Works (41)
2024 article
Understanding the counterfactual approach to instrumental variables: a practical guide
Porter, S. (2024, July 10). ASIA PACIFIC EDUCATION REVIEW, Vol. 7.
2023 journal article
Effects of the Pandemic on Faculty at Public Research Universities
TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD, 125(10), 131–143.
2023 article
Understanding Themes in Postsecondary Research Using Topic Modeling and Journal Abstracts
Takei, M., Porter, S. R., Umbach, P. D., & Nakano, J. (2023, November 8). RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION, Vol. 11.
2022 journal article
USING AN ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR DATA-DRIVEN REFORM: Effects of mCLASS on Third-Grade Reading Test Scores and Special Education Placement
Elementary School Journal.
Contributors: M. Liebfreund *, n , S. Amendum * & M. Starcke*
2020 journal article
An Analysis of the Effects of North Carolina's Opportunity Scholarship Program on Student Achievement
AERA OPEN, 6(1).
2020 conference paper
Understanding themes in postsecondary research using topic modeling and journal abstracts
Proceedings - 2020 9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2020, 332–335.
2018 journal article
Do student conduct administrators discriminate against black students? An analysis of drug sanctions using vignettes
Review of Higher Education, 42(2), 765–792.
2017 journal article
The development and validation of the Instructional Practices Log in Science: a measure of K-5 science instruction
International Journal of Science Education, 39(3), 335–357.
Contributors: E. Adams n, S. Carrier n , J. Minogue n, n , A. McEachin *, T. Walkowiak n , R. Zulli
2017 journal article
Understanding Student Self-Reports of Academic Performance and Course-Taking Behavior
AERA Open, 3(2), 233285841771142.
2016 journal article
Strategic Use of FAFSA List Information by Colleges
Contributors: & J. Conzelmann * n
2013 journal article
ILR REVIEW, 66(5), 1192–1211.
2012 journal article
Self-Reported Learning Gains: A Theory and Test of College Student Survey Response
2011 journal article
Do College Student Surveys Have Any Validity?
2011 journal article
The validity of student engagement survey questions: Can we accurately measure academic challenge?
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2011(150), 87–98.
2008 journal article
Effect of visual impairment upon oral health care: a review
British Dental Journal, 204(2), 63–67.
2008 journal article
Pay Inequities for Recently Hired Faculty, 1988-2004
Review of Higher Education, 31(4), 465–487.
2007 journal article
A Closer Look at Faculty Service: What Affects Participation on Committees?
The Journal of Higher Education, 78(5), 523–541.
2007 journal article
A closer look at Faculty Service: What affects participation on committees?
Journal of Higher Education, 78(5), 523–541.
2007 journal article
Mixed-mode contacts in web surveys
Public Opinion Quarterly, 71(4), 635–648.
2007 journal article
The effects of heavy episodic alcohol use on student engagement, academic performance, and time use
Journal of College Student Development, 48(4), 455–467.
2006 journal article
COLLEGE MAJOR CHOICE: An Analysis of Person–Environment Fit
Research in Higher Education, 47(4), 429–449.
Contributors: & P. Umbach* *
2006 journal article
Institutional Structures and Student Engagement
Research in Higher Education, 47(5), 521–558.
2006 journal article
Institutional research productivity and the connection to average student quality and overall reputation
Economics of Education Review, 25(6), 605–617.
Contributors: & R. Toutkoushian * *
2006 journal article
Student Survey Response Rates across Institutions: Why Do they Vary?
Research in Higher Education, 47(2), 229–247.
Contributors: & P. Umbach* *
2006 journal article
Understanding How First-year Seminars Affect Persistence
Research in Higher Education, 47(1), 89–109.
2005 journal article
E-mail subject lines and their effect on web survey viewing and response
Social Science Computer Review, 23(3), 380–387.
2005 journal article
Non-response in student surveys: The Role of Demographics, Engagement and Personality
Research in Higher Education, 46(2), 127–152.
2005 journal article
Oral health sensations associated with illicit drug abuse
British Dental Journal, 198(3), 147–147.
2005 journal article
Survey research policies: An emerging issue for higher education
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2005(127), 5–15.
2004 journal article
E-mail contacts: A test of complex graphical designs in survey research
Social Science Computer Review, 22(3), 370–376.
2004 journal article
Multiple surveys of students and survey fatigue
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2004(121), 63–73.
2004 journal article
Pros and cons of paper and electronic surveys
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2004(121), 91–97.
2004 journal article
Raising response rates: What works?
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2004(121), 5–21.
2004 journal article
Understanding the effect of prizes on response rates
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2004(121), 51–62.
2003 journal article
The impact of contact type on web survey response rates
Public Opinion Quarterly, 67(4), 579–588.
2003 journal article
The impact of lottery incentives on student survey response rates
Research in Higher Education, 44(4), 389–407.
2003 journal article
Using publications counts to measure an institution's research productivity
Research in Higher Education, 44(2), 121–148.
Contributors: R. Toutkoushian *, * , C. Danielson* & P. Hollis*
2002 journal article
How do academic departments impact student satisfaction? Understanding the contextual effects of departments
Research in Higher Education, 43(2), 209–234.
2001 journal article
Analyzing faculty workload data using multilevel modeling
Research in Higher Education, 42(2), 171–196.
1999 journal article
The employment experience of the graduates of 1996
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 43(2), 241–243.
1998 journal article
Initial employment experience of 1996 graduates of diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology training programs
American Journal of Roentgenology, 171(2), 301–310.
Updated: April 27th, 2016 13:15