Suresh Venkatesh

Metasurfaces, Integrated Circuits, Computational Imaging, Optics, Antenna Design

Suresh Venkatesh is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering department. He received his M.S degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2010 and his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Utah in 2017. His PhD dissertation received the ECE Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2016. Prior to joining NC State, he was an Associate Research Scholar at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Princeton University. He was also a Lead Antenna Technology consultant for Massachusetts based start-ups namely, Wafer LLC and E-Space where he developed SATCOM technologies for high-speed low-latency communications. He was also a Research Project Assistant at Molecular Astronomy Laboratory, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore during 2007-08, where he worked on millimeter-wave radio telescope. His research interests are in electromagnetics, metamaterials, antenna design, integrated circuits, computational imaging, and transformation optics design. He is a recipient of the 2021 Mistletoe Research Fellowship from Momental Foundation. He is an affiliate member of MTT-23 Wireless Communication and MTT-21 Terahertz Technology and Applications committees. He is also serving as the IEEE MTTS YP Region 1-6 coordinator.

Works (50)

Updated: February 18th, 2025 11:25

2024 article

Analog Kramers-Kronig W-band Direct Detection Receiver with 35mW DC Power in 65nm CMOS


By: S. Yu, X. Chen, B. Pillai, Y. Zhao, L. Wu, J. Mao, S. Venkatesh, X. Lu

author keywords: W-band; millimetre-wave; CMOS direct-detection; low DC power consumption; synthesizer-free; Kramers-Kronig receiver
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 23, 2024

2024 article

Analog Kramers-Kronig W-band Direct Detection Receiver with 35mW DC Power in 65nm CMOS


By: S. Yu*, X. Chen*, B. Pillai n, Y. Zhao*, L. Wu*, J. Mao*, S. Venkatesh n, X. Lu*

author keywords: W-band; millimetre-wave; CMOS direct-detection; low DC power consumption; synthesizer-free; Kramers-Kronig receiver
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 10, 2025

2024 journal article

High Sensitivity and High Throughput Magnetic Flow CMOS Cytometers With 2D Oscillator Array and Inter-Sensor Spectrogram Cross-Correlation

High Sensitivity and High Throughput Magnetic Flow CMOS Cytometers with 2D Oscillator Array and Inter-Sensor Spectrogram Cross-correlation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.

By: H. Tang*, S. Venkatesh n, Z. Lin*, X. Lu*, H. Saeeidi*, M. Javanmard*, K. Sengupta*

author keywords: Sensor arrays; Computer architecture; Throughput; Spectrogram; Microprocessors; Magnetic flux; Magnetic field measurement; Biosensor; magnetic flow cytometer; flow cytometry; LC-tank oscillator; frequency tracking; microfluidics; superparamagnetic; point-of-care diagnostics
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 1, 2024

2024 article

Physical Layer Security Through Directional Modulation With Spatio-Temporal Millimeter-Wave Transmitter Arrays

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.

By: X. Lu*, S. Venkatesh n, B. Tang* & K. Sengupta*

author keywords: Phased arrays; Security; Symbols; Antenna arrays; Physical layer security; Bit error rate; Signal to noise ratio; 6G; antennas; CMOS; directional modulation; massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO); MIMO; phased array; physical layer security; time-modulated arrays; wireless security; wireless transceivers
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 8, 2024

2024 article

Secure Low-Latency Millimeter-wave Wireless Links through Space-Time Modulation


By: S. Venkatesh n

author keywords: mm-Wave; CMOS; Physical layer security; space-time modulation; transmit arrays; reflect arrays
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: November 18, 2024

2024 article

Shape-morphing Origami Platforms for RF Computational Imaging


By: S. Venkatesh n

author keywords: Computational Imaging; Metasurfaces; Origami Platforms; Conformal arrays; Sparse arrays; Shannon-Hartley Theorem; Information Theory
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 9, 2024

2024 journal article

World Microwave Congress 2024: An Initiative With Global Outreach and Impact


By: S. Venkatesh n & T. Sharma*

Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 8, 2024

2023 article

A Monolithically Integrable Reconfigurable Antenna Based on Large-Area Electronics

Wu, C., Ma, Y., Venkatesh, S., Mehlman, Y., Ozatay, M., Wagner, S., … Verma, N. (2023, October 19). IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, Vol. 10.

author keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); large-area electronics (LAE); reconfigurable antenna; thin-film transistor (TFT); wireless sensing
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: November 13, 2023

2023 article

Active and Passive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces at mm-Wave and THz bands enabled by CMOS Integrated Chips


By: S. Venkatesh n, H. Saeidi*, K. Sengupta* & X. Lu

author keywords: Millimeter-wave; Terahertz; Active RIS; Passive RIS; metasurfaces,Integrated Circuits; Reconfigurable Arrrays; Intelligent arrays; Bloackage mitigation; Time Modulation; Transmitter
TL;DR: Two reconfigurable intelligent electromagnetic surface designs enabled through CMOS ICs are presented namely, a) mm-Wave 57–64 GHz active reconfigured reflector array b) THz dynamically programmable passive holographic metasurface enabled throughCMOS IC tiling approach. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: July 31, 2023

2023 article

Wavefront Manipulation Attack via Programmable mmWave Metasurfaces: from Theory to Experiments


author keywords: Physical Layer Security; Reconfigurable Surfaces; Eavesdropping
TL;DR: A new metasurface-in-the-middle attack in which the spectral-spatial properties of the reflected wavefront are manipulated such that a concealed sideband channel is created in the spectral domain and steered toward the eavesdropper location, while maintaining the legitimate link toward the victim intact. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: August 21, 2023

2022 journal article

A $4\times4$ Steerable 14-dBm EIRP Array on CMOS at 0.41 THz With a 2-D Distributed Oscillator Network

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 1–14.

By: H. Saeidi*, S. Venkatesh*, C. Chappidi, T. Sharma*, C. Zhu* & K. Sengupta*

Contributors: S. Venkatesh*

TL;DR: A multi-layer THz array architecture to address robust frequency synthesis, optimal harmonic THz power generation, and scalable phase generation for THz beamforming is proposed and demonstrated. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2022 journal article

A Programmable Terahertz Metasurface With Circuit-Coupled Meta-Elements in Silicon Chips: Creating Low-Cost, Large-Scale, Reconfigurable Terahertz Metasurfaces.

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 2–15.

By: S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu*, H. Saeidi* & K. Sengupta*

Contributors: S. Venkatesh*

TL;DR: A new circuit-coupled active meta-element design is presented to demonstrate reconfigurable, multifunctional terahertz (THz) holographic metasurfaces with tiled silicon chips. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2022 article

Origami Microwave Imaging Array: Metasurface Tiles on a Shape-Morphing Surface for Reconfigurable Computational Imaging

Venkatesh, S., Sturm, D., Lu, X., Lang, R. J., & Sengupta, K. (2022, July 27). ADVANCED SCIENCE, Vol. 7.

By: S. Venkatesh n, D. Sturm*, X. Lu*, R. Lang & K. Sengupta*

Contributors: S. Venkatesh n

author keywords: computational imaging; frequency diversity; metasurfaces; origami; spatial diversity
MeSH headings : Diagnostic Imaging; Microwave Imaging; Microwaves
TL;DR: A versatile shape‐morphing microwave imaging array with reconfigurable field‐of‐view and scene‐adaptive imaging capability with ability to adaptively reconfigure resolution is demonstrated. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 8, 2022

2022 journal article

Stretchable Microwave Transmission Lines Using Liquid‐Metal Embedded Elastomers

Advanced Engineering Materials, 5, 2200345.

Contributors: S. Venkatesh*

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2022 journal article

mmWave Spatial-Temporal Single Harmonic Switching Transmitter Arrays for High back-off Beamforming Efficiency

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1–1.

By: Z. Yu*, X. Lu*, C. Gu*, S. Venkatesh* & J. Mao*

Contributors: S. Venkatesh*

UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 conference paper

18.2 CMOS-Driven Pneumatic-Free Scalable Microfluidics and Fluid Processing with Label-Free Cellular and Bio-Molecular Sensing Capability for an End-to-End Point-of-Care System

2021 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).

TL;DR: A scalable approach that merges the functionalities of sample processing and cellular/bio-molecular sensing in a single system and eliminates any pneumatic pumping mechanisms by exploiting CMOS-based electrically driven electro-kinetic flow of bulk fluids is presented. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 conference paper

22.1 THz Prism: One-Shot Simultaneous Multi-Node Angular Localization Using Spectrum-to-Space Mapping with 360-to-400GHz Broadband Transceiver and Dual-Port Integrated Leaky-Wave Antennas

2021 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 64, 314–316.

By: H. Saeidi*, S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu* & K. Sengupta*

TL;DR: A scalable 360-to-400GHz transceiver architecture in 65nm CMOS with frequency-dependent beam synthesis using two dual-port integrated frequency-dispersive leaky-wave antennas and multiple edge nodes can simultaneously localize themselves in a single-shot fashion through localized spectrum sensing, avoiding the use of the slow iterative process and bi-directional communication. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 journal article

A 42–62 GHz Transformer-Based Broadband mm-Wave InP PA With Second-Harmonic Waveform Engineering and Enhanced Linearity

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 69(1), 756–773.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 journal article

A review on applications of integrated terahertz systems

China Communications, 18(5), 175–201.

By: X. Lu*, S. Venkatesh* & H. Saeidi*

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 journal article

Optimization of a Sparse Aperture Configuration for Millimeter-Wave Computational Imaging

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1–1.

By: N. Viswanathan*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: Two techniques for optimizing the position of transmitter and receiver modules on a sparse aperture for a millimeter-wave computational imaging system and it is shown that employing aperture configurations optimized using these two techniques over commonly used standard aperture configurations results in 30% less mean-squared error. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 journal article

Secure space–time-modulated millimetre-wave wireless links that are resilient to distributed eavesdropper attacks

Nature Electronics, 4(11), 827–836.

By: S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu*, B. Tang* & K. Sengupta*

TL;DR: Directional 5G communication channels can be made secure at the physical layer by using a time-modulation approach that enforces the fundamental loss of information through selective spectral aliasing towards the direction of unwanted listeners. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 conference paper

Spatio-temporal modulated mm-Wave arrays for physical layer security and resiliency against distributed eavesdropper attacks

Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Networks and Sensing Systems.

By: S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu & K. Sengupta*

TL;DR: This article highlights security features using mm-Wave interface design, and presents a generalized approach towards physical-layer security, by enforcing fundamental loss of information by selective spectral aliasing towards the direction of eavesdroppers while maintaining robust, high fidelity wireless link towards the intended receiver. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 journal article

THz Prism: One-Shot Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Wireless Nodes With Leaky-Wave THz Antennas and Transceivers in CMOS

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 56(12), 3840–3854.

By: H. Saeidi*, S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu* & K. Sengupta*

TL;DR: The high-resolution nature of the localization principle in a single-shot fashion makes this approach attractive for multi-wireless node localization, link discovery, beam-forming,beam-management, and beam-optimization methods. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2021 article

mmWave Spatial-Temporal Single Harmonic Switching Transmitter Arrays for High back-off Beamforming Efficiency

(2021, June 30).

Suresh Venkatesh

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

29.9 A 4×4 Distributed Multi-Layer Oscillator Network for Harmonic Injection and THz Beamforming with 14dBm EIRP at 416GHz in a Lensless 65nm CMOS IC

2020 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC).

Suresh Venkatesh

TL;DR: A 2D oscillating network with negative Gm(–Gm) cells at each node that do not oscillate individually but only collectively is used, establishing a robust frequency and phase distribution network across the chip for high THz-power generation. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

4.6 Space-Time Modulated 71-to-76GHz mm-Wave Transmitter Array for Physically Secure Directional Wireless Links

2020 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), 86–88.

By: X. Lu*, S. Venkatesh*, B. Tang* & K. Sengupta*

TL;DR: Time modulation in an antenna array can incorporate physical layer security through careful mapping of symbols to antennas in a time-modulated fashion, which allows potential decoding by the eavesdropper, particularly using various signal processing and machine-learning-based classification techniques. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 journal article

A high-speed programmable and scalable terahertz holographic metasurface based on tiled CMOS chips

Nature Electronics, 3(12), 785–793.

By: S. Venkatesh*, X. Lu*, H. Saeidi* & K. Sengupta*

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Broadband PA architectures with asymmetrical combining and stacked PA cells across 50--70 GHz and 64--110 GHz in 250 nm InP

IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig.

By: T. Sharma, Z. Liu, C. Chappidi, H. Saeidi, S. Venkatesh & K. Sengupta

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Gigahertz Large-Area-Electronics RF Switch and its Application to Reconfigurable Antennas

2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM).

UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Physically Secure Sub-THz Wireless Links

2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 1–7.

By: K. Sengupta, X. Lu, S. Venkatesh & B. Tang

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Physically Secure mm-Wave Wireless Links with Spatio-temporal Modulated Arrays

2020 Third International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS), 1–4.

By: K. Sengupta, X. Lu, S. Venkatesh & B. Tang

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Terahertz Chip-scale Systems

2020 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC).

By: K. Sengupta*, H. Saeidi*, X. Lu*, S. Venkatesh* & X. Wu*

TL;DR: The advances in chip-scale technologies in the terahertz spectrum between 100 GHz and 10 THz are highlighted, particularly focusing on silicon-based integrated chip technology that can have a transformative impact in wireless communication, sensing and imaging. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Terahertz to bits and bits to terahertz

Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication.

By: K. Sengupta*, X. Lu*, S. Venkatesh* & X. Wu*

TL;DR: A new design space that emerges by eliminating the classical block-by-bock design approach is highlighted that allows the chip to operate in a new electromagnetic regime with novel scattering and radiating properties, while the integrated active devices have the ability to actively synthesize, manipulate and sense THz EM fields at sub-wavelength scales. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 conference paper

Transformer-based broadband mm-wave InP PA across 42--62 GHz with enhanced linearity and second harmonic engineering

IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig.

By: Z. Liu, T. Sharma, C. Chappidi, S. Venkatesh & K. Sengupta

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2020 journal article

Young Professionals in Space: Transformation Through Democratization [Around the Globe]

IEEE Microwave Magazine.

Suresh Venkatesh

TL;DR: The space sector has been perceived to be an extremely close-knit community dominated by a few countries, however, some innovations and breakthroughs are currently being led by YPs of different nationalities, including from developing countries. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2019 conference paper

2D Magnetic Sensor Array for Real-time Cell Tracking and Multi-site Detection with Increased Robustness and Flow-rate

2019 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 1–4.

TL;DR: A 2D oscillator array-based magnetic sensor CMOS IC for flow cytometry packaged with a microfluidic channel exploits multi-site detection capability allowing simultaneously high flow rate for trace cell detection, reduced false positives, and real-time cell tracking. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2019 journal article

Transformation optics design of a planar near field magnifier for sub-diffraction imaging

Opt. Express, 27(4), 4694–4713.

By: S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: This article design, simulate, and evaluate the performance of planar 2D near-field magnifying lenses, based on the transformation-optic design principle, and investigates a grid-relaxed transformation, that results in material properties that are more amenable to implementation. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2018 journal article

Analytical Phasing of Arbitrarily Oriented Arrays Using a Fast, Analytical Far-Field Calculation Method

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1–1.

By: H. Bernety*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2018 conference paper

Constructive Analytical Phasing (CAP) for Arbitrarily Oriented Arrays of Linearly Polarized Elements

2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 105–106.

By: H. Bernety*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: A near-optimal phasing method, referred to as Constructive Analytical Phasing (CAP) to perform beamforming for arbitrary oriented antenna arrays of linearly polarized elements, and the resulting electric far-field polarization is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2018 conference paper

Exploiting Inter Voxel Correlation in Compressed Computational Imaging

Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS&C, MATH, pcAOP), CTu2E.5.

By: N. Viswanathan*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2018 journal article

Performance Analysis of a Helmet-Based Radar System for Impact Prediction

IEEE Access, 6, 75124–75131.

By: H. Bernety*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: This work analyzes the performance of a helmet-based frequency modulated continuous wave radar system for use in impact prediction in contact sports, or other risky environments, and considers realistic radar measurement specifications consistent with the player interaction scenario, and COTS radar hardware. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2017 conference paper

Analytical far-field calculation of arbitrarily oriented antenna arrays

2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 485–486.

By: H. Bernety*, S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: An analytical approach to calculate the far-field radiation pattern of conformal arrays, consisting of arbitrarily oriented antennas, focuses on spherical arrays of microstrip patch antennas, and reduces the computational time and resource requirements as compared to a full-wave conventional EM solver. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2017 journal article

First upper limits on the radar cross section of cosmic-ray induced extensive air showers

Astroparticle Physics, 87, 1–17.

By: S. Venkatesh (1 connected NC State author and many others, 139 authors in total )

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2016 journal article

Computationally fast EM field propagation through axi-symmetric media using cylindrical harmonic decomposition

Opt. Express, 24(25), 29246–29268.

By: S. Venkatesh* & D. Schurig

TL;DR: This work describes and provides a systematic procedure for computationally fast propagation of arbitrary vector electromagnetic (EM) fields through an axially symmetric medium and numerically validate the above approaches for different axi-symmetric EM scattering media. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2016 journal article

Separating hyperfine from spin-orbit interactions in organic semiconductors by multi-octave magnetic resonance using coplanar waveguide microresonators

Applied Physics Letters, 109(10), 103303.

By: G. Joshi*, R. Miller*, L. Ogden*, M. Kavand*, S. Jamali*, K. Ambal*, S. Venkatesh*, D. Schurig* ...

Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2016 journal article

W-band sparse synthetic aperture for computational imaging

Opt. Express, 24(8), 8317.

By: S. Venkatesh*, N. Viswanathan & D. Schurig

TL;DR: An information-based metric is developed to evaluate the performance of a given image transfer matrix for noise-limited, computational imaging systems and is used to find the optimal gain of the radiating element for a given range, both theoretically and experimentally in this system. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2015 conference paper

Receiver/transmitter configuration optimization for compressed computational millimeter-wave imaging

2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium).

By: S. Venkatesh*, N. Viswanathan* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: This work has shown that apriori knowledge of the target object to be imaged can considerably reduce the number of measurements required in conventional mmw Fourier transform based holographic imaging systems. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2015 conference paper

W-Band Sparse Synthetic Aperture for Computational Imaging

Imaging and Applied Optics 2015.

By: S. Venkatesh*, N. Viswanathan* & D. Schurig*

TL;DR: This work presents a sparse synthetic aperture system at W-Band (75 - 110 GHz) using sub-harmonic mixer modules and demonstrates standoff diffraction limited imaging of 2D and 3D targets. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2013 journal article

Interferometric direction finding with a metamaterial detector

Appl. Phys. Lett., 103(25), 254103.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023

2012 journal article

Experimental Realization of a Metamaterial Detector Focal Plane Array

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109(17).

TL;DR: A metamaterial absorber detector array that enables room-temperature, narrow-band detection of gigahertz radiation in the S band (2-4 GHz) is presented and the detector sensitivity and angular dependence are characterized. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: March 15, 2023


Updated: July 28th, 2022 01:29

2023 - present

North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina, US
Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

2018 - present

Princeton University Princeton, NJ, US
Postdoctoral Researcher Electrical Engineering

2007 - 2007

Raman Research Institute Bangalore, Karnataka, IN
Project Assistant Astronomy and Astrophysics


Updated: January 11th, 2017 15:26

2011 - 2016

University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, US
PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering

2008 - 2010

North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, US
MS Electrical and Computer Engineering

2003 - 2007

M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, IN
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering

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