Works (34)
2025 journal article
Feasibility of a UHF-RFID system in detecting nursery pigs moving through a hallway
2024 article
Development of an interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate course in precision livestock farming systems
Leonard, S. M. (2024, May 5). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102.
2024 journal article
Impacts of crate design, number of heat lamps and lying posture on the occurrence of shoulder lesions in sows
2024 article
Water quality analysis and flow rate comparison between wean-finish swine barns
Kittle, O. C. S., Leonard, S. M., Knauer, M., & Almond, G. (2024, May 5). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 27–27.
2023 article
Comparison of Ammonia Concentrations Between Flush and Pull-Plug Waste Management Systems in Wean-Finish Swine Barns.
Kittle, J., Leonard, S. M., Knauer, M., & Almond, G. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2023 article
Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Daily Feeding Behavior in Swine
Peppmeier, Z., Leonard, S. M., & Knauer, M. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2023 journal article
Estimating backfat depth, loin depth, and intramuscular fat percentage from ultrasound images in swine
ANIMAL, 17(10).
2023 article
Impact of Amount and Solubility of Dietary Fiber Fed During Late Gestation and During the Pre-Farrowing Period on Sow Serum Chemistry and Piglet Vitality Index
Martinez, G. E., Leonard, S., Heugten, E., Wilcock, P., & Rosero, D. S. (2023, October 28). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101, pp. 313–314.
2023 article
Sow Location Within Farrowing Room Impacts Reproduction During Heat Stress.
Knauer, M., Peppmeier, Z., & Leonard, S. M. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2022 journal article
Gruel Creep Feeding Accelerates Growth and Alters Intestinal Health of Young Pigs
ANIMALS, 12(18).

2022 review
Impact of housing environment and management on pre-/post-weaning piglet productivity
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 100(6).

2021 conference paper
Automating ultrasound measurements of back fat and loin depth in swine
Presented at the National Swine Improvement Federation Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
2021 magazine article
Effect of stall size, number of heat lamps during farrowing: Part 1
Leonard, S. M., & Ramirez, B. C. (2021, August). National Hog Farmer.
2021 magazine article
Effect of stall size, number of heat lamps during farrowing: Part 2
Leonard, S. M., & Ramirez, B. C. (2021, September). National Hog Farmer.
2021 magazine article
Effect of stall size, number of heat lamps during farrowing: Part 3
Leonard, S. M., & Ramirez, B. C. (2021, October). National Hog Farmer.
2021 journal article
Effects of farrowing stall layout and number of heat lamps on sow and piglet behavior
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 239, 105334.
2021 magazine article
Farrowing pen design is focus of precision farming study; Big data enables easier pig behaviour research
Anderson, F., & Leonard, S. (2021, June). Ontario Farmer.
2021 journal article
Static and Dynamic Space Usage of Late-Gestation Sows
Transactions of the ASABE, 64(1), 151–159.
2021 article proceedings
Thermal Properties of Concrete Slats During Preheating of Empty Swine Facilities
Presented at the 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting, July 12-16, 2021.
2021 conference paper
Understanding and predicting sow behavior at farrowing
Presented at the NC State Annual Summer Research and Creativity Symposium, (Virtual).
2020 journal article
Effects of Farrowing Stall Layout and Number of Heat Lamps on Sow and Piglet Production Performance
Animals, 10(2), 348.
2020 conference paper
Effects of piglet creep floor area on sow behavior and litter productivity in farrowing stalls
Presented at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2020, Omaha, NE.
2020 conference paper
Initial phases for conducting high temperature and high humidity depopulation research
Presented at the American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
2019 journal article
Characterization of a machine vision system to assess gestating sow space usage
2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Presented at the 2019 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Contributors: , H. Xin*, T. Brown-Brandl, B. Ramirez *, J. Stinn *, A. Johnson *, K. Liu *
2019 journal article
Development and application of an image acquisition system for characterizing sow behaviors in farrowing stalls
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 163, 104866.
Contributors: , H. Xin *, T. Brown-Brandl * & B. Ramirez * *
2019 conference paper
Effects of one or two heat lamps on sow behavior and piglet performance in farrowing stalls
Presented at the 2019 Pig Welfare Symposium, Minneapolis, MN.
2019 magazine article
Emerging technologies for monitoring sow health and welfare
Leonard, S. M., Smith, B. C., & Ramirez, B. C. (2019, August). National Hog Farmer.
2019 magazine article
If one heat lamp is good, is two better?
Hess, A., & Leonard, S. M. (2019, November). National Hog Farmer.
2019 conference paper
Implication of modern sow’s static and dynamic space usage on gestation stall design
Presented at the International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare, Chongquing, China.
2018 journal article
An Image Acquisition System for Studying Behaviors of Sows and Piglets in Farrowing Barns
10th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X). Presented at the 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X), Omaha, NE.
2018 conference paper
An image acquisition system for studying behaviors of sows and piglets in farrowing barns
10th International Livestock Environment Symposium, ILES 2018.
2018 article proceedings
Spatial and Diurnal Variations of Particulate Matter Concentration of a Pilot-Scale Aviary Layer House in Winter
Presented at the 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X).
2018 conference paper
Spatial and diurnal variations of particulate matter concentration of a pilot-scale aviary layer house in winter
10th International Livestock Environment Symposium, ILES 2018.
2017 conference paper
Quantification of static and dynamic spaces for sows
Presented at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, Spokane, WA.
Updated: February 24th, 2021 12:50
2020 - present
Updated: January 13th, 2020 11:20
2016 - 2020
2012 - 2016