Numerical analysis, Scientific computing, Applied mathematics, Computational physics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Plasma, Inverse problems, Control, Remote sensing, Radar imaging, Ionosphere, Geophysics, Partial differential equations
2024 journal article
Computation of unsteady electromagnetic scattering about 3D complex bodies in free space with high-order difference potentials
2024 journal article
Fourth-Order Accurate Compact Scheme for First-Order Maxwell's Equations
2024 journal article
Modeling the Earth's Ionosphere by a Phase Screen for the Analysis of Transionospheric SAR Imaging
2023 journal article
Transionospheric Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar
2023 article
Transionospheric Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar
2023 journal article
Vertical autofocus for the phase screen in a turbulent ionosphere
2022 journal article
3D time-dependent scattering about complex shapes using high order difference potentials
2022 article
Gilman, M., & Tsynkov, S. (2021, July). INVERSE PROBLEMS AND IMAGING, Vol. 7.
2022 journal article
A high order compact time/space finite difference scheme for the 2D and 3D wave equation with a damping layer
2022 article
High-order accurate numerical simulation of monochromatic waves in photonic crystal ring resonators with the help of a non-iterative domain decomposition
North, E., Tsynkov, S., & Turkel, E. (2022, November 20). JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS, Vol. 11.
2022 journal article
Non-iterative domain decomposition for the Helmholtz equation with strong material discontinuities
2022 journal article
Polarimetric radar interferometry in the presence of differential Faraday rotation
2021 journal article
Divergence Measures and Detection Performance for Dispersive Targets in SAR
2021 article
Numerical Solution of 3D Unsteady Scattering Problems with Sub-linear Complexity
2021 journal article
Solution of three-dimensional multiple scattering problems by the method of difference potentials
2020 journal article
Deep Learning Approach to the Detection of Scattering Delay in Radar Images
2020 journal article
Method of Difference Potentials for Evolution Equations with Lacunas
2020 journal article
2019 conference paper
A high order method of boundary operators for the 3D time-dependent wave equation
Book of Abstracts, The 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2019, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria, August 25-30, 2019, 363–365.
2019 conference paper
A method of boundary equations for unsteady hyperbolic problems in 3D
Mathematics and Its Applications, Book of Abstracts for the International Conference in honor of the 90th birthday of Sergei K. Godunov, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 4-10, 2019, 68.
2019 journal article
Compact High Order Accurate Schemes for the Three Dimensional Wave Equation
Journal of Scientific Computing, 5, 1–29.
2019 journal article
Detection of delayed target response in SAR
Inverse Problems, 4, 085005 (38pp).
2019 journal article
Direct implementation of high order BGT artificial boundary conditions
Journal of Computational Physics, 376, 98–128.
2019 journal article
Preface to the Special Issue in Memory of Professor Saul Abarbanel
Journal of Scientific Computing.
2019 conference paper
Stochastic Models in Coordinate-Delay Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
Book of Abstracts, The 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2019, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria, August 25-30, 2019, 330–331.
2018 journal article
A High Order Compact Time/Space Finite Difference Scheme for the Wave Equation with Variable Speed of Sound
Journal of Scientific Computing, 76(2), 777–811.
2018 journal article
A method of boundary equations for unsteady hyperbolic problems in 3D
Journal of Computational Physics, 365, 294–323.
2018 conference paper
Cross-Channel Contamination of PolSAR Images due to Frequency Dependence of Faraday Rotation Angle
2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 1–4.
Event: 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA)
2018 journal article
Differential Faraday Rotation and Polarimetric SAR
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(3), 1422–1449.
2018 journal article
Numerical solution of the wave equation with variable wave speed on nonconforming domains by high-order difference potentials
Journal of Computational Physics, 354, 26–42.
2017 conference paper
An efficient numerical algorithm for the 3D wave equation in domains of complex shape
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2017, The 13th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 15--19, 2017. Book of Abstracts, 365–366.
2017 conference paper
Computational complexity of artificial boundary conditions for Maxwell's equations in the FDTD method
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2017, The 13th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 15--19, 2017. Book of Abstracts, 275–276.
2017 article
Conventional SAR imaging
2017 conference paper
High order accurate solution of the wave equation by compact finite differences and difference potentials
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2017, The 13th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 15--19, 2017. Book of Abstracts, 63–64.
2017 conference paper
High order numerical solution of the Helmholtz equation for domains with reentrant corners
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2017, The 13th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 15--19, 2017. Book of Abstracts, 367–368.
2017 journal article
High-order numerical solution of the Helmholtz equation for domains with reentrant corners
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 118, 87–116.
2017 journal article
Inverse scattering off anisotropic targets
Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging, 373–415.
2017 conference paper
Mathematical analysis of SAR imaging through a turbulent ionosphere
(M. D. Todorov, Ed.).
Ed(s): M. Todorov
Event: APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICS IN TECHNICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES: 9th International Conference for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences - AMiTaNS’17
2017 article
Modeling radar targets beyond the first Born approximation
2017 journal article
Non-deteriorating time domain numerical algorithms for Maxwell's electrodynamics
Journal of Computational Physics, 336, 1–35.
2017 article
SAR imaging through the Earth's ionosphere
2017 conference paper
The Doppler Effect for SAR
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2017, The 13th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 15--19, 2017. Book of Abstracts, 369–370.
2017 article
The effect of ionospheric anisotropy
2017 article
The effect of ionospheric turbulence
2017 article
The start-stop approximation
2017 book
Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging
In Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (pp. 1–1).
Event: at Cham, Switzerland
2017 journal article
Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging Discussion and outstanding questions
Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging, 417–431.
2017 journal article
Transionospheric synthetic aperture imaging Introduction
Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging, 1–17.
2016 conference paper
A universal framework for non-deteriorating time-domain numerical algorithms in Maxwell’s electrodynamics
(M. D. Todorov, Ed.).
Ed(s): M. Todorov
Event: APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICS IN TECHNICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES: 8th International Conference for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences - AMiTaNS’16
2016 chapter
Difference Potentials Methods for Hyperbolic Problems Using High Order Finite Difference Schemes
In Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, ICOSAHOM 2016, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, June 2016.
2015 journal article
A Mathematical Model for SAR Imaging beyond the First Born Approximation
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 8(1), 186–225.
2015 journal article
Computation of singular solutions to the Helmholtz equation with high order accuracy
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 93, 215–241.
2015 journal article
Professor V.S. Ryaben'kii. On the occasion of the 90-th birthday
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 93, 1–2.
2015 journal article
Solving the Helmholtz equation for general smooth geometry using simple grids
Wave Motion, 62, 75–97.
2015 chapter
Transmission and Scattering of Waves by General Shapes with High Order Accuracy Using the Difference Potentials Method
In Book of Abstracts, The 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 20--24, 2015 (pp. 256–257).
2015 journal article
Viktor Solomonovich Ryaben'kii and his school (on his 90th birthday)
Russian Mathematical Surveys, 70(6), 1183–1210.
2015 journal article
Виктор Соломонович Рябенький и его школа (к девяностолетию со дня рождения)
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 70(6(426), 213–236.
2014 conference paper
Detection of Material Dispersion Using SAR
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2014), 1013–1016.
Event: at Berlin-Offenbach, Germany
2014 journal article
Single-polarization SAR imaging in the presence of Faraday rotation
Inverse Problems, 30(7), 075002.
2013 journal article
A High-Order Numerical Method for the Helmholtz Equation with Nonstandard Boundary Conditions
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(5), A2255–A2292.
2013 journal article
Discrete Calderon’s projections on parallelepipeds and their application to computing exterior magnetic fields for FRC plasmas
Journal of Computational Physics, 234, 172–198.
2013 chapter
High Order Numerical Simulation of the Transmission and Scattering of Waves Using the Method of Difference Potentials
In Proceedings of the International Conference Difference Schemes and Applications in honor of the 90-th Birthday of Prof. V. S. Ryaben'kii, Moscow, Russia, May 27--31, 2013 (pp. 33–34).
Event: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
2013 journal article
High order numerical simulation of the transmission and scattering of waves using the method of difference potentials
Journal of Computational Physics, 243, 305–322.
2013 journal article
Reduction of ionospheric distortions for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar with the help of image registration
Inverse Problems, 29(5), 054005.
2012 journal article
A linearized inverse scattering problem for the polarized waves and anisotropic targets
Inverse Problems, 28(8), 085009.
2012 journal article
Compact 2D and 3D sixth order schemes for the Helmholtz equation with variable wave number
Journal of Computational Physics, 232(1), 272–287.
2012 journal article
Erratum to: The Method of Difference Potentials for the Helmholtz Equation Using Compact High Order Schemes
Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(2), 482–482.
2012 journal article
The Method of Difference Potentials for the Helmholtz Equation Using Compact High Order Schemes
Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(1), 150–193.
2011 journal article
A non-deteriorating algorithm for computational electromagnetism based on quasi-lacunae of Maxwell’s equations
Journal of Computational Physics, 231(2), 558–585.
2011 journal article
Dual Carrier Probing for Spaceborne SAR Imaging
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 4(2), 501–542.
2011 chapter
Interfaces for the Helmholtz Equation with High Order Accuracy
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2011, Vancouver, Canada, July 25--29, 2011 (pp. 659–662).
Event: Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
2011 journal article
Numerical Simulation of Time-Harmonic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media using Compact High Order Schemes
Communications in Computational Physics, 9(3), 520–541.
2011 journal article
Quasi-Lacunae of Maxwell's Equations
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 71(4), 1109–1122.
2010 journal article
A Compact Fourth Order Scheme for the Helmholtz Equation in Polar Coordinates
Journal of Scientific Computing, 45(1-3), 26–47.
2009 journal article
A high-order numerical method for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation in multidimensional layered media
Journal of Computational Physics, 228(10), 3789–3815.
2009 journal article
Active control of sound with variable degree of cancellation
Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(12), 1846–1851.
2009 journal article
Difference Problem of Noise Suppression and Other Problems of Active Control for Time-Harmonic Sound over Composite Regions
Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Matematika (Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mathematics), 425(4), 456–458.
2009 journal article
Difference problem of noise suppression and other problems of active control of single-frequency sound on a composite domain
Doklady Mathematics, 79(2), 240–242.
2009 journal article
Experimental Validation of the Active Noise Control Methodology Based on Difference Potentials
AIAA Journal, 47(4), 874–884.
2009 journal article
Fourth order schemes for time-harmonic wave equations with discontinuous coefficients
Commun. Comput. Phys., 5(2-4), 442–455.
2009 conference paper
Fourth order schemes for time-harmonic wave equations with discontinuous coefficients
Communications in Computational Physics, 5(2-4), 442–455.
2009 journal article
Long-Time Performance of Unsplit PMLs with Explicit Second Order Schemes
Journal of Scientific Computing, 41(1), 1–12.
2009 chapter
Numerical Simulation of Focusing Nonlinear Waves in the Nonparaxial Regime
In H. Barucq, A.-S. Bonnet-Bendhia, G. Cohen, J. Diaz, A. Ezziana, & P. Joly (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2009, Pau, France, June 15--19, 2009 (pp. 325–327).
Ed(s): H. Barucq, A. Bonnet-Bendhia, G. Cohen, J. Diaz, A. Ezziana & P. Joly
Event: Institut National De Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
2009 chapter
Numerical solution of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation
In Mathematics in Applications, Proceedings of the conference in honor of the 80th birthday of Academician S. K. Godunov, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 20--24, 2009 (pp. 37–38).
2009 journal article
On SAR Imaging through the Earth's Ionosphere
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(1), 140–182.
2009 chapter
On SAR Imaging through the Earth's Ionosphere
In H. Barucq, A.-S. Bonnet-Bendhia, G. Cohen, J. Diaz, A. Ezziana, & P. Joly (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2009, Pau, France, June 15--19, 2009 (pp. 312–313).
Ed(s): H. Barucq, A. Bonnet-Bendhia, G. Cohen, J. Diaz, A. Ezziana & P. Joly
Event: Institut National De Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
2009 journal article
On the Use of Start-Stop Approximation for Spaceborne SAR Imaging
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(2), 646–669.
2008 journal article
Lacunae based stabilization of PMLs
Journal of Computational Physics, 227(15), 7322–7345.
2008 chapter
Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation
In Effective Computational Methods for Wave Propagation (Vol. 5, pp. 37–62).
2008 journal article
Simulations of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: arrest of beam collapse, nonparaxial solitons and counter-propagating beams
Optics Express, 16(17), 13323.
2007 journal article
Active Control of Sound for Composite Regions
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 67(6), 1582–1609.
2007 chapter
High-Order Numerical Method for the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation with Material Discontinuities
In N. Biggs, A.-S. Bonnet-Bendhia, P. Chamberlain, S. Chandler-Wildea, G. Cohen, H. Haddar, … R. Potthast (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2007, University of Reading, UK, July 23 -- 27, 2007 (pp. 455–457).
Ed(s): N. Biggs, A. Bonnet-Bendhia, P. Chamberlain, S. Chandler-Wildea, G. Cohen, H. Haddar, P. Joly, S. Langdon
2007 journal article
High-order numerical method for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation with material discontinuities in one space dimension
Journal of Computational Physics, 227(1), 820–850.
2007 chapter
Lacuna-based stabilization of PMLs
In N. Biggs, A.-S. Bonnet-Bendhia, P. Chamberlain, S. Chandler-Wildea, G. Cohen, H. Haddar, … R. Potthast (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2007, University of Reading, UK, July 23 -- 27, 2007 (pp. 298–300).
Ed(s): N. Biggs, A. Bonnet-Bendhia, P. Chamberlain, S. Chandler-Wildea, G. Cohen, H. Haddar, P. Joly, S. Langdon
2007 report
On Spectral Accuracy of Quadrature Formulae Based on Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation
(No. CRSC-TR07-11).
Event: at Raleigh, NC
2007 journal article
Weak Lacunae of Electromagnetic Waves in Dilute Plasma
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 67(6), 1548–1581.
2006 book
A Theoretical Introduction to Numerical Analysis
(p. xiv+537).
Event: at Boca Raton, FL
2006 journal article
High-order numerical solution of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation with axial symmetry
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 204(2), 477–492.
2006 journal article
Inverse source problem and active shielding for composite domains
Applied Mathematics Letters, 20(5), 511–515.
2006 journal article
The Problem of Active Shielding for Composite Regions
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 411(2), 164–166.
2006 journal article
The Problem of Active Shielding for Multiply Connected Regions
Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Matematika (Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mathematics), 411(2), 164–166.
2006 journal article
The problem of active noise shielding in composite domains
Doklady. Mathematics, 74(3), 812–814.
2005 conference paper
Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation Using Nonorthogonal Expansions
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2005, Brown University, Providence, RI, June 20 -- 24, 2005, 379–381.
2005 journal article
Numerical solution of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation using nonorthogonal expansions
Journal of Computational Physics, 210(1), 183–224.
2004 journal article
On the application of lacunae-based methods to Maxwell's equations
Journal of Computational Physics, 199(1), 126–149.
2004 journal article
On the application of lacunae-based methods to Maxwell's equations
Journal of Computational Physics, 199(1), 126–149.
2004 journal article
Optimization of power in the problems of active control of sound
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 65(4-5), 323–335.
2004 journal article
Quadratic optimization in the problems of active control of sound
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 52(4), 381–400.
2003 journal article
Journal of Scientific Computing, 18(2), 155–189.
2003 report
Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Electromagnetic Waves
(No. CRSC–TR03–19).
Event: at Raleigh, NC
2003 journal article
Artificial boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of unsteady acoustic waves
Journal of Computational Physics, 189(2), 626–650.
2003 journal article
Backscattering and Nonparaxiality Arrest Collapse of Damped Nonlinear Waves
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 63(5), 1718–1736.
2003 chapter
Lacunae-Based Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Waves Governed by Vector Models
In G. C. Cohen, E. Heikkola, P. Joly, & P. Neittaanmäki (Eds.), Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation --- WAVES 2003, The Sixth International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 30 -- July 4, 2003. Proceedings (pp. 103–108).
Ed(s): G. Cohen, E. Heikkola, P. Joly & P. Neittaanmäki
Event: at Berlin
2003 chapter
Optimization in the Context of Active Control of Sound
In Computational Science and Its Applications — ICCSA 2003 (Vol. 2668, pp. 801–810).
2003 journal article
Optimization of Acoustic Source Strength in the Problems of Active Noise Control
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 63(4), 1141–1183.
2002 report
A Future Role of Numerical and Applied Mathematics in Material Sciences
(No. 40, NASA/CR–2002–211453).
Event: at Hampton, VA
2002 journal article
Computation of Nonlinear Backscattering Using a High-Order Numerical Method
Journal of Scientific Computing, 17(1-4), 351–364.
2002 chapter
On the Results of the Application of the Method of Difference Potentials to the Construction of Artificial Boundary Conditions for External Flow Computations
In Method of Difference Potentials and Its Applications (Vol. 30, pp. 403–441).
Event: at Berlin
2002 journal article
On the combined performance of nonlocal artificial boundary conditions with the new generation of advanced multigrid flow solvers
Computers & Fluids, 31(3), 269–308.
2002 journal article
On the combined performance of nonlocal artificial boundary conditions with the new generation of advanced multigrid flow solvers
Computers & Fluids, 31(3), 269–308.
2001 chapter
A Cartesian Perfectly Matched Layer for the ̆ppercaseHelmholtz Equation
In Tourrette Loı̈c & L. Halpern (Eds.), Absorbing Boundaries and Layers, Domain Decomposition Methods. ̆ppercaseApplications to Large Scale Computations (pp. 279–309).
Ed(s): L. Tourrette & L. Halpern
Event: at Huntington, NY
2001 chapter
A Cartesian Perfectly Matched Layer for the Helmholtz Equation
In Tourrette Loı̈c & L. Halpern (Eds.), Absorbing Boundaries and Layers, Domain Decomposition Methods. Applications to Large Scale Computations (pp. 279–309). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Ed(s): L. Tourrette & L. Halpern
2001 journal article
Active Shielding and Control of Noise
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 62(2), 563–596.
2001 journal article
Global Discrete Artificial Boundary Conditions for Time-Dependent Wave Propagation
Journal of Computational Physics, 174(2), 712–758.
2001 journal article
High-Order Two-Way Artificial Boundary Conditions for Nonlinear Wave Propagation with Backscattering
Journal of Computational Physics, 171(2), 632–677.
2001 journal article
Long-time numerical computation of wave-type solutions driven by moving sources
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 38(1-2), 187–222.
2000 journal article
Global Artificial Boundary Conditions for Computation of External Flows with Jets
AIAA Journal, 38(11), 2014–2022.
2000 journal article
Global artificial boundary conditions for computation of external flows with jets
AIAA Journal, 38, 2014–2022.
2000 journal article
Non-Reflecting Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Replacement of Truncated Equations with Lacunae
Mathematical Modeling, 12(12), 108–127.
2000 journal article
Nonreflecting artificial boundary conditions for the replacement of rejected equations with gaps
Mat. Model., 12(12), 108–127.
1999 journal article
External Boundary Conditions for Three-Dimensional Problems of Computational Aerodynamics
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 21(1), 166–206.
1999 conference paper
Global artificial boundary conditions for computation of external flow problems with propulsive jets
14th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2, 836–846.
Event: 14th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
1999 report
Long-Time Numerical Integration of the Three-Dimensional Wave Equation in the Vicinity of a Moving Source
(No. 99–23, NASA/CR–1999–209350).
Event: at Hampton, VA
1999 journal article
On Lacunae-Based Algorithm for Numerical Solution of 3D Wave Equation for Arbitrarily Large Time
Mathematical Modeling, 11(12), 113–127.
1999 journal article
The use of lacunae of the 3D-wave equation for computing a solution at large time values
Mat. Model., 11(12), 113–126.
1998 chapter
In M. Hafez & K. Oshima (Eds.), Computational Fluid Dynamics Review 1998 (Vol. 1, pp. 169–205).
Ed(s): M. Hafez & K. Oshima
Event: at Singapore
1998 chapter
Artificial Boundary Conditions for Infinite-Domain Problems
In ICASE/LaRC Interdisciplinary Series in Science and Engineering (Vol. 6, pp. 119–137).
1998 journal article
Improved Treatment of External Boundary Conditions for Three-Dimensional Flow Computations
AIAA Journal, 36(11), 1998–2004.
1998 journal article
Numerical solution of problems on unbounded domains. A review
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 27(4), 465–532.
1998 chapter
On the Combined Implementation of Global Boundary Conditions with Central Difference Multigrid Flow Solvers
In T. L. Geers (Ed.), Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (Vol. 49, pp. 285–294).
Ed(s): T. Geers
Event: at Dordrecht
1997 journal article
Artificial Boundary Conditions for Computation of Oscillating External Flows
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 18(6), 1612–1656.
1996 report
Artificial Boundary Conditions Based on the Difference Potentials Method
(No. NASA-TM-110265, NAS 1.15:110265).
Event: at Hampton, VA
1996 journal article
Construction of Artificial Boundary Conditions Using Difference Potentials Method
Mathematical Modeling, 8(9), 118–128.
1996 journal article
External flow computations using global boundary conditions
AIAA Journal, 34(4), 700–706.
1996 conference paper
Nonlocal Artificial Boundary Conditions for Computation of External Viscous Flows
In J.-A. Desideri, C. Hirsch, P. Le Tallec, M. Pandolfi, & J. Périaux (Eds.), Computational Fluid Dynamics'96. Proceedings of the Third ECCOMAS CFD Conference, September 9--13, 1996, Paris, France (pp. 512–518).
Ed(s): J. Desideri, C. Hirsch, P. Le Tallec, M. Pandolfi & J. Périaux
Event: at Chichester
1995 journal article
An Application of Nonlocal External Conditions to Viscous Flow Computations
Journal of Computational Physics, 116(2), 212–225.
1995 journal article
An effective numerical technique for solving a special class of ordinary difference equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 18(4), 489–501.
1995 journal article
Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of External Viscous Flow Problems
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 32(5), 1355–1389.
1995 conference paper
Nonlocal Artificial Boundary Conditions Based on the Difference Potentials Method
In M. Hafez (Ed.), Sixth International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics. Collection of Technical Papers: Vol. IV (pp. 114–119).
Ed(s): M. Hafez
Event: at Lake Tahoe, Nevada
1995 chapter
Nonlocal Artificial Boundary Conditions for Computation of External Viscous Flows
In S. N. Atluri, G. Yagawa, & T. A. Cruse (Eds.), Computational Mechanics ’95 (pp. 1065–1070).
Ed(s): S. Atluri, G. Yagawa & T. Cruse
Event: at Berlin
1993 journal article
Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of External Viscous Flow Problems. I
Rossijskaya Akad. Nauk Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (45).
1993 journal article
Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of External Viscous Flow Problems. II
Rossijskaya Akad. Nauk Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (46).
1991 journal article
Application of a model of potential flow to the formulation of conditions on the outer boundary for Euler equations. I
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (40), 25.
1991 journal article
Application of a model of potential flow to the formulation of conditions on the outer boundary for Euler equations. II
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (41), 27.
1991 journal article
Boundary equations with projectors in composite domains
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (112), 20.
1991 journal article
Decomposition algorithms based on boundary equations with projectors
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (113), 23.
1991 conference paper
Exact Transfer of Boundary Conditions in Subsonic Problems of Computational Gas Dynamics
In A. V. Zabrodin & G. P. Voskresensky (Eds.), Construction of Algorithms and Solution of Mathematical Physics Problems (pp. 194–198). Moscow.
Ed(s): A. Zabrodin & G. Voskresensky
Event: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences at Moscow
1991 journal article
Kinetic-Consistent Finite-Difference Schemes in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
Differential Equations, 27(7), 1161–1169.
1991 journal article
Kinetically consistent difference schemes in curvilinear coordinate systems
Differentsiaļprime Nye Uravneniya, 27(7), 1161–1169, 1285.
1990 journal article
Conditions on the exterior boundary of a computational domain in subsonic problems of computational gas dynamics
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (108), 26.
1990 journal article
Derivation of Invariant Quasihydrodynamic Equations on the Basis of Kinetic Models
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (7).
1990 journal article
Numerical generation of conformal grids in the exterior of a bounded simply connected domain based on the method of difference potentials
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (61), 21.
1990 journal article
On the construction of images of simply connected domains realized by solutions of a system of Beltrami equations
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (155), 18.
1989 journal article
Construction of kinetically consistent difference schemes on curvilinear grids
Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, (8), 24.
Updated: September 3rd, 2019 12:47
Updated: December 10th, 2019 21:13
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