Works (380)
2024 article
Five Challenges for Developing E-nose Standards for Annoyance and Health Complaints from Environmental Odors

2023 article
Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection: does the artificial sweetener sucralose play a role?
Schiffman, S. S., & Nagle, H. T. (2023, May). BMJ OPEN GASTROENTEROLOGY, Vol. 10.

2023 journal article
Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: <i>in vitro</i> screening assays
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 5, 1–35.

2021 journal article
Artificial Olfaction in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century
IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(11), 12969–12990.

2021 report
White Paper - Introduction to the IEEE P2520(TM) Series of Standards on Olfaction Devices and Systems
2020 chapter book
The Aging Gustatory System

2019 journal article
Revisited: Assessing the in vivo data on low/no-calorie sweeteners and the gut microbiota
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 132, 110692.

2018 article
Electronic Taste and Smell: The Case for Performance Standards
Nagle, H. T., & Schiffman, S. S. (2018, September). PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, Vol. 106, pp. 1471–1478.

2018 journal article
Influence of medications on taste and smell
World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 4(1), 84–91.
2018 journal article
Intestinal Metabolism and Bioaccumulation of Sucralose In Adipose Tissue In The Rat

2017 article proceedings
Standard analytes for E-noses and E-tongues
2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN). Presented at the 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN).
2017 magazine article
The how and why of sweetener synergies
Schiffman, S. S. (2017, September). The World of Food Ingredients, 40, 42–44.
2016 journal article
Odor Assessment of Automobile Cabin Air With Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Photoionization Detection
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 16(2), 409–417.

2016 journal article
Using Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Odor Assessment of Automobile Interior Components
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 16(14), 5747–5756.

2015 conference paper
Augmenting human odor assessments of cabin air quality of automobiles by instrumental measurements
Proceedings of the sixteenth international symposium on olfaction and electronic noses (ISOEN2015) 2015. Presented at the Sixteenth international symposium on olfaction and electronic noses (ISOEN2015) 2015, Dijon, France.
2015 chapter book
Influence of Drugs on Taste Function
2015 journal article
Non-nutritive sweeteners in breast milk: perspective on potential implications of recent findings
Archives of Toxicology, 89(11), 2169–2171.

2015 article proceedings
Odor assessment of automobile interior components using ion mobility spectrometry
2015 IEEE SENSORS. Presented at the 2015 IEEE Sensors.
2014 conference paper
Odor assessment of automobile cabin air by machine olfaction
IEEE SENSORS 2014 Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 IEEE Sensors.
2013 review

2012 journal article
Rationale for Further Medical and Health Research on High-Potency Sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 37(8), 671–679.
2012 journal article
Sucralose revisited: Rebuttal of two papers about Splenda safety
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 63(3), 505–508.
2010 chapter
Taste disorders
In E. B. Goldstein (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Perception. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Ed(s): E. Goldstein
2009 journal article
Changes in Taste and Smell: Drug Interactions and Food Preferences
Nutrition Reviews, 52(8), 11–14.

2009 journal article
Effects of Aging on the Human Taste System
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1170(1), 725–729.

2009 chapter book
Sensory Impairment: Taste and Smell Impairments with Aging

2008 journal article
Air Pollution and Odor in Communities Near Industrial Swine Operations
Environmental Health Perspectives, 116(10), 1362–1368.

2008 journal article
Dispersion modeling to compare alternative technologies for odor remediation at swine facilities

2008 chapter book
Sensory Properties of Neotame: Comparison with Other Sweeteners

2008 journal article
Splenda Alters Gut Microflora and Increases Intestinal P-Glycoprotein and Cytochrome P-450 in Male Rats
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 71(21), 1415–1429.
2008 chapter book
The Aging Gustatory System
2007 journal article
Combination of flavor enhancement and chemosensory education improves nutritional status in older cancer patients
Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 11(5), 439–454.
2007 journal article
Critical illness and changes in sensory perception
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 66(3), 331–345.

2007 chapter book
Smell and Taste
2007 journal article
Time to maximum sweetness intensity of binary and ternary blends of sweeteners
Food Quality and Preference, 18(2), 405–415.
2006 conference paper
Quantification of odor and odorants at swine facilities and assessment of their impact downwind
In V. P. Aneja, W. H. Schlesinger, R. Knighton, G. Jennings, D. Niyogi, W. Gilliam, & C. S. Duke (Eds.), Proceedings: Air quality: State of the science: Vol. V (pp. 136–137).
Ed(s): V. Aneja, W. Schlesinger, R. Knighton, G. Jennings, D. Niyogi, W. Gilliam, C. Duke
2005 journal article
Eulerian-Lagrangian model for predicting odor dispersion using instrumental and human measurements
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 106(1), 122–127.

2005 conference paper
Odor dispersion modeling from swine operations with conventional and alternative waste treatment technologies
Proceedings of the 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium: The Development of Alternative Technologies for the Processing and Use of Animal Waste. Presented at the 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium: The Development of Alternative Technologies for the Processing and Use of Animal Waste, Raleigh, NC.
2005 journal article
Performance of the Levenberg–Marquardt neural network training method in electronic nose applications
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 110(1), 13–22.

2005 journal article
Science of odor as a potential health issue
Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 129–138.
2005 journal article
Symptomatic Effects of Exposure to Diluted Air Sampled from a Swine Confinement Atmosphere on Healthy Human Subjects
Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(5), 567–576.
2004 journal article
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 20(3), 343–347.
2004 chapter
Environmental Monitoring
In Handbook of Machine Olfaction (pp. 419–444).
2004 article proceedings
Evaluation of the Carbofil International Downflow Tube Reactor for Treatment of Swine Waste
Presented at the 2004, Ottawa, Canada August 1 - 4, 2004.

2004 conference paper
Fuzzy training for neural networks
Proceedings of 8th world multiconference on systems, cybernetics, and informatics, IX, 124–125.
2004 chapter
Introduction to Olfaction: Perception, Anatomy, Physiology, and Molecular Biology
In Handbook of Machine Olfaction (pp. 1–31).
2004 chapter
Loss of Taste, Smell, and Other Senses with Age
In Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Aging (pp. 211–289).

2004 journal article
Odor from Industrial Hog Farming Operations and Mucosal Immune Function in Neighbors
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 59(2), 101–108.
2004 conference paper
Repeatability and intercorrelations of sensory and cognitive tests in unmedicated elderly subjects
Proceedings of the 2004 AChemS annual meeting. Presented at the 2004 AChemS annual meeting, Sarasota, FL.
2004 chapter
Signal Conditioning and Preprocessing
In Handbook of Machine Olfaction (pp. 105–132).

2004 journal article
Smell and behavior
ENT News, 12(6), 52–53.
2004 chapter
Taste and smell
In K. C. Niedert & B. Dorner (Eds.), Nutrition care of the older adult: a handbook for dietetics professionals working throughout the continuum of care (2nd ed., pp. 89–93). Roche Dietitians.
Ed(s): K. Niedert & B. Dorner
2003 conference paper
An integrated study of the emissions of ammonia, odor and odorants, and pathogens and related contaminants from potential environmentally superior technologies for swine facilities
Proceedings of Gaseous and odour emissions from animal production facilities. Presented at the Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen). Gaseous and odour emissions from animal production facilities, Horsens, Denmark.
2003 journal article
Effect of Repeated Presentation on Sweetness Intensity of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of Sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 28(3), 219–229.
2003 journal article
Effect of anticholinergic medications on taste, smell, and other senses as well as cognition in the elderly
Chemical Senses, 28, A40.
2003 journal article
Introduction: health and ecological linkages
Environment International, 29(2-3), 351.
2003 conference paper
Method for determining odor dispersion using instrumental and human measurements
Technical Digest. 10th International symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN ‘03). Presented at the 10th International symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN ‘03), Riga, Latvia.
2003 conference paper
Predicting odor dispersion at five swine facilities Using a Eulerian Lagrangian model
Proceedings of the North Carolina animal waste management workshop, Research Triangle Park, Oct 17-17. Presented at the North Carolina animal waste management workshop, Research Triangle Park, NC.
2003 chapter book
2002 journal article
Adverse taste side effects of cardiovascular medications
Geriatric Times, 3(1), 19–23.
2002 chapter
Age-Related Chemosensory Losses: Effect of Medications
In ACS Symposium Series: Vol. 825. Chemistry of Taste (pp. 94–108).

2002 journal article
Aspartame: Review of Safety
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 35(2), S1–S93.
2002 conference paper
Assessment of animal odors: Comparison of electronic nose and human panel
In A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale (Eds.), Technical digest. 9th international symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN ‘02) (pp. 224–225). Rome: Aracne.
Ed(s): A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale
2002 journal article
Chemosensory perception in elderly lung cancer patients on chemotherapy
Chemical Senses, 27(7), A21.
2002 journal article
Flavor enhancement and its positive health benefits
Aroma-Chology Review, 10, 1–5.
2002 book
Handbook of Machine Olfaction
(T. C. Pearce, S. S. Schiffman, H. T. Nagle, & J. W. Gardner, Eds.).
Ed(s): T. Pearce, , H. Nagle* & J. Gardner *
2002 chapter
Health effects of aerial emissions from animal production waste management systems
In J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, & F. J. Humenik (Eds.), Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers (pp. 225–262).
Ed(s): J. Rice, D. Caldwell & F. Humenik
2002 conference paper
Measuring odor intensity with E-noses and other sensor types
In A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale (Eds.), 9th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN ‘02) (pp. 68–72). Rome. Italy: Aracne Editrice.
Ed(s): A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale
2002 conference paper
Measuring odor intensity with a photoionization detector (PID
In A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale (Eds.), Technical digest. 9th international symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN ‘02) (pp. 33–34). Rome, Italy: Aracne.
Ed(s): A. D’Amico & C. Di Natale
2002 journal article
Sensory acuity and reasoning in delusional disorder
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 43(3), 175–178.

2002 article proceedings
System for Exposing Humans to Low Levels of Swine Building Odorants and Dust
Presented at the 2002 Chicago, IL July 28-31, 2002.
2002 chapter book
Taste and smell perception in the elderly: Effect of medications and disease

2002 journal article
Taste, smell and neuropsychological performance of individuals at familial risk for Alzheimer's disease
Neurobiology of Aging, 23(3), 397–404.

2001 conference paper
Correlation of sensory analysis with electronic nose data for swine odor remediation assessment
Proceedings of the 3rd European congress on odours, meteorology and electronic noses. Presented at the 3rd European congress on odours, meteorology and electronic noses, Paris, France.
2001 chapter
Effectiveness of an electronic nose for monitoring bacterial and fungal growth
In Electronic Noses and Olfaction 2000 (pp. 183–190).
2001 conference paper
Health effects of aerial emissions from animal production waste management systems
In G. B. Havenstein (Ed.), Proceedings. International symposium: Addressing animal production and environmental issues (pp. 103–113). Raleigh< NC: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, North Carolina State University.
Ed(s): G. Havenstein
2001 journal article
Quantification of odors and odorants from swine operations in North Carolina
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 108(3), 213–240.

2001 chapter
Taste and smell
In G. L. Maddox, R. C. Atchley, J. G. Evans, R. B. Hudson, R. A. Kane, E. J. Masoro, … I. C. Siegler (Eds.), The encyclopedia of aging: A comprehensive resource in gerontology and geriatrics (3rd ed., pp. 999–1001). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Ed(s): G. Maddox, R. Atchley, J. Evans, R. Hudson, R. Kane, E. Masoro, M. Mezey, L. Poon, I. Siegler
2001 conference paper
Use of an electronic nose to evaluate odors from swine operations
In J. R. Stetter & W. R. Penrose (Eds.), Artificial chemical sensing: Proceedings of the eighth International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose (ISOEN). (pp. 200–205). Electrochemical Society.
Ed(s): J. Stetter & W. Penrose
2000 conference paper
Detecting microbial contamination using an electronic nose
Proceedings of the seventh international symposium olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN2000), 95–96.
2000 journal article
Dust and odor emissions from tunnel ventilated swine buildings in North Carolina
Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations : Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, October 9-11, 2000, Des Moines, Iowa, 196.
2000 journal article
Effect of Tricyclic Antidepressants on Taste Responses in Humans and Gerbils
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 65(4), 599–609.

2000 journal article
Effect of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medications on the sense of taste
Physiology & Behavior, 69(4-5), 413–424.

2000 journal article
Effect of temperature, pH, and ions on sweet taste
Physiology & Behavior, 68(4), 469–481.
2000 journal article
Elevated and sustained desire for sweet taste in African-Americans: a potential factor in the development of obesity
Nutrition, 16(10), 886–893.
2000 journal article
High dietary copper improves odor characteristics of swine waste.
Journal of Animal Science, 78(4), 859.

2000 chapter
Impairments of taste and smell
In J. G. Evans, T. F. Williams, B. L. Beattie, J.-P. Michel, & G. K. Wilcock (Eds.), Oxford textbook of geriatric medicine (pp. 899–906). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): J. Evans, T. Williams, B. Beattie, J. Michel & G. Wilcock
2000 journal article
Intensification of Sensory Properties of Foods for the Elderly
The Journal of Nutrition, 130(4), 927S–930S.

2000 conference paper
Introducting fuzz to neural network training
2000 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems. Presented at the 2000 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, Geneva, Switzerland.
2000 conference paper
Measurement of odor and odorants from swine facilities
Proceedings of the thirteenth international symposium olfaction & taste (ISOT 2000) and Fourteenth European Chemoreception Research Organisation congress (ECRO 2000), 94.
2000 conference paper
Odor: Quantification and health impacts.
Proceedings of Y2K Composting in the Southeast. Presented at the 2K Composting in the Southeast, Charlottesville, VA.
2000 journal article
Potential Health Effects of Odor from Animal Operations, Wastewater Treatment, and Recycling of Byproducts
Journal of Agromedicine, 7(1), 7–81.

2000 journal article
Scent of a swine building: Tunnel ventilation problems test engineers' ingenuity
Resource, Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World, 7(10), 13.
2000 journal article
Synergism among Ternary Mixtures of Fourteen Sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 25(2), 131–140.
2000 journal article
Taste and smell perception affect appetite and immunity in the elderly
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 54(S3), S54–S63.
2000 journal article
Taste effects of antiretroviral drugs on chorda tympani responses in gerbil
Sensory Neuron, 3(2), 97–108.

2000 journal article
Taste effects of lingual application of cardiovascular medications
Physiology & Behavior, 68(3), 405–413.

2000 journal article
Taste quality and neural coding
Physiology & Behavior, 69(1-2), 147–159.
2000 chapter book
Taste: Biological organization.

2000 conference paper
Testing HVAC ducts for microbial contamination using an electronic nose
Proceedings of world congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering (CHICAGO 2000). Presented at the world congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering (CHICAGO 2000), Chicago, IL.
1999 journal article
Alterations of Chemosensory Function in End-Stage Liver Disease
Physiology & Behavior, 66(2), 203–207.

1999 book review
Book review: Letters home: How writing can change your life
[Review of Letters home: How writing can change your life, by T. Vance]. Duke Magazine, 55.
1999 journal article
Chemosensory Impairment and Appetite Commentary on "Impaired Sensory Functioning in Elders: The Relation With Its Potential Determinants and Nutritional Intake"
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 54(8), B332–B333.

1999 conference paper
Development of the electronic nose for monitoring odors
Animal Waste Management Symposium, 119–127. Raleigh, NC: NC State University.
1999 journal article
Effect of Medications on Taste
Physiology & Behavior, 66(2), 183–191.

1999 conference paper
Effect of copper source and level on odor and performance of swine
Animal Waste Management Symposium, 239–242. Raleigh: NC State University.
1999 journal article
Effect of protease inhibitors on the sense of taste
Nutrition, 15(10), 767–772.

1999 journal article
Effect of taste and smell on secretion rate of salivary IgA in elderly and young persons
Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 3, 158–164.
1999 journal article
Effect of the nucleoside analogs zidovudine, didanosine, stavudine, and lamivudine on the sense of taste
Nutrition, 15(11-12), 854–859.

1999 conference paper
Evaluation of swine odor control products using human odor panels
Animal Waste Management Symposium, 110–118. Raleigh, NC: NC State University.
1999 journal article
Future directions for use of odors in overall health
Aroma-Chology Review, 8, 5, 11.
1999 conference paper
Procedures to evaluate odor abatement products and technologies
Animal Waste Management Symposium, 99–109. Raleigh, NC: NC State University.
1999 conference paper
Quantitative measurement of odor
Proceedings of the first NSF international conference on indoor air health. Impacts, issues, and solutions, 129–138. Ann Arbor, Michigan: NSF International.
1999 journal article
Selective Inhibition of Sweetness by the Sodium Salt of +/-2-(4-Methoxyphenoxy)propanoic Acid
Chemical Senses, 24(4), 439–447.
1999 journal article
The essence of enhancement. Increasing residents’ health and quality of life while increasing revenue
National Investment Center Review, 7, 35–41.
1999 journal article
Transient response analysis of an electronic nose using multi-exponential models
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 61(1-3), 170–182.

1999 journal article
Using neural networks and genetic algorithms to enhance performance in an electronic nose
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 46(4), 429–439.

1999 journal article
Workshop on Taste and Smell in the Elderly
Physiology & Behavior, 66(2), 173–176.

1998 conference paper
A new method for evaluating and validating odor remediation techniques
Animal Production Systems and the Environment. An International Conference on Odor, Water Quality, Nutrient Management and Socioeconomic Issues. Presented at the Animal Production Systems and the Environment. An International Conference on Odor, Water Quality, Nutrient Management and Socioeconomic Issues.
1998 journal article
A novel method for reducing the dimensionality in a sensor array
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 47(3), 728–741.

1998 journal article
Applications of electronic nose in clinical diagnosis
Journal of Automatic Chemistry, 20(5), 153.
1998 journal article
Complaints of health symptoms from odors associated with intensive livestock operations
Health & Environment Digest, 12(8), 60–62.
1998 journal article
Effect of Psychotropic Drugs on Taste Responses in Young and Elderly Persons
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 855(1 OLFACTION AND), 732–737.

1998 journal article
Effect of medications used by HIV-infected patients on the sense of taste
Chemical Senses, 23, 607.
1998 journal article
Livestock odors: implications for human health and well-being.
Journal of Animal Science, 76(5), 1343.
1998 chapter
Mood changes experienced by persons living near commercial swine operations
In K. M. Thu & E. P. Durrenberger (Eds.), Pigs, profits, and rural communities (pp. 98–102). SUNY (State University of New York) Press.
Ed(s): K. Thu & E. Durrenberger
1998 journal article
Orosensory Perception of Dietary Fat
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 7(5), 137–143.

1998 journal article
Sensory enhancement of foods for the elderly with monosodium glutamate and flavors
Food Reviews International, 14(2-3), 321–333.

1998 journal article
Taste and smell complaints in HIV-infected patients
AIDS, 12(13), 1667–1674.

1998 journal article
The effects of mono- and di-valent salts on taste profiles of twelve sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 23, 558.
1998 journal article
The how and why of electronic noses
IEEE Spectrum, 35(9), 22–31.

1998 chapter
The role of taste in feeding hydrolysates to infants
In Physiologic/immunologic responses to dietary nutrients: Role of elemental and hydrolysate formulas in management of the pediatric patient. 107th Ross Conference on Pediatric Research (pp. 193–198). Ross Laboratories.
1998 journal article
Use of an electronic nose to evaluate methods for odor remediation
Chemical Senses, 23, 631.
1998 conference paper
Workshop on health effects of odors
Animal Production Systems and the Environment. An International Conference on Odor, Water Quality, Nutrient Management and Socioeconomic Issues, 407–412. Des Moines: Iowa State University.
1997 journal article
Analysis of Medication Off-odors Using an Electronic Nose
Chemical Senses, 22(2), 119–128.

1997 journal article
Effect of psychotropic drugs on a range of taste responses in young and elderly persons
Chemical Senses, 22, 786.
1997 journal article
Effect of psychotropic drugs on electrophysiological taste responses in the gerbil
Chemical Senses, 22, 787.
1997 chapter
Electronic nose evaluation of synthetic hog farm odor
In J. A. M. Voermans & G. J. Monteny (Eds.), Ammonia and odour emissions from animal production facilities: proceedings: 6-10 October 1997, Vinkeloord, the Netherlands. Rosmalen.
Ed(s): J. Voermans & G. Monteny
1997 conference paper
Health impacts of large livestock farms on the neighbors
Proceedings of the 1997 livestock waste management conference. Presented at the 1997 livestock waste management conference, Urbana, IL.
1997 journal article
Influence of modest caloric reduction on secretory IgA in saliva
Jogoslovian Medical Biochemistry, 16, 101–104.
1997 journal article
Measurement of odor emissions from swine operations: psychophysical and gas chromatographic data
Chemical Senses, 22, 786–787.
1997 journal article
Receptors that mediate sweetness: Inferences from biochemical, electrophysiological and psychophysical data
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69(4), 701–708.
1997 journal article
Taste and smell losses in normal aging and disease
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 278(16), 1357–1362.
1997 journal article
Taste and smell: Neglected senses that contribute to the malnutrition of AIDS
North Carolina Medical Journal, 58, 100–104.
1997 journal article
The effects of temperature and pH on sweetness intensity ratings of 15 sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 22, 786.
1996 conference paper
Application of an electronic nose to differentiate odors from exhaust fans and lagoon
International conference on air pollution from agricultural operations, 255–261.
1996 journal article
Characterization of odors from swine operations
Chemical Senses, 21, 665.
1996 journal article
Contribution of taste and smell losses to the wasting syndrome
Age and Nutrition, 7(2), 106–120.
1996 conference paper
Effect of liquid swine manure additives on odor parameters
International conference on air pollution from agricultural operations, 409–412.
1996 journal article
Effects of pre-rinsing with +2-(4-methoxyphenoxy)propionic acid (Cypha) on subsequent sweetness intensity ratings for fifteen sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 21, 665.
1996 chapter
Evaluation of headaches
In C. Tschanz, H. H. Butchko, W. W. Stargel, & F. N. Kotsonis (Eds.), The clinical evaluation of a food additive: Assessment of aspartame (pp. 195–204). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Ed(s): C. Tschanz, H. Butchko, W. Stargel & F. Kotsonis
1996 journal article
Evaluation of the reliability of sweet ratings by a trained panel for five sweeteners at four concentrations
Chemical Senses, 21, 579.
1996 journal article
Habituation to sweet foods in Caucasian and African-American subjects
Chemical Senses, 21, 664–665.
1996 conference paper
Odor abatement: Case studies of the swine industry
In P. H. Patterson & J. P. Blacke (Eds.), Proceedings: 1996 national poultry waste management symposium (pp. 50–64). Auburn, AL: Auburn University Printing Service.
Ed(s): P. Patterson & J. Blacke
1996 journal article
Salivary IgA secretion rate in young and elderly persons
Physiology & Behavior, 60(1), 243–248.
1996 chapter
Smell and taste
In J. E. Birren (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gerontology (Vol. 2, pp. 497–504). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Ed(s): J. Birren
1996 journal article
Synergism among ternary mixtures of fourteen sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 21, 664.
1996 journal article
The potential use of odor for weight loss and weight maintenance
Aroma-Chology Review, 5(2), 2, 8.
1996 journal article
Update on monosodium glutamate: Sensory properties and safety
Nutrition, 12(6), 451–452.
1995 journal article
A fuzzy set approach to the organization of the gustatory system
Primary Sensory Neuron, 1(1), 65–80.
1995 journal article
Bitterness of sweeteners as a function of concentration
Brain Research Bulletin, 36(5), 505–513.
1995 journal article
Detection thresholds of potassium salts are related to the molar conductivity of the anion
Brain Research Bulletin, 37(6), 623–626.

1995 journal article
Determination of salivary IgA in healthy people of different age groups
Chemical Senses, 20, 772–773.
1995 journal article
Development of Elisa-based assays for detection, quantitation and avidity determination of salivary IgA anti-gliadin antibodies
Jogoslovian Medical Biochemistry, 14, 15–25.
1995 journal article
Development of a reliable method for determination of secretory IgA in saliva
Chemical Senses, 20, 743.
1995 journal article
Effect of +2-(4-methoxyphenoxy)propionic acid on the sweetness intensity ratings of fifteen sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 20, 772.
1995 journal article
Effect of different coffees on esophageal acid contact time and symptoms in coffee-sensitive subjects
Physiology & Behavior, 57(3), 563–567.
1995 journal article
Effect of lipid-derived second messengers on electrophysiological taste responses in the gerbil
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 52(1), 49–58.

1995 journal article
Effect of odors from livestock wastes on the mood of neighboring residents
Chemical Senses, 20, 773.
1995 journal article
Effect of pleasant odors on mood of males at midlife: Comparison of African-American and European-American men
Brain Research Bulletin, 36(1), 31–37.
1995 chapter
Environmental odors emanating from commercial swine operations: Psychological, psychophysical, and chemical measurement
In Environmental science for lawyers. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Bar Foundation.
1995 journal article
Environmental pollutants alter taste responses in the gerbil
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 52(1), 189–194.

1995 journal article
Identification of Gliadin Presence in Pharmaceutical Products
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 21(4), 482.
1995 journal article
Investigation of synergism in binary mixtures of sweeteners
Brain Research Bulletin, 38(2), 105–120.
1995 chapter
Livestock odor control additives: Effectiveness and laboratory-scale protocol for evaluation
In Proceedings of the international livestock odor conference ‘95 (pp. 50–53). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University College of Agriculture.
1995 conference paper
Measurement of environmental odors emanating from commercial swine operations
Proceedings of the 39th annual North Carolina Pork Producers conference, 21–24.
1995 conference paper
Odors from swine operations: analysis by human odor panels, gas chromatography, and an electronic nose
Proceedings of the 39th annual 1995 North Carolina Pork Producers conference, 27–44.
1995 chapter
Physiology of sweet taste
In M. E. Curzon, J. M. Diehl, R. Ghraf, & M. J. Lentze (Eds.), Carbohydrates in infant nutrition and dental health (pp. 85–98). München: Urban & Vogel.
Ed(s): M. Curzon, J. Diehl, R. Ghraf & M. Lentze
1995 chapter
Pleasant odors improve mood of women and men at mid-life
In A. N. Gilbert (Ed.), Compendium of olfactory research. Explorations in Aroma-Chology: Investigating the sense of smell and human response to odor. 1982-1994 (pp. 97–103). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Ed(s): A. Gilbert
1995 conference paper
Public perception of odor in animal industries and how to measure it
New horizons in animal nutrition and health. Proceedings, 31–40. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Institute of Nutrition.
1995 journal article
Reconceptualizing aroma
Aroma-Chology Review, 4(2), 1, 8–9.
1995 chapter
In G. L. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of aging (2nd ed., pp. 920–922). New York: Springer.
Ed(s): G. Maddox
1995 conference paper
Taste and smell changes with age: Implications for nutrition and immunity
Proceedings of the second international conference on nutrition and aging. Tokyo:ILSI, 60–71.
1995 journal article
Taste and smell losses in HIV infected patients
Physiology & Behavior, 58(2), 287–293.
1995 journal article
The effect of bitter inhibitors on taste perception of urea, quinine HCl., magnesium chloride, and caffeine
Chemical Senses, 20, 773.
1995 journal article
The effect of environmental odors emanating from commercial swine operations on the mood of nearby residents
Brain Research Bulletin, 37(4), 369–375.
1995 journal article
The effect of pleasant odors and hormone status on mood of women at midlife
Brain Research Bulletin, 36(1), 19–29.

1995 chapter
The potential of thermophilic anaerobic fermentation for biological methane production and odor control using swine manure as a substrate
In Proceedings of the international livestock odor conference (pp. 149–153). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University College of Agriculture.
1995 journal article
To the Editor: Aspartame and headache
Neurology, 45(8), 1632–1632.
1995 journal article
Use of olfaction as an alarm mechanism to arouse and alert sleeping individuals
Aroma-Chology Review, 4(10), 2, 9.
1994 journal article
Adaptation of sweeteners in water and in tannic acid solutions
Physiology & Behavior, 55(3), 547–559.

1994 journal article
Appetite and Body Weight Regulation. Sugar, Fat, and Macronutrient Substitutes
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60(4), 644.

1994 chapter
Biological and psychological benefits of exercise in obesity
In A. P. Hills & M. L. Wahlqvist (Eds.), Exercise & obesity (pp. 103–113). London: Smith-Gordon.
Ed(s): A. Hills & M. Wahlqvist
1994 journal article
Effect of environmental pollutants on taste in gerbil
Chemical Senses, 19, 547.
1994 journal article
Effect of modulators of the adenylate cyclase system on sweet electrophysiological taste responses in gerbil
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 48(4), 991–998.
1994 journal article
Effect of modulators of the phosphotidyl inositol system and the arachidonic acid system on electrophysiological taste responses in gerbil
Chemical Senses, 19, 547–548.
1994 journal article
Effect of race on perception of fat alone and in combination with sugar
Physiology & Behavior, 55(3), 603–606.

1994 journal article
Identification of Gliadin Presence in Pharmaceutical Products
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 19(1), 27–33.
1994 journal article
Increased adhesion between neutral lipid bilayers: interbilayer bridges formed by tannic acid
Biophysical Journal, 66(6), 1943–1958.
1994 journal article
Modulators of the adenylate cyclase system can alter electrophysiological taste responses in gerbil
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 48(4), 983–990.
1994 chapter
Perception of Monosodium Glutamate in Water and Food by Young and Elderly Subjects
In Olfaction and Taste XI (pp. 348–352).

1994 journal article
Pleasant odors improve mood of men as well as women at mid-life
Aroma-Chology Review, 3(2), 2, 9.
1994 conference paper
Psychological effects of swine odor on humans
Proceedings of the International Round Table on Swine Odor Control, 8–11. Ames, IA: Iowa State University.
1994 journal article
Reactivating appetite
Contemporary Long Term Care, 54–55.
1994 chapter
Requerimientos de energía: conocimientos actuales y controversias (Energy requirements: present knowledge and controversies)
In P. Arroyo & J. Represas (Eds.), Nutrición clínica 1994: memorias de un Simposio Internacional (pp. 43–58). México City: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Ed(s): P. Arroyo & J. Represas
1994 journal article
Role of neuropeptides in the regulation of feeding behavior: A review of cholecystokinin, bombesin, neuropeptide Y, and galanin
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 18(3), 313–323.
1994 chapter
Sweetness and appetite in normal, overweight, and elderly persons
In J. D. Fernstrom & G. D. Miller (Eds.), Appetite and body weight regulation. Sugar, fat, and macronutrient substitutes (pp. 99–112). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Ed(s): J. Fernstrom & G. Miller
1994 journal article
Synergism among binary mixtures of fourteen sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 19, 547.
1994 journal article
Taste and smell function in HIV infection
Chemical Senses, 19, 477.
1994 journal article
Taste perception of bitter compounds in young and elderly persons: Relation to lipophilicity of bitter compounds
Neurobiology of Aging, 15(6), 743–750.

1994 journal article
Taste perception of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in foods in young and elderly subjects
Physiology & Behavior, 56(2), 265–275.
1994 journal article
The effect of fragrance on the mood of woman at midlife
Aroma-Chology Review, 2(1), 1, 5.
1994 journal article
The effect of sweeteners on bitter taste in young and elderly subjects
Brain Research Bulletin, 35(3), 189–204.
1994 conference paper
The role of taste and smell in appetite and satiety: impact of chemosensory changes due to aging and drug interactions
In M. L. Wahlqvist, A. S. Truswell, R. Smith, & P. J. Nestel (Eds.), Nutrition in a sustainable environment: Proceedings of the XV International Congress of Nutrition: IUNS Adelaide (pp. 728–731). London: Smith-Gordon.
Ed(s): M. Wahlqvist, A. Truswell, R. Smith & P. Nestel
1993 chapter
Basic concepts and programs for multidimensional scaling
In C. T. Ho & C. H. Manley (Eds.), Flavor Measurement (pp. 133–157). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): C. Ho & C. Manley
1993 journal article
Clinical Physiology of Taste and Smell
Annual Review of Nutrition, 13(1), 405–436.
1993 journal article
Effect of flavor enhancement of foods for the elderly on nutritional status: Food intake, biochemical indices, and anthropometric measures
Physiology & Behavior, 53(2), 395–402.

1993 journal article
Effect of modulators of the adenylate cyclase system on sweet electrophysiological taste responses in gerbil
Chemical Senses, 18, 623–624.
1993 journal article
Perception of taste and smell in elderly persons
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 33(1), 17–26.
1993 chapter
Psychophysics: insights into transduction mechanisms and neural coding
In S. A. Simon & S. D. Roper (Eds.), Mechanisms of Taste Transduction (pp. 395–424). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Ed(s): S. Simon & S. Roper
1993 chapter
Sensory properties of food: their role in nutrition
In G. Schlierf (Ed.), Recent advances in clinical nutrition. III (pp. 67–81). London: Smith-Gordon.
Ed(s): G. Schlierf
1993 journal article
Short-term oral sensory deprivation: Possible cause of binge eating in sham-feeding dogs
Physiology & Behavior, 53(6), 1231–1234.
1993 journal article
Sweeteners: State of knowledge review
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 17(3), 313–345.
1993 journal article
Sweetness intensity ratings of binary mixtures of various sweeteners
Chemical Senses, 18, 623.
1993 journal article
Taste and smell function in persons at risk for Alzheimer's disease
Chemical Senses, 18, 622–623.
1993 journal article
Taste and smell sensations enhance the satiating effect of both a high-carbohydrate and a high-fat meal in humans
Physiology & Behavior, 53(3), 553–563.

1993 journal article
Taste performance on the anterior human tongue varles with fungiform taste bud density
Chemical Senses, 18(5), 449–460.
1993 journal article
The effect of tannic acid on sweetness intensity ratings during the adaptation of sweet compounds
Chemical Senses, 18, 623.
1992 chapter
Aging and the sense of smell: potential benefits of fragrance enhancement
In S. Van Toller & G. H. Dodd (Eds.), Fragrance: the psychology and biology of perfume (pp. 51–62). London: Elsevier Applied Science.
Ed(s): S. Van Toller & G. Dodd
1992 journal article
Astringent compounds suppress taste responses in gerbil
Brain Research, 595(1), 1–11.
1992 journal article
Astringent-tasting compounds alter ion transport across isolated canine lingual epithelia
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 43(1), 271–283.
1992 journal article
Carboxylic acid replacement structure-activity relationships in suosan type sweeteners. A sweet taste antagonist. 1
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 35(10), 1747–1751.
1992 journal article
Chorda tympani and lingual nerve responses to astringent compounds in rodents
Physiology & Behavior, 51(1), 55–63.
1992 journal article
Detection thresholds for emulsified oils in young and elderly subjects
Chemical Senses, 17, 693.
1992 journal article
Effect of Environmental Pollutants on Taste and Smell
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 106(6), 693–700.

1992 journal article
Effect of meal sensory properties on post-prandial hunger and taste reactivity in human subjects
Chemical Senses, 17, 716.
1992 chapter
Food acceptability and nutritional status: Considerations for the aging population in the 21st century
In P. Leathwood, M. Horisberger, & W. P. T. James (Eds.), For a better nutrition in the 21st century (pp. 149–162). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): P. Leathwood, M. Horisberger & W. James
1992 chapter book
Olfaction in Aging and Medical Disorders

1992 journal article
Perceived taste intensity of bitter compounds in mixtures with sucrose and sorbitol
Chemical Senses, 17, 693.
1992 journal article
Role of dietary fat in calorie intake and weight gain
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 16(4), 585–596.
1992 journal article
Taste and smell: the effect of aging, disease states, and medications
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Suppl 16B, 260.
1992 chapter
The biology of taste and food intake
In G. A. Bray & D. H. Ryan (Eds.), The science of food regulation: Food intake, taste, nutrient partitioning, and energy expenditure (pp. 293–312). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
Ed(s): G. Bray & D. Ryan
1992 journal article
The five fragrance ages and stages of women: An update
Fragrance Forum, 9, 2, 8.
1992 journal article
Thresholds and preferences for monosodium glutamate (MSG) with and without inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMP) in foods for young and elderly subjects
Chemical Senses, 17, 694.
1991 journal article
Changes in taste and smell over the lifespan: Effects on appetite and nutrition in the elderly
Chemical Senses, 4, 341–365.
Ed(s): M. Friedman, M. Tordoff & M. Kare
1991 journal article
Comparison of chorda tympani and trigeminal nerve responses to astringent compounds in rodents
Chemical Senses, 16, 576.
1991 chapter book
Concentration—Response Relationships of Sweeteners
1991 journal article
Covariance of panelist stimulus concentration response functions regarding receptor multiplicity
Chemical Senses, 16, 516.
1991 journal article
Detection thresholds of potassium salts are related to the molar conductivity of the anion
Chemical Senses, 16, 574–575.
1991 chapter
Drugs influencing taste and smell perception
In Smell and taste in health and disease (pp. 845–850). New York: Raven Press.
1991 journal article
Flavor-calorie relationships: Effect on weight gain in rats
Physiology & Behavior, 50(3), 465–470.

1991 journal article
New frontiers in fragrance use
Cosmetics and Toiletries, 106(6), 39–45.
1991 chapter
Receptors and transduction mechanism for sweet taste: an overview
In M. Gracey, N. Kretchmer, & E. Rossi (Eds.), Sugars in nutrition (pp. 55–67). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): M. Gracey, N. Kretchmer & E. Rossi
1991 journal article
Regional differences in sensitivity to astringent compounds in the oral cavity of humans
Chemical Senses, 16, 575.
1991 journal article
Taste and smell losses with age
Contemporary Nutrition, 16(2), 1–2.
1991 chapter
Taste and smell perception in elderly persons
In J. E. Fielding & H. I. Frier (Eds.), Nutrition research: Future directions and applications (pp. 61–73). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): J. Fielding & H. Frier
1991 chapter
Taste and smell: their role in aging and obesity
In G. E. Gaull, F. N. Kotsonis, & M. A. Mackey (Eds.), Nutrition in the '90's: Current controversies and analysis (pp. 51–61). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): G. Gaull, F. Kotsonis & M. Mackey
1991 journal article
Taste of glutamate salts in young and elderly subjects: Role of inosine 5′-monophosphate and ions
Physiology & Behavior, 49(5), 843–854.
1991 journal article
The effect of modulators of the adenylate cyclase system on taste responses in gerbil
Chemical Senses, 16, 576.
1991 journal article
The effect of sweeteners on bitter taste thresholds
Chemical Senses, 16, 575.
1990 journal article
Gustatory and olfactory dysfunction in dementia: Not specific to Alzheimer's disease
Neurobiology of Aging, 11(6), 597–600.
1990 journal article
Inhibition of taste responses to Na+ salts by epithelial Na+ channel blockers in gerbil
Physiology & Behavior, 47(3), 455–459.
1990 journal article
Nutritional assessment of elderly persons eating flavor enhanced foods
Chemical Senses, 15, 633.
1990 journal article
Preference for fat-rich foods is related to the level of fat in the rearing diet
Chemical Senses, 15, 650–651.
1990 journal article
Relationship of dietary fat content to food preferences in young rats
Physiology & Behavior, 48(5), 581–586.

1990 journal article
Sensory evaluations of fat-sucrose and fat-salt mixtures: Relationship to age and weight status
Physiology & Behavior, 48(5), 633–636.

1990 journal article
Synthesis of tastes other than the ‘primaries’: implications for neural coding theories and the concept of ‘suppression’
Synthesis of tastes other than the ‘primaries’: implications for neural coding theories and the concept of ‘suppression.’ Chemical Senses, 15(5), 495–504.
1990 journal article
The effect of amiloride analogs on taste responses in gerbil
Physiology & Behavior, 47(3), 435–441.
1990 journal article
The effect of taste on gastric and pancreatic responses in dogs
Physiology & Behavior, 47(6), 1295–1297.
1990 book
The flavor set-point weight-loss cookbook
Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
1990 journal article
The role of sodium and potassium transport pathways in taste transduction: an overview
Chemical Senses, 15(1), 129–135.
1990 journal article
Thresholds for sodium salts in young and elderly human subjects: correlation with molar conductivity of anion
Chemical Senses, 15(6), 671–678.
1989 journal article
Adverse reactions to aspartame
Journal of Applied Nutrition, 41, 40.
1989 journal article
Aspartame and Headache: No Association Found in Clinical Study
Cephalalgia, 9(10_suppl), 101–102.

1989 journal article
Bitter taste
Journal of the American Medical Association, 23, 3347.
1989 journal article
Cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion in dogs: Impact of smell, sight, memory, and taste
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 4, 984.
1989 journal article
Changes in taste and smell over the life span; their effect on appetite and nutrition in the elderly
Appetite, 12(1), 77.

1989 journal article
Detection thresholds of sodium salts are related to molar conductivity of the anion
Chemical Senses, 14, 742–743.
1989 journal article
Eating Restraint, Presentation Order, and Time of Day Are Related to Sweet Taste Preferences
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 575(1), 588–591.
1989 journal article
Preferences among three potassium supplements in elderly patients
Consultant Pharmacist, 640–642.
1989 journal article
Taste mixtures can lead to syntheses of new 'non-basic' tastes, or suppression
Chemical Senses, 14, 744–745.
1989 journal article
The effects of age and race on thresholds and magnitude estimates of edible gums
Chemical Senses, 14, 743.
1989 journal article
Thinness—Not obesity—Has a genetic component
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 13(1), 55–58.
1989 journal article
Use of Flavor-Amplified Foods to Improve Nutritional Status in Elderly Persons
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 561(1), 267–276.

1988 journal article
4-aminopyridine and BaCl2 block taste responses to KCl in rat
Chemical Senses, 13, 733–734.
1988 journal article
A psychology of food: More than a matter of taste. Book review
Food Technology, 12, 151.
1988 journal article
Age-related changes in hedonic and intensity ratings of dairy-sucrose and dairy-salt mixtures
Chemical Senses, 13, 744–745.
1988 journal article
Aspartame and Headache
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 28(5), 370–370.

1988 journal article
Aspartame and Headache
New England Journal of Medicine, 318(18), 1200–1202.

1988 chapter
Basic concepts of multidimensional scaling
In H. R. Moskowitz (Ed.), Applied sensory analyses of foods (Vol. 2, pp. 3–33). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Ed(s): H. Moskowitz
1988 journal article
Calcium chloride depresses specific tastes in rat
Chemical Senses, 13, 691–692.
1988 journal article
Dysgeusia and Anosmia: Etiology and Possible Treatment
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 259(15), 2295.
1988 journal article
Flavor enhancement of foods for the elderly can reverse anorexia
Neurobiology of Aging, 9, 24–26.

1988 journal article
Impairment of taste and smell in the elderly
Directions in Applied Nutrition, 2(3), 1–2, 7–8.
1988 journal article
Neurobiology of taste and smell. Book review
Food Technology, 41(11), 136.
1988 journal article
Taste Transduction and Modulation
Physiology, 3(3), 109–112.
1988 journal article
Transport pathways in rat lingual epithelium
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 29(2), 257–267.
1987 journal article
Approaches to restoring the pleasure of taste and smell
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemistry, 38(2), 142–143.
1987 journal article
Aspartame and Susceptibility to Headache
New England Journal of Medicine, 317(19), 1181–1185.

1987 journal article
Bretylium Tosylate Enhances Salt Taste via Amiloride-Sensitive Pathway
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 510(1 Olfaction and), 584–586.
1987 journal article
Diagnosis and treatment of smell and taste disorders
Western Journal of Medicine, 146, 471–473.
1987 journal article
Inhibition of sweet taste in humans by methyl 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-α-<i>D</i>-galactopyranoside
Chemical Senses, 12(1), 71–76.
1987 journal article
Inosine-5'-monophosphate and inosine enhance some sweet tastes
Chemical Senses, 12, 694.
1987 chapter
Natural and artificial sweeteners
In M. L. Wahlqvist, R. W. F. King, J. J. McNeil, & R. Sewell (Eds.), Food and health: Issues and directions (pp. 42–48). London: John Libbey.
Ed(s): M. Wahlqvist, R. King, J. McNeil & R. Sewell
1987 chapter
Psychophysical and neurophysiological taste responses to glutamate and purinergic compounds
In Y. Kawamura & M. R. Kare (Eds.), Umami: A basic taste (pp. 271–288). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): Y. Kawamura & M. Kare
1987 journal article
Recent developments in taste enhancement
Food Technology, 41(6), 72–73, 124.
1987 chapter
In G. L. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of aging (second, pp. 618–619). New York: Springer.
Ed(s): G. Maddox
1987 chapter
Taste and smell: Models for biosensors
In A. Deepak & R. A. MacKay (Eds.), Advanced Technologies for CB Detection: A Symposium Proceedings (pp. 153–158). Hampton, VA: A. Deepak Publishing.
Ed(s): A. Deepak & R. MacKay
1987 chapter
The role of taste and smell in nutrition: Effects of aging, disease state, and drugs
In M. L. Wahlqvist, R. W. F. King, J. J. McNeil, & R. Sewell (Eds.), Food and health: Issues and directions (pp. 85–91). London: John Libbey.
Ed(s): M. Wahlqvist, R. King, J. McNeil & R. Sewell
1986 chapter
Age-related changes in taste and smell and their possible causes
In Clinical measurement of taste and smell (pp. 326–342). New York: Macmillan.
1986 journal article
Bretylium tosylate enhances salt taste
Physiology & Behavior, 36(6), 1129–1137.
1986 journal article
Bretylium tosylate enhances salt taste
Chemical Senses, 11, 656.
1986 journal article
Caffeine intensities taste of certain sweeteners: Role of adenosine receptor
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 24(3), 429–432.
1986 journal article
Comprehensive smell testing over the lifespan
Fragrance Forum, 2, 7.
1986 chapter
Multidimensional scaling and its interpretation
In J. R. Piggott (Ed.), Statistical procedures in food research. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Ed(s): J. Piggott
1986 journal article
Recent findings about taste: Important implications for dieters
Cereal Foods World, 31, 300–302.
1986 journal article
Recent insights into the mechanisms of taste transduction and modulation
Food Chemistry, 21(4), 259–281.
1986 book review
Taste, Olfaction, and the Central Nervous System. A Festschrift in Honor of Carl Pfaffmann.</i>Donald W. Pfaff
[Review of Taste, Olfaction, and the Central Nervous System. A Festschrift in Honor of Carl Pfaffmann, by D. W. Pfaff]. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 61(1), 142–142.
1986 chapter book
The Search for Receptors That Mediate Sweetness
1986 journal article
The nose as a port of entry for aluminosilicates and other pollutants: possible role in Alzheimer's disease
Neurobiology of Aging, 7(6), 576–578.

1986 conference paper
The role of flavors in treating patients with feeding problems
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Essential Oils, Fragrances, and Flavors, 47–50. Washington, DC.
1986 chapter
The salient sensory losses with age
In E. W. Busse (Ed.), Aspects of aging. Unit II. Physiological Issues Report Number 3. Philadelphia: Smith, Kline, and French.
Ed(s): E. Busse
1986 journal article
The use of flavor to enhance efficacy of reducing diets
Hospital Practice, 21, 44H, K, N, P, R.
1985 journal article
Caffeine selectively enhances taste: Role of adenosine receptor
Chemical Senses, 10, 457.
1985 journal article
Methyl xanthines enhance taste: Evidence for modulation of taste by adenosine receptor
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 22(2), 195–203.
1985 journal article
Sensory evaluation of soft drinks with various sweeteners
Physiology & Behavior, 34(3), 369–377.
1984 chapter
Changes in taste and smell with age: Nutritional aspects
In J. M. Ordy, D. Harman, & R. Alfin-Slater (Eds.), Nutrition in gerontology (pp. 43–64). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): J. Ordy, D. Harman & R. Alfin-Slater
1984 chapter
Comparison of Taste Properties of Aspartame with Other Sweeteners
In Aspartame (pp. 207–246).

1984 journal article
Mapping fragrances
Fragrance Forum, 1(2), 7.
1984 chapter book
Mathematical Approaches for Quantitative Design of Odorants and Tastants
1984 magazine article
Sweet sensation: How sweet is it?
Schiffman, S. S. (1984, February). Runner's World, 44.
1983 journal article
Amiloride reduces the taste intensity of Na+ and Li+ salts and sweeteners.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 80(19), 6136–6140.
1983 journal article
Future design of flavour molecules by computer
Chemistry and Industry, 3, 39–42.
1983 chapter
Individual differences scaling of taste and smell
In H. Martens & H. Russwurm Jr. (Eds.), Food research and data analysis (pp. 271–303). London: Applied Science.
Ed(s): H. Martens & H. Russwurm
1983 journal article
Taste and Smell in Disease
New England Journal of Medicine, 309(17), 1062–1063.

1983 journal article
Taste and Smell in Disease
New England Journal of Medicine, 308(21), 1275–1279.
1982 journal article
Influence of chirality of amino acids on the growth of perceived taste intensity with concentration
Physiology & Behavior, 28(3), 457–465.

1982 journal article
Situational psychophysics and the vending-machine problem
Journal of Retailing, 58, 82–94.
1981 chapter book
Characterization of Odor Quality Utilizing Multidimensional Scaling Techniques
1981 journal article
Comparison of taste qualities and thresholds of D- and L-amino acids☆
Physiology & Behavior, 27(1), 51–59.
1981 book
Introduction to multidimensional scaling: Theory, methods, and applications
New York: Academic Press.
1981 journal article
Molecular mechanism of sweet taste: Relationship of hydrogen bonding to taste sensitivity for both young and elderly
Neurobiology of Aging, 2(3), 173–185.
1981 chapter
Multidimensional concepts in sweetness evaluation
In G. G. Birch (Ed.), Nutritive sweeteners (pp. 287–310). Essex: Applied Science.
Ed(s): G. Birch
1981 journal article
Multiple receptor sites mediate sweetness: Evidence from cross adaptation
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 15(3), 377–388.

1981 journal article
Perception of odors of simple pyrazines by young and elderly subjects: A multidimensional analysis
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 14(6), 787–798.

1980 chapter book
Contribution of the Anion to the Taste Quality of Sodium Salts
1980 book
Faculty retirement at the COFHE Institutions: An analysis of the impact of age 70 mandatory retirement and options for institutional response
Cambridge: Consortium on Financing Higher Education.
1980 journal article
Magnitude estimates of amino acids for young and elderly subjects☆☆☆
Neurobiology of Aging, 1(1), 81–91.
1980 chapter
Magnitude estimation of amino acids for young and elderly subjects
In H. van der Starre (Ed.), Olfaction and taste VII (pp. 379–383). London: IRL Press.
Ed(s): H. van der Starre
1980 journal article
Odor quality of pyridyl ketones
Chemical Senses, 5(4), 343–357.

1980 journal article
The issue of primary tastes versus a taste continuum
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 4(2), 109–117.
1980 journal article
The range of taste quality of sodium salts
Physiology & Behavior, 24(2), 217–224.
1979 chapter
Changes in taste and smell with age: Biological aspects
In J. M. Ordy & K. Brizzee (Eds.), Sensory systems and communication in the elderly (pp. 246–268). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): J. Ordy & K. Brizzee
1979 chapter
Changes in taste and smell with age: Psychophysical aspects
In J. M. Ordy & K. Brizzee (Eds.), Sensory systems and communication in the elderly (pp. 227–246). New York: Raven Press.
Ed(s): J. Ordy & K. Brizzee
1979 journal article
Decreased Discrimination of Food Odors in the Elderly
Journal of Gerontology, 34(1), 73–79.
1979 journal article
Increased taste thresholds of amino acids with age
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(8), 1622–1627.
1979 chapter
Preference: A multidimensional concept
In J. H. A. Kroeze (Ed.), Preference behavior and chemoreception (pp. 63–79). London: Information Retrieval Ltd.
Ed(s): J. Kroeze
1979 journal article
Qualitative differences among sweeteners
Physiology & Behavior, 23(1), 1–9.
1979 book
Sodium-Restricted Diets and the Use of Diuretics: Rationale, Complications, and Practical Aspects of Their Use

1978 journal article
Application of multidimensional scaling to ratings of foods for obese and normal weight individuals
Physiology & Behavior, 21(3), 417–422.
1978 journal article
Changes in taste and smell in older persons
Center Reports on Advances in Research, 2(3).
1978 journal article
Reduced olfactory discrimination in patients on chronic hemodialysis
Physiology & Behavior, 21(2), 239–242.
1977 journal article
Food Recognition by the Elderly
Journal of Gerontology, 32(5), 586–592.
1977 journal article
Chemical Senses, 2(3), 375–390.
1977 book
The eating companion: Eight lessons to help you lose weight and stay thin
[Audiobook]. Distributed by RCA under trademark Better than a Diet®.
1976 journal article
Multidimensional scaling of musks
Physiology & Behavior, 17(5), 823–829.

1976 magazine article
Multidimensional scaling: A useful tool to measure flavor
Schiffman, S. (1976, February). Cereal Foods World, 64–68.
1976 journal article
Taste of dipeptides
Physiology & Behavior, 17(3), 523–535.
1976 journal article
Thresholds of food odors in the elderly
Experimental Aging Research, 2(5), 389–398.
1975 journal article
Dimensions of Olfactory Quality
Science, 188(4183), 74–75.
1975 journal article
Chemical Senses, 1(4), 387–401.

1975 journal article
Taste of nutrients: Amino acids, vitamins, and fatty acids
Perception & Psychophysics, 17(2), 140–146.
1975 chapter book
The Chemical Senses: A Systematic Approach
1974 journal article
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 237(1 Odors), 164–183.
1974 journal article
Physicochemical Correlates of Olfactory Quality
Science, 185(4146), 112–117.
1973 chapter
Does taste and smell change with advancing age? What is the significance of this?
In E. W. Busse & E. Pfeiffer (Eds.), Mental illness in later life (pp. 269–270). Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association.
Ed(s): E. Busse & E. Pfeiffer
1971 journal article
A psychophysical model for gustatory quality
Physiology & Behavior, 7(4), 617–633.
1960 journal article
Boron contents in high-alloy steels
International Harvester, 23–29.
1960 journal article
Silicon and manganese contents of cast irons: A spectrographic analysis
International Harvester, 2–15.
journal article
Physiology of taste
Schiffman, S. S. Annales Nestle, 56(1), 1–10.
Updated: May 9th, 2023 11:28
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