@misc{quinones_khachariya_reddy_mita_almeter_bagheri_rathkanthiwar_kirste_pavlidis_kohn_et al._2024, title={High-current, high-voltage AlN Schottky barrier diodes}, volume={17}, ISSN={["1882-0786"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.35848/1882-0786/ad81c9}, DOI={10.35848/1882-0786/ad81c9}, abstractNote={AlN Schottky barrier diodes with low ideality factor (<1.2), low differential ON-resistance (<0.6 mΩ cm 2 ), high current density (>5 kA cm −2 ), and high breakdown voltage (680 V) are reported. The device structure consisted of a two-layer, quasi-vertical design with a lightly doped AlN drift layer and a highly doped Al 0.75 Ga 0.25 N ohmic contact layer grown on AlN substrates. A combination of simulation, current–voltage measurements, and impedance spectroscopy analysis revealed that the AlN/AlGaN interface introduces a parasitic electron barrier due to the conduction band offset between the two materials. This barrier was found to limit the forward current in fabricated diodes. Further, we show that introducing a compositionally-graded layer between the AlN and the AlGaN reduces the interfacial barrier and increases the forward current density of fabricated diodes by a factor of 10 4 .}, number={10}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS}, author={Quinones, C. E. and Khachariya, D. and Reddy, P. and Mita, S. and Almeter, J. and Bagheri, P. and Rathkanthiwar, S. and Kirste, R. and Pavlidis, S. and Kohn, E. and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{rathkanthiwar_reddy_quinones_loveless_kamiyama_bagheri_khachariya_eldred_moody_mita_et al._2023, title={Anderson transition in compositionally graded p-AlGaN}, volume={134}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0176419}, DOI={10.1063/5.0176419}, abstractNote={Mg-doped, graded AlGaN films showed the formation of an impurity band and high, temperature-invariant p-conductivity even for doping levels well below the Mott transition. However, compensating point defects disrupted the impurity band, resulting in an Anderson transition from the impurity band to valence band conduction and a more than tenfold reduction in room-temperature conductivity. This is the first demonstration of Anderson-like localization in AlGaN films.}, number={19}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Reddy, Pramod and Quinones, Cristyan E. and Loveless, James and Kamiyama, Masahiro and Bagheri, Pegah and Khachariya, Dolar and Eldred, Tim and Moody, Baxter and Mita, Seiji and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Nov} } @article{quinones_khachariya_bagheri_reddy_mita_kirste_rathkanthiwar_tweedie_pavlidis_kohn_et al._2023, title={Demonstration of near-ideal Schottky contacts to Si-doped AlN}, volume={123}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0174524}, DOI={10.1063/5.0174524}, abstractNote={Near-ideal behavior in Schottky contacts to Si-doped AlN was observed as evidenced by a low ideality factor of 1.5 at room temperature. A temperature-independent Schottky barrier height of 1.9 eV was extracted from temperature-dependent I–V measurements. An activation energy of ∼300 meV was observed in the series resistance, which corresponded to the ionization energy of the deep Si donor state. Both Ohmic and Schottky contacts were stable up to 650 °C, with around four orders of magnitude rectification at this elevated temperature. These results demonstrate the potential of AlN as a platform for power devices capable of operating in extreme environments.}, number={17}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Quinones, C. E. and Khachariya, D. and Bagheri, P. and Reddy, P. and Mita, S. and Kirste, R. and Rathkanthiwar, S. and Tweedie, J. and Pavlidis, S. and Kohn, E. and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Oct} } @article{bagheri_quinones-garcia_khachariya_loveless_guan_rathkanthiwar_reddy_kirste_mita_tweedie_et al._2023, title={High conductivity in Ge-doped AlN achieved by a non-equilibrium process}, volume={122}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0146439}, DOI={10.1063/5.0146439}, abstractNote={Highly conductive Ge-doped AlN with conductivity of 0.3 (Ω cm)−1 and electron concentration of 2 × 1018 cm−3 was realized via a non-equilibrium process comprising ion implantation and annealing at a moderate thermal budget. Similar to a previously demonstrated shallow donor state in Si-implanted AlN, Ge implantation also showed a shallow donor behavior in AlN with an ionization energy ∼80 meV. Ge showed a 3× higher conductivity than its Si counterpart for a similar doping level. Photoluminescence spectroscopy indicated that higher conductivity for Ge-doped AlN was achieved primarily due to lower compensation. This is the highest n-type conductivity reported for AlN doped with Ge to date and demonstration of technologically useful conductivity in Ge-doped AlN.}, number={14}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Bagheri, Pegah and Quinones-Garcia, Cristyan and Khachariya, Dolar and Loveless, James and Guan, Yan and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Reddy, Pramod and Kirste, Ronny and Mita, Seiji and Tweedie, James and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{rathkanthiwar_reddy_moody_quinones-garcia_bagheri_khachariya_dalmau_mita_kirste_collazo_et al._2023, title={High p-conductivity in AlGaN enabled by polarization field engineering}, volume={122}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0143427}, DOI={10.1063/5.0143427}, abstractNote={High p-conductivity (0.7 Ω−1 cm−1) was achieved in high-Al content AlGaN via Mg doping and compositional grading. A clear transition between the valence band and impurity band conduction mechanisms was observed. The transition temperature depended strongly on the compositional gradient and to some degree on the Mg doping level. A model is proposed to explain the role of the polarization field in enhancing the conductivity in Mg-doped graded AlGaN films and the transition between the two conduction types. This study offers a viable path to technologically useful p-conductivity in AlGaN.}, number={15}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Reddy, Pramod and Moody, Baxter and Quinones-Garcia, Cristyan and Bagheri, Pegah and Khachariya, Dolar and Dalmau, Rafael and Mita, Seiji and Kirste, Ronny and Collazo, Ramon and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{suraj_rathkanthiwar_raghavan_selvaraja_2023, title={Polarization independent grating in a GaN-on-sapphire photonic integrated circuit}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1094-4087"]}, DOI={10.1364/OE.487389}, abstractNote={In this work, we report the realization of a polarization-insensitive grating coupler, single-mode waveguide, and ring resonator in the GaN-on-sapphire platform. We provide a detailed demonstration of the material characterization, device simulation, and experimental results. We achieve a grating coupler efficiency of -5.2 dB/coupler with a 1 dB and 3 dB bandwidth of 40 nm and 80 nm, respectively. We measure a single-mode waveguide loss of -6 dB/cm. The losses measured here are the lowest in a GaN-on-sapphire photonic circuit. This demonstration provides opportunities for the development of on-chip linear and non-linear optical processes using the GaN-on-sapphire platform. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an integrated photonic device using a GaN HEMT stack with 2D electron gas.}, number={14}, journal={OPTICS EXPRESS}, author={Suraj, S. R. I. N. I. V. A. S. A. N. and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Raghavan, Srinivasan and Selvaraja, Shankar Kumar}, year={2023}, month={Jul}, pages={23350–23361} } @article{rathkanthiwar_graziano_tweedie_mita_kirste_collazo_sitar_2022, title={Crystallographic Tilt in Aluminum Gallium Nitride Epilayers Grown on Miscut Aluminum Nitride Substrates}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1862-6270"]}, DOI={10.1002/pssr.202200323}, abstractNote={Heteroepitaxial crystallographic tilt has been investigated as a possible strain‐relief mechanism in Al‐rich (Al>50%) AlGaN heteroepitaxial layers grown on single‐crystal (0001) AlN substrates with varying miscuts from 0.05° to 4.30°. The magnitude of the elastic lattice deformation‐induced tilt increases monotonically with the miscut angle, tightly following the Nagai tilt model. Although tilt angles as high as 0.1° are recorded, reciprocal space mapping (RSM) broadening and wafer bow measurements do not show any significant changes as a function of the heteroepitaxial tilt angle. While crystallographic tilting has been shown to be effective in controlling strain in some other heteroepitaxial systems, it does not provide any appreciable strain relief of the compressive strain in AlGaN/AlN heteroepitaxy.}, journal={PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Graziano, Milena B. and Tweedie, James and Mita, Seiji and Kirste, Ronny and Collazo, Ramon and Sitar, Zlatko}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @article{bagheri_klump_washiyama_breckenridge_kim_guan_khachariya_quinones-garcia_sarkar_rathkanthiwar_et al._2022, title={Doping and compensation in heavily Mg doped Al-rich AlGaN films}, volume={120}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85125675471&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1063/5.0082992}, abstractNote={Record low resistivities of 10 and 30 Ω cm and room-temperature free hole concentrations as high as 3 × 1018 cm−3 were achieved in bulk doping of Mg in Al0.6Ga0.4N films grown on AlN single crystalline wafer and sapphire. The highly conductive films exhibited a low ionization energy of 50 meV and impurity band conduction. Both high Mg concentration (>2 × 1019 cm−3) and low compensation were required to achieve impurity band conduction and high p-type conductivity. The formation of VN-related compensators was actively suppressed by chemical potential control during the deposition process. This work overcomes previous limitations in p-type aluminum gallium nitride (p-AlGaN) and offers a technologically viable solution to high p-conductivity in AlGaN and AlN.}, number={8}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Bagheri, Pegah and Klump, Andrew and Washiyama, Shun and Breckenridge, M. Hayden and Kim, Ji Hyun and Guan, Yan and Khachariya, Dolar and Quinones-Garcia, Cristyan and Sarkar, Biplab and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @article{bagheri_quinones-garcia_khachariya_rathkanthiwar_reddy_kirste_mita_tweedie_collazo_sitar_2022, title={High electron mobility in AlN:Si by point and extended defect management}, volume={132}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0124589}, DOI={10.1063/5.0124589}, abstractNote={High room temperature n-type mobility, exceeding 300 cm2/Vs, was demonstrated in Si-doped AlN. Dislocations and CN−1 were identified as the main compensators for AlN grown on sapphire and AlN single crystalline substrates, respectively, limiting the lower doping limit and mobility. Once the dislocation density was reduced by the growth on AlN wafers, C-related compensation could be reduced by controlling the process supersaturation and Fermi level during growth. While the growth on sapphire substrates supported only high doping ([Si] > 5 × 1018 cm−3) and low mobility (∼20 cm2/Vs), growth on AlN with proper compensation management enabled controlled doping at two orders of magnitude lower dopant concentrations. This work is of crucial technological importance because it enables the growth of drift layers for AlN-based power devices.}, number={18}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Bagheri, Pegah and Quinones-Garcia, Cristyan and Khachariya, Dolar and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Reddy, Pramod and Kirste, Ronny and Mita, Seiji and Tweedie, James and Collazo, Ramon and Sitar, Zlatko}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @article{rathkanthiwar_szymanski_khachariya_bagheri_kim_mita_reddy_kohn_pavlidis_kirste_et al._2022, title={Low resistivity, p-type, N-Polar GaN achieved by chemical potential control}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1882-0786"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85135765608&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.35848/1882-0786/ac8273}, abstractNote={Abstract We report on low resistivity (1.1 Ω cm) in p-type bulk doping of N-polar GaN grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. High nitrogen chemical potential growth, facilitated by high process supersaturation, was instrumental in reducing the incorporation of compensating oxygen as well as nitrogen-vacancy-related point defects. This was confirmed by photoluminescence studies and temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements. The suppressed compensation led to an order of magnitude improvement in p-type conductivity with the room-temperature hole concentration and mobility measuring 6 × 1017 cm−3 and 9 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. These results are paramount in the pathway towards N-polar GaN power and optoelectronic devices.}, number={8}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Szymanski, Dennis and Khachariya, Dolar and Bagheri, Pegah and Kim, Ji Hyun and Mita, Seiji and Reddy, Pramod and Kohn, Erhard and Pavlidis, Spyridon and Kirste, Ronny and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Aug} } @article{rathkanthiwar_bagheri_khachariya_kim_kajikawa_reddy_mita_kirste_moody_collazo_et al._2022, title={On the conduction mechanism in compositionally graded AlGaN}, volume={121}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85137151150&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1063/5.0100756}, abstractNote={A two-band transport model is proposed to explain electrical conduction in graded aluminum gallium nitride layers, where the free hole conduction in the valence band is favored at high temperatures and hopping conduction in the impurity band dominates at low temperatures. The model simultaneously explains the significantly lowered activation energy for p-type conduction (∼10 meV), a nearly constant sheet conductivity at lower temperatures (200–330 K), and the anomalous reversal of the Hall coefficient caused by the negative sign of the Hall scattering factor in the hopping conduction process. A comparison between the uniform and graded samples suggests that compositional grading significantly enhances the probability of phonon-assisted hopping transitions between the Mg atoms.}, number={7}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Bagheri, Pegah and Khachariya, Dolar and Kim, Ji Hyun and Kajikawa, Yasutomo and Reddy, Pramod and Mita, Seiji and Kirste, Ronny and Moody, Baxter and Collazo, Ramon and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Aug} } @article{rathkanthiwar_bagheri_khachariya_mita_pavlidis_reddy_kirste_tweedie_sitar_collazo_2022, title={Point-defect management in homoepitaxially grown Si-doped GaN by MOCVD for vertical power devices}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1882-0786"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85129168881&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.35848/1882-0786/ac6566}, abstractNote={Abstract We demonstrate controlled Si doping in the low doping range of 5 × 1015–2.5 × 1016 cm−3 with mobility >1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 in GaN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The carbon-related compensation and mobility collapse were prevented by controlling the electrochemical potential near the growth surface via chemical potential control (CPC) and defect quasi-Fermi level (dQFL) point-defect management techniques. While the CPC was targeted to reduce the net CN concentration, the dQFL control was used to reduce the fraction of C atoms with the compensating configuration, i.e. C N − 1 . The low compensating acceptor concentration was confirmed via temperature-dependent Hall effect analysis and capacitance–voltage measurements.}, number={5}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Bagheri, Pegah and Khachariya, Dolar and Mita, Seiji and Pavlidis, Spyridon and Reddy, Pramod and Kirste, Ronny and Tweedie, James and Sitar, Zlatko and Collazo, Ramon}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{rathkanthiwar_dycus_mita_kirste_tweedie_collazo_sitar_2022, title={Pseudomorphic growth of thick Al0.6Ga0.4N epilayers on AlN substrates}, volume={120}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, DOI={10.1063/5.0092937}, abstractNote={We report on the absence of strain relaxation mechanism in Al0.6Ga0.4N epilayers grown on (0001) AlN substrates for thickness as large as 3.5 μm, three-orders of magnitude beyond the Matthews–Blakeslee critical thickness for the formation of misfit dislocations (MDs). A steady-state compressive stress of 3–4 GPa was observed throughout the AlGaN growth leading to a large lattice bow (a radius of curvature of 0.5 m−1) for the thickest sample. Despite the large lattice mismatch-induced strain energy, the epilayers exhibited a smooth and crack-free surface morphology. These results point to the presence of a large barrier for nucleation of MDs in Al-rich AlGaN epilayers. Compositionally graded AlGaN layers were investigated as potential strain relief layers by the intentional introduction of MDs. While the graded layers abetted MD formation, the inadequate length of these MDs correlated with insignificant strain relaxation. This study emphasizes the importance of developing strain management strategies for the implementation of the single-crystal AlN substrate platform for III-nitride deep-UV optoelectronics and power electronics.}, number={20}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Dycus, J. Houston and Mita, Seiji and Kirste, Ronny and Tweedie, James and Collazo, Ramon and Sitar, Zlatko}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{khachariya_mita_reddy_dangi_dycus_bagheri_breckenridge_sengupta_rathkanthiwar_kirste_et al._2022, title={Record >10 MV/cm mesa breakdown fields in Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.6Ga0.4N high electron mobility transistors on native AlN substrates}, volume={120}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85129328252&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1063/5.0083966}, abstractNote={The ultra-wide bandgap of Al-rich AlGaN is expected to support a significantly larger breakdown field compared to GaN, but the reported performance thus far has been limited by the use of foreign substrates. In this Letter, the material and electrical properties of Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.6Ga0.4N high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) grown on a 2-in. single crystal AlN substrate are investigated, and it is demonstrated that native AlN substrates unlock the potential for Al-rich AlGaN to sustain large fields in such devices. We further study how Ohmic contacts made directly to a Si-doped channel layer reduce the knee voltage and increase the output current density. High-quality AlGaN growth is confirmed via scanning transmission electron microscopy, which also reveals the absence of metal penetration at the Ohmic contact interface and is in contrast to established GaN HEMT technology. Two-terminal mesa breakdown characteristics with 1.3 μm separation possess a record-high breakdown field strength of ∼11.5 MV/cm for an undoped Al0.6Ga0.4N-channel layer. The breakdown voltages for three-terminal devices measured with gate-drain distances of 4 and 9 μm are 850 and 1500 V, respectively.}, number={17}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Khachariya, Dolar and Mita, Seiji and Reddy, Pramod and Dangi, Saroj and Dycus, J. Houston and Bagheri, Pegah and Breckenridge, M. Hayden and Sengupta, Rohan and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Kirste, Ronny and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @article{khachariya_stein_mecouch_breckenridge_rathkanthiwar_mita_moody_reddy_tweedie_kirste_et al._2022, title={Vertical GaN junction barrier Schottky diodes with near-ideal performance using Mg implantation activated by ultra-high-pressure annealing}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1882-0786"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85139392288&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.35848/1882-0786/ac8f81}, abstractNote={Abstract We report a kV class, low ON-resistance, vertical GaN junction barrier Schottky (JBS) diode with selective-area p-regions formed via Mg implantation followed by high-temperature, ultra-high pressure (UHP) post-implantation activation anneal. The JBS has an ideality factor of 1.03, a turn-on voltage of 0.75 V, and a specific differential ON-resistance of 0.6 mΩ·cm2. The breakdown voltage of the JBS diode is 915 V, corresponding to a maximum electric field of 3.3 MV cm−1. These results underline that high-performance GaN JBS can be realized using Mg implantation and high-temperature UHP post-activation anneal.}, number={10}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS}, author={Khachariya, Dolar and Stein, Shane and Mecouch, Will and Breckenridge, M. Hayden and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Mita, Seiji and Moody, Baxter and Reddy, Pramod and Tweedie, James and Kirste, Ronny and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @article{jadhav_bagheri_klump_khachariya_mita_reddy_rathkanthiwar_kirste_collazo_sitar_et al._2022, title={On electrical analysis of Al-rich p-AlGaN films for III-nitride UV light emitters}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1361-6641"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6641/ac3710}, DOI={10.1088/1361-6641/ac3710}, abstractNote={Abstract In this work, an alternative scheme to estimate the resistivity and ionization energy of Al-rich p-AlGaN epitaxial films is developed using two large-area ohmic contacts. Accordingly, the resistivities measured using current–voltage measurements were observed to corroborate the Hall measurements in the Van der Pauw configuration. A free hole concentration of ∼1.5 × 1017 cm−3 and low ionization energy of ∼65 meV in Mg-doped Al0.7Ga0.3N films is demonstrated. Nearly an order of magnitude lower hydrogen concentration than Mg in the as-grown AlGaN films is thought to reduce the Mg passivation and enable higher hole concentrations in Al-rich p-AlGaN films, compared to p-GaN films. The alternate methodology proposed in this work is expected to provide a simpler pathway to evaluate the electrical characteristics of Al-rich p-AlGaN films for future III-nitride ultraviolet light emitters.}, number={1}, journal={SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Jadhav, Aakash and Bagheri, Pegah and Klump, Andrew and Khachariya, Dolar and Mita, Seiji and Reddy, Pramod and Rathkanthiwar, Shashwat and Kirste, Ronny and Collazo, Ramon and Sitar, Zlatko and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} }