Works (14)
2019 conference paper
Project ReShare: An Open, Community-Owned, Resource Sharing Solution
16th IFLA ILDS Conference, – 11,
2018 speech
Bridging Services to Save Students Money and Backaches: Textbook Lending, Open Educational Resources, and Data-Informed Advocacy
Pugsley, B., & Thompson, S. (2018, May). Presented at the Durham, NC. Durham, NC.
Event: at Durham, NC
2018 speech
Diversity Talks and Project Safe Profile Badges at NCSU Libraries
Thompson, S. (2018, April). Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2017 journal article
Data-informed open education advocacy: A new approach to saving students money and backaches
Journal of Access Services, 14(3), 118–125.

2017 speech
IDS Logic Super Users, a Fleet of Big Data, and Article Gateway
Thompson, S. (2017, July). Presented at the Utica, NY. Utica, NY.
Event: at Utica, NY
2016 chapter
Creating Global Delivery Strategy: Services, Systems and Practices
In R. Pun (Ed.), The Future of U.S. Libraries Abroad: Creating Vision and Strategy for Building International Campus Libraries. Chicago, IL: Association of College & Research Libraries.
Ed(s): R. Pun
Event: at Chicago, IL
2016 speech
RapidILL Overview and Experience at ECU and NCSU
Gee, W., & Thompson, S. (2016, July). Presented at the Research Triangle Park, NC. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Event: at Research Triangle Park, NC
2016 speech
Seamless Order to Delivery: Integrating Processes for a Frustration-free User Experience
Schreiner, P., & Thompson, S. (2016, November). Presented at the Atlanta, GA. Atlanta, GA.
Event: at Atlanta, GA
2016 speech
The Future of Interlibrary Loan: A Panel Discussion
Thompson, S. (2016, July). Presented at the Research Triangle Park, NC. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Event: at Research Triangle Park, NC
2011 speech
Delivery Services to the Global Network University
Thompson, S. (2011, June). Presented at the New Orleans, LA. New Orleans, LA.
Event: at New Orleans, LA
2011 conference paper
Routing Rules for Selective Document Delivery
Thompson, S. (2011, March). Presented at the Virginia Beach, VA. Virginia Beach, VA.
Event: at Virginia Beach, VA
2010 speech
Intra-campus Electronic Document Delivery
Thompson, S. (2010, March). Presented at the Cambridge, MA. Cambridge, MA.
Event: at Cambridge, MA
2009 conference paper
Building a Community of Emerging Leaders
Accardi, M., Arellano, V., Metzger, R., & Thompson, S. (2009, July). Presented at the Chicago, IL. Chicago, IL.
Event: at Chicago, IL
2009 speech
NYU Division of Libraries’ ClimateQUAL Experience
Thompson, S. (2009, March). Presented at the Seattle, WA. Seattle, WA.
Event: at Seattle, WA
Updated: January 26th, 2020 13:46
2020 - present
2016 - 2020
2012 - 2016
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2004 - 2007
Updated: June 1st, 2017 13:34
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1998 - 2000