Sami Rizkalla Nafadi, M. K., Lucier, G., Yaman, T. S., Gleich, H., & Rizkalla, S. (2021). Long-term behavior of precast, prestressed concrete sandwich panels reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer shear grid. PCI JOURNAL, 66(5), 23–38. Khalafalla, O., Pour-Ghaz, M., ElSafty, A., & Rizkalla, S. (2019). Durability of CFRP strands used for prestressing of concrete structural members. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 228. Kazem, H., Zhang, Y., Rizkalla, S., Seracino, R., & Kobayashi, A. (2018). CFRP shear strengthening system for steel bridge girders. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, 175, 415–424. El-Gelani, A. M., High, C. M., Rizkalla, S. H., & Abdalla, E. A. (2018). Effects of Basalt Fibres on Mechanical Properties of Concrete. MATEC Web of Conferences, 149, 01028. El-Gelani, A. M., High, C. M., Rizkalla, S. H., & Abdalla, E. A. (2018). Effects of Basalt Fibres on Mechanical Properties of Concrete. MATEC Web of Conferences, 149, 01028. Lunn, D., Lucier, G., Rizkalla, S., Cleland, N., & Gleich, H. (2017). New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid response. PCI Journal, 90–91. Kazem, H., Rizkalla, S., & Kobayashi, A. (2018). Shear strengthening of steel plates using small-diameter CFRP strands. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 184, 78–91. Botros, A., Lucier, G., Rizkalla, S., & Gleich, H. (2016). Behavior of Free and Connected Double-Tee Flanges Reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer. PCI Journal. Pour-Ghaz, M., Miller, B. L. H., Alla, O. K., & Rizkalla, S. (2016). Do mechanical and environmental loading have a synergistic effect on the degradation of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymers? COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 106, 344–355. Cholake, S. T., Moran, G., Joe, B., Bai, Y., Raman, R. K. S., Zhao, X. L., … Bandyopadhyay, S. (2016). Improved Mode I fracture resistance of CFRP composites by reinforcing epoxy matrix with recycled short milled carbon fibre. 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Static and fatigue bending behavior of pultruded GFRP sandwich panels with through-thickness fiber insertions. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 41(5), 363–374. Mosavi, A. A., Dickey, D., Seracino, R., & Rizkalla, S. H. (2010). Time-series models for identifying damage location in structural members subjected to ambient vibrations. Health monitoring of structural and biological systems 2010, pts 1 and 2, 7650. Munikrishna, A., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., & Zia, P. (2010). behavior of concrete beams reinforced with ASTM A1035 grade 100 stirrups under shear. ACI Structural Journal, 108(1), 34–41. Sumpter, M. S., Rizkalla, S. H., & Zia, P. (2009). Behavior of high-performance steel as shear reinforcement for concrete beams. ACI Structural Journal, 106(2), 171–177. Seliem, H. M., Hosny, A., Rizkalla, S., Zia, P., Briggs, M., Miller, S., … Jirsa, J. O. (2009). Bond characteristics of ASTM A1035 steel reinforcing bars. ACI Structural Journal, 106(4), 530–539. Schnerch, D., & Rizkalla, S. (2010). 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