@book{brewer_setzer_2010, title={The works of Mary Robinson, Vol. 8 (edited volume)}, ISBN={9781851969531}, publisher={London: Pickering & Chatto}, author={Brewer, W. D. and Setzer, S. M.}, year={2010} } @book{setzer_2009, title={Angelina: A novel, by Mary Robinson (edited volume)}, publisher={London: Pickering & Chatto}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2009} } @article{setzer_2009, title={Original letters of the celebrated Mrs. Mary Robinson}, volume={88}, journal={Philological Quarterly}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2009}, pages={305–335} } @inbook{setzer_2009, title={The Gothic structure of Mary Robinson's memoirs}, ISBN={0754663663}, booktitle={Romantic autobiography in England}, publisher={Burlington, VT: Ashgate}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2009}, pages={31–47} } @article{setzer_2007, title={"Pond'rous Engines" in "Outraged Groves": The Environmental Argument of Anna Seward's "Colebrook Dale"}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1740-4657"]}, DOI={10.1080/10509580601179290}, abstractNote={Anna Seward’s “Colebrook Dale” is the first known account of the locale to figure industrial activity associated with the famous ironworks as a sexual violation of the landscape. Seward’s poem challenges masculine narratives of providential and progressive history as it enters into dialogue with earlier topographical poems (such as Milton’s Comus, Pope’s Windsor‐Forest, and Erasmus Darwin’s Botanic Garden) and translates their mythic images of rape into an implicit argument against the industrial degradation of Colebrook Dale. Although Seward’s nascent ecofeminist consciousness is finally a very selective one, privileging “beauteous” Colebrook Dale at the expense of her “unpoetic” sisters, the tutelary role she assumes as a speaking genius loci marks a significant intervention in the masculine loco‐descriptive tradition.}, number={1}, journal={EUROPEAN ROMANTIC REVIEW}, author={Setzer, Sharon}, year={2007}, pages={69–82} } @book{setzer_2007, title={Life of Mrs. Siddons, Thomas Campbel (edited volume); Womens' theatrical memoirs (vol. 4-6)}, ISBN={9781851968619}, journal={Women's theatrical memoirs (vols. IV-V)}, publisher={London: Pickering & Chatto}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2007} } @book{setzer_2007, title={Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, written by herself- Mary Robinson (edited volume); Womens' theatrical memoirs (vol. 1)}, ISBN={9781851968619}, journal={Women's theatrical memoirs (vol. I)}, publisher={London: Pickering & Chatto}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2007} } @book{setzer_2007, title={The life of Mrs. Jordan- James Boaden (edited volume); Womens' theatrical memoirs (vol. 2-3)}, ISBN={9781851968619}, journal={Women's theatrical memoirs (vols. II-III)}, publisher={London: Pickering & Chatto}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2007} } @article{setzer_2005, title={The dying game: crossdressing in Mary Robinson's Walsingham}, volume={142}, journal={Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2005}, pages={229–239} } @book{setzer_2003, title={A letter to the women of England, and, The natural daughter / Mary Robinson (edited volume)}, ISBN={1551112361}, publisher={Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2003} } @article{setzer_2000, title={The dying game: crossdressing in Mary Robinson's Walsingham}, volume={22}, DOI={10.1080/08905490008583515}, abstractNote={In her Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination (1799), Mary Robinson calls attention to a double standard that designates what is "laudable" in man as "reprehensible, if not preposterous" in woman (71-73). In a footnote citing "living proof of this observation," Robinson directs attention to the protean career of "Madame D'Eon," a French diplomat and royal spy as well as the most notorious crossdresser of the age:}, journal={Nineteenth-Century Contexts}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={2000}, pages={305–328} } @article{setzer_1998, title={Mary Robinson's sylphid self: The end of feminine self-fashioning}, number={1998}, journal={Philological Quarterly}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={1998} } @article{setzer_1997, title={Romancing the reign of terror: Sexual politics in Mary Robinson's `Natural Daughter'}, volume={39}, number={4}, journal={Criticism}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={1997}, pages={531–555} } @article{setzer_1996, title={PRECEDENT AND PERVERSITY IN WORDSWORTH 'SONNETS UPON THE PUNISHMENT OF DEATH'}, volume={50}, ISSN={["0891-9356"]}, DOI={10.1525/ncl.1996.50.4.99p0187i}, number={4}, journal={NINETEENTH-CENTURY LITERATURE}, author={SETZER, SM}, year={1996}, month={Mar}, pages={427–447} } @article{setzer_1992, title={SICILIAN DAYDREAMS AND PARISIAN NIGHTMARES, WORDSWORTH REPRESENTATIONS OF PLUTARCH DION}, volume={32}, ISSN={["0039-3657"]}, DOI={10.2307/450962}, number={4}, journal={STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE 1500-1900}, author={SETZER, SM}, year={1992}, pages={607–624} } @article{setzer_1991, title={EXCURSIONS INTO THE WILDERNESS - WORDSWORTH VISIONARY KINGDOMS AND THE TYPOGRAPHY OF MILTONIC REVISION}, volume={30}, ISSN={["0039-3762"]}, DOI={10.2307/25600907}, number={3}, journal={STUDIES IN ROMANTICISM}, author={SETZER, SM}, year={1991}, pages={367–389} } @article{setzer_1991, title={Wordsworth's Wanderer, the epitaph, and the uncanny}, volume={24}, journal={Genre (University of Illinois at Chicago Circle)}, author={Setzer, S. M.}, year={1991}, pages={361–379} }