@article{curtis_miller_frohlich_sprouse_lloyd-ronning_mumpower_2023, title={Nucleosynthesis in Outflows from Black Hole-Neutron Star Merger Disks with Full GR(nu)RMHD}, volume={945}, ISSN={["2041-8213"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/acba16}, DOI={10.3847/2041-8213/acba16}, abstractNote={Abstract Along with binary neutron star mergers, the inspiral and merger of a black hole and a neutron star is a predicted site of r-process nucleosynthesis and associated kilonovae. For the right mass ratio, very large amounts of neutron-rich material (relative to the dynamical ejecta) may become unbound from the post-merger accretion disk. We simulate a suite of four post-merger disks with three-dimensional general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with time-dependent Monte Carlo neutrino transport. We find that within 104 GM BH/c 3 (∼200–500 ms), the outflows from these disks are very close to the threshold conditions for robust r-process nucleosynthesis. For these conditions, the detailed properties of the outflow determine whether a full r-process can or cannot occur, implying that a wide range of observable phenomena is possible. We show that on average the disk outflow lanthanide fraction is suppressed relative to the solar isotopic pattern. In combination with the dynamical ejecta, these outflows imply a kilonova with both blue and red components.}, number={1}, journal={ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS}, author={Curtis, Sanjana and Miller, Jonah M. and Frohlich, Carla and Sprouse, Trevor and Lloyd-Ronning, Nicole and Mumpower, Matthew}, year={2023}, month={Mar} } @article{curtis_wolfe_frohlich_miller_wollaeger_ebinger_2021, title={Core-collapse Supernovae: From Neutrino-driven 1D Explosions to Light Curves and Spectra}, volume={921}, ISSN={["1538-4357"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac0dc5}, DOI={10.3847/1538-4357/ac0dc5}, abstractNote={Abstract We present bolometric and broadband light curves and spectra for a suite of core-collapse supernova models exploded self-consistently in spherical symmetry within the PUSH framework. We analyze broad trends in these light curves and categorize them based on morphology. We find that these morphological categories relate simply to the progenitor radius and mass of the hydrogen envelope. We present a proof-of-concept sensitive-variable analysis, indicating that an important determining factor in the properties of a light curve within a given category is 56Ni mass. We follow spectra from the photospheric to the nebular phase. These spectra show characteristic iron-line blanketing at short wavelengths and Doppler-shifted Fe ii and Ti ii absorption lines. To enable this analysis, we develop a first-of-its-kind pipeline from a massive progenitor model, through a self-consistent explosion in spherical symmetry, to electromagnetic counterparts. This opens the door to more detailed analyses of the collective properties of these observables. We provide a machine-readable database of our light curves and spectra online at go.ncsu.edu/astrodata.}, number={2}, journal={ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL}, publisher={American Astronomical Society}, author={Curtis, Sanjana and Wolfe, Noah and Frohlich, Carla and Miller, Jonah M. and Wollaeger, Ryan and Ebinger, Kevin}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }