@article{rather_vallabhuneni_pyrch_barrubeeah_pillai_taassob_castellano_kota_2024, title={Color morphing surfaces with effective chemical shielding}, volume={15}, ISSN={["2041-1723"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48154-y}, DOI={10.1038/s41467-024-48154-y}, abstractNote={Abstract Color morphing refers to color change in response to an environmental stimulus. Photochromic materials allow color morphing in response to light, but almost all photochromic materials suffer from degradation when exposed to moist/humid environments or harsh chemical environments. One way of overcoming this challenge is by imparting chemical shielding to the color morphing materials via superomniphobicity. However, simultaneously imparting color morphing and superomniphobicity, both surface properties, requires a rational design. In this work, we systematically design color morphing surfaces with superomniphobicity through an appropriate combination of a photochromic dye, a low surface energy material, and a polymer in a suitable solvent (for one-pot synthesis), applied through spray coating (for the desired texture). We also investigate the influence of polymer polarity and material composition on color morphing kinetics and superomniphobicity. Our color morphing surfaces with effective chemical shielding can be designed with a wide variety of photochromic and thermochromic pigments and applied on a wide variety of substrates. We envision that such surfaces will have a wide range of applications including camouflage soldier fabrics/apparel for chem-bio warfare, color morphing soft robots, rewritable color patterns, optical data storage, and ophthalmic sun screening.}, number={1}, journal={NATURE COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Rather, Adil Majeed and Vallabhuneni, Sravanthi and Pyrch, Austin J. and Barrubeeah, Mohammed and Pillai, Sreekiran and Taassob, Arsalan and Castellano, Felix N. and Kota, Arun Kumar}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{wang_vahabi_taassob_pillai_kota_2024, title={On-Demand, Contact-Less and Loss-Less Droplet Manipulation via Contact Electrification}, ISSN={["2198-3844"]}, DOI={10.1002/advs.202308101}, abstractNote={AbstractWhile there are many droplet manipulation techniques, all of them suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks – complex fabrication or complex equipment or liquid loss. In this work, a simple and portable technique is demonstrated that enables on‐demand, contact‐less and loss‐less manipulation of liquid droplets through a combination of contact electrification and slipperiness. In conjunction with numerical simulations, a quantitative analysis is presented to explain the onset of droplet motion. Utilizing the contact electrification technique, contact‐less and loss‐less manipulation of polar and non‐polar liquid droplets on different surface chemistries and geometries is demonstrated. It is envisioned that the technique can pave the way to simple, inexpensive, and portable lab on a chip and point of care devices.}, journal={ADVANCED SCIENCE}, author={Wang, Wei and Vahabi, Hamed and Taassob, Arsalan and Pillai, Sreekiran and Kota, Arun Kumar}, year={2024}, month={Jan} }