@article{shousha_beeler_aagesen_beausoleil ii_okuniewski_2024, title={First-principles investigation of lanthanides diffusion in HCP zirconium via vacancy-mediated transport}, volume={601}, ISSN={["1873-4820"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155310}, DOI={10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155310}, abstractNote={The diffusion of lanthanide fission products plays an important role in the growth of the fuel-cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) region in metallic fuels. The use of a Zr interdiffusion barrier may mitigate the transport of lanthanides from the fuel to the cladding, but the efficacy of such a liner is not yet known. In this paper, the stability and vacancy-mediated diffusion of La, Ce, Pr, and Nd in hexagonal close-packed (HCP) Zr is investigated via density functional theory (DFT) calculations and self-consistent mean field (SCMF) analysis. DFT is used to calculate the formation, binding, and migration energies of vacancies and vacancy-solute pairs. The DFT energetics are used in the KineCluE code to calculate the Onsager transport coefficients. La is found to be the fastest diffusing species in HCP Zr and experiences an almost isotropic diffusion behavior. The other three species (Ce, Pr, and Nd) demonstrate anisotropic diffusion where the diffusion in the basal planes is significantly faster than that along the c-axis. The calculated lanthanide diffusivities in HCP Zr are fitted to an Arrhenius relation and the activation energies and prefactors are reported for the first time. Furthermore, the vacancy drag and the segregation tendencies were analyzed using the calculated off-diagonal transport coefficients. According to our vacancy-mediated diffusion model, lanthanides are expected to be enriched at vacancy sinks at low temperatures, while at high temperatures, lanthanides are depleted at sinks and will preferably diffuse into the bulk. The enrichment/depletion transition temperature depends on the diffusion direction (basal or axial) and hence will be controlled by the grain texture and orientation.}, journal={JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS}, author={Shousha, Shehab and Beeler, Benjamin and Aagesen, Larry K. and Beausoleil II, Geoffrey L. and Okuniewski, Maria A.}, year={2024}, month={Dec} } @article{shousha_beeler_2024, title={Magnetism and finite-temperature effects in UZr 2: A density functional theory analysis}, volume={595}, ISSN={["1873-4820"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155037}, DOI={10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155037}, abstractNote={The structure and the thermophysical properties of δ-UZr2 are investigated using 0 K density functional theory and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD). Modeling the true paramagnetic state of this intermetallic compound has been challenging using first-principles calculations. For the first time, we find that the generalized gradient approximation method without applying an on-site Coulomb interaction term (Hubbard U) can result in a ground state that is antiferromagnetic (AFM). We believe that this weak AFM ground state is the closest to the real paramagnetic state. We found that structure optimization at finite temperatures using AIMD is necessary to achieve this ground state instead of the non-magnetic and ferromagnetic states previously reported in the literature. Our findings indicate that applying the Hubbard U on uranium f-orbitals in this metallic system is unnecessary and not recommended, as it leads to a large overestimation of the volume and introduces an unphysical strong spin polarization. Our approach results in atomic volume, thermal expansion, and heat capacities that have strong agreement with experiments.}, journal={JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS}, author={Shousha, Shehab and Beeler, Benjamin}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @article{shousha_kadambi_beeler_kombaiah_2024, title={Vacancy-mediated transport and segregation tendencies of solutes in fcc nickel under diffusional creep: A density functional theory study}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2475-9953"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.083605}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.083605}, abstractNote={The Nabarro-Herring (NH) diffusional creep theory postulates the vacancy-mediated transport of atoms under a stress gradient as the creep mechanism under low-stress and high-temperature conditions. In multicomponent alloys, we premise that this stress-assisted flow of vacancies to and from grain boundaries will produce elemental segregation. An observation of such segregation, validated with theoretical predictions, can provide the necessary experimental evidence for the occurrence of NH creep. Theoretical calculations of the segregation tendencies via analyzing the dominant solute diffusion mechanisms and the difference in diffusivities of the elements are therefore essential. To this end, this study applies density functional theory calculations of migration barriers and solute-vacancy binding energies as input to the self-consistent mean-field theory to assess the vacancy-mediated diffusion mechanisms, transport coefficients, and segregation tendencies of Co, Cr, Mo, Re, Ta, and W solutes in face-centered-cubic Ni. We find Co, Re, and W to be slow diffusers at high temperatures and Cr, Mo, and Ta to be fast diffusers. Further analysis shows that the slow diffusers tend to always enrich at vacancy sinks over a wide range of temperatures. In contrast, the fast diffusers show a transition from depletion to enrichment as the temperature lowers. Furthermore, our analysis of the segregation tendencies under tensile hydrostatic strains shows that slow diffusers are largely unaffected by the strain and favor enrichment. On the other hand, the fast diffusers exhibit high sensitivity to strain and their segregation tendency can transition from depletion to enrichment at a given temperature. The transport coefficients calculated in this work are expected to serve as input to mesoscale microstructure models to provide a more rigorous assessment of solute segregation under NH creep conditions.}, number={8}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS}, author={Shousha, Shehab and Kadambi, Sourabh Bhagwan and Beeler, Benjamin and Kombaiah, Boopathy}, year={2024}, month={Aug} }