Suzanne Marie Jervis McLean, K. G., Hanson, D. J., Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2017). Consumer Perception of Retail Pork Bacon Attributes Using Adaptive Choice-based Conjoint Analysis and Maximum Differential Scaling. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 82(11), 2659–2668. Jervis, S. M., Guthrie, B., Guo, G., Worch, T., Hasted, A., & Drake, M. A. (2016). Comparison of Preference Mapping Methods on Commodity Foods with Challenging Groups of Low-Variance Attributes: Sliced Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread Example. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 31(1), 34–49. Serenari, C., Peterson, M. N., Moorman, C. E., Cubbage, F., & Jervis, S. (2015). Application of Choice Experiments to Determine Stakeholder Preferences for Woody Biomass Harvesting Guidelines. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 34(4), 343–357. Li, X. E., Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2015). [Review of Examining Extrinsic Factors that Influence Product Acceptance: A Review]. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 80(5), R901–R909. Hubbard, E. M., Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2016). The effect of extrinsic attributes on liking of cottage cheese. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 99(1), 183–193. Oltman, A. E., Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2014). Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for Fresh Market Tomatoes. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 79(10), S2091–S2097. Jervis, M. G., Jervis, S. M., Guthrie, B., & Drake, M. A. (2014). DETERMINING CHILDREN'S PERCEPTIONS, OPINIONS AND ATTITUDES FOR SLICED SANDWICH BREADS. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 29(5), 351–361. Jervis, S. M., Jervis, M. G., Guthrie, B., & Drake, M. A. (2014). THE EFFICACY OF USING PHOTOGRAPHS TO REPRESENT ATTRIBUTES OF SLICED SANDWICH BREAD IN AN ADAPTIVE CHOICE-BASED CONJOINT. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 29(1), 64–73. Jervis, S. M., Gerard, P., Drake, S., Lopetcharat, K., & Drake, M. A. (2014). THE PERCEPTION OF CREAMINESS IN SOUR CREAM. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 29(4), 248–257. White, S. S., Fox, K. M., Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2013). Influence of heating and acidification on the flavor of whey protein isolate. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 96(3), 1366–1379. Jervis, S. M., & Drake, M. A. (2013). The Impact of Iron on the Bleaching Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquid Whey Systems. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 78(2), R129–R137. Jervis, S. M., Ennis, J. M., & Drake, M. A. (2012). A Comparison of Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint and Choice-Based Conjoint to Determine Key Choice Attributes of Sour Cream with Limited Sample Size. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 27(6), 451–462. Jervis, S. M., Lopetcharat, K., & Drake, M. A. (2012). APPLICATION OF ETHNOGRAPHY AND CONJOINT ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE KEY CONSUMER ATTRIBUTES FOR LATTE-STYLE COFFEE BEVERAGES. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES, 27(1), 48–58. Jervis, S., Campbell, R., Wojciechowski, K. L., Foegeding, E. A., Drake, M. A., & Barbano, D. M. (2012). Effect of bleaching whey on sensory and functional properties of 80% whey protein concentrate. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 95(6), 2848–2862. Liaw, I. W., Miracle, R. E., Jervis, S. M., Listiyani, M. A. D., & Drake, M. A. (2011). Comparison of the Flavor Chemistry and Flavor Stability of Mozzarella and Cheddar Wheys. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 76(8), C1188–C1194.