@article{mittal_mueller_2021, title={T-Pack: Timed Network Security for Real Time Systems}, ISSN={["2375-5261"]}, DOI={10.1109/ISORC52013.2021.00014}, abstractNote={Network communication between real-time control systems raises system vulnerability to malware attacks over the network. Such attacks not only result in alteration of system behavior but also incur timing dilation due to executing injected code or, in case of network attacks, to dropped, added, rerouted, or modified packets. This work proposes to detect intrusion based on time dilation induced by time delays within the network potentially resulting in system malfunctioning due to missed deadlines. A new method of timed packet protection, T-Pack, analyzes end-to-end transmission times of packets and detects a compromised system or network based on deviation of observed time from the expected time on end nodes, well in advance of a task's deadline. First, the Linux network stack is extended with timing information maintained within the kernel and further embedded within packets for TCP and UDP communication. Second, real-time application scenarios are analyzed in terms of their susceptibility to malware attacks. Results are evaluated on a distributed system of embedded platforms running a Preempt RT Linux kernel to demonstrate its real-time capabilities.}, journal={2021 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REAL-TIME DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING (ISORC 2021)}, author={Mittal, Swastik and Mueller, Frank}, year={2021}, pages={20–28} }