@article{reyes_huigens_su_simon_melander_2011, title={Synthesis and biological activity of 2-aminoimidazole triazoles accessed by Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1477-0520"]}, DOI={10.1039/c0ob00925c}, abstractNote={A pilot library of 2-aminoimidazole triazoles (2-AITs) was synthesized and assayed against Acinetobacter baumannii and methicillin-resistant Staphylococus aureus (MRSA). Results from these studies show that these new derivatives have improved biofilm dispersal activities as well as antibacterial properties against A. baumannii. With MRSA biofilms they are found to possess biofilm inhibition capabilities at low micromolar concentrations.}, number={8}, journal={ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY}, author={Reyes, Samuel and Huigens, Robert W., III and Su, Zhaoming and Simon, Michel L. and Melander, Christian}, year={2011}, pages={3041–3049} } @article{richards_reyes_stowe_tucker_ballard_mathies_cavanagh_melander_2009, title={Amide Isosteres of Oroidin: Assessment of Antibiofilm Activity and C. elegans Toxicity}, volume={52}, ISSN={["1520-4804"]}, DOI={10.1021/jm900378s}, abstractNote={The synthesis and antibiofilm activities of sulfonamide, urea, and thiourea oroidin analogues are described. The most active derivative was able to selectively inhibit P. aeruginosa biofilm development and is also shown to be nontoxic upward of 1 mM to the development of C. elegans in comparison to other similar isosteric analogues and the natural product oroidin.}, number={15}, journal={JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY}, author={Richards, Justin J. and Reyes, Samuel and Stowe, Sean D. and Tucker, Ashley T. and Ballard, T. Eric and Mathies, Laura D. and Cavanagh, John and Melander, Christian}, year={2009}, month={Aug}, pages={4582–4585} } @article{huigens_reyes_reed_bunders_rogers_steinhauer_melander_2010, title={The chemical synthesis and antibiotic activity of a diverse library of 2-aminobenzimidazole small molecules against MRSA and multidrug-resistant A. baumannii}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1464-3391"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.bmc.2009.12.003}, abstractNote={Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections continue to be a rising global health concern. Herein is described the development of a class of novel 2-aminobenzimidazoles with antibiotic activity. These active 2-aminobenzimidazoles retain their antibiotic activity against several strains of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii when compared to susceptible strains.}, number={2}, journal={BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY}, author={Huigens, Robert W., III and Reyes, Samuel and Reed, Catherine S. and Bunders, Cynthia and Rogers, Steven A. and Steinhauer, Andrew T. and Melander, Christian}, year={2010}, month={Jan}, pages={663–674} }