensic Science, 21(2), 103–110.

2014 journal article
A Typology of Community Violence Perpetration and Victimization Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(3), 522–540.
Contributors: K. Johnson n, n , R. Van Dorn* & K. Grimm *

2014 journal article
Community Violence Perpetration and Victimization Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
American Journal of Public Health, 104(12), 2342–2349.
Contributors: , R. Van Dorn n, K. Johnson n, K. Grimm n, K. Douglas n & M. Swartz n n

2014 journal article
Content and Framing of Male- and Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence in Print News
Partner Abuse, 5(3), 259–278.

2014 journal article
From risk assessment to risk management: Matching interventions to adolescent offenders' strengths and vulnerabilities
Children and Youth Services Review, 47(P1), 1–9.
Contributors: J. Singh*, n , B. Sellers *, T. Hylton*, M. Tirotti* & R. Van Dorn*

2014 journal article
International Perspectives on the Practical Application of Violence Risk Assessment: A Global Survey of 44 Countries
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(3), 193–206.
Contributors: J. Singh*, n , C. Hurducas *, K. Arbach-Lucioni, C. Condemarin*, K. Dean *, M. Doyle *, J. Folino *

2014 journal article
Intimate partner abuse before and during pregnancy as risk factors for postpartum mental health problems
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(1).
Contributors: , A. Pritchard*, E. Lowder n & P. Janssen n

2014 journal article
Outpatient Commitment and Its Alternatives: Questions Yet to Be Answered
Psychiatric Services, 65(6), 812–815.
Contributors: J. Morrissey n, n & M. Domino n

2014 journal article
Perceptions and experiences of people with mental illness regarding their interactions with police
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37(4), 334–340.
Contributors: J. Livingston *, n , S. Verdun-Jones*, R. Parent*, E. Michalak * & J. Brink *

2014 journal article
Police perceptions and contact among people with mental illnesses: Comparisons with a general population survey.
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20(4), 431–442.
Contributors: , J. Livingston *, C. Greaves*, K. Johnson n & J. Brink * n

2014 report
Reinvestment Grant Program Evaluation Report.
Miami, FL: 11th Judicial District Criminal Mental Health Project.
2014 book
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV)
Burnaby, Canada: Mental Health, Law & Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University.
2014 chapter
Violence assessment over the short-term
In B. Purin & I. Treasaden (Eds.), Forensic psychiatry: Fundamentals and clinical practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Ed(s): B. Purin & I. Treasaden
2013 journal article
Accuracy of self-report, biological tests, collateral reports and clinician ratings in identifying substance use disorders among adults with schizophrenia.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(3), 774–787.
Contributors: , R. Van Dorn*, B. Sellers *, M. Young * & M. Swartz * n

2013 journal article
Development and psychometric properties of the Early Labour Experience Questionnaire (ELEQ)
Midwifery, 29(3), 181–189.
Contributors: P. Janssen * & *
2013 book
Domestic violence: An overview for mental health practitioners
In H. Bloom & R. Schneider (Eds.), Law and mental disorder: A comprehensive and practical approach. Toronto, Canada: Irwin Law & Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Ed(s): H. Bloom & R. Schneider
2013 journal article
Drug and alcohol trajectories among adults with schizophrenia: Data from the CATIE study
Schizophrenia Research, 148(1-3), 126–129.
Contributors: R. Van Dorn*, n , S. Tueller *, J. Jolley*, K. Johnson n & M. Swartz *

2013 journal article
Effects of Outpatient Treatment on Risk of Arrest of Adults With Serious Mental Illness and Associated Costs
Psychiatric Services, 64(9), 856–862.

2013 journal article
Het gebruik van risicotaxatie-instrumenten onder SPV-en. [The use of risk assessment tools by Dutch social psychiatric nurses]
Sociale Psychiatrie, 33, 33–42.
2013 report
Hillsborough County community domestic violence safety and accountability analysis
[Research Report]. Tampa, FL: Family Justice Center of Hillsborough County and the Harrell Center for the Study of Domestic Violence.
2013 report
Involuntary outpatient commitment: Current evidence and options
[Research Report].
2013 journal article
Letter to the Editor: Critique of Bahorik et al. () – 'Under-reporting of drug use among individuals with schizophrenia: prevalence and predictors'
Psychological Medicine, 44(3), 668–670.

2013 journal article
Measurement of Predictive Validity in Violence Risk Assessment Studies: A Second-Order Systematic Review
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 31(1), 55–73.

2013 report
Mental Health Courts: The Evidence
[White Paper]. Raleigh, NC: Wake County Mental Health Court Steering Committee and members of the NC Legislature.
2013 journal article
Predictive validity of dynamic factors: Assessing violence risk in forensic psychiatric inpatients.
Law and Human Behavior, 37(6), 377–388.
Contributors: C. Wilson *, n , T. Nicholls *, S. Hart * & J. Brink *

2013 report
Risk assessment instruments validated and implemented in correctional settings in the United States
[Research Report].
2013 article
Teaching and Researching SPJ Guides
Webster, C., Haque, Q., Augimeri, L., Brink, J., Cree, A., Desmarais, S., … Snowden, R. (2013, October 11). Violence Risk-Assessment and Management, pp. 123–137.
2013 journal article
What Influences Perceptions of Procedural Justice Among People with Mental Illness Regarding their Interactions with the Police?
Community Mental Health Journal, 50(3), 281–287.
Contributors: J. Livingston *, n , C. Greaves *, R. Parent*, S. Verdun-Jones* & J. Brink *

2013 journal article
Women's experience with early labour management at home vs. in hospital: A randomised controlled trial
Midwifery, 29(3), 190–194.
Contributors: P. Janssen * & *
2012 journal article
Assessing illicit drug use among adults with schizophrenia
Psychiatry Research, 200(2-3), 228–236.
Contributors: R. Van Dorn*, * , M. Scott Young *, B. Sellers * & M. Swartz *
2012 journal article
Assessment of Multiple Risk Outcomes, Strengths, and Change with the START:AV: A Short-Term Prospective Study with Adolescent Offenders
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11(3), 165–180.
Contributors: J. Viljoen *, J. Beneteau*, E. Gulbransen*, E. Brodersen*, n , T. Nicholls *, K. Cruise *

2012 journal article
Characteristics of START Assessments Completed in Mental Health Jail Diversion Programs
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 30(4), 448–469.

2012 article
Clinical Forensic Psychology
Douglas, K. S., Otto, R. K., Desmarais, S. L., & Borum, R. (2012, September). Handbook of Psychology, Second Edition.

2012 report
Impact of service utilization over time on risk of arrest among adults with serious mental illness
In Florida Agency for Health Care Administration under contract MED134 (Agendy for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Series No. 220-153).
2012 journal article
Pilot Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of START:AV Assessments in Secure Juvenile Correctional Facilities
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11(3), 150–164.
Contributors: , B. Sellers *, J. Viljoen *, K. Cruise *, T. Nicholls * & J. Dvoskin * n

2012 journal article
Schizophrenia Research, 136, S372.

2012 journal article
Prevalence of Physical Violence in Intimate Relationships, Part 1: Rates of Male and Female Victimization
Partner Abuse, 3(2), 140–169.
2012 journal article
Prevalence of Physical Violence in Intimate Relationships, Part 2: Rates of Male and Female Perpetration
Partner Abuse, 3(2), 170–198.

2012 journal article
Taking Stock and Taking Steps: The Case for an Adolescent Version of the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11(3), 135–149.
Contributors: J. Viljoen *, K. Cruise *, T. Nicholls *, n & C. Webster*

2012 journal article
Using dynamic risk and protective factors to predict inpatient aggression: Reliability and validity of START assessments.
Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 685–700.
Contributors: , T. Nicholls *, C. Wilson* & J. Brink * *
2011 report
A study of how people with mental illness perceive and interact with the police
2011 journal article
After 30 years, what do we know about what jurors know? A meta-analytic review of lay knowledge regarding eyewitness factors.
Law and Human Behavior, 35(3), 200–210.
2011 journal article
Risk of Arrest in Persons With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in a Florida Medicaid Program
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(04), 502–508.

2010 report
Assessment for intimate partner violence in the perinatal period: When, where, and what next?
(Metropolis British Columbia Working Paper Series No. 10-15).
2010 article
Beyond Violence against Women: Gender Inclusiveness in Domestic Violence Research, Policy, and Practice
Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications, pp. 184–206.

2010 journal article
Confidence and accuracy in assessments of short-term risks presented by forensic psychiatric patients
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(1), 1–22.
Contributors: , T. Nicholls *, J. Don read* & J. Brink * *
2010 book
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV)
Coquitlam, Canada: BC Mental Health & Addiction Services.
2010 journal article
The Role of Client Strengths in Assessments of Violence Risk Using the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 9(4), 282–293.
2009 journal article
Do Judicial Responses to Restraining Order Requests Discriminate Against Male Victims of Domestic Violence?
Journal of Family Violence, 24(8), 625–637.
Contributors: H. Muller*, * & J. Hamel *

2009 journal article
Domestic violence and child custody: are family court professionals' decisions based on erroneous beliefs?
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 1(2), 37–52.
2009 journal article
Examining report content and social categorization to understand consistency effects on credibility.
Law and Human Behavior, 33(6), 470–480.
2009 book
Expert Psychology Testimony on Eyewitness Identification: A Matter of Common Sense?
In Expert Testimony on the Psychology of Eyewitness Identification.

2009 journal article
Kausalitätsmodelle zum Zusammenhang zwischen aggressivem Verhalten, Viktimisierung und versuchter Selbsttötung sowie relevante Risikofaktoren aus Sicht forensischer Patienten
Monatsschrift Für Kriminologie Und Strafrechtsreform, 92(5), 471–479.
2009 journal article
Lay knowledge of eyewitness issues: A Canadian evaluation
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23(3), 301–326.
2009 chapter
START research summary
In C. D. Webster, M.-L. Martin, J. Brink, T. L. Nicholls, & S. L. Desmarais (Eds.), Manual for the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) (Version 1.1, pp. 89–104). Coquitlam, Canada: British Columbia Mental Health & Addiction Services.
2008 journal article
A Canadian Example of Insanity Defence Reform: Accused Found Not Criminally Responsible Before and After theWinkoDecision
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 7(1), 1–14.

2008 chapter
Eyewitness memory, lay beliefs about
In B. L. Cutler & P. A. Zapf (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychology and law (pp. 300–304).
Ed(s): B. Cutler & P. Zapf
2008 journal article
‘Objection, Your Honor! Television is not the relevant authority.’ Crime drama portrayals of eyewitness issues
Psychology, Crime & Law, 14(3), 225–243.
Contributors: , H. Price * & J. Read* *

2007 journal article
Gray, black, and blue: the state of research and intervention for intimate partner abuse among elders
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 25(3), 377–391.

2007 journal article
Hard science, thin air and unexpected guests: a pluralistic model of rationality, knowledge and conjecture in child psychotherapy research
Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 33(3), 283–307.
2007 chapter
How to conduct a START multidisciplinary team assessment: A step-by-step guide
In S. L. Desmarais, C. D. Webster, M.-L. Martin, C. Dassinger, J. Brink, & T. L. Nicholls (Eds.), Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START): Instructors’ guide and workbook (Version 2 (pp. 18–19). Coquitlam, Canada: Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission.
2007 journal article
Intimate Partner Abuse of Older Men: Considerations for the Assessment of Risk
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 19(1-2), 7–27.
Contributors: K. Reeves*, * , T. Nicholls * & K. Douglas

2007 journal article
Perceptions of Motives in Intimate Partner Violence: Expressive Versus Coercive Violence
Violence and Victims, 22(5), 563–576.

2007 book
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START): Instructors’ guide and workbook (Version 2)
Coquitlam, Canada: Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission.
2007 chapter
Violence risk assessments with perpetrators of intimate partner abuse
In J. Hamel & T. L. Nicholls (Eds.), Family interventions in domestic violence : a handbook of gender-inclusive theory and treatment (pp. 275–301). London: Springer.
Ed(s): J. Hamel & T. Nicholls
2006 journal article
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START): the case for a new structured professional judgment scheme
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 24(6), 747–766.
Contributors: C. Webster*, T. Nicholls *, M. Martin *, * & J. Brink *

2006 journal article
The Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)
Assessment, 13(3), 313–327.
Contributors: T. Nicholls *, J. Brink *, * , C. Webster* & M. Martin *
2006 journal article
‘A space to float with someone’: 1 recovering play as a field of repair in work with parents of late-adopted children
Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 32(3), 349–364.
2005 report
Multi-site follow-up study of mentally disordered accused: An examination of individuals found Not Criminally Responsible and Unfit to Stand Trial
[Research Report]. Ottawa, Canada: Research and Statistics Division of the Department of Justice.
2005 report
Women’s health and decision-making in abusive relationships: A study to prevent violence against women
North Vancouver, Canada: Lions Gate Healthcare Research Foundation.
2004 journal article
Judgements of deception and accuracy of performance in eyewitness testimony
Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services, 2(1), 13–22.
Updated: October 23rd, 2023 11:07