@article{tu_yu_du_eisele_lu_karsai_lukic_2024, title={An IoT-Based Framework for Distributed Generic Microgrid Controllers}, volume={3}, ISSN={["1558-0865"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2024.3378989}, DOI={10.1109/TCST.2024.3378989}, abstractNote={Microgrids (MGs) can effectively integrate distributed energy resources (DERs) and support the resilient functioning of the future power grid. In the literature, distributed MG control algorithms based on consensus protocols are proposed that distribute the computation and communication tasks to computational nodes at each DER, thus naturally supporting plug-and-play integration and improving resilience. Shifting to the distributed control paradigm requires a complete rethink and redesign of the current MG controller framework and implementation. In this article, we propose a framework for distributed generic MG controllers with the support of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. With the proposed framework, distributed generic MG controllers can be designed to support all use cases of an MG, including grid-connected and islanded operations, planned/unplanned islanding, and reconnecting. We implement the proposed framework using a novel open-source platform, called Resilient Information Architecture Platform for the Smart Grid (RIAPS) and demonstrate its performance using hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests.}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY}, author={Tu, Hao and Yu, Hui and Du, Yuhua and Eisele, Scott and Lu, Xiaonan and Karsai, Gabor and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2024}, month={Mar} } @article{alam_rahman_husain_lukic_2024, title={Circulating Power and Winding Current Minimization in a Triple Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Optimized Leakage Inductance Design}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC48139.2024.10509037}, journal={2024 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Alam, Md Didarul and Rahman, Mohammad Mahinur and Husain, Iqbal and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2024}, pages={474–480} } @article{tu_yu_lukic_2024, title={Dynamic Nonlinear Droop Control (DNDC): A Novel Primary Control Method for DC Microgrids}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2024.3411052}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2024.3411052}, number={9}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Tu, Hao and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2024}, month={Sep}, pages={10934–10949} } @article{bhadani_banik_tu_lukic_karsai_2024, title={Model-based Design Tool for Cyber-physical Power Systems using SystemC-AMS}, ISBN={["979-8-3503-7595-4"]}, DOI={10.1109/DESTION62938.2024.00016}, abstractNote={Cyber-physical power systems, such as grids, integrate computational and communication components with physical systems to introduce novel functions and improve resilience and fault tolerance. These systems employ computational components and real-time controllers to meet power demands. Microgrids, comprising interconnected components, energy resources within defined electrical boundaries, computational elements, and controllers, offer a solution for integrating renewable energy sources and ensuring resilience in electricity demand. Simulating these cyber-physical systems (CPS) is vital for grid design, as it facilitates the modeling and control of both continuous physical processes and discrete-time power converters and controllers. This paper presents a model-based design tool for simulating cyber-physical power systems, including microgrids, using SystemC-AMS. The adoption of SystemC-AMS enables physical modeling with both native components from the SystemC-AMS library and user-defined computational elements. We observe that SystemC-AMS can accurately produce the electromagnetic transient responses essential for analyzing grid stability. Additionally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of SystemC-AMS through use cases that simulate grid-following inverters. Comparing the SystemC-AMS implementation to one in Simulink reveals that SystemC-AMS offers a more rapid simulation. A design tool like this could support microgrid designers in making informed decisions about the selection of microgrid components prior to installation and deployment.}, journal={PROCEEDINGS THE 6TH WORKSHOP ON DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR CPS AND IOT, DESTION 2024}, author={Bhadani, Rahul and Banik, Satyaki and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2024}, pages={55–61} } @article{montes_dadzie_lukic_tu_2024, title={Multisampling with Sigma-Delta ADCs for Medium-Voltage Cascaded H-Bridge Converters}, volume={17}, ISSN={["1996-1073"]}, DOI={10.3390/en17236156}, abstractNote={The control of medium-voltage cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converters demands precise, high-bandwidth, low-latency, and isolated measurements. Traditional analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) can facilitate multisampling methods to meet these requirements but do not provide the high-voltage galvanic isolation that may be necessary in a system operating at medium voltage. Sigma-Delta ADCs (SD-ADCs) present a promising alternative due to their superior noise rejection capabilities and direct integration with the optical fiber interface. However, the inherent latency associated with SD-ADCs, stemming from their operating principles, poses challenges when integrating them with multisampling methods. This paper analyzes the integration of multisampling techniques with SD-ADCs for medium-voltage CHB converter control. First, the impact of SD-ADC-induced delays on the control system is elucidated from the passivity perspective. Second, the practical implementation of multisampling with SD-ADCs is discussed in detail. Finally, experimental results from a 2400 Vrms medium-voltage CHB converter are presented to validate the analysis and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed implementation.}, number={23}, journal={ENERGIES}, author={Montes, Oscar Andres and Dadzie, David and Lukic, Srdjan and Tu, Hao}, year={2024}, month={Dec} } @article{ghosh_barua_krentz_karsai_dubey_lukic_2023, title={Distributed Control Application for Smart Grids using RIAPS}, ISSN={["2693-8332"]}, DOI={10.1109/SMARTCOMP58114.2023.00042}, abstractNote={The integration of computational capabilities with the electrical infrastructure of the grid can be envisioned as a societal scale Cyber Physical System (CPS). Middleware frameworks can act as a layer of abstraction that manages the interaction between disparate applications to facilitate intelligent control and management of energy production and consumption. This demonstration showcases Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Grid (RIAPS), a distributed software platform that combines a domain specific modeling language with framework-level services such as communication, remote deployment of applications, distributed coordination, time synchronization, and fault tolerance, to develop and run distributed applications. An example of an energy demand curtailment scheme called load shedding is presented, to highlight how the RIAPS framework can be used to implement distributed algorithms to control elements of a power system, which runs as a simulation using OpenDSS.}, journal={2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART COMPUTING, SMARTCOMP}, author={Ghosh, Purboday and Barua, Niloy and Krentz, Timothy and Karsai, Gabor and Dubey, Abhishek and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2023}, pages={186–188} } @article{tu_yu_lukic_2023, title={Impact of Virtual Inertia on DC Grid Stability With Constant Power Loads}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2023.3243138}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2023.3243138}, abstractNote={Virtual inertia is an effective control approach to attenuate sudden voltage changes during transient events in low-inertia dc grids. While methods have been proposed to implement virtual inertia, its impact on dc grid stability in the presence of constant power loads (CPLs) remains unclear. In this letter, we perform a rigorous stability analysis for dc grids with CPLs powered by virtual-inertia-enhanced converters. We derive a closed-form stability criterion that can be used to evaluate the impact of virtual inertia on the system stability, and demonstrate that, given a set of system parameters, the stability of a dc grid powering CPLs can be improved for a range of virtual inertia designs. We provide analytical expressions for the optimal virtual inertia that improves stability and for the maximum virtual inertia that does not deteriorate stability. In addition, we present a step-by-step guideline to design a stable dc grid with virtual inertia. Test results are presented to validate the analysis.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Tu, Hao and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2023}, month={May}, pages={5693–5699} } @article{awal_montes_teng_wang_bipu_yu_lukic_husain_2023, title={Medium Voltage Solid State Transformer for Extreme Fast Charging Applications}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC43580.2023.10131285}, abstractNote={A modular and scalable solid state transformer (SST) with direct medium voltage (MV) AC connectivity is proposed to enable DC extreme fast charging (XFC) of electric vehicles. Single-phase-modules (SPMs), each consisting of an active-front-end (AFE) stage and an isolated DC-DC stage, are connected in input-series-output-parallel (ISOP) configuration. The modular hardware is co-designed with decentralized control of the DC-DC stages where voltage and power balancing are achieved by each SPM using only its local sensor feedback; a centralized controller (CC) regulates the low voltage (LV) DC bus through the AFE stages without any sensor feedback form the SPMs. The controller architecture contrasts sharply with the prior art for MV AC to LV DC SSTs where high-speed bidirectional communication among SPMs and a CC are required for module-level voltage and power balancing, which severely limits the scalability and practical realization of higher voltage and higher power units. Detailed small-signal analysis and controller design guidelines are developed. Furthermore, a soft start-up strategy is presented. The proposed converter and control structure are validated through simulation and experimental results.}, journal={2023 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Awal, M. A. and Montes, Oscar Andres and Teng, Fei and Wang, Dakai and Bipu, Md Rashed Hasan and Yu, Wensong and Lukic, Srdjan and Husain, Iqbal}, year={2023}, pages={1528–1535} } @article{bipu_dadzie_lukic_husain_2023, title={Open Circuit Switch Fault Management Method of a Multi-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter for EV Charging Application}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC43580.2023.10131648}, abstractNote={Multi-phase synchronous buck converter (MSBC) is becoming popular for the electric vehicle (EV) charging application because of its higher efficiency, smaller passive component sizes, bidirectional power flow, and output current ripple reduction through interleaving. This converter also provides higher reliability than the traditional single phase converter since its modular structure enables fault tolerant operation. Fault management in the converter requires the detection of switch fault, shut down of the faulty phase, and reconfiguration of the PWM signals for the healthy phases to avoid circulating current and high output current ripple. In addition, it is desirable that the fault management method can be implemented using the micro-controller unit (MCU) or digital signal processor (DSP), which are widely used to control power converters. This paper presents a fault management method for detecting switch faults and reconfiguring healthy phases using a DSP. The method is validated through simulations and experiments using a commercial off-the-shelf power stack.}, journal={2023 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Bipu, Md Rashed Hassan and Dadzie, David and Lukic, Srdjan and Husain, Iqbal}, year={2023}, pages={2218–2222} } @article{tu_du_yu_lu_lukic_2024, title={Privacy-Preserving Robust Consensus for Distributed Microgrid Control Applications}, volume={71}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2023.3274846}, DOI={10.1109/TIE.2023.3274846}, abstractNote={Consensus-based distributed control has been proposed for coordinating distributed energy resources (DERs) in microgrids (MGs). As one key component, distributed average observers are used to estimate the average of a group of reference signals (e.g., voltage, current, or power). State-of-the-art distributed average observers could lead to loss of privacy due to information exchange on the communication channels. The DERs' reference signals, which contain private information, could be inferred by an eavesdropper. In this article, a privacy-preserving distributed average observer is proposed that is based on robust consensus and uses the state decomposition method to preserve privacy. Compared to the existing methods, the proposed observer does not require the knowledge of the reference signal's derivative and gives accurate and smooth estimation, and is thus applicable for MG distributed control applications. A detailed analysis regarding the convergence and privacy properties of the proposed observer is presented. The proposed observer is implemented on hardware controllers and validated in the context of distributed MG control applications through hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, author={Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Yu, Hui and Lu, Xiaonan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2024}, month={Apr}, pages={3684–3697} } @article{ghosh_tu_krentz_karsai_lukic_2022, title={An Automated Deployment and Testing Framework for Resilient Distributed Smart Grid Applications}, DOI={10.1109/COINS54846.2022.9854934}, abstractNote={Executing distributed cyber-physical software processes on edge devices that maintains the resiliency of the overall system while adhering to resource constraints is quite a challenging trade-off to consider for developers. Current approaches do not solve this problem of deploying software components to devices in a way that satisfies different resilience requirements that can be encoded by developers at design time. This paper introduces a resilient deployment framework that can achieve that by accepting user-defined constraints to optimize redundancy or cost for a given application deployment. Experiments with a microgrid energy management application developed using a decentralized software platform show that the deployment configuration can play an important role in enhancing the resilience capabilities of distributed applications as well as reducing the resource demands on individual nodes even without modifying the control logic.}, journal={2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OMNI-LAYER INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (IEEE COINS 2022)}, author={Ghosh, Purboday and Tu, Hao and Krentz, Timothy and Karsai, Gabor and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2022}, pages={73–78} } @article{dsouza_muthukaruppan_yu_baran_lukic_vukojevic_2022, title={Assessment of Anti-Islanding Schemes on a Distribution System with High DER Penetration and Dynamic VAR Compensators}, ISSN={["2329-5759"]}, DOI={10.1109/PEDG54999.2022.9923268}, abstractNote={The recently introduced power-electronics-based dynamic VAR compensator (DVC) offers an effective solution in mitigating the impacts that high penetration distributed energy resources (DERs) have on distribution systems. One of the concerns about adopting these devices is their impact on distribution system protection, especially islanding detection. This paper proposes a hardware-in-loop (HIL) test-bed based approach to investigate the performance of islanding detection schemes on a distribution feeder. This approach facilitates the assessment of protection system performance under more realistic conditions by emulating actual devices and a distribution system. The results are based on an actual case study that is outlined to show the effectiveness of existing passive anti-islanding schemes and assess the impact of a DVC on islanding detection.}, journal={2022 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POWER ELECTRONICS FOR DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS (PEDG)}, author={DSouza, Keith and Muthukaruppan, Valliappan and Yu, Hui and Baran, Mesut and Lukic, Srdjan and Vukojevic, Aleksandar}, year={2022} } @article{feng_won_liang_srdic_lukic_2022, title={Design and Implementation of DC-Transformer using 10 kV SiC MOSFET for Medium-Voltage Extreme Fast Charger}, ISSN={["2329-3721"]}, DOI={10.1109/ECCE50734.2022.9947543}, abstractNote={The medium-voltage (MV) electric vehicle (EV) fast charger is foreseen as a feasible way to improve efficiency and power density of future EV charging infrastructure. The emerging 10 kV SiC MOSFET enables direct connection to MV utility using a single-module in basic topology, achieving a noticeable enhancement of system simplicity. In this paper, an active neutral- point-clamped (ANPC) based dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter using 10 kV SiC MOSFET is presented. The design and implementation of critical components including busbar, isolated gate driver and MV transformer are elaborated subsequently. The tradeoff between insulation of MV system against power density is discussed. The dc-transformer (DCX) is tested under a 10 kV to 700 V voltage ratio, with 99.1 % efficiency at 30 kW power throughput.}, journal={2022 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE)}, author={Feng, Hao and Won, Jehyuk and Liang, Xinyu and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2022} } @article{tu_du_yu_meena_lu_lukic_2023, title={Distributed Economic Dispatch for Microgrids Tracking Ramp Power Commands}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1949-3061"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TSG.2022.3189534}, DOI={10.1109/TSG.2022.3189534}, abstractNote={When in grid-connected mode of operation, distributed generators (DGs) within the microgrid (MG) can coordinate to act as a single entity to provide services to the bulk grid. The DGs can coordinate their power production to minimize the total operating cost, which is known as the distributed economic dispatch. Various methods have been proposed to solve the MG economic dispatch problem (EDP) in a distributed fashion, under the assumption that DGs’ power output, in aggregate, follows a constant or slowly varying power command. However, when the MG is providing frequency regulation service, or the internal load is highly dynamic, the MG EDP becomes dynamic, and the state-of-the-art distributed approaches cannot guarantee optimality. In this paper, we propose a distributed economic dispatch algorithm for MGs providing frequency regulation service, as an example of a dispatch profile with ramp commands. A consensus protocol guaranteeing zero steady-state error for ramp inputs is integrated into the EDP to find the optimal solution in a distributed way. With the proposed algorithm, the MG is able to tightly follow a time-varying regulation signal while maintaining an optimal economic dispatch for all the DGs within. We validate the proposed method using regulation signals from PJM and demonstrate the algorithm on a hardware-in-the-loop testbed.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID}, author={Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Yu, Hui and Meena, Shweta and Lu, Xiaonan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2023}, month={Jan}, pages={94–111} } @article{awal_rachi_yu_husain_lukic_2023, title={Double Synchronous Unified Virtual Oscillator Control for Asymmetrical Fault Ride-Through in Grid-Forming Voltage Source Converters}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2022.3227729}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2022.3227729}, abstractNote={In this work, a double synchronous unified virtual oscillator controller is proposed for grid-forming voltage source converters to achieve synchronization to the fundamental frequency positive- and negative-sequence components of unbalanced grid voltage without any phase-locked loop. The proposed controller leverages a positive-sequence virtual oscillator and a negative-sequence virtual oscillator, a double-sequence current reference generator, and a double-sequence vector limiter. Under fault conditions, the controller enables to limit the converter output current below/at the maximum value allowable by the converter hardware while retaining synchronization regardless of the nature of grid faults. Consequently, symmetrical and asymmetrical fault ride-through can be achieved without the need for switching to a backup controller. This article presents the implementation and detailed analysis of the double-synchronous structure, which enables simultaneous synchronization to both sequences during current-unconstrained and -constrained operations. Validation of the proposed controller is provided through laboratory hardware experiments.}, number={6}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Awal, M. A. and Rachi, Md Rifat Kaisar and Yu, Hui and Husain, Iqbal and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2023}, month={Jun}, pages={6759–6763} } @article{meena_tu_yu_lukic_2022, title={Economic Dispatch in Microgrids using Relaxed Mixed Integer Linear Programming}, ISSN={["2329-3721"]}, DOI={10.1109/ECCE50734.2022.9947665}, abstractNote={Economic dispatch (ED) in a microgrid is vital to supply the load demand with a minimum cost of operation. Considering the large number of discrete variables involved in ED formulation, it is common in practice to use Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for solving the optimization problem. However, as the problem size increases, the convergence time of MILP can exponentially increase owing to the NP-hard nature of the algorithm. This paper reviews the state of the art ED formulations and proposes an equally optimal and time-efficient method, Relaxed Mixed Integer Linear Programming (RMILP) for executing the day-ahead ED in a microgrid with large problem size. Using the proposed algorithm, ED problems with smaller timesteps can be solved in a reasonable time for large systems. In addition, the load is modeled as a discrete variable which is more realistic from the perspective of load shedding and often ignored in ED formulations in the literature. We apply the proposed approach to the Banshee distribution feeders and show its advantages over conventional methods.}, journal={2022 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE)}, author={Meena, Shweta and Tu, Hao and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2022} } @article{ravuri_yu_chatterji_tu_lukic_2021, title={A Compact 50kW High Power Density, Hybrid 3-Level Paralleled T-type Inverter for More Electric Aircraft Applications}, ISSN={["2473-7631"]}, DOI={10.1109/ITEC51675.2021.9490099}, abstractNote={The demand for high performing, lightweight, reliable inverters, increased the scope of wide bandgap and high-switching frequency based solutions. To achieve such high efficiency inverters, it is vital to focus on the system level design considerations to maximize the benefits of these advanced technologies. This paper presents an improved design based on considerations to further reap the benefits of choosing the right inverter topology; increased capabilities through paralleling devices, with reduced total number of switches; and designing a planarized inverter with PCB based busbar. Appropriate thermal analysis and heatsink design has aided in increased system power density along with the overall efficiency. Demonstration of a SOkW 3-phase 3-level paralleled T-type SiC inverter operating at 40kHz switching frequency for aircraft applications is shown to evaluate the benefits of proposed design methodology. The prototype achieves a high power density of 11kW/L.}, journal={2021 IEEE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION CONFERENCE & EXPO (ITEC)}, author={Ravuri, Likhita and Yu, Hui and Chatterji, Arindam and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2021}, pages={652–657} } @article{du_tu_lu_wang_lukic_2022, title={Black-Start and Service Restoration in Resilient Distribution Systems With Dynamic Microgrids}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, DOI={10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3071765}, abstractNote={The resilience of distribution systems has been challenged by power outages caused by natural disasters, which calls for novel solutions to system restoration. However, the existing black-start (BS) techniques are mainly developed at the transmission level. This problem can be resolved by adopting dynamic microgrids (MGs), i.e., MGs with dynamic and adjustable boundaries nested in the distribution systems. This article proposes a restoration procedure that adopts self-organizing inverters as BS units and achieves distribution system restoration in the context of dynamic MGs. The proposed restoration procedure is structured as a two-stage approach and designed to restore a complete blackout distribution system to the state where the system is ready for seamless main grid reconnection. A framework of dynamic MG operation is developed, which improves the self-healing capability of off-grid distribution systems with automatic sectionalization and flexible reconfiguration. A sequence of actions during restoration is defined, along with distributed controllers designed with considerations of practical operating challenges. The proposed restoration procedure is validated on a 34-bus system using real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lu, Xiaonan and Wang, Jianhui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2022}, month={Aug}, pages={3975–3986} } @article{awal_tu_xu_lukic_husain_2021, title={Circulating Reactive Power and Suppression Strategies in DC Power Electronics Networks}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC42165.2021.9487129}, abstractNote={In DC electrical networks consisting of pulse-width-modulated converters, large circulating reactive power may be caused by parallel resonance among the passive filters and the parasitic elements of the interconnecting power-line cables. Such undesired circulating currents at switching frequencies and their harmonics lead to larger ripple in the network voltage, shorter component lifetime, and increased loss. In this work, the condition for such resonances is derived analytically and two suppression methods, namely, an inductor-capacitor (LC) trap filter and an L-termination filter, are proposed. Through analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed methods can guarantee resonance suppression in a generic DC network consisting of arbitrary N converters. Systematic design rules are developed. The analysis and suppression methods are validated through laboratory experiments.}, journal={2021 THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC 2021)}, author={Awal, M. A. and Tu, Hao and Xu, Bei and Lukic, Srdjan and Husain, Iqbal}, year={2021}, pages={796–803} } @misc{won_srdic_lukic_2022, title={Optimized Multi-Carrier PWM Strategy and Topology Review for Multi-Cell Series-Parallel Medium-Voltage Rectifier}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, DOI={10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3129797}, abstractNote={Solid-state transformer (SST) acting as a medium-voltage (MV) rectifier is a viable solution to supply low-voltage DC (LVDC) loads directly from the MV ac grid. Different from a classical boost-derived power-factor-correction (PFC) topology, the multicell series-parallel (MCSP) converter steps down and distributes the input ac voltage by multiple switching cells while providing the PFC function. We propose an optimized multicarrier pulsewidth modulation (PWM) strategy to avoid unwanted modes by modified multicarrier waveforms for ensuring frequent parallel connectivity to improve balancing effect while preserving simple current control implementation. Compared with conventional phase-shifted (PS) PWM and other modified multilevel carrier methods, the proposed method has no adverse effect on the input current distortion and optimizes the balancing effect on the capacitor voltages resulting suppressed circulating currents. Effectively reduced current stresses on the switch devices could lead a reduction of conduction loss on the device. Topology discussion, circulating currents, digital implementation, and loss analysis are provided. Finally, the superiority of the proposed PWM method is validated by thermal-based simulation presenting a power loss breakdown and comparing with other PWM methods. A full-scale prototype is developed, and the experimental outcomes verify the remarkable performance of proposed PWM scheme in balanced and even suppressed switch currents with improved system efficiency.}, number={6}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Won, Jehyuk and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2022}, month={Dec}, pages={6770–6783} } @article{feng_teng_montes_awal_bipu_husain_lukic_2022, title={Passive Capacitor Voltage Balancing of SiC-Based Three-Level Dual-Active-Bridge Converter Using Hybrid NPC-Flying Capacitor Structure}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2021.3119210}, abstractNote={Three-level (TL) dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter serves a critical role in the medium-voltage (MV) solid-state-transformers in which high voltage rating and bidirectional power flow are required. The regular neutral-point-clamping (NPC) topology is easily subjected to capacitor voltage unbalance due to nonideal operating conditions. In this article, a hybrid structure incorporating NPC and flying capacitor (FC) is presented to resolve the voltage unbalance issue. The key advantages include minimal additional hardware efforts and no need to resort to active control. The FC behaves as a buffer to leverage the upper and lower capacitor so that passive voltage balance between the two dc-link capacitors can be achieved on a switching cycle basis. Closed-form analysis further reveals the impact of FC value on voltage unbalance. Moreover, the appropriate modulation scheme, switching condition, and commutation loop are evaluated to provide detailed rule of thumb to the implementation of FC circuit. Analysis shows the FC also brings favorable switching loss performance and is friendly to employ upon fast switching of wide bandgap devices such as SiC. Finally, a 1.6 kV input, 400 V output, 8 kW scaled-down hybrid NPC-FC-based DAB converter is built to validate the above analysis.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Feng, Hao and Teng, Fei and Montes, Oscar Andres and Awal, M. A. and Bipu, Md Rashed Hassan and Husain, Iqbal and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2022}, month={Apr}, pages={4183–4194} } @article{du_tu_lu_lukic_2021, title={Privacy-Preserving Distributed Average Observers in Distribution Systems With Grid-Forming Inverters}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1949-3061"]}, DOI={10.1109/TSG.2021.3105651}, abstractNote={Information security is critical for the safe and secure operation of distribution systems. Distributed averaging has been frequently utilized to coordinate multiple inverter-interfaced distributed generators (DGs) within the distribution grid. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art dynamic consensus-based average observers lead to loss of privacy due to neighboring information exchange, i.e., the local states of each DG that contain private information could be inferred by the neighboring DGs. In this paper, to avoid privacy disclosure and guarantee the effectiveness of distributed averaging, a privacy-preserving distributed average observer is proposed. The proposed observer adopts an algorithm-based approach in privacy preservation. Compared to the existing distributed privacy-preserving algorithms in the literature, the proposed observer achieves accurate averaging and does not introduce additional restrictions on the communication network topology. Two-fold obfuscation is implemented to mask the true values of one agent’s local states from its neighbors during the average seeking. Particularly, the true values are randomly deviated at each agent locally before publishing, and the true values of the deviations are further masked using dynamic weights that vary randomly. Additionally, the proposed observer supports “plug-and-play” functionality and is robust against communication delays. The proposed observer is implemented on hardware controllers, and its observation and privacy-preserving performance are validated in a controller hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testbed.}, number={6}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lu, Xiaonan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2021}, month={Nov}, pages={5000–5010} } @article{feng_dayerizadeh_lukic_2021, title={A Coupling-Insensitive X-Type IPT System for High Position Tolerance}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2020.3000116}, DOI={10.1109/TIE.2020.3000116}, abstractNote={The output characteristic of an inductive power transfer (IPT) system is highly susceptible to variations in magnetic coupling. In this article, a primary-side X-type compensation topology is proposed to acquire stable output characteristics against a wide range of magnetic coupling without resorting to tight control and coil design. By introducing the concept and derivation principle for the coupling-insensitive compensation topologies, the X-type network is presented to provide self-regulation ability for primary coil current against variable coupling, thereby enabling steady power transfer in a highly dynamic environment. The design considerations for the passive parameters are elaborated, followed by the comparison with regular compensation methods. Owing to its unique structure and design flexibility, the X-type compensation exhibits a stable output characteristic that is beneficial in enhancing the tolerance to position shifts. Moreover, it also features a wide soft-switching range and more flexible design for the output level range than previous topologies. Experimental results show stable power transfer over a coupling factor of 0.14–0.28, where the power fluctuation is less than 20%. The presented method is seen as a potential solution for low power IPT systems, where high mobility is demanded.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Feng, Hao and Dayerizadeh, Alireza and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2021}, month={Aug}, pages={6917–6926} } @article{li_motwani_zeng_lukic_peterchev_goetz_2021, title={A Reduced Series/Parallel Module for Cascade Multilevel Static Compensators Supporting Sensorless Balancing}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/TIE.2020.2965470}, abstractNote={Cascaded multilevel converters have been gaining popularity in static compensators (STATCOMs) owing to their excellent modularity, output quality, and fault tolerance. However, cascaded multilevel converters require a large number of galvanically isolated voltage sensors and complex communication systems in order to balance the module dc-link voltages. This article proposes a reduced series/parallel module (RSPM) that intends to replace H-bridges in cascaded multilevel STATCOMs. Any adjacent RSPMs can be configured in series, bypass, or parallel. Cycling the parallel state through all modules balances all capacitor voltages in a sensorless manner. Since the RSPM-balancing process occurs at the hardware level, H-bridges can be easily replaced by RSPMs without changing higher-level control loops. Compared to existing series/parallel modules, the RSPM has the same functionalities but uses 25% fewer transistors. Despite the reduced switch count, the RSPM is shown to achieve even better efficiency under certain load conditions. The RSPM also attains similar semiconductor utilization ratio as H-bridge modules. The features of the RSPMs are verified on simulations and a down-scaled experimental setup.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, author={Li, Zhongxi and Motwani, Jayesh K. and Zeng, Zhiyong and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Peterchev, Angel V. and Goetz, Stefan M.}, year={2021}, month={Jan}, pages={15–24} } @article{lee_kim_lukic_2020, title={A Rotating Restart Method for Scalar (v/f) Controlled Synchronous Reluctance Machine Drives Using a Single DC-Link Current Sensor}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2169-3536"]}, DOI={10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000220}, abstractNote={This paper presents a rotating restart method for $v/f$ scalar controlled Synchronous Reluctance Machines (SynRMs) using a single DC-link current sensor. In such a case, the initial rotor position and speed are required to restart the machine due to the absence of a position sensor. The method proposes to inject three active voltage vectors in the stationary reference frame to induce the phase currents required for estimating the rotor position and speed. In addition, the phase current reconstruction method is proposed to reduce the distortion of the measured phase currents caused by adopting a single DC-link current sensor and to consequently enhance the rotor position estimation accuracy. With the proposed method, the appropriate voltage vector can be applied to the machine, thus minimizing the inrush current during the restart. Furthermore, the proposed method only requires the machine parameters on the nameplate, and it does not require any additional machine-specific tuning processes. This paper proposes a simple restart method suitable for scalar-controlled SynRM drives with a single DC-link current sensor. The effectiveness of the proposed restart scheme is validated through the simulation and experimental results.}, journal={IEEE ACCESS}, author={Lee, Kibok and Kim, Heonyoung and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2020}, pages={106629–106638} } @article{awal_bipu_montes_feng_husain_yu_lukic_2020, title={Capacitor Voltage Balancing for Neutral Point Clamped Dual Active Bridge Converters}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2020.2988272}, abstractNote={A capacitor voltage balancing method is proposed for a full-bridge neutral point diode clamped (NPC) dual-active bridge (DAB) converter. In existing literature, capacitor voltage balancing is achieved by actively selecting between the small voltage vectors, i.e., connecting either the upper or the lower capacitor on the dc bus to the transformer winding, on the basis of measured voltage mismatch. These balancing methods are dependent on the direction of power flow through the DAB converter. In this work, we propose a voltage balancing controller, which is independent of power flow direction and does not require adjustments of active voltage vectors through the modulator. Irrespective of the direction of transformer current, by dynamically shifting the switching instants of the inner switch pairs in the two NPC legs during the free-wheeling/zero voltage vector time, either of the two capacitors can be selectively charged without introducing any offsets in the voltage-second seen by the transformer. A simple bidirectional phase-shift modulator is designed to facilitate voltage balancing irrespective of power flow direction or mode of operation. The proposed method is highly and universally effective under any converter operating condition and was verified and demonstrated through analysis, simulation, and hardware experiments using a laboratory prototype.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Awal, M. A. and Bipu, Md Rashed Hassan and Montes, Oscar Andres and Feng, Hao and Husain, Iqbal and Yu, Wensong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2020}, pages={11267–11276} } @article{yu_awal_tu_husain_lukic_2021, title={Comparative Transient Stability Assessment of Droop and Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Controlled Grid-Connected Inverters}, volume={36}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2020.3007628}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2020.3007628}, abstractNote={With the increasing integration of power electronics interfaced distributed generators, transient stability assessment of grid-connected inverters subjected to large grid disturbances is of vital importance for the secure and resilient operation of the power grid. Dispatchable virtual oscillator control (dVOC) is an emerging approach to implement nonlinear control of grid-forming inverters. Through coordinate transformation, a simple first-order nonlinear power angle dynamic equation is uncovered from the complex oscillator dynamics. Furthermore, this article proposes a concise and straightforward graphical approach to assess transient stability of dVOC using vector field on the circle. To provide a more in-depth analysis, a complete large-signal model is derived and the impact of dVOC voltage amplitude dynamics is analyzed. For comparison, transient stability of the currently prevalent droop control is also assessed using phase portraits. Salient transient stability features of dVOC and droop control during grid faults are summarized and compared. The theoretical analysis is validated by controller hardware-in-the-loop testbed using industry-grade hardware.}, number={2}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Yu, Hui and Awal, M. A. and Tu, Hao and Husain, Iqbal and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={2119–2130} } @article{awal_yu_lukic_husain_2020, title={Droop and Oscillator Based Grid-Forming Converter Controls: A Comparative Performance Analysis}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2296-598X"]}, DOI={10.3389/fenrg.2020.00168}, abstractNote={Two distinct approaches, one droop-based phasor-domain modeled and the other non-linear oscillator-based time-domain modeled, have emerged for the analysis and control of power electronic converters at the system interface layer where these converters are integrating distributed energy resources (DERs). While the droop-type controllers are based on distinct time-scale separation of control loops, purposefully slowing down the response of the DERs, the oscillator-based controllers deliver fast dynamic response with accurate power sharing capability as well as stability guarantee. In this paper, we analyze both the droop- and oscillator-type converters in the context of grid forming converters with respect to steady state terminal response, transient stability, and harmonic compensation in converter output current or in network voltage. Simulation and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the easier implementation of oscillator-based controls that can also achieve supplementary control objectives pertinent to power quality.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH}, author={Awal, M. A. and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan and Husain, Iqbal}, year={2020}, month={Oct} } @article{du_lu_wang_chen_tu_lukic_2021, title={Dynamic Microgrids in Resilient Distribution Systems With Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical Networks}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, DOI={10.1109/JESTPE.2020.2981921}, abstractNote={Modern distribution systems energized by inverter-interfaced distributed generators (DGs) operate as coupled cyber-physical networks (C/P-networks), where the controllable components in the P-network are coordinated through the C-network. The concept of dynamic microgrids (MGs) operation has been adopted to enable distribution system autonomous operation with varying electric boundaries. To further enhance the system operation resiliency and flexibility, dynamic MGs operation with reconfigurable C/P-networks is discussed in this article. An evaluation framework is proposed to assess the operational feasibility of distribution feeders with multiple inverter-based dynamic MGs and come out with possible restoration solutions in the context of cross-layer C/P-network reconfiguration. Furthermore, distributed controllers are developed for components with different operating characteristics to realize seamless system topology variations and provide coordinated secondary regulation in various operation modes. The proposed evaluation framework, along with the developed distributed controller, has been validated using a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) real-time CPS testbed.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Du, Yuhua and Lu, Xiaonan and Wang, Jianhui and Chen, Bo and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2021}, month={Oct}, pages={5192–5205} } @article{dayerizadeh_feng_lukic_2020, title={Dynamic Wireless Charging: Reflexive Field Containment Using Saturable Inductors}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2020.2964215}, DOI={10.1109/TIA.2020.2964215}, abstractNote={In dynamic wireless charging applications, segmented transmitter coils transfer power to a moving receiver coil. This article proposes a method in which the field strength in coupled transmitter coils automatically adjusts based on the position of the receiver. Specifically, a saturable inductor is applied to provide a high uncompensated inductive reactance in the uncoupled condition. By exploiting the reflected reactance as the system approaches the maximum coupled condition, the inductor saturates and the field strength in the coupled transmitter coils automatically increases. The field strength is at its peak when the transmitting and receiving coils reach their maximum coupling and sharply decreases when the receiver is decoupled from the transmitter. Consequently, the difference between the coupled and uncoupled currents in the transmitter coil is maximized, resulting in a near six-fold improvement in field containment performance compared to previously reported findings. This allows for system-level efficient power transfer and compliance with electromagnetic emission standards without complex shielding circuits and auxiliary active position detection approaches. We present the analysis, design criteria of the compensation network, and experimental validation for the proposed method.}, number={2}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Dayerizadeh, Alireza and Feng, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2020}, pages={1784–1792} } @article{vukojevic_lukic_white_2020, title={Implementing an Electric Utility Microgrid: Lessons learned}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2325-5889"]}, DOI={10.1109/MELE.2019.2962887}, abstractNote={In recent years, weather events, such as hurricanes, have caused prolonged power outages and significantly impacted the economy due to the damage to the electric utility infrastructure. To increase the resiliency of the electric power grid, microgrids started to become a preferred solution. Unlike traditional generation plants that consist of synchronous-based units, the majority of recently installed generation has been in the form of inverter-connected renewables (solar, wind, battery, etc.), resulting in significant operational challenges for the distribution system due to the intermittent nature of these distributed energy resources (DERs). Traditional electric utility systems effectively control field devices, such as capacitors and voltage regulators, which have delays associated with their operation. However, due to the traditional centralized architecture of electric power systems in general, effective real-time control of renewables is challenging due to the time it takes for changed field conditions to be identified within the centralized control system. In such cases, by the time the centralized system is ready to issue the operating command, the field operating conditions have changed. The issued operating command does not optimize the performance of the subject DER, which has led to work on localized control systems and operations. To provide localized control, secure local data access, interoperability, and distributed intelligence are key enabling factors for faster adoption of DERs and optimized control.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE ELECTRIFICATION MAGAZINE}, author={Vukojevic, Aleksandar and Lukic, Srdjan and White, Leonard W.}, year={2020}, month={Mar}, pages={24–36} } @article{vukojevic_lukic_2020, title={Microgrid Protection and Control Schemes for Seamless Transition to Island and Grid Synchronization}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1949-3061"]}, DOI={10.1109/TSG.2020.2975850}, abstractNote={Microgrid transitions to islanded mode and grid synchronization can be designed either as seamless transitions or as a black-start. Secure and reliable seamless transition represents one of the most challenging engineering tasks during the microgrid design phase. Existing literature has several shortcomings - proposed microgrids are either ungrounded or not effectively grounded; DER transformer configurations are not properly implemented; communications within the microgrid do not reflect realistic time delays and there is very little discussion of the impact of relay protection settings on the proposed microgrid protection. This paper presents a new microgrid protection and control scheme that enables seamless islanding and grid synchronization using the point of common coupling (PCC) breaker relays, battery energy storage system (BESS) inverter controller and remote input/output mirror bits based communications approach (85RIO). All schemes have been implemented in the field within the electric utility’s microgrid installed on the 12.47kV distribution feeder. The results presented in this paper are based on approximately 9,000 islanding and grid synchronization transitions.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID}, author={Vukojevic, Aleksandar and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2020}, month={Jul}, pages={2845–2855} } @article{booth_subramanyan_liu_lukic_2021, title={Parallel Frameworks for Robust Optimization of Medium-Frequency Transformers}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/jestpe.2020.3042527}, DOI={10.1109/JESTPE.2020.3042527}, abstractNote={Current optimization methods for medium-frequency transformers (MFTs) within power electronic converters yield unrealistic results in the multiphysics framework. Comparing the optimal design to an experimental setup for a 3.5-kW MFT, the core loss is underestimated by 28%, which results in the experimental steady-state temperatures being 10 °C greater than the analytically optimized model. To counteract these disadvantages, an optimization procedure, using the aggressive space mapping (ASM) technique, is experimentally verified and compared with the previous state-of-the-art (SOA) method. It is shown that the ASM design produces more realistic and feasible experimental outcomes than the SOA design. The core losses are accurately predicted to within 10%, which, in turn, vastly improves the thermal modeling accuracy. The ASM method accurately predicts the core hot spot temperature and the average core temperature. This work also introduces a robust optimization method to the MFT design process to handle variations from both converter-level attributes and manufacturing tolerances to create a potential design region, which contains 97.725% of possible design outcomes. This method replaces the nominal design optimization that is used to produce the optimized MFTs in the SOA and ASM methods.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Booth, Kristen and Subramanyan, Harish and Liu, Jun and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2021}, month={Aug}, pages={5097–5112} } @article{won_jalali_liang_zhang_srdic_lukic_2019, title={Auxiliary Power Supply for Medium-Voltage Power Converters: Topology and Control}, volume={55}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, DOI={10.1109/TIA.2019.2915511}, abstractNote={This paper presents an isolated auxiliary power supply for medium-voltage power electronics systems. The proposed converter comprises two stages: a non-isolated ac/dc stage that connects directly to the medium-voltage line, and an isolated dc/dc stage that provides 100-W output power at 24 V, with 10 kV isolation. The proposed modular ac/dc stage uses just one active semiconductor device per module, features an internal capacitor voltage balancing, and achieves power factor correction by employing predictive current control. High switching frequency operation of both converter stages enable a reduction in system size and weight when compared to traditional low-frequency transformer-based approach. The proposed converter is simulated and its operation is validated experimentally on a 100-W prototype.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, author={Won, Jehyuk and Jalali, Gholamreza and Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chi and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2019}, pages={4145–4156} } @article{du_lu_tu_wang_lukic_2020, title={Dynamic Microgrids With Self-Organized Grid-Forming Inverters in Unbalanced Distribution Feeders}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, DOI={10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2936741}, abstractNote={In contrast to conventional static microgrids (MGs), MGs with dynamic and adjustable territories (i.e., dynamic MGs) are proposed and implemented in this article. Dynamic MGs are commonly dominated by grid-forming inverters and nested in unbalanced distribution feeders. Unlike balanced systems where only positive-sequence components exist, proper operation of unbalanced dynamic MGs presents additional challenges. A distributed secondary control strategy is developed in this article for distributed generators (DGs) interfaced with grid-forming inverters in unbalanced dynamic MGs by providing coordinated regulations on both positive- and negative-sequence system models. System frequency and voltage are under constant regulation, along with voltage unbalance (VU) management for multiple critical load buses (CLBs). The proposed control strategy enables seamless system transition during unbalanced dynamic MGs reconfiguration and guarantees proportional positive- and negative-sequence power-sharing among connected DGs with respect to system topology variation. Detailed controller designs are provided and stability analyses are derived. The proposed control strategy is fully implemented in hardware controllers and validated on a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) MG testbed.}, number={2}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Du, Yuhua and Lu, Xiaonan and Tu, Hao and Wang, Jianhui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2020}, month={Jun}, pages={1097–1107} } @article{tu_feng_srdic_lukic_2019, title={Extreme Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles: A Technology Overview}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2332-7782"]}, DOI={10.1109/TTE.2019.2958709}, abstractNote={With the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the rise, there is a need for an adequate charging infrastructure to serve these vehicles. The emerging extreme fast-charging (XFC) technology has the potential to provide a refueling experience similar to that of gasoline vehicles. In this article, we review the state-of-the-art EV charging infrastructure and focus on the XFC technology, which will be necessary to support the current and future EV refueling needs. We present the design considerations of the XFC stations and review the typical power electronics converter topologies suitable to deliver XFC. We consider the benefits of using the solid-state transformers (SSTs) in the XFC stations to replace the conventional line-frequency transformers and further provide a comprehensive review of the medium-voltage SST designs for the XFC application.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION}, author={Tu, Hao and Feng, Hao and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2019}, month={Dec}, pages={861–878} } @article{lukic_onar_pantic_2019, title={Guest Editorial Special Issue on High-Power Fast Chargers and Wireless Charging}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2332-7782"]}, DOI={10.1109/TTE.2019.2959159}, abstractNote={Electric transportation systems have made great strides forward in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. Electric drivetrains provide better efficiency and higher reliability due to the lower complexity and smaller part numbers compared to combustion-based drivetrains. As such, electric transportation concepts are becoming viable for all modes of transportation. This move toward transportation electrification is enabled by the drastic improvements in battery performance, making passenger vehicles with a range of over 200 mi cost-competitive with petroleum-powered vehicles. Despite the increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads, the lack of charging infrastructure and long charging times restricts the use of these vehicles for daily commutes and short-distance trips.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Onar, Omer and Pantic, Zeljko}, year={2019}, month={Dec}, pages={858–860} } @article{awal_yu_tu_lukic_husain_2020, title={Hierarchical Control for Virtual Oscillator Based Grid-Connected and Islanded Microgrids}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2019.2912152}, abstractNote={Virtual oscillator control (VOC) is a nonlinear time domain controller that achieves significantly faster primary control response in islanded microgrids, compared to droop or virtual synchronous machine (VSM) control. Despite its superior performance, adoption of VOC is limited due to the lack of compatible secondary regulation or grid synchronization techniques. This is attributed to the nonlinear nature of VOC that complicates secondary control design, and the third-harmonic component in VOC output voltage that severely restricts grid-tied operation. To leverage the faster primary control response characteristics of VOC, we propose a compatible hierarchical control structure that enables operation and seamless transition between islanded and grid-connected modes. In the islanded mode, the controller achieves voltage and frequency regulation and grid synchronization; in the grid-tied mode, notch filters are used to suppress harmonic currents and tertiary level power reference tracking is achieved. The proposed controllers are validated through a series of real-time hardware-in-the-loop tests and hardware experiments using laboratory inverter prototype and state-of-the-art controls and communications hardware.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Awal, M. A. and Yu, Hui and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Husain, Iqbal}, year={2020}, month={Jan}, pages={988–1001} } @article{lee_ahmed_lukic_2019, title={Restart Strategy for Scalar (V/f) Controlled Synchronous Reluctance Machine Driving a High-Inertia Load}, volume={55}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, DOI={10.1109/TIA.2019.2914880}, abstractNote={Momentary power disruptions commonly occur in many industrial settings, and can trip large electric machines, which must then be brought to zero speed before the machine can be restarted. The resulting frequent interruptions in industrial processes can have negative effects on productivity. A restart algorithm brings the machine back to the original speed as soon as power is restored, without waiting for the machine to reach zero speed. This paper proposes an approach for implementing a restart algorithm for synchronous reluctance machines (SynRMs) that use a simple identification algorithm to determine the speed and position of the machine so that the appropriate voltage vector can be applied, thus minimizing the inrush current during the restart. The proposed method only requires nameplate machine parameters and needs no machine-specific tuning, making the approach suitable for implementation with both high-inertia vector and scalar-controlled SynRM.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2019}, pages={3834–3841} } @article{srdic_lukic_2019, title={Toward Extreme Fast Charging}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2325-5897"]}, DOI={10.1109/MELE.2018.2889547}, abstractNote={With an increasing awareness of the detrimental effects of the fossil fuel?based transportation sector, which accounts for 14% of human-made greenhousegas emissions globally, individuals, companies, and government entities have made a concerted push to develop solutions to provide modes of transportation that are less carbon intensive. Importantly, several countries, including Norway, India, France, and Britain, have decided to end the sale of internal combustion engine cars in the near future, further accelerating the shift to electric transportation.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE ELECTRIFICATION MAGAZINE}, author={Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2019}, month={Mar}, pages={22–31} } @inproceedings{tu_du_yu_lukic_metelko_volgyesi_dubey_karsai_2018, title={A Hardware-in-the-Loop Real-Time Testbed for Microgrid Hierarchical Control}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan and Metelko, Mary and Volgyesi, Peter and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2018}, pages={2053–2059} } @inproceedings{tu_lukic_2018, title={A Hybrid Communication Topology for Modular Multilevel Converter}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2018.8341535}, abstractNote={Modular multilevel converter with large number of modules is a potential topology for many applications such as high-voltage DC (HVDC) and solid state transformers (SST). However, the communication between the controller and the modules becomes complex if the number of modules is high. If conventional star topology communication where the controller has direct connection to all the modules is used, the wiring can be cumbersome and the cost can be high. Another possible solution is ring topology communication. Because the modules are connected in series and each module imposes some delay, ring topology has a limited communication speed. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid communication topology to combine star and ring topology. The proposed communication topology reduces the cycle time by 30% compared to ring topology for MMC with 30 modules while increases negligible cost.}, booktitle={Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2018 IEEE}, author={Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={3051–3056} } @inproceedings{zhang_srdic_lukic_kang_choi_tafti_2018, title={A SiC-Based 100 kW High-Power-Density (34 kW/L) Electric Vehicle Traction Inverter}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Zhang, Chi and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan and Kang, Yonghan and Choi, Edward and Tafti, Ehsan}, year={2018}, pages={3880–3885} } @inproceedings{yu_tu_lukic_2018, title={A passivity-based decentralized control strategy for current-controlled inverters in AC microgrids}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2018.8341200}, abstractNote={As a conventional stability analysis method of AC microgrid, the impedance based method needs a comprehensive impedance model of all the subsystems. It may fall short when the AC microgrid is interfaced by large number of converters with different parameters, or the microgrid has a time-varying structure, both of which would make the system modeling extremely complicated. This paper proposed a passivity margin criterion for AC microgrid, which decentralizes the stability target to each individual converter. The system will be stable with satisfactory margin as long as each converter is designed in accordance with the criterion, regardless of the system variations. A passivity realization approach for current-controlled LCL-type inverter is derived. The conclusions are verified on an OPAL-RT based Hardware-in-the-Loop platform.}, booktitle={Thirty-third annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2018)}, author={Yu, Hui and Tu, H. and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={1399–1406} } @inproceedings{tu_du_yu_lukic_volgyesi_metelko_dubey_karsai_2018, title={An adaptive interleaving algorithm for multi-converter systems}, booktitle={2018 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG)}, author={Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Yu, Hui and Lukic, Srdjan and Volgyesi, Peter and Metelko, Mary and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2018}, pages={1–7} } @inproceedings{won_jalali_liang_zhang_srdic_lukic_2018, title={Auxiliary power supply for medium-voltage power electronics systems}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2018.8341005}, abstractNote={This paper presents an auxiliary power supply for medium-voltage (MV) power electronics systems, based on modular multilevel series-parallel converter (MMSPC). The converter connects to 2.4 kV RMS at the input, and produces 24 V dc at the output, providing 100 W of power with 10 kV isolation. Unlike the traditional solutions which use a grid-frequency bulky and heavy potential transformers, the proposed converter can operate at higher switching frequencies, thus reducing the weight and providing higher power density, compared to the traditional approach. Additionally, the proposed converter features an internal capacitor voltage balancing and achieves power factor correction (PFC) by using predictive control. The proposed converter is simulated and its operation is experimentally validated on the developed prototype at low input voltage.}, booktitle={Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2018 IEEE}, author={Won, Jehyuk and Jalali, Gholamreza and Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chi and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={173–179} } @inproceedings{long_du_lu_lubkeman_lukic_lu_camilleri_2018, title={Community Microgrid Controller Evaluation using Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed}, booktitle={2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)}, author={Long, Qian and Du, Yuhua and Lu, Jian and Lubkeman, David and Lukic, Srdjan and Lu, Ning and Camilleri, John S}, year={2018}, pages={1–6} } @inproceedings{tu_xu_chen_liang_du_lukic_2018, title={Control of Grid-Tied Inverter with L Filter in Weak Grid Considering Grid Impedance and Harmonics}, booktitle={IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Tu, Hao and Xu, Bei and Chen, Siyuan and Liang, Xinyu and Du, Yuhua and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={1103–1108} } @article{li_lizana_lukic_peterchev_goetz_2019, title={Current Injection Methods for Ripple-Current Suppression in Delta-Configured Split-Battery Energy Storage}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879613}, abstractNote={Cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converters are receiving growing attention in battery energy storage systems (BESS) due to their modularity and flexibility. However, direct generation of ac output in CHB-BESSs incurs large second-order current ripple in the batteries, which causes additional loss and might accelerate battery aging. Existing methods for ripple-current suppression usually require bulky passive components due to the high energy content of the ripple components. This paper presents a class of current injection methods for delta-configured CHB-BESSs. The injected currents flow through the CHB arms and transfer the original second-order oscillating power to the fourth or the sixth order, or even to an arbitrarily high-order frequency. As such, the battery current ripple appears at much higher frequencies with lower oscillating energy and can be easily filtered by small passive components. In the laboratory setup, the proposed methods reduced the battery root-mean-square current ripple to less than 10% of the dc component with negligible distortion in the loads. The proposed methods and the filter implementations show good tolerance to load frequencies and to the control error of the injected currents.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Li, Zhongxi and Lizana, Ricardo and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Peterchev, Angel V and Goetz, Stefan M.}, year={2019}, month={Aug}, pages={7411–7421} } @article{li_lizana_lukic_peterchev_goetz_2018, title={Current Injection Methods for Ripple-Current Suppression in Delta-Configured Split-Battery Energy Storage}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Li, Zhongxi and Lizana, Ricardo and Lukic, Srdjan M and Peterchev, Angel V and Goetz, Stefan M}, year={2018} } @book{dc distribution systems and microgrids_2018, volume={115}, ISBN={["978-1-78561-382-1"]}, DOI={10.1049/PBPO115E}, journal={DC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AND MICROGRIDS}, year={2018}, pages={1–449} } @inproceedings{awal_yu_husain_yu_lukic_2018, title={Decentralized Synchronization of AC-Stacked Voltage Source Converters}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Awal, MA and Yu, Hui and Husain, Iqbal and Yu, Wensong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={4895–4901} } @inproceedings{du_tu_lukic_lubkeman_dubey_karsai_2018, title={Development of a Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform for Microgrid Distributed Control Applications}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Electronic Power Grid (eGrid)}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan and Lubkeman, David and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2018}, pages={1–6} } @article{dubey_karsai_volgyesi_metelko_madari_tu_du_lukic_2019, title={Device Access Abstractions for Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Grid}, volume={11}, ISBN={1943-0663}, DOI={10.1109/LES.2018.2845854}, abstractNote={This letter presents an overview of design mechanisms to abstract device access protocols in the resilient information architecture platform for smart grid, a middleware for developing distributed smart grid applications. These mechanisms are required to decouple the application functionality from the specifics of the device mechanisms built by the device vendors.}, number={2}, journal={IEEE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LETTERS}, author={Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor and Volgyesi, Peter and Metelko, Mary and Madari, Istvan and Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2019}, month={Jun}, pages={34–37} } @book{dubey_karsai_volgyesi_metelko_madari_tu_du_lukic_2018, title={Device access abstractions for resilient information architecture platform for smart grid}, institution={Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN (United States)}, author={Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor and Volgyesi, Peter and Metelko, Mary and Madari, Istvan and Tu, Hao and Du, Yuhua and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018} } @article{du_tu_lukic_2019, title={Distributed Control Strategy to Achieve Synchronized Operation of an Islanded MG}, volume={10}, ISBN={1949-3061}, DOI={10.1109/TSG.2018.2861679}, abstractNote={To seamlessly transition a microgrid (MG) from islanded to grid-connected mode, it is necessary to synchronize the magnitude, frequency, and phase of the MG voltage to the voltage of the main grid. In this paper, we propose a distributed control strategy to achieve synchronized operation of an islanded MG supported by multiple controllable distributed generators (DGs). The proposed method utilizes a pinning-based consensus algorithm to ensure explicit coordination between magnitude, frequency, and phase angle regulation while ensuring proportional power sharing. System frequency is regulated by all the DGs in proportion to their capacity, while a selected DG eliminates the phase and magnitude regulation errors. Controller design criteria is based on small-signal stability analysis. The proposed control strategy is implemented in hardware controllers and its effectiveness is demonstrated using a real-time hardware-in-the-loop MG testbed.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={4487–4496} } @inproceedings{du_tu_lukic_dubey_karsai_2018, title={Distributed Microgrid Synchronization Strategy Using a Novel Information Architecture Platform}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2018}, pages={2060–2066} } @article{du_lu_wang_lukic_2019, title={Distributed Secondary Control Strategy for Microgrid Operation with Dynamic Boundaries}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1949-3061"]}, DOI={10.1109/TSG.2018.2879793}, abstractNote={Microgrids (MGs) with dynamic boundaries, also known as dynamic MGs, are able to support critical loads without energization from utility and allow system topology variation upon request. Utilization of dynamic MGs can provide more flexible solutions toward distribution system restoration from natural disasters. This paper proposes a distributed secondary control strategy for dynamic MG operation under both static topology and topology variation. The proposed control strategy aims to guarantee seamless transitions during dynamic MG reconfiguration and proper power management among distributed generators (DGs) that are grouped dynamically. Smart switches (SSWs) are utilized to identify, process, and implement the reconfiguration request. The proposed control strategy provides a framework to coordinate the operation of multiple DGs in neighboring autonomous MGs and determine the operation status of SSWs, so that no transient over-shoots are introduced as SSWs operate and DGs are able to support the system power demand proportionally. Detailed controller designs are provided. Sufficient conditions under which the proposed controllers are exponentially stable are derived and the dynamic performance of the proposed controller are validated by comprehensive case studies in MATLAB/Simulink.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID}, author={Du, Yuhua and Lu, Xiaonan and Wang, Jianhui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2019}, month={Sep}, pages={5269–5282} } @article{du_lu_wang_lukic_2018, title={Distributed Secondary Control Strategy for Microgrid Operation with Dynamic Boundaries}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Du, Yuhua and Lu, Xiaonan and Wang, Jianhui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018} } @article{du_tu_lukic_2018, title={Distributed control strategy to achieve synchronized operation of an islanded mg}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018} } @article{jain_lubkeman_lukic_2019, title={Dynamic Adaptive Protection for Distribution Systems in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1937-4208"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPWRD.2018.2884705}, abstractNote={Reliable protection of distribution systems is becoming increasingly challenging with growing distributed energy resources (DERs) and microgrids. Existing adaptive overcurrent relaying (AOCR) schemes are vulnerable to DER ride-through and generally focus on only grid or islanded modes. This paper presents a dynamic AOCR scheme independent of external controllers to estimate relay pickup that ensures significantly less communication overhead. Existing and emerging challenges for the state-of-the-art are discussed and resolved using the proposed scheme. The reliability is tested using transient system models in Simulink for all combinations of state and fault types/impedances in a 15-bus distribution system.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Jain, Rishabh and Lubkeman, David L. and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2019}, month={Feb}, pages={281–289} } @inproceedings{du_lu_wang_lukic_2018, title={Dynamic Microgrids with Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Using Distributed Secondary Control}, booktitle={IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Du, Yuhua and Lu, Xiaonan and Wang, Jianhui and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={153–158} } @article{srdic_lukic_2018, title={Electric vehicle charging infrastructure and dc microgrids}, volume={115}, journal={DC Distribution Systems and Microgrids}, publisher={Energy Engineering}, author={Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={189} } @inproceedings{booth_srdic_lukic_2018, title={Modeling and Optimization of 144 kVA Transformer for EV Fast Charger Application}, booktitle={2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO)}, author={Booth, Kristen and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={1–3} } @inproceedings{jain_lukic_lubkeman_2018, title={Multi-Agent Distributed Service Restoration Scheme for Distribution Systems with Embedded Microgrids}, booktitle={2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D)}, author={Jain, Rishabh and Lukic, Srdjan and Lubkeman, David}, year={2018}, pages={1–5} } @inproceedings{du_tu_lukic_lubkeman_dubey_karsai_2018, title={Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Systems (RIAPS): Case Study for Distributed Apparent Power Control}, booktitle={2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D)}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan and Lubkeman, David and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2018}, pages={1–5} } @inproceedings{lee_ahmed_lukic_2018, title={Restart Strategy for Synchronous Reluctance Machine Driving a High Inertia Load}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2018}, pages={4489–4496} } @inproceedings{dayerizadeh_lukic_2018, title={Saturable inductors for superior reflexive field containment in inductive power transfer systems}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2018.8341557}, abstractNote={Inductive power transfer has many applications that range from electric vehicle charging to robotics. In dynamic applications, it is required that the segmented transmitter coil transfer power to a moving receiver coil. One proposed method to achieve this is using the reflexive field containment approach presented in the literature. In this work, we improve on the concept by adding a saturable inductor to the system to maximize the difference between the coupled and uncoupled currents in the transmitter coil.}, booktitle={Thirty-third annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2018)}, author={Dayerizadeh, Alireza and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2018}, pages={3183–3188} } @inproceedings{hasan_chhokra_dubey_mahadevan_karsai_jain_lukic_2017, title={A simulation testbed for cascade analysis}, booktitle={2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)}, author={Hasan, Saqib and Chhokra, Ajay and Dubey, Abhishek and Mahadevan, Nagabhushan and Karsai, Gabor and Jain, Rishabh and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2017}, pages={1–5} } @inproceedings{tu_lukic_2017, title={Comparative study of PES Net and SyCCo bus: Communication protocols for modular multilevel converter}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2017.8095966}, abstractNote={Due to its modularity and scalability, modular multilevel converter is a promising topology for medium voltage applications, such as energy storage or motor drives. Because of the large number of modules, the wiring can become complex if the conventional star topology communication network is used. To solve this issue, a communication link that uses a ring topology to connect the central controller and the modules provides an efficient solution. The information exchanged on this link includes real time data, such as duty cycle, measurements and fault feedback. Thus, a dedicated high-speed communication protocol is needed. This paper reviews two possible protocols for modular multilevel converter communication, PES Net and SyCCo bus. After introducing the operating principles, their performance is compared and discussed. SyCCo bus is implemented using Altera Cyclone IV FPGA. Tests are conducted to analyze the communication delay of SyCCo bus. The implementation is made open source.}, booktitle={2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2017}, pages={1487–1492} } @article{goetz_li_liang_zhang_lukic_peterchev_2017, title={Control of modular multilevel converter with parallel connectivity�Application to battery systems}, volume={32}, number={11}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Goetz, Stefan M and Li, Zhongxi and Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chengduo and Lukic, Srdjan M and Peterchev, Angel V}, year={2017}, pages={8381–8392} } @inproceedings{du_jain_lukic_2017, title={Effects of battery degradation on economic viability of energy storage systems participating in regulation markets}, DOI={10.1109/pesgm.2017.8274359}, abstractNote={FERC Order 755 requires transmission system operators to provide performance-based payment for ancillary services. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have the capacity to play a more vital role in regulation market because of their ability to provide an accurate and fast response to automatic generation control (AGC) dispatch signals. However, since batteries are complex electrochemical systems, it is difficult to understand how the battery degradation phenomena will affect the total revenue from BESS providing the regulation service. In this paper, we show that bid-in strategies that consider the battery degradation as a function of the service provided have a substantial effect on the total revenue for the BESS operators. Different bid-in strategies aiming at enhancing BESS's total revenue before it reaches its end of life are analyzed and compared with nominal capacity based bid-in approaches. Finally, we propose a practical bid-in strategy that provides substantial improvement over the nominal capacity based approach.}, booktitle={2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting}, author={Du, Yuhua and Jain, Rishabh and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2017}, pages={1–5} } @inproceedings{jain_du_lukic_lubkeman_2017, title={Fault identification in distribution systems using maximum overlap wavelet decomposition}, booktitle={2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)}, author={Jain, Rishabh and Du, Yuhua and Lukic, Srdjan and Lubkeman, David}, year={2017}, pages={1–6} } @inproceedings{du_tu_lukic_lubkeman_dubey_karsai_2017, title={Implementation of a distributed microgrid controller on the resilient information architecture platform for smart systems (riaps)}, booktitle={2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)}, author={Du, Yuhua and Tu, Hao and Lukic, Srdjan and Lubkeman, David and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor}, year={2017}, pages={1–6} } @article{liang_zhang_srdic_lukic_2018, title={Predictive Control of a Series-Interleaved Multicell Three-Level Boost Power-Factor-Correction Converter}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2017.2780244}, abstractNote={This paper presents a new predictive power-factor-correction (PFC) controller for series-interleaved three-level boost (TLB) converters. Compared to the state-of-the-art TLB PFC controllers, where a two-cycle prediction and a detection of an operating region are necessary, the proposed controller achieves a low total harmonic distortion of the input current by using a single equation to predict the input current in all operating regions of the converter, in just one operating cycle. The average current control is achieved by sampling at the peak of the triangular carrier. The proposed PFC controller significantly reduces the distortion of the input ac current near the zero-crossing points, resulting in a low total harmonic distortion of the input current. The operation of the proposed controller was evaluated, and its stability and robustness to parameter changes was confirmed analytically. The controller operating principles were verified in simulations and validated by experiments on a medium-voltage 50-kW converter prototype.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chi and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2018}, month={Oct}, pages={8948–8960} } @article{ahmed_kibok_lukic_2017, title={Restart strategy for synchronous reluctance machines}, note={US Patent App. 15/179,328}, author={Ahmed, Sara and Kibok, LEE and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2017}, month={Dec} } @inproceedings{eisele_dubey_karsai_lukic_2017, title={Transactive energy demo with RIAPS platform}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems}, author={Eisele, Scott and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2017}, pages={91–91} } @article{lee_ahmed_lukic_2017, title={Universal Restart Strategy for Scalar (V/f) Controlled Induction Machines}, volume={53}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, DOI={10.1109/tia.2017.2733497}, abstractNote={This paper presents a universal flying restart strategy for scalar (V/f) controlled induction machines. The proposed method performs a frequency search to estimate the rotor speed, and applies the correct frequency and voltage to minimize the inrush current during the restart. This method uses the measured phase current and the motor nameplate parameters, thus making the approach ideal for scalar-controlled motor drives. In addition, the restart algorithm provides controllable restart dynamics, independent of the motor parameters. The main advantages of this method include simple and cost effective implementation without the need for additional sensors, and controllable restart dynamics independent of the motor parameters. Beyond the development of the algorithm, we consider implementation issues to provide a general guideline for the application of the developed algorithm.}, number={6}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2017}, pages={5489–5495} } @article{lee_ahmed_lukic_2017, title={Universal restart strategy for scalar (V/f) controlled induction machines}, volume={53}, number={6}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2017}, pages={5489–5495} } @inproceedings{eisele_dubey_karsai_lukic_2017, title={WiP Abstract: Transactive Energy Demo with RIAPS Platform}, DOI={10.1145/3055004.3064845}, abstractNote={This work presents a platform for decentralized distributed computingcalled Resilient Information Architecture for the Smart Grid(RIAPS) through a transactional energy and a traffic application.}, booktitle={2017 ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)}, author={Eisele, Scott and Dubey, Abhishek and Karsai, Gabor and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2017}, pages={91–92} } @inproceedings{srdic_liang_zhang_yu_lukic_2016, title={A SiC-based high-performance medium-voltage fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2016.7854777}, abstractNote={This paper presents an isolated medium-voltage, high-power-quality and high efficiency (over 96%), fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles. The proposed fully modular fast charger uses off-the-shelf Silicon Carbide (SiC) power devices to convert the rectified single-phase 2.4 kV medium-voltage input to variable dc output. The adopted input-series-output-parallel unidirectional topology enables converter scalability in both the input voltage and the output power. Using wide bandgap (WBG) power devices enables 9 times reduction in volume and 6 times reduction in weight, compared to the state-of-the-art fast chargers, while exceeding the efficiency of the state-of-the-art fast chargers by more than 1.5% Based on the system requirements, the appropriate converter topology was selected, its operation was simulated and validated by experiments on the developed fast charger prototype.}, booktitle={2016 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce)}, author={Srdic, S. and Liang, X. Y. and Zhang, C. and Yu, Wensong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2016}, pages={1–6} } @inproceedings{srdic_zhang_liang_yu_lukic_2016, title={A SiC-based power converter module for medium-voltage fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2016.7468247}, abstractNote={This paper presents an isolated power converter module for medium-voltage (2.4 kV), high-power-quality (PF ≥ 0.98, current THD ≤ 2%), 50 kW fast charger for plug-in electric vehicles. The proposed high-efficiency (above 96%), and reduced-footprint converter module utilizes off-the-shelf Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices to step down the rectified single-phase medium-voltage input. The developed module can also serve as a building block for other medium voltage rectifier applications, including power supplies for data centers and other dc power distribution systems. Based on the system requirements, the appropriate unidirectional converter topology was selected, its operation was simulated and validated by experiments on the developed converter prototype.}, booktitle={Apec 2016 31st annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition}, author={Srdic, S. and Zhang, C. and Liang, X. Y. and Yu, Wensong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2016}, pages={2714–2719} } @inproceedings{du_jain_lukic_2016, title={A novel approach towards energy storage system sizing considering battery degradation}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2016.7854726}, abstractNote={Energy Storage System (ESS), with its fast ramping and bi-direction power flow capabilities, is playing a more vital role in the electric market. However, it still stands on the farther end of economic viability. As a result, a good estimate of battery service life, and therefore revenue, is necessary before the investment is made in any given application. In this paper, a set of improved degradation models are propose to estimate the useful life of an ESS when subjected to daily duty cycles (4-sec resolution). The models are validated and tuned for the target Li-Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA) batteries. Time to End of Life (EOL) is estimated for batteries of different sizes to provide ancillary services and/or energy services in electric market, given different end-of-cycle state of charge. Finally, the strategies which can be used to size the battery for maximizing time to EOL are discussed.}, booktitle={2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Du, Yuhua and Jain, Rishabh and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2016}, pages={1–8} } @inproceedings{lee_lukic_ahmed_2016, title={A universal restart strategy for induction machines}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2016.7854802}, abstractNote={This paper presents an approach to implement the universal flying restart for an induction machine using a frequency search algorithm that determines the rotor speed so that the correct frequency and voltage can be applied to minimize the inrush current during the restart. This method only uses the measured phase current and the motor nameplate parameters, thus making it ideal for use with scalar-controlled motor drives. An additional benefit of the proposed approach is that the time to estimate the rotor speed is independent of the motor parameters, and is defined by the restart algorithm itself. Beyond the development of the algorithm, implementation issues will be considered to provide general guideline for the application of the developed algorithm.}, booktitle={2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Lee, Kibok and Lukic, Srdjan and Ahmed, Sara}, year={2016}, pages={1–6} } @article{etemadrezaei_lukic_2016, title={Coated-Strand Litz Wire for Multi-Megahertz Frequency Applications}, volume={52}, ISSN={["1941-0069"]}, DOI={10.1109/tmag.2016.2550425}, abstractNote={Substantial induced eddy-current losses and the need for skin-depth-size strands leave litz wire out as an option for inductive applications at multi-megahertz frequencies. To address this, we analyze and minimize the litz-wire eddy-current losses by adding a coating layer to each strand while keeping the wire dimensions and packing factor constant. The skin and proximity effects of isolated and in-bundle coated strands are studied for various coating properties and dimensions. A new method is proposed for calculation of proximity losses inside coated-strand litz wire, which enables simple systematic approach for proximity loss and ac resistance (Rac) determination. Three types of pure copper (Cu), silver-coated copper (Ag/Cu), and nickel-coated copper (Ni/Cu) strands are studied in isolation and inside a litz wire. The litz wires associated with these strands are fabricated and their power dissipations are measured. Analytical results followed by finite-element modeling and experimental results show 26% reduction in Ni/Cu litz wire Rac, and 3% reduction in Ag/Cu litz wire Rac at 13.56 MHz compared with same-size Cu litz wire.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Etemadrezaei, Mohammad and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2016}, month={Aug} } @article{goetz_li_liang_zhang_lukic_peterchev_2017, title={Control of Modular Multilevel Converter With Parallel Connectivity-Application to Battery Systems}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/tpel.2016.2645884}, abstractNote={This paper presents a multiobjective real-time controller for a modular multilevel converter capable of parallel module connectivity, the so-called modular multilevel series parallel converter (MMSPC). The MMSPC topology allows the batteries to be dynamically rewired in various series–parallel configurations, generating a wide range of output voltage levels. The novel control method parallelizes the modules to balance their voltages without the need for individual module voltage monitoring. Additionally, the controller optimizes across the large number of feasible system configurations to minimize switching and conduction losses. Finally, the controller efficiently encodes the system configuration with module interconnection states rather than the module switch states, which substantially simplifies control. Furthermore, this work experimentally validates the MMSPC topology and concept. In the prototype, the parallel mode reduced the system losses at 5 kW output power by 18% and 24% for load power factors of 1.0 and 0.8, respectively. Sensorless balancing via parallelization maintained well-matched module voltages (standard deviation = 0.045 V) over a 5-h battery discharge with highly variable load current. The reduced conduction losses and simple balancing capability of the MMSPC can enable new applications at medium and low voltages that benefit from its high-quality output, elimination of filtering magnetics, fast response, and modularity.}, number={11}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Goetz, Stefan M. and Li, Zhongxi and Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chengduo and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Peterchev, Angel V.}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={8381–8392} } @article{etemadrezaei_lukic_2016, title={Multilayer Tubular Conductor for High Q-Factor Wireless Power Transfer System Resonators}, volume={52}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, DOI={10.1109/tia.2016.2574772}, abstractNote={In this paper, we investigate multilayer tubular conductor for multi-MHz Wireless Power Transfer systems high-Q (quality factor) resonators. The conductor layers' thicknesses and current sharing between them are optimized at 13.56 MHz, showing significant reduction in conductor ac resistance RAC. Capacitive ballast is used as a practical method for current sharing between layers and operation of coil near resonance. A two-layer conductor is designed, fabricated, and characterized at 27.93 MHz, showing 18.1% and 12.8% reduction in RAC, compared with an identical conductor without capacitive ballast and a same size solid conductor, respectively.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Etemadrezaei, Mohammad and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2016}, pages={4170–4178} } @article{etemadrezaei_lukic_2016, title={Multilayer Tubular Conductor for HighQ-Factor Wireless Power Transfer System Resonators}, volume={52}, number={5}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Etemadrezaei, Mohammad and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2016}, pages={4170–4178} } @inproceedings{goetz_li_peterchev_liang_zhang_lukic_2016, title={Sensorless scheduling of the modular multilevel series-parallel converter: enabling a flexible, efficient, modular battery}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2016.7468193}, abstractNote={We present a control approach for the modular multilevel converter (MMC) with series and parallel module connectivity (MMSPC) that provides natural module balancing, reduced conduction losses, and enhanced robustness afforded by the parallel mode. In conventional MMC control, the voltage of each module's storage element has to be measured or estimated to enable the controller to equalize the voltages across all modules. This requirement has been one of the key barriers for MMCs in low and medium power applications. In contrast, we use the parallel connectivity of the MMSPC for module voltage balancing. It also enables robust operation in the presence of battery failure by supporting the module voltage with frequent parallelizations of the residual module capacitance. The parallel connectivity further reduces conduction losses at voltage levels below the system maximum by decreasing the effective source impedance. This approach renders attractive for the first time low and medium power MMC applications as well as MMC-based battery storage. These are illustrated with an experimental MMSPC system comprising eight battery modules that generates high-quality ac output without filtering magnetics.}, booktitle={2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)}, author={Goetz, Stefan M and Li, Zhongxi and Peterchev, Angel V and Liang, Xinyu and Zhang, Chengduo and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2016}, pages={2349–2354} } @article{lee_ahmed_lukic_2016, title={Universal Restart Strategy for High-Inertia Scalar-Controlled PMSM Drives}, volume={52}, ISSN={["1939-9367"]}, DOI={10.1109/tia.2016.2581764}, abstractNote={In many industrial settings, momentary power disruptions commonly occur, resulting in tripping of large electric machines, which then have to be brought to zero speed before the machine can be restarted. This can result in frequent interruptions in an industrial process, which can have negative effects on productivity. A more practical approach would restart the machine back to the original speed as soon as power is restored, not having to wait for the machine to be at a standstill. This concept is known as flying restart. In this paper, we propose an approach to implement the flying restart for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) by using an identification algorithm that determines the speed and position of the machine back-electromotive force so that the correct voltage vector can be applied, thus minimizing the inrush current during the restart. The novelty of the proposed method is that its implementation only requires nameplate machine parameters and needs no machine-specific tuning, making the approach suitable for implementation with both vector- and scalar-controlled PMSM.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2016}, pages={4001–4009} } @article{lee_ahmed_lukic_2016, title={Universal restart strategy for high-inertia scalar-controlled pmsm drives}, volume={52}, number={5}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lee, Kibok and Ahmed, Sara and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2016}, pages={4001–4009} } @inproceedings{lee_lukic_ahmed_2015, title={A universal restart strategy for permanent magnet synchronous machines}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2015.7309712}, abstractNote={In many industrial settings, momentary power disruptions commonly occur, resulting in tripping of large electric machines, which then have to be brought to zero speed before the machine can be restarted. This approach can result in frequent interruptions in an industrial process, which can have negative effects on productivity. A more practical control implementation would restart the machine back to the original speed as soon as power is restored, not having to wait for the machine to be at a standstill. This concept is known as flying restart. In this paper we propose an approach to implement the universal restart for PMSM through a simple identification algorithm which determines the speed and position of the machine back-emf so that the correct voltage vector can be applied and thus minimize the inrush current during the restart. Beyond the development of the basic algorithm, implementation issues will be considered to provide general guideline for the application of the developed algorithm.}, booktitle={2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Lee, Kibok and Lukic, Srdjan and Ahmed, Sara}, year={2015}, pages={373–380} } @inproceedings{jain_lukic_chhokra_mahadevan_dubey_karsai_2015, title={An improved distance relay model with directional element, and memory polarization for TCD based fault propagation studies}, DOI={10.1109/naps.2015.7335206}, abstractNote={Modern Power Systems have evolved into a very complex network of multiple sources, lines, breakers, loads and others. The performance of these interdependent components decide the reliability of the power systems. A tool called “Reasoner” is being developed to deduce fault propagations using a Temporal Causal Diagram (TCD) approach. It translates the physical system as a Cause-effect model. This work discusses the development of an advanced distance relay model, which monitors the system, and challenges the operation of reasoner for refinement. Process of generation of a Fault and Discrepancy Mapping file from the test system is presented. This file is used by the reasoner to scrutinize relays' responses for active system faults, and hypothesize potential mis-operations (or cyber faults) with a confidence metric. Analyzer (relay model) is integrated to OpenDSS for fault analysis. The understanding of the system interdependency (fault propagation behavior) using reasoner can make the grid more robust against cascaded failures.}, booktitle={2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)}, author={Jain, R and Lukic, SM and Chhokra, A and Mahadevan, N and Dubey, A and Karsai, G}, year={2015}, pages={1–6} } @inproceedings{etemadrezaei_lukic_2015, title={Multi-layer tubular conductor for high Q-factor wireless power transfer system resonators}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2015.7310096}, abstractNote={In this paper we investigate multi-layer tubular conductor for multi-MHz Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems high-Q (quality factor) resonators. The conductor layers thickness and current sharing between them are optimized at 13.56 MHz, showing significant reduction in conductor AC resistance (RAC). Capacitive ballast is used as a practical method for current sharing between layers and operation of coil near resonance. A two-layer conductor is designed, fabricated and characterized showing 18.1% reduction in RAC at 27.93 MHz using capacitive ballast.}, booktitle={2015 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce)}, author={Etemadrezaei, M. and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2015}, pages={3111–3118} } @article{lukic_pantic_kibok_2015, title={Systems and methods for wireless power transfer}, note={US Patent App. 14/764,558}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Pantic, Zeljko and Kibok, LEE}, year={2015}, month={Dec} } @inproceedings{lukic_2014, title={Making the case for dynamic wireless charging}, booktitle={IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conferenc}, author={Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{bai_lukic_2014, title={Modular design of cascaded H-bridge for community energy storage systems by using secondary traction batteries}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2014.6803779}, abstractNote={This paper proposed a Community Energy Storage System (CES) by using reclaimed tractions batteries. The cascaded H-Bridge topology is selected for this application after reviewing all possible solutions. Control strategies to have independent control of each H-Bridge are reviewed and existing control strategies are all centralized control. To have modular design and independent control of each module, a new control strategy is proposed for cascaded H-Bridge converter. With this control strategy, each H-Bridge module will have its own controller and there is no connection between the controllers. All the control strategies are implemented in the local controllers and no central controller is needed. A small scale CES system is built to verify the proposed control strategy with great success.}, booktitle={2014 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition-APEC 2014}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2014}, pages={3297–3304} } @article{pantic_lee_lukic_2014, title={Multifrequency Inductive Power Transfer}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/tpel.2014.2298213}, abstractNote={This paper presents a generalized analysis of an inductive power transfer system where multiple frequencies are used to transfer power through the magnetic link. Specifically, we consider a system that amplifies both the fundamental and the third harmonic generated by a full-bridge inverter in order to transfer power to a receiver at both frequencies. The system is analyzed in a generalized manner, by looking at the transconductance function at the transmitter and the receiver for each of the harmonics. Using this approach, the emitted field strength, inverter losses, combined transmitter and receiver coil conduction losses, and VA ratings are compared to a reference single-frequency system. The analysis shows that the dual-frequency system can outperform the single-frequency equivalent for all metrics considered; however, in practice, a tradeoff between the performance criteria is necessary, since the optimal operation points for each criterion cannot be attained with a single design.}, number={11}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Lee, Kibok and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2014}, month={Nov}, pages={5995–6005} } @inproceedings{etemadrezaei_lukic_2014, title={Optimization of foil conductor layout in inductive power transfer system resonators}, booktitle={2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Etemadrezaei, Mohammad and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2014}, pages={876–883} } @article{pantic_lee_lukic_2015, title={Receivers for Multifrequency Wireless Power Transfer: Design for Minimum Interference}, volume={3}, ISSN={["2168-6785"]}, DOI={10.1109/jestpe.2014.2356853}, abstractNote={Inductive (or wireless) power transfer is proving to be an effective way to deliver power over short distances in a wide range of applications. Frequently, there is a need to deliver power from a single transmitter to multiple mutually coupled receivers. In this paper, we quantify how the power delivered to each receiver is affected due to the resonant frequency shift resulting from receiver mutual coupling. We show that the effect on power delivered is quite severe, especially in high-quality-factor systems. We develop the mathematical framework and demonstrate experimentally that the problem disappears if each receiver is tuned at one of the frequencies emitted by a single transmitter. We adopt the concept of frequency traps as a method to completely decouple the receivers.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Lee, Kibok and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2015}, month={Mar}, pages={234–241} } @article{akin_balamurali_bhavaraju_bunzel_cairoli_carnicero_clark_cuzner_dougal_emadi_et al._2013, title={2013 Index IEEE Electrification Magazine Vol.}, volume={40}, journal={Cryogenics}, author={Akin, B and Balamurali, A and Bhavaraju, V and Bunzel, S and Cairoli, P and Carnicero, A and Clark, R and Cuzner, R and Dougal, R and Emadi, A and et al.}, year={2013}, pages={56} } @article{hong_bai_lukic_2014, title={Closed-Form Expressions for Minimizing Total Harmonic Distortion in Three-Phase Multilevel Converters}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/tpel.2013.2290377}, abstractNote={The total harmonic distortion (THD) of a waveform is a standard way to quantify its deviation from a sinusoid. In three-phase systems, we are interested in minimizing 3THD: the component of THD produced by odd nontriplen harmonics. However, its definition involves an infinite sum, making it difficult to evaluate and analyze. This paper solves the problem of finding equivalent closed-form expressions for the 3THD of a staircase waveform. In particular, two expressions are rigorously derived, which reveal 3THD to be a piecewise differentiable function. One expression is shorter but describes the pieces implicitly. The other is longer but describes the pieces explicitly. We minimize 3THD using the closed-form expression and provide a comparison with previous techniques. Finally, we provide experimental results that show close agreement with the theoretical results.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Hong, David and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2014}, month={Oct}, pages={5229–5241} } @article{pantic_lukic_2013, title={Computationally-Efficient, Generalized Expressions for the Proximity-Effect in Multi-Layer, Multi-Turn Tubular Coils for Wireless Power Transfer Systems}, volume={49}, ISSN={["1941-0069"]}, DOI={10.1109/tmag.2013.2264486}, abstractNote={Wireless power transfer (WPT) based on magnetic induction is used in numerous applications where physical contact between the power source and the load is not desired. For efficient power transfer, the resonant coils should have a low equivalent series resistance at the resonant frequency and have a high packing factor while being simple to manufacture. Coils made from hollow copper tubes might be an acceptable alternative to Litz wire designs due to low skin-effect resistance, easy manufacturing, and simplicity in implementing active cooling; however, the lack of an analytical model for complex coil designs poses a difficulty in systematically assessing its benefits and limitations. This paper presents a new method, based on the Fourier series, for evaluating proximity-effect losses in a multi-turn, multi-layer tubular coil. The model evaluates the proximity factor Gp as a function of coil and tube parameters, which can be incorporated into the design and optimization procedures. The derivations are supported by simulations that compare analytic and finite element models (FEM) of current density distribution in the coil. The model is further validated via experimental measurements of the resulting equivalent series resistance for two prototype coils.}, number={11}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2013}, month={Nov}, pages={5404–5416} } @article{lukic_pantic_2013, title={Cutting the cord: Static and dynamic inductive wireless charging of electric vehicles}, volume={1}, number={1}, journal={IEEE Electrification Magazine}, publisher={Ieee}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Pantic, Zeljko}, year={2013}, pages={57–64} } @inproceedings{ravey_wang_lukic_miraoui_2013, title={Distance estimation algorithm for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle control strategy}, booktitle={2013 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)}, author={Ravey, Alexandre and Wang, Rui and Lukic, Srdjan and Miraoui, Abdellatif}, year={2013}, pages={1–4} } @inproceedings{lee_pantic_lukic_2013, title={Field containment in dynamic wireless charging systems through source-reciever interaction}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2013.6647183}, abstractNote={This paper presents a new topology appropriate for dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles. We propose a source coil made from multiple lumped coils powered by a single inverter, with the receiver coil mounted on the vehicle. The proposed system uses the reflected reactance from the receiver to automatically limit the field strength in uncoupled portions of the source-receiver system, thus allowing the system to more easily meet the electromagnetic field emission standards without complex shielding circuits, switches, electronics and communication systems. The power transfer is at its peak when the source-receiver coils pair is strongly coupled resulting in improved system-level efficiency. The analysis is supported by simulation and experiments.}, booktitle={2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Lee, Kibok and Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2013}, pages={3658–3663} } @inproceedings{pantic_lee_lukic_2013, title={Inductive power transfer by means of multiple frequencies in the magnetic link}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2013.6647080}, abstractNote={In this paper we explore the concept of transmitting and receiving power wirelessly at multiple frequencies. This proposed frequency multiplex is achieved by using multi-resonant tanks at the transmitter and receiver to amplify and extract power at multiple frequencies. Frequency multiplexed IPT system is a new concept that has numerous advantages over the state of the art: (1) low switching frequency converters can be used to drive high-frequency IPT systems, (2) emission standards may become easier to meet by spreading the power transfer over a spectrum of frequencies, (3) single-frequency receivers tuned to different frequencies can be charged simultaneously even though their coils are at close proximity and mutually coupled, etc. In this paper we develop the theory of source and receiver resonant tank design, and present the complete methodology for determining the system quality factor, effective resistance and power transfer at each frequency. We present a case study of a system that transfers equal amounts of power at 25 kHz and 75 kHz through simulations and experiments.}, booktitle={2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Lee, Kibok and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2013}, pages={2912–2919} } @article{bai_lukic_2013, title={New Method to Achieve AC Harmonic Elimination and Energy Storage Integration for 12-Pulse Diode Rectifiers}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2012.2196903}, abstractNote={The 12-pulse rectifier is often used to supply high-power industrial loads. Its ability to effectively and cheaply mitigate the harmonics on the ac side has ensured its dominance in the industry even as active front ends become cheaper and more reliable. Despite its many benefits, the 12-pulse rectifier is not able to reduce the ac-side harmonics to a level acceptable by the pertinent IEEE standards without additional filtering. In this paper, we outline a novel method to profile the rectifier output current to be triangular which results in low ac-side harmonics. The novelty in the proposed approach is that we exploit the dc-side filter design to minimize the volt-amperes (VA) rating of the current source used to profile the dc-side rectifier current. Additional benefits of the proposed method include lower VA rating of the dc filter, simple integration of dc energy storage, and effective ac harmonic control even when the initial rectifier current is discontinuous.}, number={7}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2013}, month={Jul}, pages={2547–2554} } @article{lee_pantic_lukic_2014, title={Reflexive Field Containment in Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Systems}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/tpel.2013.2287262}, abstractNote={We present a new topology appropriate for “dynamic” wireless charging. Possible applications include charging of electric vehicles or robots moving in a large, predesignated area. We propose a system with a transmitter made from multiple coils commensurable with the moving receiver(s), and powered by a single inverter. The proposed system uses the reactance reflected by the receiver to automatically increase the field strength in coupled portions of the transmitter-receiver system, thus allowing efficient power transfer and adherence to electromagnetic field emission standards without complex shielding circuits, switches, electronics, and communication. The power transfer is at its peak when the transmitting and receiving coils approach their maximum coupling (as defined by the geometrical constraints of the system), resulting in improved system-level efficiency. The presented analysis is supported with simulations and experiments.}, number={9}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lee, Kibok and Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2014}, month={Sep}, pages={4592–4602} } @inproceedings{dubey_karsai_mahadevan_srivastava_liu_lukic_2013, title={Understanding Failure Dynamics in the Smart Electric Grid}, booktitle={NSF Energy Cyber Physical System Workshop, Washington DC}, author={Dubey, A and Karsai, G and Mahadevan, N and Srivastava, A and Liu, CC and Lukic, S}, year={2013} } @article{bai_lukic_2013, title={Unified Active Filter and Energy Storage System for an MW Electric Vehicle Charging Station}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, DOI={10.1109/tpel.2013.2245146}, abstractNote={A network of fast-charging stations is of great importance for widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EV) if the so-called range anxiety issue is to be resolved. As with petrol stations, we expect that multiple chargers will be co-located to form charging stations. This layout allows for the fast-charging station to make use of a common rectifier stage and several dc/dc stages to charge multiple EVs. This paper builds on our previous work where we proposed a novel dc-side filter for the 12-pulse rectifier and investigated the power profile for a MW fast-charging station. In this paper, we propose a novel control approach for the filter, based on the virtual resistor injection, which results in further reduction in dc ripple, ac-side harmonics, and filter VA ratings. We also demonstrate that, with the proposed topology and control, the filter stage can be used as dc-side energy storage system.}, number={12}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2013}, month={Dec}, pages={5793–5803} } @inproceedings{bai_lukic_2012, title={A 12-pulse diode rectifier with energy storage integration and high power quality on both ac and dc side}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2012.6342274}, abstractNote={The 12-pulse diode rectifier has been widely used in high power applications. Although the dominant 5th and 7th harmonics of the input current are canceled out, the total harmonic distortion is still well above 5%. Therefore additional filtering is required to meet the pertinent standards. In this paper, several methods that deal with the input current harmonics are reviewed. The fundamentals behind these methods are discussed. By utilizing the concept of virtual resistor, a new approach is proposed in this paper to, not only eliminate the AC input current harmonics, but also eliminate DC output voltage harmonics. Moreover, the energy storage integration is possible with the proposed method. We analyze the control and operation of the proposed method. Simulation and experiment results verify the analysis.}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2012}, pages={4042–4048} } @inproceedings{du_huang_wang_lukic_2012, title={A novel high step-up ratio bi-directional DC-DC converter}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2012.6165870}, abstractNote={High step-up ratio bi-directional DC-DC converter is attractive in energy storage systems for renewable energy generation and in electric vehicle applications. A novel high step-up ratio bi-directional DC-DC converter and its alternative topology which can achieve soft switching in full load range and wide voltage range are proposed. The operation principle of the converter is analyzed in this paper. The modulation strategy and the optimum operation region are presented. A 400kHz 14.4V to 360V prototype was built to verify the analysis and the operation of the proposed converter. Zero voltage switching of all the switches was verified by experimental waveforms. The tested converter efficiency at 450W is 94.1%.}, booktitle={2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)}, author={Du, Yu and Huang, Alex Q and Wang, Mengqi and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2012}, pages={524–531} } @inproceedings{huq_baran_lukic_nare_2012, title={An energy management system for a community energy storage system}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2012.6342532}, abstractNote={This paper considers the operational issues related to community level micro-grids which uses PV systems as the main local power generation. To facilitate the operation of such systems, the paper investigates the use of local storage, and proposes an Energy Management System (EMS) for this purpose. The paper shows that the proposed EMS can address the main operational issues, such as reducing energy consumption during peak loading conditions and limiting excess reverse power flow back to the utility.}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Huq, K. M. M. and Baran, M. E. and Lukic, Srdjan and Nare, O. E.}, year={2012}, pages={2759–2763} } @inproceedings{ravey_blunier_lukic_miraoui_2012, title={Control strategy of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle based on driving cycle recognition}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)}, author={Ravey, Alexandre and Blunier, Benjamin and Lukic, Srdjan and Miraoui, Abdellatif}, year={2012}, pages={1–5} } @inproceedings{lomaskin_bai_lukic_2012, title={Current sharing control for cascaded H-bridge applied to secondary use batteries in Community Energy Storage systems}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2012.6342455}, abstractNote={This paper presents a cascaded H-bridge inverter topology for the application of secondary-use batteries as grid-connected energy storage. The proposed control strategy allows a degree of control over individual battery currents while the total system follows an arbitrary current command. This enables the aggregation and optimal use of battery packs with different capacities and states of health, overcoming a significant drawback of existing implementations.}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Lomaskin, Mark and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2012}, pages={2107–2111} } @inproceedings{wang_lukic_2012, title={Dynamic programming technique in hybrid electric vehicle optimization}, booktitle={2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference}, author={Wang, Rui and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2012}, pages={1–8} } @inproceedings{etemadrezaei_lukic_2012, title={Equivalent complex permeability and conductivity of litz wire in wireless power transfer systems}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2012.6342286}, abstractNote={In this paper the skin and proximity effect losses for Litz wire winding used in wireless power transfer system is calculated using exact 2-D method. Based on those losses the equivalent complex permeability and conductivity are calculated for each strand in the bundle. Due to specific properties of Litz wire, the whole bundle is homogenized using isotropic complex permeability and conductivity and is simulated numerically in Finite Element (FE) verifying the analytical and experimental results.}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Etemadrezaei, Mohammad and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2012}, pages={3833–3840} } @article{pantic_lukic_2012, title={Framework and topology for active tuning of parallel compensated receivers in power transfer systems}, volume={27}, number={11}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2012}, pages={4503–4513} } @inproceedings{zhou_yu_lukic_huang_2012, title={LCL filter utilized in battery charging applications to achieve compact size and low ripple charging}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2012.6342758}, abstractNote={In this paper, an LCL filter is proposed to replace L-type filter in a dc/dc converter for battery charging applications. The merits of using an LCL filter are compact size, and extremely low ripple of charging current. The ripple free charging can reduce the heat generated by the ripple of the charging current and improve the battery lifetime. Filter based controller is proposed to solve the control loop instability issue caused by LCL filter. Low-pass filter and notch filter based controllers are designed and compared. The controller robustness to the variation of the filter parameters is investigated. The proposed system and control methods are verified by simulation and experiment.}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Zhou, Xiaohu and Yu, Xunwei and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex}, year={2012}, pages={660–665} } @inproceedings{pantic_heacock_lukic_2012, title={Magnetic link optimization for wireless power transfer applications: modeling and experimental validation for resonant tubular coils}, booktitle={2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Heacock, Benjamin and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2012}, pages={3825–3832} } @article{she_huang_lukic_baran_2012, title={On integration of solid-state transformer with zonal DC microgrid}, volume={3}, number={2}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid}, publisher={IEEE}, author={She, Xu and Huang, Alex Q and Lukic, Srdjan and Baran, Mesut E}, year={2012}, pages={975–985} } @article{du_lukic_jacobson_huang_2012, title={Single-Phase Electronics-Modulation Technique to Reverse Power Flow for the Isolated Series Resonant DC-DC CorTverter With Clamped Capacitor Voltage}, volume={59}, number={12}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics}, author={Du, Y and Lukic, SM and Jacobson, BS and Huang, AQ}, year={2012}, pages={4617} } @inproceedings{wang_du_lukic_huang_2012, title={Small-signal analysis and modeling of the Dual Active Half Bridge converter}, booktitle={2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)}, author={Wang, Mengqi and Du, Yu and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex Q}, year={2012}, pages={1833–1837} } @inproceedings{chen_huang_lukic_svensson_li_wang_2011, title={A comparison of medium voltage high power DC/DC converters with high step-up conversion ratio for offshore wind energy systems}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2011.6063822}, abstractNote={As one of the most important renewable energy sources, wind is widely utilized now. As well as onshore trend, offshore wind farms have also been continuing its growth rapidly due to much better wind conditions. One of the interesting options for offshore wind farms is a wind farm with an internal medium voltage DC (MVDC)-grid collection connected to a high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission. Medium voltage high power DC/DC converters with high step-up conversion ration are the key components in the MVDC-grid collection offshore wind farms. In this paper, a review of medium voltage high power DC/DC converter topologies with high step-up conversion ratio is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of these converters are discussed. Finally, this paper lists some major challenges for the high power MVDC converters.}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Chen, Wu and Huang, Alex and Lukic, Srdjan and Svensson, Jan and Li, Jun and Wang, Zhenyuan}, year={2011}, pages={584–589} } @inproceedings{pantic_bai_lukic_2011, title={A new tri-state-boost-based pickup topology for inductive power transfer}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2011.6064241}, abstractNote={In this paper we present a new circuit design for multi-pickup high-power inductive power transfer systems. The proposed design combines parallel compensated resonant tank with tri-state boost converter. By synchronizing tri-state boost switching period with the half-period of resonant tank voltage, we position the inherently discontinuous current pulse drawn by tri-state boost to control both active and reactive power flow from the resonant circuit to tri-state boost. Controllable reactive current can be used effectively to emulate appropriate inductance or capacitance to tune the resonant tank and achieve optimal power transfer.}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2011}, pages={3495–3502} } @article{wirasingha_lukic_rodriguez_antoniou_emadi_2011, title={Adaptive control for hybrid electric vehicles}, volume={3}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, author={Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Lukic, Srdjan M and Rodriguez, Fernando and Antoniou, Antonis I and Emadi, Ali}, year={2011}, pages={99–122} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_emadi_2011, title={Adaptive control strategy and method for optimizing hybrid electric vehicles}, note={US Patent 7,954,579}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2011}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{bai_lukic_2011, title={Design considerations for DC charging station for plug-in vehicles}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2011}, pages={1–6} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_emadi_2011, title={Digital control of motor drives}, note={US Patent 7,960,931}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2011}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{bai_pantic_lukic_2011, title={Dual-powered track sections for roadway powered electric vehicles}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2011}, pages={1–6} } @inbook{williamson_cassani_lukic_blunier_2011, title={Energy storage}, booktitle={Alternative Energy in Power Electronics}, publisher={Butterworth-Heinemann}, author={Williamson, Sheldon S and Cassani, Pablo A and Lukic, Srdjan and Blunier, Benjamin}, year={2011}, pages={267–315} } @article{chan_2011, title={Exhibition Committee}, author={Chan, Iris}, year={2011} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_wirasingha_emadi_2011, title={Hybrid electric conversion kit for rear-wheel drive, all wheel drive, and four wheel drive vehicles}, note={US Patent 8,011,461}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Emadi, Ali}, year={2011}, month={Sep} } @article{du_lukic_jacobson_huang_2012, title={Modulation Technique to Reverse Power Flow for the Isolated Series Resonant DC-DC Converter With Clamped Capacitor Voltage}, volume={59}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2011.2175669}, abstractNote={The series resonant dc-dc converter with clamped capacitor voltage exhibits excellent characteristics in forward operating mode, including simple control, high reliability, soft switching, high power density, and inherently limited load fault current. However, the conventional single angle phase-shift modulation that works well in the forward mode cannot reverse the power flow. In this paper, we propose a modulation strategy for reverse-mode operation by utilizing three phase-shift angles afforded by the two active full bridges of the circuit. We identify the optimal modulation trajectories in 3-D modulation space and implement a lookup-table-based modulator for power flow control. A high-fidelity simulation model of a 35-kW 750-V input, 300-600-V output, and 50-kHz insulated-gate bipolar-transistor-based converter was used for verification. The proposed modulation scheme and efficiency calculations were validated on a scaled-down (15-kW) prototype. The power loss distribution was analyzed for further converter efficiency optimization.}, number={12}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Du, Yu and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Jacobson, Boris S. and Huang, Alex Q.}, year={2012}, month={Dec}, pages={4617–4628} } @inproceedings{she_lukic_huang_bhattacharya_baran_2011, title={Performance evaluation of solid state transformer based microgrid in FREEDM systems}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79955771308&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2011.5744594}, abstractNote={A new concept of solid state transformer based microgrid system is presented in this paper. By utilizing 400V DC bus generated from Gen-I solid state transformer proposed by FREEDM systems center, integration issues of DC microgrid and solid state transformer are analyzed. Zonal DC microgrid concept is applied to this novel system with the consideration of burden minimization to the existing AC grid. The future grid architecture is described by using this solid state transformer based integrated microgrid system.}, booktitle={Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC}, author={She, X. and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, A.Q. and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Baran, M.}, year={2011}, pages={182–188} } @inproceedings{vazquez_lukic_galvan_franquelo_carrasco_leon_2011, title={Recent advances on energy storage systems}, booktitle={IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Vazquez, Sergio and Lukic, Srdjan and Galvan, Eduardo and Franquelo, Leopoldo G and Carrasco, Juan M and Leon, Jose I}, year={2011}, pages={4636–4640} } @inproceedings{wang_lukic_2011, title={Review of driving conditions prediction and driving style recognition based control algorithms for hybrid electric vehicles}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Wang, Rui and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2011}, pages={1–7} } @inproceedings{du_lukic_jacobson_huang_2011, title={Review of high power isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters for PHEV/EV DC charging infrastructure}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2011.6063818}, abstractNote={PHEV/EV DC charging infrastructure attracts more and more attention recently. High power isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters provide galvanic isolation, V2G capability and reduce the cost and footprint of the system. Maintaining high power efficiency in wide vehicle battery pack voltage range is required. Three full bridge based high power bi-directional DC-DC converters are conceptually designed for this application and their advantages and disadvantages are addressed. Experimental test bench is built and efficiency evaluation for bi-directional operation is reported.}, booktitle={2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Du, Yu and Lukic, Srdjan and Jacobson, Boris and Huang, Alex}, year={2011}, pages={553–560} } @inproceedings{bai_pantic_lukic_2010, title={A comparison study of control strategies for ZVS resonant converters}, DOI={10.1109/iecon.2010.5675019}, abstractNote={This paper studies three fundamental switching patterns for resonant converters to achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) operation. To evaluate the performance of the three control methods, three resonant topologies are taken into consideration: series resonant, parallel resonant and seriesparallel resonant. The criteria functions for ZVS operation are derived for each control method and topology. The results show that the Asymmetrical Clamped Mode control (ACM) can guarantee lower switching frequency than other two control methods while keeping ZVS operation. Moreover, the circulating power for each control method is analyzed. The relationships between the switching frequency and the maximum power transfer of the three resonant topologies are derived and the series-parallel resonant topology shows a superior characteristic. Experiment results are given to verify some of the results.}, booktitle={IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Pantic, Zeljko and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2010}, pages={256–262} } @inproceedings{shao_lukic_emadi_2010, title={A digital current control for switched reluctance motor drives}, booktitle={2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics}, author={Shao, Baiming and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2010}, pages={1163–1168} } @inproceedings{she_lukic_alex_2010, title={DC zonal micro-grid architecture and control}, booktitle={IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={She, Xu and Lukic, Srdjan and Alex, Q Huang}, year={2010}, pages={2988–2993} } @article{li_he_sun_dai_chen_davoudi_jatskevich_dong_ma_xu_et al._2010, title={Design and optimization of circular magnetic structures for lumped inductive power transfer systems.}, volume={12}, number={9}, journal={Information Technology Journal}, publisher={orgz}, author={Li, Yan-Ling and He, Zheng-You and Sun, Yue and Dai, Xin and Chen, BM and Davoudi, A and Jatskevich, J and Dong, L and Ma, H and Xu, F and et al.}, year={2010}, pages={Pages-452} } @article{vazquez_lukic_galvan_franquelo_carrasco_2010, title={Energy Storage Systems for Transport and Grid Applications}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2010.2076414}, abstractNote={Energy storage systems (ESSs) are enabling technologies for well-established and new applications such as power peak shaving, electric vehicles, integration of renewable energies, etc. This paper presents a review of ESSs for transport and grid applications, covering several aspects as the storage technology, the main applications, and the power converters used to operate some of the energy storage technologies. Special attention is given to the different applications, providing a deep description of the system and addressing the most suitable storage technology. The main objective of this paper is to introduce the subject and to give an updated reference to nonspecialist, academic, and engineers in the field of power electronics.}, number={12}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Vazquez, Sergio and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Galvan, Eduardo and Franquelo, Leopoldo G. and Carrasco, Juan M.}, year={2010}, month={Dec}, pages={3881–3895} } @inproceedings{du_wang_meitl_lukic_huang_2010, title={High-frequency high-efficiency DC-DC converter for distributed energy storage modularization}, booktitle={IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Du, Yu and Wang, Mengqi and Meitl, Ryan T and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex Q}, year={2010}, pages={1832–1837} } @inproceedings{white_lukic_bhattacharya_2010, title={Investigations into the minimization of electrical costs for traction-type elevators}, booktitle={2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={White, Leonard W and Lukic, Srdjan M and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2010}, pages={4285–4292} } @inproceedings{pantic_ballal_lukic_2010, title={New method for current and voltage measuring offset correction in an induction motor sensorless drive}, booktitle={2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Ballal, Siddharth and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2010}, pages={23–30} } @inproceedings{pantic_bhattacharya_lukic_2010, title={Optimal resonant tank design considerations for primary track compensation in inductive power transfer systems}, booktitle={2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2010}, pages={1602–1609} } @inproceedings{bai_yu_lukic_2010, title={Optimum design of an EV/PHEV charging station with DC bus and storage system}, booktitle={2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Bai, Sanzhong and Yu, Du and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2010}, pages={1178–1184} } @inproceedings{govindaraj_king_lukic_2010, title={Performance characterization and optimization of various circuit topologies to combine batteries and ultra-capacitors}, booktitle={IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, author={Govindaraj, Arvind and King, Mathew and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2010}, pages={1850–1857} } @article{lukic_emadi_2010, title={Power management for multi-module energy storage systems in electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles}, note={US Patent 7,859,202}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Emadi, Ali}, year={2010}, month={Dec} } @article{du_zhou_bai_lukic_huang_2010, title={Review of Non-isolated Bi-directional DC-DC Converters for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charge Station Application at Municipal Parking Decks}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/apec.2010.5433359}, abstractNote={There is a growing interest on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV's) due to energy security and green house gas emission issues, as well as the low electricity fuel cost. As battery capacity and all-electric range of PHEV's are improved, and potentially some PHEV's or EV's need fast charging, there is increased demand to build high power off-board charging infrastructures. A charge station architecture for municipal parking decks has been proposed, which has a DC microgrid to interface with multiple DC-DC chargers, distributed renewable power generations and energy storage, and provides functionalities of normal and rapid charging, grid support such as reactive and real power injection (including V2G), current harmonic filtering and load balance. Several non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converters suited for charge station applications have been reviewed and compared, as the major focus of this paper. Half bridge converter is a good candidate but it is difficult to maintain high efficiency in wide battery pack voltage range. A variable frequency pulse width modulation (VFPWM) scheme is proposed to mitigate this issue. Finally three-level bi-directional DC-DC converter is suggested to be employed in this application. A 10kW prototype verifies that 95.1–97.9% full load efficiency can be achieved in charging mode with 180–360V battery pack voltage. In addition, the inductor size is only one third of the half bridge counterpart, which is a great advantage for high power converters.}, journal={2010 TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC)}, author={Du, Yu and Zhou, Xiaohu and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex}, year={2010}, pages={1145–1151} } @inproceedings{du_zhou_bai_lukic_huang_2010, title={Review of non-isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charge station application at municipal parking decks}, booktitle={2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)}, author={Du, Yu and Zhou, Xiaohu and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex}, year={2010}, pages={1145–1151} } @article{franquelo_lukic_vazquez_atcitty_2010, title={SPECIAL SECTION ON ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS: INTERFACE, POWER ELECTRONICS, AND CONTROL}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2010.2075110}, abstractNote={The 15 papers in this special section focus on energy storage systems.}, number={12}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ �}, author={Franquelo, Leopoldo G. and Lukic, Srdjan M. and Vazquez, Sergio and Atcitty, Stan}, year={2010}, month={Dec}, pages={3878–3880} } @article{mulhall_lukic_wirasingha_lee_emadi_2010, title={Solar-assisted electric auto rickshaw three-wheeler}, volume={59}, number={5}, journal={IEEE transactions on vehicular technology}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Mulhall, Priscilla and Lukic, Srdjan M and Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Lee, Young-Joo and Emadi, Ali}, year={2010}, pages={2298–2307} } @article{lukic_emadi_2010, title={State-Switching Control Technique for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives: Theory and Implementation}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2009.2038942}, abstractNote={Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) exhibit advantageous features such as low inertia, fault tolerance, high efficiency, and simple design. However, its control is fairly complex due to nonlinear characteristics of the magnetic flux linkage seen on the stator windings. Several memory and/or processor intensive solutions have been proposed to deal with the control problem, constraining the use of the motor to high-cost and high-performance applications. The focus of this paper is to develop a simple controller for the SRM based on state-switching digital control. The concept of state-switching digital control is to control the motor state (speed) by applying a high or a low energy pulse-above and below the desired steady state of the motor. Such a controller can be implemented in low-complexity analog circuitry. This paper presents two methods of motor control: one for single-speed applications and another for variable speed applications. In addition, this paper derives the control equations and disturbance rejection response. Simulation and experimental results for various operating modes are presented.}, number={9}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M. and Emadi, Ali}, year={2010}, month={Sep}, pages={2932–2938} } @inproceedings{lukic_saunders_pantic_hung_taiber_2010, title={Use of inductive power transfer for electric vehicles}, booktitle={IEEE PES General Meeting}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Saunders, Marshall and Pantic, Zeljko and Hung, Steve and Taiber, Joachim}, year={2010}, pages={1–6} } @article{pantic_bai_lukic_2011, title={ZCS LCC-Compensated Resonant Inverter for Inductive-Power-Transfer Application}, volume={58}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2010.2081954}, abstractNote={Inductive power transfer (IPT) is commonly used to transmit power from an extended loop (track) to a number of galvanically isolated movable pick-ups. To maximize the power transfer and minimize converter requirements, various compensation circuits have been proposed for both the track (primary) and the pick-up (secondary). This paper investigates the suitability of the LCC series-parallel compensation for IPT primary design. A new compensation-circuit design procedure is proposed that considers high-order current harmonics and results in inverter zero-current switching. The proposed compensation is compared with the classical compensation designed for zero phase angle between the inverter voltage and current fundamental components. Expressions for the bifurcation boundary, voltampere rating of reactive-compensation elements, and the current at the moment of switching are derived and analyzed. Analytical results are verified both via PSpice simulations and experimentally using a 1-hp MOSFET-based prototype.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan M.}, year={2011}, month={Aug}, pages={3500–3510} } @inproceedings{zhou_lukic_huang_2009, title={A comparison of converter topologies for vehicle-to-grid applications: Three-leg converter versus H-bridge converter}, booktitle={2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics}, author={Zhou, Xiaohu and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex}, year={2009}, pages={3711–3716} } @inproceedings{govindaraj_lukic_emadi_2009, title={A novel scheme for optimal paralleling of batteries and ultracapacitors}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition}, author={Govindaraj, Arvind and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, pages={1410–1416} } @inproceedings{du_bian_lukic_jacobson_huang_2009, title={A novel wide voltage range bi-directional series resonant converter with clamped capacitor voltage}, booktitle={2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics}, author={Du, Yu and Bian, Xiao and Lukic, Srdjan and Jacobson, Boris S and Huang, Alex Q}, year={2009}, pages={82–87} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_emadi_2009, title={Adaptive control strategy and method for optimizing hybrid electric vehicles}, note={US Patent App. 12/025,376}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, month={Aug} } @inproceedings{zhou_lukic_bhattacharya_huang_2009, title={Design and control of grid-connected converter in bi-directional battery charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle application}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-72149131445&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1109/vppc.2009.5289691}, abstractNote={A new bi-directional power converter for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) is proposed based on a typical household circuitry configuration. This converter can achieve three major functions: battery charger mode, vehicle to grid mode (V2G) and vehicle to home mode (V2H), which are the main topics of integration of PHEVs with the grid. The detailed converter design is presented. An improved AC/DC controller is proposed in order to achieve low input current harmonics for the charger mode. The Proportional resonant+harmonics selective compensation method is utilized for the V2G mode, and capacitor current feedback and proportional resonant control methods are adopted for the V2H mode. Compared with conventional PI controllers, the proposed controllers greatly enhance the grid-connected converter's performance in the aspects of low harmonics output and robustness against background noise.}, booktitle={5th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC '09}, author={Zhou, X. and Lukic, Srdjan and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Huang, A.}, year={2009}, pages={1716–1721} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_emadi_2009, title={Digital control of motor drives}, note={US Patent App. 12/214,032}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{li_huang_bhattacharya_lukic_2009, title={ETO Light multilevel converters for large electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle drives}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-72149086393&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1109/vppc.2009.5289513}, abstractNote={multilevel converters are very popular for high power AC drives to meet the power demands for large electric/hybrid electric vehicles. Emitter Turn-off (ETO) thyristor is one of the present state-of-the-art high power semiconductor devices. The newest version of ETO (Gen-4 ETO) is more intelligent and reliable. Packed with advanced features as well as superior performance, ETO device and ETO-based power converters are very attractive for large electric drives. This paper presents the ETO Light neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter design and thermal analysis. The modular digital controller architecture for this converter is proposed in order to improve the system reliability and increase its expansion flexibility. As a solution to further increase the converter output power, the ETO Light active NPC (ANPC) converter is presented, and moreover its fault tolerant capability is discussed.}, booktitle={5th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC '09}, author={Li, J. and Huang, A. and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2009}, pages={1455–1460} } @inproceedings{kulshrestha_swaminathan_chow_lukic_2009, title={Evaluation of ZigBee communication platform for controlling the charging of PHEVs at a municipal parking deck}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Kulshrestha, Preetika and Swaminathan, Kaushik and Chow, Mo-Yuen and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2009}, pages={1211–1214} } @article{rodriguez_lukic_wirasingha_emadi_2009, title={Hybrid electric conversion kit for rear-wheel drive, all wheel drive, and four wheel drive vehicles}, note={US Patent App. 12/031,172}, author={Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan M and Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, month={Sep} } @inproceedings{pantic_bai_lukic_2009, title={Inductively coupled power transfer for continuously powered electric vehicles}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Pantic, Zeljko and Bai, Sanzhong and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2009}, pages={1271–1278} } @inproceedings{wang_govindaraj_lukic_chow_2009, title={Intelligent Battery Management System for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles}, booktitle={Proceedings of the FREEDM Systems Center Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, USA}, author={Wang, Lei and Govindaraj, Arvind and Lukic, Srdjan and Chow, Mo-Yuen}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{kulshrestha_wang_chow_lukic_2009, title={Intelligent energy management system simulator for PHEVs at municipal parking deck in a smart grid environment}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting}, author={Kulshrestha, Preetika and Wang, Lei and Chow, Mo-Yuen and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2009}, pages={1–6} } @inproceedings{zhou_wang_lukic_bhattacharya_huang_2009, title={Multi-function bi-directional battery charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle application}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-72449142726&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1109/ecce.2009.5316226}, abstractNote={A new multi-function bi-directional battery charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) is proposed based on the power circuitry configuration of an American house. This bi-directional charger can achieve three functions including battery charging, vehicle to grid (V2G) and vehicle to home (V2H), all of which are the major research areas of PHEV's integration with the power grid. The integration infrastructure and practical design issues are analyzed. The multiple control loop designs are presented for the three operation modes. Simulation and experimental results verify the functions and performance of the proposed charger. With the capability of achieving multiple functions, the bi-directional charger will contribute and enhance grid related research of PHEVs.}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2009}, author={Zhou, X. and Wang, G. and Lukic, Srdjan and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Huang, A.}, year={2009}, pages={3930–3936} } @inproceedings{li_bhattacharya_lukic_huang_2009, title={Multilevel active NPC converter for filterless grid-connection for large wind turbines}, booktitle={2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics}, author={Li, Jun and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Lukic, Srdjan and Huang, Alex Q}, year={2009} } @article{lukic_bhandwale_emadi_2009, title={Novel digital control of conventional electric motor drives for home appliances}, volume={2}, number={1}, journal={International Journal of Power Electronics}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Bhandwale, Abhijeet and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, pages={16–35} } @inproceedings{hutchinson_baran_lukic_2009, title={Power supply for an electric vehicle charging system for a large parking deck}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting}, author={Hutchinson, Shane and Baran, Mesut and Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2009}, pages={1–4} } @inproceedings{mulhall_lukic_wirasingha_lee_emadi_2009, title={Solar/battery electric auto rickshaw three-wheeler}, booktitle={2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Mulhall, Priscilla and Lukic, Srdjan M and Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Lee, Young-Joo and Emadi, Ali}, year={2009}, pages={153–159} } @article{lukic_emadi_2008, title={Charging Ahead}, volume={2}, ISSN={["1941-0115"]}, DOI={10.1109/MIE.2008.930361}, abstractNote={With the constant performance improvement and cost reduction of power electronics and motor drives, more efficient vehicles such as electric, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are becoming a reality. The commonality between all advanced vehicles is the presence of electric propulsion powered by an electric storage system. As a result, the development of adequate energy storage systems is now more important than ever. High energy density, modularity, and affordability have made batteries the technology of choice for vehicular applications. In recent years, battery technology has made great strides in improving the energy and power density. Still, a tradeoff between power and energy must be made to best meet space and weight constraints. In this article, we shed some light on this tradeoff. We also look at how batteries can be represented with equivalent circuits. Finally, we go into some detail on battery management requirements that ensure that the batteries perform as expected. Power electronics has revolutionized motor drives, bringing within the realm of possibility electric drive-trains with extremely high performance. The motors themselves have been improved, offering higher reliability and better performance with a reduced cost. Unfortunately, the weak link in the electric drive-train development chain remains-energy storage. There are some advancements in energy storage device development that offer good promise in terms of energy density and power density but none have the desired combination of all of the following features: fast charging-discharging (high-power density), large-storage capacity (high-energy density), low cost, and long life.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M. and Emadi, Ali}, year={2008}, month={Dec}, pages={22–U75} } @article{lukic_mulhall_emadi_2008, title={Energy Autonomous Solar/ battery Auto Rickshaw}, volume={6}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Asian electric vehicles}, publisher={Asian Electric Vehicle Society}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Mulhall, Priscilla and Emadi, Ali}, year={2008}, pages={1135–1143} } @article{lukic_cao_bansal_rodriguez_emadi_2008, title={Energy storage systems for automotive applications}, volume={55}, number={6}, journal={IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Cao, Jian and Bansal, Ramesh C and Rodriguez, Fernando and Emadi, Ali}, year={2008}, pages={2258–2267} } @article{lukic_emadi_2008, title={Power management for multi-module energy storage systems in electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles}, note={US Patent App. 11/977,118}, author={Lukic, Srdjan and Emadi, Ali}, year={2008}, month={Sep} } @article{lukic_2007, title={Advanced state switching control techniques for switched reluctance motor(SRM) drives}, volume={69}, number={03}, journal={Dissertation Abstracts International}, author={Lukic, Srdjan}, year={2007} } @inproceedings{mulhall_naviwala_lukic_braband_emadi_2007, title={Entrepreneurial projects program at Illinois Institute of Technology: solar/battery hybrid three-wheel auto rickshaw for India}, booktitle={2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Mulhall, Priscilla and Naviwala, Mustafa and Lukic, Srdjan M and Braband, James and Emadi, Ali}, year={2007}, pages={682–689} } @inproceedings{lukic_emadi_2007, title={State switching digital control technique for switched reluctance motor drives}, volume={2}, booktitle={2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2007}, pages={1332–1337} } @inproceedings{lukic_mulhall_choi_naviwala_nimmagadda_emadi_2007, title={Usage pattern development for three-wheel auto rickshaw taxis in India}, booktitle={2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Mulhall, Priscilla and Choi, Gilsu and Naviwala, Mustafa and Nimmagadda, Sairam and Emadi, Ali}, year={2007}, pages={610–616} } @article{williamson_lukic_emadi_2006, title={Comprehensive drive train efficiency analysis of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles based on motor-controller efficiency modeling}, volume={21}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Transactions on power electronics}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Williamson, S and Lukic, M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2006}, pages={730–740} } @inproceedings{lukic_wirasingha_rodriguez_cao_emadi_2006, title={Power management of an ultracapacitor/battery hybrid energy storage system in an HEV}, booktitle={2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Wirasingha, Sanjaka G and Rodriguez, Fernando and Cao, Jian and Emadi, Ali}, year={2006}, pages={1–6} } @article{williamson_lukic_emadi_2006, title={SPECIAL ISSUE PAPERS-Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles-Comprehensive Drive Train Efficiency Analysis of Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles Based on Motor-Controller Efficiency Modeling}, volume={21}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics}, publisher={New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-}, author={Williamson, SS and Lukic, SM and Emadi, A}, year={2006}, pages={730–740} } @article{emadi_rajashekara_2005, title={Guest Editorial Special Section on Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles}, volume={54}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Emadi, Ali and Rajashekara, Kaushik}, year={2005}, pages={761–762} } @article{emadi_rajashekara_williamson_lukic_2005, title={Topological overview of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicular power system architectures and configurations}, volume={54}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Emadi, Ali and Rajashekara, Kaushik and Williamson, Sheldon S and Lukic, Srdjan M}, year={2005}, pages={763–770} } @article{lukic_emadi_2004, title={Effects of drivetrain hybridization on fuel economy and dynamic performance of parallel hybrid electric vehicles}, volume={53}, number={2}, journal={IEEE transactions on vehicular technology}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali}, year={2004}, pages={385–389} } @phdthesis{lukic_2004, title={Low Voltage (42V) Electrical Power System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles}, school={Illinois Institute of Technology}, author={Lukic, Srdjan Miodrag}, year={2004} } @article{lukic_khateeb_al-hallaj_selman_emadi_2003, title={2003-01-2289 On the Suitability of a New High-Power Lithium Ion Battery for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications}, journal={SAE SP}, publisher={SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS INC.}, author={Lukic, SM and Khateeb, SA and Al-Hallaj, S and Selman, JR and Emadi, A}, year={2003}, pages={49–54} } @book{lukic_emadi_2003, title={Effects of electrical loads on 42V automotive power systems}, institution={SAE Technical Paper}, author={Lukic, SM and Emadi, A}, year={2003} } @inproceedings{lukic_emado_2003, title={Modeling of electric machines for automotive applications using efficiency maps}, booktitle={Proceedings: Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Technology Conference (Cat. No. 03CH37480)}, author={Lukic, SM and Emado, A}, year={2003}, pages={543–550} } @book{lukic_khateeb_al-hallaj_selman_emadi_2003, title={On the suitability of a new high-power lithium ion battery for hybrid electric vehicle applications}, institution={SAE Technical Paper}, author={Lukic, SM and Khateeb, SA and Al-Hallaj, S and Selman, JR and Emadi, A}, year={2003} } @inproceedings{onoda_lukic_nasiri_emadi_2002, title={A PSIM-based modeling tool for conventional, electric, and hybrid electric vehicles studies}, volume={3}, booktitle={Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference}, author={Onoda, S and Lukic, SM and Nasiri, A and Emadi, A}, year={2002}, pages={1676–1680} } @inproceedings{lukic_emadi_2002, title={Advantages of hybrid electric vehicles with parallel drivetrain configurations}, booktitle={Proc. 2002 Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Expo.}, author={Lukic, SM and Emadi, A}, year={2002} } @article{duo_koo_shechtman_kohanim_gangireddy_rodriguez_lukic_bodakh_dubanski_2002, title={Design and Simulation of Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (Spring 2002) IPRO 326}, author={Duo, Sijie and Koo, Gary and Shechtman, Sean and Kohanim, Sahar and Gangireddy, Sandeep and Rodriguez, Fernando and Lukic, Srdjan and Bodakh, Hani and Dubanski, Darius}, year={2002} } @inproceedings{lukic_emadi_2002, title={Performance analysis of automotive power systems: effects of power electronic intensive loads and electrically-assisted propulsion systems}, volume={3}, booktitle={Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference}, author={Lukic, SM and Emadi, A}, year={2002}, pages={1835–1839} } @article{ahluwalia_aoulkadi_bauman_bertoluzzo_binder_boglietti_bogosyan_boldea_buja_cavagnino_et al., title={2008 Index IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Vol. 2}, volume={59}, journal={Reviews of" Electrical Drives and Magnetic Components"(Boldea}, author={Ahluwalia, A and Aoulkadi, M and Bauman, C and Bertoluzzo, M and Binder, A and Boglietti, A and Bogosyan, S and Boldea, I and Buja, G and Cavagnino, A and et al.}, pages={60} } @article{minteer_sugahara_pantic_lukic_vanherpe_zickler_zhang_fletcher_lehmann-horn_walbrecker_et al., title={5387 Magnetostatic Stress: Insightful Analysis and Manipulation of Maxwell�s Stress Equation for Magnetostatics}, author={Minteer, TM and Sugahara, K and Pantic, Z and Lukic, S and Vanherpe, L and Zickler, T and Zhang, DM and Fletcher, J and Lehmann-Horn, JA and Walbrecker, JO and et al.} } @article{lukic_emadi_boglietti_cavagnino_ferraris_lazzari, title={Departments and columns}, author={Lukic, Srdjan M and Emadi, Ali and Boglietti, Aldo and Cavagnino, Andrea and Ferraris, Luca and Lazzari, Mario} } @article{booth_srdic_lukic, title={Multi-Objective Optimization of Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters}, author={Booth, Kristen and Srdic, Srdjan and Lukic, Srdjan} } @article{huang_husain_bhattacharya_burgos_cheng_omekand_sun_sullivan_tang_hefner_et al., title={Organizational Committee}, author={Huang, Alex and Husain, Iqbal and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Burgos, Rolando and Cheng, Po-Tai and Omekand, Avoki M and Sun, Jian and Sullivan, Rogelio and Tang, Le and Hefner, Allen and et al.} } @article{emadi_rajashekara_williamson_lukic_koot_kessels_jager_heemels_bosch_steinbuch_et al., title={SPECIAL SECTION ON HYBRID ELECTRIC AND FUEL CELL VEHICLES}, author={Emadi, A and Rajashekara, K and Williamson, SS and Lukic, SM and Koot, M and Kessels, JTBA and Jager, B and Heemels, WPMH and Bosch, PPJ and Steinbuch, M and et al.} }