Works (33)
2003 journal article
A fuzzy approach to supplier selection
Journal of the Textile Institute, 94(2).
2003 journal article
A rule-based model for supplier selection
Journal of the Textile Institute, 94(2).
2003 journal article
Current issues and methods in supplier selection
Journal of the Textile Institute, 94(2).
2003 conference paper
Modeling new product development in the textile and apparel industry
Industrial simulation 2003 : 1st International Industrial Simulation Conference, 2003 : ISC'2003 : June 9-11, 2003, Valencia, Spain. Ghent, Belgium: EUROSIS.
2002 conference paper
A fuzzy modeling approach to supplier selection in textiles
Through the eye of a needle, advances in fibre, fashion and fabric : Textile Institute 82nd World Conference: 23 to 27th March, 2002, Cairo International Conference Centre. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1999 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1998 journal article
Beyond mass production: Strategic management models for competitive manufacturing transformations in the U. S. textile industry
Journal of the Textile Institute, 89(1), 4–15.
1998 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1997 journal article
Automating supply chain coodination with the electronic commerce database
EDI Forum, 10(1), 37–45.
1997 conference paper
Beyond mass production: Competitive transformation trends in U.S. textiles
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE, II, 51–66. Manchester: The Institute.
1997 journal article
Beyond mass production: Competitive transformation trends in the U. S. textile industry
Journal of the Textile Institute, 89, 16–26.
1997 journal article
Computer integrated manufacturing and total quality management in textiles
Textile Progress, 27(4).
1997 conference paper
Electronic commerce database design
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE, II, 95–102. Manchester: The Institute.
1997 journal article
Information integration in the textile complex
1997 conference paper
Work flow coordination in highly automated manufacturing
Textiles and the information society: Papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE. Manchester: Textile Institute.
1997 conference paper
Work flow coordination in highly automated manufacturing
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE., 23–26. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1997 conference paper
Workflow coordination in highly automated manufacturing environments
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE, II, 51–66. Manchester: The Institute.
1996 journal article
Beyond mass production: Analysis of the emerging manufacturing transformation in the US textile industry

1996 conference paper
Evaluating an R&D consortium: A metrics-based measurement system for the national textile center
In L. A. L. R. M. Mason & T. M. Khalil (Eds.), Management of technology V: technology management in a changing world: proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Technology, February 27-March 1, 1996 Miami, Forida, USA. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Advanced Technology.
Ed(s): L. R. M. Mason & T. Khalil
1996 conference paper
Evaluating an R&D consortium: A metrics-based measurement system for the national textile center
In L. A. L. R. M. Mason & T. M. Khalil (Eds.), Management of technology V : technology management in a changing world : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Technology, February 27-March 1, 1996 Miami, Forida, USA. Oxford, U.K. : Elsevier Advanced Technology.
Ed(s): L. R. M. Mason & T. Khalil
1996 conference paper
Integrating total quality management and computer integrated manufacturing in textiles
Niches in the world of textiles : proceedings. London: Textile Institute.
1996 conference paper
Integrating total quality management and computer integrated manufacturing in the textile complex
Niches in the world of textiles: papers presented at the World Conference, May 22-24, 1996, Tampere, Finland: the 77th World Conference of the Textile Institute, 143–166. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1996 conference paper
Molding an R&D consortium: The National Textile Center
In L. A. L. R. M. Mason & T. M. Khalil (Eds.), Management of technology V: technology management in a changing world: proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Technology, February 27-March 1, 1996 Miami, Forida, USA (pp. 168–169). Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Advanced Technology.
Ed(s): L. R. M. Mason & T. Khalil
1995 journal article
Commentary - is the information revolution arriving in textiles?
Textile Horizons (London, England), 12.
1995 conference paper
Designing a metrics-based measurement system for R&D
R&D Quality Symposium. Wilton, CT: Juran Institute.
1995 conference paper
Designing a metrics-based measurement system: The national textile center
R&D Quality Symposium. Wilton, CT : Juran Institute.
1995 conference paper
Quality trends in textiles
International nonwovens : network - conference - showcase, September 18 - 20, 1995, Tradewinds, St. Petersburg, Florida ; book of papers. Cary, NC: INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry.
1995 conference paper
The future will not be a replica of the past
Co-operation: papers presented at the World Conference, May 21-24, 1995, Istanbul, Turkey: the 76th World Conference of the Textile Institute. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1994 conference paper
Information management in the textile complex
Globalization: technological, economic and environmental imperatives: papers presented at the Annual World Conference, September 26-27, 1994, Atlanta, Georgia. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1994 journal article
Total quality management in the textile complex
Journal of the Textile Institute, 85(4).
1993 chapter
Polyester: 50 years of achievement, tomorrow's ideas and profits
In D. Brunnschweiler & J. Hearle (Eds.), Tomorrow's ideas & profits: polyester: 50 years of achievement. Manchester, England: Textile Institute.
Ed(s): . D. Brunnschweiler & J. Hearle
1970 journal article
1967 journal article
Multivariable studies of nonwoven fabrics
Journal of Engineering for Industry, 89, 1–10.